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A SRJ- 1 - B J ~ ~ J.

(.< 1. J 111
eclassified and approved for release by NSA on 04-08-2010 pursuant to E.O. 12958, as
mended. ST56834
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DOCUM""<.Hr lIrv:tEWED
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k1a.CeIlOS'nl W'.P.OorieDlaft
Cepta1D J
Captaln 1'.1'.8IDo4bers
Oepi;&i.n L.8.JfD'I'IOtIl

CDl1llU.lller (I.C .... on
P,,,bb ... -
, ..:r l1li .. ... " - ..... ....--
:. \
Call)'-iSa P.J .PattCll\
1. tJw U.S. aJ,d'ibat this ....
wall a bapp,r 81st.nt BoU4 ana tor al] "1;h8 other.
tA"1eac1s.fJf the .TI.IS. - Be bope4 that 0088 ;11elept08 ... 'bad ...
'been hare 'before wuld to be back 8n/1 tha'''tDos., wbo wre:mald.J:8
tbelZ' 1'1l'IIt rial. t would .... tnenas. and wuh to wtUl'Do
" \ J' ...
-t I "','" I"
2. - !he pJ.'esellt
41ft3.OUlt'to eXllg'ra't:1
the tub
i. he oantiDUlDa, .. 0l1li b .whlah it vu
aerlo..IBncss tb= 81tustloD. CouoqQl:a.tl,)
C .. :\ferenae nzoe urpint.

... l1n-ed the U.S. DelegatelJ 1ihat tlle Lom'lon Slp"lt
do a. utmor.1. to CIU"1'7 out tlIo lett=1" and ap' dO::
T.ondon Slg1a.t
be Wlint'l*cl
I" rl.tab w.e. lmd'v'ltrtentl,y oocur" he beped
0::', heal tal, to point them out bnaeIJlatal,y to the
e ... t.e coull U.\In' tb! U.S. 4Itle&f;l.O!l tmlt tl'.e,. W? ,'i'
thto 011'110r t'w.7 8re poi.r.te&1 out tAl:
1,.. sai d thaI gOvel "ing W OOoper&\tlc.n of: t'1e b-
countrif'a fle'l at Oa'.IIIUt.,toa.tlon Im.f"lU,811QG had .. n settled
by th'!l aD! t VI pl "oer.t Co'>f'e'dnce WI1.!I cr.tl.ro1.,
te.Jhnz.cal t". ob ... r ..
s. It. fll'l:." , bJec .. "13 1.u inp1l:m.!rrt th A,sreea:Dt. 11'0 13".1 t ...
ensure both obt" I " .. 1he rasl_lts tl'Clll tbc e.v.\-;.14bl"
EO 1.4.'(d)

.. _ ./.. _.. __ ..... II-.
, ,
r I

.,. .

, poaoettmc .tatt. as' would be Umlted. WaD hope12
that we could achieve this objeot, by a suitable of labolU' ana
byawHU.ng duplloation.. "":, ' ,r" ''' .. '>I'
*,'k .... -......, .. .r(, ... il' .... -<'
6. 1hc CM1r.!18.B naxt -tu..-ned to aspeot of COIIIIIun1o';tlCln
work. ann said importance not be
LeSllcna had been le,u'llf'd in both countr1ea and be was certain that, on
botn ndes of the Atlant1.o, every eff"o-t 'IIOuld be made to l'C3iBt the
preasure to dlvulp our lnfoxmatl.oJh He hopes\! tbat tbs U.S. and anttsh
authorities res},Ionsible the mlntenanae ot be able to
help each other in rea!s'ting this preastm). ,/'!, <, ,l,I
\. t .... _ ...';,s..,! "i:, ..... f' \
"-l - "'
1. (. Re1'errlng to the COI\"SllOmrealth ConferenCe oonaludcd, the -
Chal%11ll'n reported that this had been high13 successful. '!he toms Oi'
- J:.d U.S. - Brltlsh Communication explained to "
.J\ tho, .IloJnlnloll ,and had
< i;: them. by Jct.nt
_ Regula - <'(0 been agreed ,_-
STANeD and the l'lns.l reccm-
monde.t1ollll of the the U.S.
-sw>jeot to
11 He ne..ct montlo:J>:d the 1iY question and stated tbat STAl'TCm
was fully a?"1U'e of its oYettiiiirlO lmport!1l'..ce. .f
, ,
c' .:ltE:i1 &\I!! he..l.
tho U.S. he.f' -:-:.ly flJl.'i."'L't,S:l::rl tho o>s:' '\i"-.r or the U.S.
Ila"ty w410 felt tb .. -; 4::. ..... c;:p"Abol11n.on with ti.6 Br!t.UItl hr...l
and 'b .. l'l<:1!101-':.. .... ;,oth nat:U03S. _"
13. The BUl'ported Ger..cral Cordel'J'i!aJl'S renarks, 81:1"paing on =
again the"Uii.pOrtaalc of oan.,\oIli.cat1cas, and BUgB,e!ted that he and. Gen!!l&"al.
Oorderman should discuss oertain points aeparately at a later
ile-, Th., Cho.irJlJlln then lnv1.ted GelJrL..l Corder.1..&A to be the Chairrne.n )f.'
the Cordcman selid much appreciated th hor..our
afforded to hl!D and the O.S. Delegz:ticn by tr.e auggestl.on. bu-:. he felt tbt.t
a British Chair.:nan ?1Oula. be more 8'11 tab- e, as he would be meJzoe i'Wll1br WJ. th
whatever would be for Conference. He N04Jd
prefer to decHne the offD'f'. 'J!he C'haiJ'rJan therefore that C'aptalP
Rashn.Js should the Chair and t"ll.S '18.S seconded by GenlJral
15. Travis suggested that. the aen meet'llg should take pla.ce
at 101.5 on TLlCsila,y. 12th l!a.rCh, and thl.s wu agreed.
16. The Chai:tman. in oonclusion. said that he W.3lI c:Qnflndent that a grea"
dea.l v.1.11 ""5i'"""ic'CoiiiP'trohed in the next fortnight ara1 that the co"\fercnoe would
mark an lmpoltant mileS'l:ofle in Slgin, collaborat1on between the two c01:1.."ltnelJ.
- ,
r L

.4. (b)
\ 1;-
> ,
F RES .!l!. T,.

