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SAGE Standards based 6th grade READING CURRICULUM (including Universal Intellectual Standards and Related Questions)

UNIVERSAL INTELLECTUAL STANDARDS AND RELATED QUESTIONS What are the implications of my reasoning (if I am correct)? What is my fundamental purpose? What is the key question I am trying to answer? What information do I need to answer my question? What is the most basic concept in the question? What assumptions am I using in my reasoning? What is my point of view with respect to the issue? What are my most fundamental inferences or conclusions?
CLARITY Could you elaborate further? Could you give me an example? Could you illustrate what you mean? ACCURACY How could we check on that? How could we find out if that is true? How could we verify or test that? PRECISION Could you be more specific? Could you give me more details? Could you be more exact? RELEVANCE - How does that relate to the problem? How does that bear on the question? How does that help us with the issue? DEPTH What factors make this a difficult problem? What are some of the complexities of this question? What are some of the difficulties we need to deal with? BREADTH Do we need to look at this from another perspective? Do we need to consider another point of view? Do we need to look at this in other ways? LOGIC Does all this make sense together? Does your first paragraph fit in with your last? Does what you say follow from the evidence? SIGNIFICANCE Is this the most important problem to consider? Is this the central idea to focus on? Which of these facts are most important? FAIRNESS Do I have any vested interest in this issue? Am I sympathetically representing the view points of others?
From: Foundation for Critical Thinking

STRAND 1: Reading Process Concept 4. Acquire and use new vocabulary in relevant contexts SAGE 6th Grade Arizona Performance Objectives for 6th grade: PO1. Determine the effect of affixes on root words. PO2. Use context to identify the meaning of unfamiliar words (e.g., definition, example, restatement, synonym, contrast). PO3. Use context to identify the intended meaning of words with multiple meanings (e.g., definition, example, restatement, or contrast). PO4. Determine the meaning of figurative language, including similes, metaphors, personification, and idioms in prose and poetry. (PO5 not included -- required learning in an earlier grade) Arizona Performance Objectives for 7th grade: PO1. Determine meaning of vocabulary using linguistic roots and affixes (e.g., Greek, Anglo-Saxon, Latin). (PO2 through PO5 not included -required learning in an earlier grade) KEY PHRASES Effect of Affixes On Root Words Context Clues to: define find example, restate, contrast, find synonym Figurative Language: Simile Metaphor Personification Idiom in Prose and Poetry

Linguistic Roots of Greek Anglo-Saxon & Latin Origin

STRAND 1: Reading Process Concept 5. Read fluently SAGE 6th Grade Arizona Performance Objectives for 6th grade: PO1. Read from a variety of genres with accuracy, automaticity (immediate recognition), and prosody (expression). Arizona Performance objectives for 7th grade: (Same as PO1 above.) KEY PHRASES Read aloud: fluent rhythm fluent pacing fluent intonation fluent vocal patterns PROSE & POETRY Read with EXPRESSION according to text content Variety of GENRE Read with: Accuracy Automaticity (immediate recognition) PROSODY (expression)

STRAND 1: Reading Process Concept 6. Comprehension Strategies SAGE 6th Grade

Arizona Performance Objectives for 6th grade: PO 1. Predict text content using prior knowledge and text features (e.g., illustrations, titles, topic sentences, key words). PO2. confirm predictions about text for accuracy. PO3. Generate clarifying questions in order to comprehend text. PO4. Use graphic organizers in order to clarify the meaning of the text. PO5. Connect information and events in text to experience and to related text and sources. PO6. Use reading strategies to comprehend text (e.g., drawing conclusions, determining cause and effect, making inferences, sequencing). ALL OF THE ABOVE ITALICIZED ARIZONA PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES ORIGINATE IN 4TH GRADE, except for PO5, which originates in 3rd grade. New Arizona Performance Objectives for 6th grade: PO6. Apply knowledge of the organizational structures of text to aid comprehension (e.g., chronological order, cause and effect relationships). Arizona Performance Objectives for 7th grade (Same Performance Objectives as for 6th grade above.)

