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Introduction Definition Characteristics Examples Conclusions

Online education or e-learning works through a platform that is a space or portal created specifically for this purpose, which contains tools that support student learning. Usually this platform is called "transmission-line courses. "

Education Online Search is a free college and career education portal, to help you learn about careers and the schools offering education and degrees for the fields you choose.

Interactive, the student takes an active role in relation to the pace and level of work. Interact with content, the facilitator, and other users. Multimedia, incorporating text, still images, animations, sound. Open allows updating content and activities permanently. Accessible, there are no geographical limitations. Potential uses of the Internet. Synchronous and asynchronous, allowing students to participate in tasks or activities at the same time wherever they are, real time (synchronous) or at the particular time of each (asynchronous).

An example of online education may be the teaching of languages including English, French, Italian, etc. The teaching of languages such as English has been greatly benefited by the software design that allows the exploration of students' creativity.

In recent years this type of mode has increased its use, since there are already hundreds of universities, institutions and schools that use the Internet to offer the public the opportunity to pursue either a career or a full graduate.

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