Captain W.B. 'StIQabers,
i Oapta1n t..S.Bow:tb,
Captain B.S.I.. Goodw1Il,
, E.!llGpP&r,
J-'\, t .... r '* ""&1 "'oil;, .... ,-t '"
... .... 1- "/. 1t; l it "v
.. ,ri" (JolOZ1t.ll
Clolonel. 'B. Rowlott, ; "!;t 't < j
, Captain P.J.Poatton,
, '
.. .. 'I .J. 1':. ( l
Jb.1oZ' L.P.stOJlO, " '
.............. ",_...... _.< < '1,
..... ,t'-...Jl ........... l'1li. - "}, -j;.{
l4.eut.lI.Scbmidt, , .: 'v.
< ,.
.., .
,. Si:- Edward a\l8Scsted that tho Execut.ivc Qomm1tteo
and. ttcoa abou'1d bo to a&h bow JIlCII!bcru
aa needed. !h1s W83 agreed..
. ,
, ,
, J "'"r
f :; -I-
SUB ":8'1.
'0 g,oneral CordeI'll'.a;t q1:.astioned the sense at i tcm 2 of tl>c
Agenda and after some c11scWllsion it was .."ed to a:nend this to
It (2)



. .......... ""'"
< ,


- 2.-
SUD OO!.:r{i'nEe , \
60 requested that Stone be D.dd.cd to
the l!lelDberelll.p of th:e S\\b- Ccsn1ttee and this _s agreed.
en tho e35tUption tllat exehang=s to be considered. by tl>UI
St'b-oomm;J ttca l\'\}r" technical onl,y, Captain S!r.ed"oerg asked to b)
released frocl per.llalleJlt lIIeII1berahip:. U111 8SSUlllpticm was ca"t:irm:ld
and his ONCj..lCrlt c.e,reet!. Captain Goocblii- to ensure 1.he.t '
he called in 'l'lnl'Jn 11eQOS88..7o
SUB Co,clI?!EI.: "nil '!.
90 YeJI!berlih1p \"las agreed, as preaentea.,
10., The nattU"C 8.'ld of true Sub CommJ.-('tce,boWlm3:t',C7:lk:d
dJ3CUSaior.> 'lhc aonse of 2 of the Agenda 1If.I.S qucst1.onG<l
by Y.r HuGdle&on.l a..a. after some of views it was agreed t..at
all chsscmine. ... l.on problems wo1.ld be oovered by iter.l 1. prondcd t.!lO
phraseol")gy of tnis 1tem waa suitabl.r ch8ZlOl. ltel;l 1 was thel".=fOl'e
charged to
"Es'!;abl:i.sbmarot of ,JOUlt U.S. - J!:o'J.tiah Seot.r1 t1
- j
ri '"
, '



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T,)f ' 3.-..,: . ; A,

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,t ,' C" .
--..;..--- , .
. ", . : ':"'"
1, . .. . tl.e .
ExlY.:ut:l.w COl!l1l1 tt.fJaa1'ld and Agenda.
Comcl. ,.,' ,'." ,
. ;:; . ,, ' .
regftrding l:ltU8?n
oommlttee in QOQ'Il.OQt with 1t ' ,0' ''I!o'' '''''!''
:' 8:t>.ouldfom .
" . ".
,1ndraf'l,; fOI"'Jlth::jeh0uldb'.;l . ... ..intiw.1 to iY. . by .
, SecrOta.i:1."t by nocn ,of, th; , Ii1'tertl,E> 'rr..-:;ef;i ri,; t ;i.. mJ It 1;nd
" bet'OZ"CI haT;d;lllg '111, tc (,f th(, C 5 .
oopies ahculd 1*. . . '. . '
l-'uJ.l 'l.n t e.
, l':lport; dod", be tted., " .
6.:- :in to report 3 , a F '-
req:.:;],l(}-i frr..<.il e'"".:1. aun-:3ou,""itteo. f zom ;".:b .. : ,.' :!"!L' ;::''': o, ,-
should be a.,cj reCCD11.,tmdaticna tv Cc::ri, b :l ,"i,
a foy.'Il' tl:.yca..'l 'iut- flgree-l \) " S,
l!l."1. t1t;ll,
. 81l'0 i.f .t'e'iQ:M;e 01.;' CC'l t: . ..:-.il' ,
, A&:mc1n. whiGh by eithe-... or tb.e Lcnccn
SiSint wt w"uJ.d p.oG k 1l'..:.it:,u:::l, CI C.$ t,6
--. . i



'. ,.
r ,"**
, .
" ,
. '
, ,
Agreement on chrision of interecption taslai
end cf search
of report.3,frequell(:,. lr.f'ormatJ.on a.nd
Search Z"Oaul tao
standa.riI1aation ot trcquen...7 J1otatiOll eystem 8l1d d
-' .
8., Standardisation ct :RAw lUhhal
, .
i: ...
.. ;i
< , '