KEY PHRASES MAKE CONNECTIONS to: similar real life situations prior readings PREDICT by studying TEXT FEATURES: Illustrations Titles Topic sentences Key words ACCURACY: Confirm predictions STUDENT ROLE: Generate clarifying questions Utilize GRAPHIC ORGANIZERS: Various webs Venn diagrams Flow charts READING STRATEGIES: Draw conclusions Cause and effect Make inferences Sequence events ANALYZE HOW TEXT IS ORGANIZED: Chronologically Sequentially Cause and effect Compare/contrast Most important to least important Least important to most important

STRAND 2: Comprehending Literary Text Concept 1. Elements of Literature SAGE 6th Grade Arizona Performance Objectives for 6th grade: PO1. Describe the plot and its components (e.g., main events, conflict, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution). PO2. Identify the theme in works of prose, poetry, and drama. PO3. Describe the motivations of major and minor characters. PO5. Analyze the influence of setting on story problem and resolution (e.g., time of day or year, historical period, place, situation). PO6. Draw conclusions about the style, mood, and meaning of literary text based on the authors word choice.
PO7. Identify the characteristics and structural elements of poetry (e.g., stanza, verse, rhyme scheme, line breaks, alliteration, consonance, assonance, rhythm, repetition, figurative language).

PLOT: Main Events, Conflict, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Resolution THEME (See 5th grade above for theme of short story or novel for theme of prose and drama) THEME POETRY Read the lines, read between the lines, and read beyond the lines to identify poets message and poets intended meaning CHARACTER MOTIVATIONS Characters inner thoughts revealed to the reader INFLUENCE OF SETTING on story problem and story resolution AUTHORS WORD CHOICE Analyze how word choice affects feeling tone, mood and meaning POETRY STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS Stanza/Verse/Rhyme Scheme/Rhythm Figurative language: Alliteration, Consonance, Assonance Repetition of sounds, words, or phrases PLOT Conflict/Resolution Subplots/Parallel episodes THEME Look for major and minor themes (Also see 5th grade themes above) CHARACTER ANALYSIS Use narrators description; use character thoughts, words, and actions to describe character traits; use what other characters say; conclude analysis by identifying how a character changed over the course of the story. NOTE: Its important not to confuse character traits with character conditions. Traits affect how a character deals with various conditions. A trait is bravery while a condition is hunger. POINT OF VIEW IS LITERARY VOICE First v. Third Personal Narrative v. Detached Narrator Limited v. Omniscient All-knowing narrator about one or two characters, but not all v. All-knowing narrator (multiple perspectives) (Also see Literary Voice above for 5th grade)

(PO4 not included see PO5 5th grade above) Arizona Performance Objectives for 7th grade: PO1. Analyze plot development to determine how conflicts are resolved (e.g., conflict, subplots, and parallel episodes). PO2. Recognize multiple themes in works of prose, poetry, and drama. PO3. Describe a character, based upon the thoughts, words, and actions of the character, the narrators description, and other characters. PO4. Contrast points of view in literary text (e.g., first v. third, limited v. omniscient). (PO5 through PO7 not included see PO5-PO7 for 6th grade) 5

STRAND 2: Comprehending Literary Text Concept 2. Historical and Cultural Aspects of Literature SAGE 6th Grade

Arizona Performance Objectives for 6th grade: PO1. Describe the historical and cultural aspects found in cross-cultural works of literature. (This PO originates in 4th grade.) PO2. Identify common structures and stylistic elements in literature, folklore, and myths from a variety of cultures. Arizona Performance Objectives for 7th grade: (Same Performance Objectives as for 6th grade above.)

KEY PHRASES CULTURAL COMPARISONS American British World Literature: By looking at Events, Characters, and Conflicts Selections from different cultures HISTORICAL ASPECTS American, British, and World Literature Selections from historical fiction and biography, or autobiography genres ADDITIONAL LITERARY GENRE: Folklore & Myth (Variety of Cultures)