,1_ S'
1. 4 . ( b ) '
f t , -.
EO 1. 4 . (' hi
: ~ ' . '
f "
of Coll!'.teralMateriaL
.'. " .
" .
'. . . ~ .
. ".' .....
asked this
0''''. .. ,;,.,';
stJggested "ewl-(lomm1:tt<!is
report to . the . tte at least every other 4a,y
I ' , ';.,;" .:,..... , . .\:-:,
. ' '- 6"+ ..... thilJ '"as 'mod1f1bd ana 'it"aS agree' that
I SecretaricB should issue. the neocDsar,r instructicnso (See attaohed
to .
, . '. ,Completion dat':, .
I ' .
.', . . ,
4-. . Captain asked 1'dtether the Ccmmittee shouldaet a data
for. the ,end Of"theconference. . ". .'. .
';".t , ,, , .
. ',. " After aome disoussion, it was 'agreed to discWJs this mntter turther
'on Prl,Cla3', but meanwhile to oonsider that roushlY two weeks would be takttn.
',.,,,'j ':, .. _.1' ,::. _/ '- . ' '' , ." . -. ',:,: ,- " . : .
: Format. of Reports trom sub- Commi ttooso
6. It Waa that final reports from the should be 1n
the for.m of recomiendations to the EXecutive Committee whioh should be 80
drattedas to be easily transformed into apperulioou to the baa10
7. Sir Ellward Travis pointed out tha.t l".ot all the reaul ts of the
d1sousaions woU!d" ii(;ii;Gsarily be sui table tor lrDlus!on 1n the basic
. Agreement as Appendioos ond that, in al\Y case, he wo1.ud like to han
'report drawn up for the consideration of the London sigint Board apart
trau AI\Y Appendices that wort.! written.
: ~ : , f ; ' 4 ~ ,

' )"
-" . ,
. ...
j )1'
,\. ; ... ,.-

.' ::>, .,y({i:'.
A!Ir\ul'ES of-sIDOF K!rel'OO .
--iJWJo'l':M!; .-
,AT 1:!QQ,. Mm::H 14TH.,
" : 'that ll1'.
progress ,. ' .
all round &no.'
' :l'1ill.1$ " to whethor he be &dwJ.,ttea, o.:s
". , '. '. oozeI'Ve3-' , GM. roO had, a1gnedt' :ULTRA.oath. " finai;!,y; . ,
<>" '" Qgreod he, be tull-t':l.edaod voting " .'
iWii5er . Cordeman 'iu ana 1ntrot1ucOdh1lll
aJ.l mombo;c;s). ", , >- ., '. ':,.,-:." ... ' .; > ,,': ..... . ;, .
\1\( ,
:. ' ' . t :'
2 , then 1lI1mi tils re the 'Pl!'et E7;ecuti "]tI
. 1:$etins
. Sir E&!;ard ,wl th rererenoe to 7, that
t:brue ST1U'iCIB" b:l Mletc:d
1ll1U!lt1.\Ch a:shC'l did not
in bill or:1ginnJ. a.&d did not 1:lltend 'to for tbr;l U.S. en
FOint. n !f'&1J to deletotlw phraae.
(Thoie was thalll\Q;!;.e to the. d1llt :r:i.buti cn
app:roTld IItlnu)t-tls of to Cl'l.::OI.D.r.'.t e tho t c"
all 0 .,./
Tho }iti.II.utoa c-f Fi'rs,"; . W!).,Ung vrore
v.1:t. 'wut nu'thor
3. The Cha:\'rllllin thfln object-ed t" thr.: short i;et"'''e . .:m t h .. '
reo(lipt JII1r;utes W'ld IIGn tol1011"lng J;:S3ting o;t! the'
EJwcuUw Cc:G:Ii tte, o .. " i r. !:erv<!.'i. c.n thitl pa.rl1euln:: "rr.m nOO!l t::.
1300, lI'Aa to.'; en'l bad i>z'cvcntod e. proper readinsar.d
'by tho 1lI'.:-..l)cn; of
(lIt lm.-'3
: :,l
.. ' .
. ... "\""
, '
-; i-t, ,> :, ,: ,>- , , -..'
agroe.! 8bo\Jld bu
to About imcnt,. hovl.'e; thl\tilS, ' ihatm:brutoSlI ana .othqr J'C.I?0rt:sbo
d1t1triootoo. a.t 1200, cxoample, :1000.
It was al130 qreed that I!IOrni."lglll$etingslll1nh1; ' t'4or:ITta.to1obiB -proartIm.
. ' . ' , .. - . '. =- ... , _
4. \'11th tl!e conourrenc:e' ofs:il the the thon
'began to %'f)ad 0\;.10 the the Sub-CQ;1tlli tile"
, ,r: >...... .;: .:" ' .. ')," - ' . '::>-:: .(', ../::;(>; ,)
";'; ' .' _ ... . GonClra.\ c1iocus:l10nbroke -,
<, with Sir Ed:irard 'l'r&v.1s stating that adoption ' of , thoavggcsted U.S. "
::. covcrn.omel) VtO\iid riSk; .me.n,-diftlaul Ue13lloth' thin" hia orgMlzat1on
, '. :' :. :\.o h1S4eal1IIg8 with tIw London - , . ' .'
,;; a
, .... .. , .. ' 'MDt iii b;y _tho ChAiX'lllIUl ot s\il:..o:mn:lltt4Ht
. -' " ,,'
, 1
" _ " . . " , lIwe _ . _ '. . oorhin ' .:'
:" pengrapho,ospoo1ally par&$.2 to dolotc tho
, -sr\lUp of :I'y:ltcma" 4, Ginoe, the SeMel or pbrnso WM _ '
. iJBl)Oes1ble to d.c.f1ne" ' : ." __
. . ,-t: .:.;;./:. ;. -: ' ... ' ' .' ' . . ;':-'" . .:. _:'.' _ ,;,
. . Crcss-roforen,,--as to the ,U. S. , ... draft .Appendices thon
turne4l a.t1;cntion frt:zJ tho Sub-Col!il!1ttea 11 mlm.-tos to the 1irai't Apper-iliaeo
thCllllGolws, .end the qtiest,'Lon lJU nised r.a tolrhOthor t.11e ,araf't Appendices
ahoulc. be tehled. This produoed gellerd 618CUsa1on. . fi:1r Edmu-d point0Q. \ .
wt that, 1Jl tm: fint the' of , tile E:ceeuti va .
' Comm:Lttco bad not had tilIIli: to he . thorai"oro did
;. ' , lIOt at tllfs poj.nt wilrh to e.oked tor opiDioll8b3aed upo!1 the. - .
.. , . GeiWral Oox&m.an st.roslloo Uuat the OQmn1tteo ' sho1.ud not bo
ruqu1rcd to"t'ibie .... _:;, at tl:D,1; h lIaoS dl.':r.y
of the Sub-=Con:ai tte$;l to clom- u to nother they
W<l:ltl tow-A. lIuit:lble or WCl.'e not 80 toiIDd; ' orUS' those which-were c:ontli>:..
vers11llllhoUld bo blllt'ore tho Exeeutive CcmaLtWc ;mdiflea1;,ioD,
and tho IIlOdit'1co.t1ons should 1;11 ombod1cd ill. tho SubooC'...mLtteO:/l

The then d1roctCld tt.c SoGrctnnoG to th,
COlmIlttoeitbat :in 1t0r1m reports to tbc U. S"d>:aft
Jppend1cee wouJ...'L,qq.loagE>1" acceptable to' the CCIlWIl1tteo. I n
, U10 11canwh11o, "li"oiAppend1.OCI:I 11'111 be ,used onl;r by the SUb-CQI!!JilittoClS as
.. &U1do twud their f1Jl11l rcOOlllllOndaUona. .
- 3 - 'feE Sl39R%!? SK.'U
. , ' --<." _ ........ ---
.; ,,:-,: . '., ,' .. '" ,.' .,
Tho Chaimlm theli reallllltCl e.roso
, 1'0 pa.ra. 5, and it'1iiii agreod pa.renthct1oa'l oxpres:d:on , i
from 11;. "," ";,,'/ :,, , "' !
Considorable dtacua:s1on was generated bi the
hoadings of para. 6. Sir EdInu-d pOinted out that item 5 ataub-he$ding
C so phiaaod ae to, iJ;!p1ngoupoQ.tM prorogati"rl:l8, of' theTjA section,
or, on tho other band, to :IinI1I&p' tbe with
'l'hel Cha1rJl11Ul ukedl:lrigad1er T1ltJll!Ln to ollU"lty tholUlt\1reotthe Interisr.
Reporte, &114 lilt" then y,reetl: toloavc: :t.hemattor :tor the' til!lebeir.g.
" Rtlf'e1'OI1.00llub-hcad1ng H, tho na ,:,l'a1aedae tQ ,thc,
, of the Reports, to wh.1.ohropl1f1dthat 11; .ftS. pllUmCcl' "
to cut uP
conQerned. . 'or tho .added;,
ana. would not .bo";>
.. ... 1ig thoU.
.' the "", .:", .'
the. cOntrol
or lin
Oellenll. eo:nlol'lllAil tma-t .. ' prclP6:sed
lIhould be . . . .in f1nal . '. '. '. . . at. the Sub-
uUImllJ. -.o,.CC.l5 and DOt in th" f'0:n.ot m:inutea:'I1'hero1n DoeOnolusioll:} upon
tho ExocuU ve CODII1 ttoeOOuli1' a;o,t:to ''Worl. yet
-' , . . . ".
. The Chaimm, hosever, III*de the objeoUontlmtsuch e. move
JII1ght in the long run "be a wuto of hb reasocit'.g being
. that the SubCCUliiittoes might apor.4 en
,a b&8;l.", mirloonoopt1on of' 1I'h1ob .tho Executive Committee w,ud have QO
. . Q!Etl1lin &d@Q the objection' that tM1'O would be too
much tor tbOE;;cocut1vo Coaa1.tteetci &CCeaplhh in .thevery la.$t deys
and too 11 ttlo 1n tho lIIOant1=, .' ,
SirEdmlrd also it 1IUlJ the of'
tho ExecutIve dci:w.ttocto bolp the &long tho 11:10.
It WlU tinal1X agt!ed_'th5.t tho,-q.,S.ilratt Appendioes ,be reSe
ac a bals1D tor dhQllDs;i.ou b.v the SubCommi 1;t004, and th&t they noed not
consl&5:'a!lby tho Execut1vo Cc:ram1tteo until such tiIr.o ac they
in tlw t'om of i'1Ml SubCCl'!lI1ttee l'GOOllIIIIendG.t:l.ona. .
6. Follmng thifl, the Cha1l'm!!! read the lIiIlutes cf D.
which were approwd without d1aauaa:,1on. "._ .
90 B$ then began to read tbo TJt Sub-OollE1tteo E.. _
Sir Edward awd that para .. 3,' pas,;e 2, which might bcnll1suntiorstOl"A by
,tho Adm1r&l ty I be deletod. : !b:1:a 'was ;04 . General CordCl"I.llln o'blServed
that the t1gurea in para.. 6(i;T'wore proabl.Y too high. and it w&.s
to cut the total. dolm to 100;600. ..... -, ,-
j 9 .., .
. ,
10. , Sj,rEdwtn'd 0POll(!)d di%lcto:Ssion em quest1ol1 cf: whetbor tho
i'eccm:ct:lnClaWol'oSe.liiU:hcd to the III1nutos or SuD-CQ:IIl;:dttoe ;8 Wl3ro tobo
omboaied in aD '. Appcmd:1.:E; ,be, pointed, out "tba.t tho, elwmela
li.hdfig'.m!JB Of these, ,.woro' prons1onal ,&114 8ub,1eot'to " ,',
IiIlch IWSlficat:l.oll in timri.wborelUJ tho 'Appond.iceq &.slutiDg
dOcUmen'l;swb1t;h should not iJ:<oluc.\6 CC!l1II\lll1oat!ons..;nctlrork osUJ.llatos c:
: a= ":Tho AlM1'1CU:c1clogatc.s demurrcd,tcellna '
. that bss10 'to tho at STAN'JIB - GCCS
should be' , , , -tho
said that this ty totue
'occas1on.'J frhenthe copying bec6.lIle too "
bur:"'.ensoJre and when requeste o,uld.not met either iIrmodlateJ,y
at 4110 " He hoped that lid-son offiodl'3WCuld always be in a poaiticm
t-:.; Bllpredate the difficulties on theaeoocasions and be ablo to
:"'.t:lem to thortJqueata
" .: (, ,' < ' , ;-0- _ ( ,
. With rof'erellceto para 2 of the second. section of tho Minutes,
'o.'lthc.aubject of Sir Ed?la.""I'l 'lravi5' pointed oat that this'mt8' 3rit-
praotlct)4t prouentand t:tia.t agreeL1ent on this point would simply "
.. 'mean that the U.S.wouHreceive the SBme docUIIlents e those sen"t tQ
\ .
General A. S.
on a..::ra in papd::-S less i'requently tillm OP-2O-G but he ea1\' no
objection "to the sub-::ccmmHtee's concerning CCnnl""..ntso
50 OT;. the third para of Seption 2 of the Sub Co=ittee Minutes,
both General CordeI'IIlsn and Tl"avis that
the.:-e lYOuld be complete froedo:n ot cxchango, Such practical considerations
as the fact that not all traffic is or that not all tr:malati.ons
.. need to be exchanged could be met by makill(',' everything available to the
liaison officers. '
" ,.
-------- ------------