STRAND 3: Comprehending Informational Text Concept 1. Expository Text SAGE 6th Grade
Arizona Performance Objectives for 6th grade: PO1. Restate the main idea (explicit or implicit) and supporting details in expository text. PO2. Summarize the main idea and critical details of expository text, maintaining chronological or logical order. PO4. Identify the authors stated or implied purpose(s) for writing expository text. (PO3 and PO5 not included. See PO2 for grade 5 and PO4 from grade 4.) Arizona Performance Objectives for 7th grade: PO2. Summarize the main idea (stated or implied) and critical details of expository text, maintaining chronological, sequential, or logical order. (PO1, PO3, PO4, and PO5 not included See PO1, PO4, and PO5 for 6th grade, and see PO3 for 5th grade.)
KEY PHRASES RESTATE MAIN IDEA Explicit main idea means that its clearly stated in the text, usually in the topic sentence. Implicit main idea means that it is implied throughout the entire selection and can be surmised from supporting details. SUMMARIZE MAIN IDEA Help students differentiate between retelling and summarizing content: Summarizing is reducing content by discarding fluff and keeping essential IDEAS. AUTHORS STATED OR IMPLIED PURPOSE(S) Stated purpose generally refers to informational or functional text. Implied purpose generally refers to persuasive text. SUMMARIZE MAIN IDEA (See Restate Main Idea above) Also consider chronological, sequential, or logical order of text.

STRAND 3: Comprehending Informational Text Concept 2. Functional Text SAGE 6th Grade Arizona Performance Objectives for 6th grade: PO1. Use information from text and text features to determine the sequence of activities needed to carry out a procedure. PO2. Identify the text features of functional text (e.g., directions, legend, illustrations, diagram, sequence, bold face print, headings). (PO3 not included See PO2 for 4th grade.) Arizona Performance Objectives for 7th grade: PO2. Determine what information is missing in functional text (e.g., steps in directions, legend, supplies needed, illustrations, diagram, sequence). PO3. Interpret details from a variety of functional text (e.g., warranties, product information, technical manuals, instructional manuals, consumer safety publications) for a specific purpose (e.g., to follow directions, to solve problems, to perform procedures, to answer questions). (PO1 not included See PO1 for 6th grade above.) KEY PHRASES DETERMINE SEQUENTIAL ORDER Sequential order may be necessary to complete a procedure correctly. IDENTIFY FEATURES OF FUNCTIONAL TEXT: Directions Headings Legend Illustrations Diagrams Bold Print Sequential Order LOOK FOR MISSING INFORMATION OF FUNCTIONAL TEXT: Lack of Sequential Order in Directions Missing Legend Missing Supply List Incomplete or Missing Illustrations Incomplete or Missing Diagrams ADDITIONAL FORMS OF FUNCTIONAL TEXT: Warranties Product information Technical manuals Instructional manuals Consumer safety publications VARIOUS PURPOSES OF FUNCTIONAL TEXT: To follow directions To solve problems To perform procedures To answer questions

STRAND 3: Comprehending Informational Text Concept 3. Persuasive Text SAGE 6th Grade Arizona Performance Objectives for 6th grade: PO1. Determine the authors specific purpose for writing the persuasive text. PO2. Identify the facts and details that support the authors argument regarding a particular idea, subject, concept, or object. PO3. Describe the intended effect of persuasive strategies that an author uses (e.g., bandwagon, peer pressure, repetition, testimonial, transfer, loaded words). Arizona Performance Objectives for 7th grade: (PO1, PO2, and PO3 Same as PO1, PO2, and PO3 for 6th grade above.) KEY PHRASES AUTHORS PURPOSE FOR PERSUASIVE TEXT: The purpose is to influence the reader to act, do, or feel in a specific way about a particular idea, subject, concept, or object. ANALYZE TEXT TO IDENTIFY FACTS AND DETAILS THAT SUPPORT PERSUASIVE ARGUMENT PERSUASIVE VOCABULARY Loaded/Emotional Words and Exaggerated Claims (best, prettiest, safest, tastiest, friendly, new and improved, classy, cleaner, faster) Euphemisms substitution for mild or pleasant expression for one offensive or unpleasant PERSUASIVE STRATEGIES Peer pressure everyone likes it so you should like it, too Bandwagon everyone wants one so you should join in Repetition you hear it so many times, you start believing its good and you should have it Testimonial a respected member of the community provides support that influences the listener, reader, or viewer Transfer if its good in this situation, it will work in that situation Loaded Words emotional words with exaggerated claims

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