; :;5;. 1 ,t" ,
. - .
'.' . ":" ";:-'''; .:.'; .
- ;" " ';-;j" :"-': ' ,. "':. ':,,"-" -: ,:.;.:.', \-" : ...<",
Para. 4 of section 2 aatl.sfaotoIYo
:. , ':;', : " .'.'" "':- ,';. " ",- __ ",,: .,. _ ._,"- ;-::?';;;!< ',.'.
7. ' Para 5 of Section 2 concerning sunmiarles .ledto
with reference to collateral ma
para 4 of
Captain then descriilad the difficulties that mignt
arise in extending to the U.K. knowledge of, orthe right ,to uso:
techniqu,esdeveloped patent U.S.'
13. , S:tr Edward Travis. fully these dil'i"icu1ties but
saidthat,in his view, they arose pera 11 abo'lc
and were adequately met by the rea'orntione contained inpe.ra 4 of th3
basic Agreel:1ent ooncerning methods and tecJu1iqoos. . ,
140 Generd agreed that this point was cQ'wre:i
by para ,.. of the Agreement, '...
150 Sir Ed'l'iard Trs.vi:o suggeste'i that, to meat such dil'fic1.l1ties$
an arrangement migb:1; be made by which British non technical
wore w;.de aware of the purpose and method of operation of a techniq1J,:
which was dev::loped under U.S. patent. in order to ennUI'" that the
technique> was used to the maxi.mum without the
of releasing technical details to the V.Ko --
.:.','" <.

", ';. .
TO? SEG?f'll Q..l:i3.1d4
7 ;-,/'" _; " " . .' '".
;16 . Geriera.l __ thisw6uld 00 _a
pract.icable aolwt:i,on to ti1(';difficulty. . "". ..
. ... 0
, . ;':; .. :'-:

- 7.' ' :; ,0_ .

.. ,, -r.
, ' ; '.
' ",, ',
". / ,
; ,

.. <.' 'o .i:'
2" Wi th r'eferencc to pm:!U5 end 10 of the' Jrtinutes of the 1'h1rd
hl:cctin!l. Jir EO>.:lrd. TruYia rcporte,a that had C<JIlSl.dered this mtter
since the l1$t Lice '\VaS in full with General CprdeI"D"MI 'e
8ueE',eation thrtt "une:;c.::hangt'able
collateral material should not be
incll.:ded in If 1t l.1f1S neces31ll7 foraCl)n'ln to :ret::r its
own CWltOIrer:J to collateral, this, should be done' in
.' papera septlt'at:fror.: tl".e Sl.lllmlU'ies I1ild given a more restricted cir=ula.t1on. "
-', " " . . .' _ .' , 0 -: ' : .. _:' . . ' .. '. 0." ' .. __ '0 . '. ',', " .. 1.' I. ; .
). The voe:re instructed' to notify 1011: Chairman of' "
",' tteoe C that Tho reCOlIOCndation3 of his Mould
be modl1'1 ed. in e.ccordzmce ,with para 2 abov-:.' ''. , :'
" " _ ". . I " " .:.' . " .
Subje-:t to on'/! IlIinor change, the definition as
'It' is given in its 'inc.1 fcr:l as Appemix 1 to these Minutes.
5. Qaptain thDt it WM important that tlW
detinition should go dorm on reccrd. Thi3 was agreed and it 1\U lett
to later decision Whether it appear in a list or other definitions
or in the ions of Sub-eOmd. tteo C.
, .'
, ..
"Collaboration 'in the allY and the
exchar.gc of such dic::tionaries in Completed forn:.."
this cha ngc.
to 'para '12 whetrer thifl ,
solution Would be adeqUAte, as it did not establishwldch authority would
be ultimately responsible for the standardisation of transln.ticns in the
event of differences or opinion betv.>een'London a.'ld Washir.gton. He
sugeested that this could be achieved without tr:akin2; one Centre the
final arbiter in all.fields. One Centre could be established as the
,final authority in one field. and another in to the
translators and experience availableo '
, General Corderman a,zreed ,that it would be advisable ,.to clarii'y
tho question of ultimate authorit,y in cases of but considered
that it would be impracticable to moke on: responsible in all
, fielda. He suggested that the arbiter in each language or problem would
, be ore or the other Oentre" as agreed" '
;. '.f"
15. attlWl '
stage aDd gava it as h!. optn1onthat 1t waa necessary to osta.bl.1Bh a
,cen.traJ.1eiug eeotion tor this purpoaaSn tho U.B.' &.also 'considorccl '
, that 1t would be 1lJlId.se to or thoU.It. ult1lllately,
reBpone1ble 111 all t1elde but tbii.tthAt Ws IllAtto%' would worlt Uself
out if' a contraJ,1CIed seot:f.on. in tho U.S.A.
16. ' General. exint1lDea.tbat STANQIB would be
mad.e responsible tor oentral1e1qJ the,standard1aatiCll1of' translation in ,
the U.S., A. 'and 1,t that ,CI;Lr$ot liaison between that group am
that of Comnander d 0DS\1l'e that Oaptain'''ongorta or1g1naJ.
,point was =t. ....
'7.' ", 'Dar;I.ng this Sir 'EdIr3,rd TraVis raised' the queet:i.on 0:
, 'standArdising roOQVery on book group eq\avaJ.ents, but 11; was agreed 'that
"this was a IllAtterf'or ,settlement by closol1aison in cr,ptanalysisand '
Oolonel Rowlett thought, would' "d1ttiou1ty in otfecting the'
necesearyst8lldard1sat1oJ4 '" " ,', ' , '
Oaptain Smedberg , ...bether the dj.ssem1nation
speoiaJ.ly restrioted in tho U.It., in v:l.ew ot the above remarks.
replied that thedj.ssem:i.nat1on was speoiall,y restricted
would in tuture be :ls5Ued as nTOP SECRET SPECIAL CREA11

, ,
21. These were disaussed at length and several modifications agreed
,which will be included in the final vemon. In particulw:' the discussion
The frequent references to paras. 3 and q. of the Basi!!
Aaryement: " It was decided that such references were
unnecessary in Sub..oonm:J.ttee recommendations, as this
point would be covered by a general statement prefacing
the final recaIlIlIeIldatiorus of the Con1'erellOea, to the
effeot that nothing in' the draft Appenaioes to the
Basio .Agreement shall construed as contravening rmy
clauses of that .Agreement.
feb) 00."
.'", .
" ",, ' . ,.
: '- . .. .;? ;.;:
. i , ,'1
. ,-.--:,. . , .. ,., ,
: ....:, C:_::f'b .. .
.:;.. .. : ..
(b) Whf>ther the Status !Worle .
should be aooording to the status of' the tasks ' , ' .
solved, partly solved and Wiler research) or
according to alphabetical. list by system.
It was agreed that in ,the 1'11"st instanoethe.oompilaUon
of' these reports should be ;as.reoamnen<:ied p'y<Sub- .. ...
Conm1 ttee 13. except that a 'notation system should 'be
introd.uced to 1r.d1oate' at a gLance status of' each task.
" ,:"! -,' .- , \." . - . . ,<; -....,..
(0) Attaohroent A of' the . , .
. Colonel Rowlett was requested .to arrange tor the
produotion Of' rev;l.sed f1guresand to ensure that they
were on a asregfU'ds theU.S . and. theU.K,
!. :{.' : , .... - . . ,:', {.' ' ,:", "', :.' .. - - ".,- ' "
The SeoretW! were instruotedtoJnake available .. to the .Ohairman
.' '.' . ' ',' and 'SecreUUy Of SUb-ConmLttee B . all . details'of' Jr2.de to' the
.' in order that the final. Version could be prepnrea
. - . " " ... ,', . . .. ' " . ':. ' . .' .. , . '. . -.
' .' ' .,' ,'

,, :_,/.;.-'-."
Considerable.: scussion took. ple.ce conoerningthe definition or ,'"
. . .. . teI1llS at the 'beginning of these J:eCODJnendatioIll3, ' and maI\Y char>.ges ware ' :, '. ,._
""io,.' ; ,:,., made in principle and detaU. " )fr. Huddleson wasdeputed .to eAplain these
... . , ,
,,;. ,> <i changes to Sub-COrmni ttee C in order that the final. ..ers;i.on of these tems
: could be prepared. . ... .
' . 25. Discussion of' the remainder ''or the paper was postpOned till 1015 ..
.. on 21st lIarch. . ' : . .. : .'. .
26. Sir Edward Travis said he would like to revert to t}1..is zrubjeo'li
and. mad.ethe suggestion that, as it had been agreed that ur.exchangeable
oollateralmaterlal must be omitted from documents the
. insertion, at discretion, 'of the ccnment:- .
"This is oonf'inned fran other sources" .
might be valuable to the other Csntre as an ind:f.cation that
collatereJ. of value existed. The J:eceiving Centre could interpret this
comment as a hint to probe no f'urther into the sources. .
27. This suggestion was agreeC!.
:,, - . .... .
., - .
:.l:W.. QaJ2tai menUc'!Y:d in ' th{U.S. A.
bct'ilc<m "infor.;('At:i.on" 'l.nd "intelU8!lrlO!" ani "into)rpretation"
ani "evaluation", beinft t.i.le 4ut.y ,or '. C<lJ.I}'U'
,thao of'. Intelligence He conBideredttat thh Conference ,
provided a wi tabl.e O?coL-tuni ty to 'invent new tor the produot .:,: '
and the functiontl of cru:mr and so Fcvent confusion on this "
IM.ttcr in.the i'l,\ture, , " ',<', "';" .' ,',::i';t"
.. ;. ".". ". said toot an $lrlsted.
in the U.K.,' though the nClOOnelaturewas different.. . ;",:- ...... ,','." .. '.
" .:'; f. , - ," '-"l ".e'c: .... : ,'."
. - lG.:: '" Sil" Ed:mu-d Travis .
, . intelJ.igeilCe11in t.he U.iC,but M agreed thaLtbis ei-pre
'< : to 'cd ticism; " '
20th Maroh, 1996.
,. '
. :
- .-" : 1
.' , .
1Q :fH'!!W
t . .
]?nr:l. 2 thelll"1i.;it1lh - U.S, CCIIlIliUllioati,on Intolligenc.e J.gl'e0:1lc .. t
the ABI'Ce.mcnt ganrna the role..t1001s 01" tho oontl"tl.CtiIlj\
X::-.J:'t1es -;tn JIl."I.ttore onll.!' .
'2.: " .. In tho semI) pa.r3,grarb 1t1a 'slWh .
> .' CC111lll.teru lM.toriai Q5 i:s applicab1fit'Ol" bchn1CalpUl"p030.s 'W 15
to laUOllOl eti"oct"" .
. '.' be OOID.Nl'. in ;:i;;:';/
. e.Ccoraoncow1th this
K OOtol"ial frOl.\ wh!ah/.thoUghot:
1 . \.:::; ass1tltanoe to. the OttID1J Centre.s/ 100.. "appl1cable . tor- . ." ....
. ' . ,., ; .. f
, .. .. ,.' " .' .' ........... '.O;.i. !;:.Aet' .. C.'. oment. '. ".thO. ...... . "'.ish. obt.a .. :!.nea ." ....: . . ." "' ..... ..'Oth... Ol' ... :."than... ' .... CQzwxa. '. . . co.t1on ..... ::. t .. '. ...'."';'., .. , " { .'
.. ' ': . ' . ';':.}', ';:,lntcliigOll.Qe":lu it 1& cU.reOtly " '.i<; ,,"
.' f' .' .' such _tonal rill.'"
'. tnCGpt ;5(b) . . , .'
"}, '.: .. . ' ... '.: '.' ..:.:;.< ; .. ',. i,",: ,. ' ' .. - . '_ :.\ .. .. ... '.: ',- . ,:, c...... < .;.>,-.. 'c ,.C, , ..
b. . . 5. . ' Si!t'ilarly . conccm1ng methods and. techniques,
.. lrllicb arcdevelO'ped u.s. or l3ritbh p&'Ollt,
"", .f'f.1s lJot. collateral mat0Z"lal; _11 para_ 4-
,:. . ' .' ,o.f'the " , .. ' ,j;,. ,' ." ", ' i.",' .. >, ' :" " ',' . ' ...
t: _. . .'. .. . ,t,, ,
:) . . ... ... ....
' l . ' .-:.:. ;:/
, , '0' . ;_. ;
- >\(.. . .. ;:. ... \
,' .-,
, .' *')
oaptain E.G.Bastinge
.' .
llrig.Genel'Al Oorclarman
Captal:n Smc Il'ocrg.
.' .'. ':, ..
Sir Ed'ITal'd 'travia
" I
Brigadior tman
COIlmIander Loehnis.
,.';"'.;: ;" :', ':; - .... ,< . (.
. -' .. : '"."
.1Jl.'.0 imperllls.n
.' Soox-etarls8 " .. ; ; .... , :
'. .. OOI!Vllll.MOl' 'l<anson . .
'r ':;;\"Xr.H1n.slol '::.':<; ..
to lnoludo<the follcirlng
.;"',":,; " ';,.: .bl Com1nt 1 'plain texts, translated
'extraats, gists,1 'Sum1rits,.,-'a.nd deoI'1Pts lrh10h servo'
1genco .needs.":., ., . . ' . . -
..... this definition'
,in}in .1n thetinal reconnenClationsof t.J.w Conf'oreooe.
of Sub Oommittee
These -.vereappi:oved subjeot to:
(a) Revtoroing in para.B
":(b) An addition to para.12, to be dis,?usseu at the next
(0) Other m1nor
5.. The Secretaries, in oollaborat10n with Sub Committee D, were
instructed to prepa.re the fiMl. version, which ahould include 8. security'
pr,.ncipl.e reoorcmencled by Sub Committee E.
Recommendation of Sub Committee C on Item 1 of its Agenda
6. This was 4l?)l'OVed_ to minor ohanges in drafting. ar.d
the Seoretaries were instruoted to prepare the final version 1n ool1a-
borationwith Sub C0IlJ!l1tteeO. .
Reoommendations of SUb Committee E
7. Seoretaries instructed to include the substance 0':
para one of the Sub Oomn1.ttee's paper in the general paper whioh would
plef'e.ce the fil1al Appendices drawn up by the Conference.
' . .
. .. ..
:"1:. '
0 '"
, .. -
, .' " . It was : agreed "that para :2( 1) of the
be inserted in the reoommendatioris ' of . Sub Cmittee D and removed
the . Appendix on ::: ,:: t ,
9. With reference to para 2(d)(lii) of therecollrOOrulat Lons, Sir
Edward Travis said that .o. stgnal had been made .to Australia e.Sking-
t'or o.pprova("forComnander Nman to go back to Washington wi t11.
Captain f".e,nger. in order to inVestigate the establishment . of the'
Melbourne - Honolulu oircuit. ' , '. ",
." ,:e'" ".' ' . . ',,: .. . _, .. :. " .. .. '. , {. " ".".,:. ' . .. , -{ " ," . ' . ,. '
1.0. . The Secretarieswere' 1nstriWtedto" lnform Sub Coomittee E
tho. 'Ii rt?commenda.tion 2( n) Was .not' ceptablein i t8 present form.
(;Or";'""..,, They required 1n" . made 1 t clear that
\!Sed . on SOlne ' oC,oasioM
', ; .. ;
.. .

some discussion,
ttee S Q.r"1 g-1 uD.l reCO:iIlUe!.lda, ticn
, "All Ceri1;::"Gs lvill be equipped to handle microfilm,
so that it be available 'I'It.:-'3n it is not practicl"i.ble
"tOo sonel tl2..'3 c.ri gin?1 r.r:a n
.' A re\t:lsad. wej::d.il1g ot.- tf't1! (c.) and (b) of thiz;
tal?led. 9.td ap:prD'Ved .. ' Thi:; follo,":s:
"That, except for cel'1ain n/F p;i.oYi:>ivn
.be made for excll,lsivo t'Jnc-typa telecCllI!J.U:".d.cations bet"fleen
Centres and bet'>"ieen Centres .
stations. This is considered. necessar,r in Ol:'der to
:pnGsibl;:, til':! fJ.ow ot' ra'?l fro.l1 the point of
intel.'CeIltiOl1 to "the sev;r<l.l. centres e.nd. in order to 91l0\V
efficient control of' with redu::tion in
\va:':l'\;eful as weli as fr.:;.c -rapid. e:-:c:t'iil5e of
raw mat0l'ial a!1CL inf'orr:".atico bc:ti7een Centres. n
said tlUt he would like report 00 lli3 .
meeting with D.S.D., Admiralty, while Sut:.-Comnittee 'z were p!"esent.
With. reference to the proposal that Ad;niralty should. ta<o over the
e:dsting U. S.N. Lonc.2onderry station, some channels of 'I'l!l1cn are
d.el'lired i'or CommllIlication Intelligence purpOlle.s, D.S.D. pad 3aid
that he can d.o nO'ching until he rectlivea official support .t'ro.':l this
. I
. -
,,,. -'
. Sir Ed':laro Travis e:lid if
a tten in coveX'ing or . too, tinOl, . '. .... '
tions oftb3 Conferenc" to the importance of Comrunics. tions
for CO'liNT 1".e "ollld see tbat these re:n:arks '-ere brOuz,lt
before the London SIGiJ''l' Boaro..
7,. At this point SulJ-Jommittee' ..fE '
... ., The Seore'w,rlea were
:'t"Sub..committees: ,::""",'
. .
to CO!tiINT Centres and
and '(b) tr.at, in future, reference Should always be made
to CO}111:r, arti not to C. I
. (Note: This me been done in SjEC/2 which is attached),
11. r. Huddleson queried his definition of COMIl'.'T items given in
pam. 2, on tbe grounds that it took no' account or Traf'fic .Intelligence
A revised definition was therefore considered and will be. incluued in
the tinal recOll1llendation.
12. The Chairman repeL'ted that the term SUrJ.INT was considered
Sub..ccmmittee concerned. as it wculd be easily
confused VIi th other express20na iT, cormnon use, such as COlD iT 3IGIrIT.
It '\'laS ttlerel"ore decided to adopt the tern C<UI1l'rSUM instead.
13. With the abov-e exception, the Minutes of the Meeting
ware approved.
PAl?A. 12 OF 'l'::lE HF:CQL,t.t'!:IWATIONS OF SUB-COl.ll-!I1"rEE t).
.A:fter considerable discussion, Colonel Heokemeyer was requested
to redrai't the suggested addition to para. 12whioil. had been tabled.
At the end. or the meeting Colonel Heclcemeyer read out a
draft which waf) approved and will be incorporated in the
reoc:;rmJendatious or Sub-COllllllittee tD I)


15. General CoI'de:t"ll19.n. wi til reference to para. ,; of: the paper,
ti"L1.t t .. recc;auncndation was ins.'iequ9.te and that sb.nd9.rdi-
mtion Mo:lld be effected as soon as It was
!Ereed tr2 should be substituted;
-Toth9.t end. the London Centre "Rill prepare a
proposed transla.tion style and layout wilic..'" will be
introduced, with 'Such modifications as are necessary,
as soon as it has beenoonsidered by tile U.S. tech.."'lical
,specialists . ' ", ,"
16. . It was also agreed that this proposed style .. layout
be of tue U,s, .. delegates.
\, 17.
paper, ;vas othernse approved
..:-...... :. <" -,_'" ... "-', ' ,"" 'r, ,.
':' , '. ' ;-;. Bir 'Edward 'fravi s queried Wlllethe:r
; to make viSion of interception :e,Di
thec'oilferenc3 was ' being entirely successf'ul
of but not of integration:' " tlflthods, proposed
,were not such as .to :r-educe the camdtment of eacilCentre,'but "likely
t;o ,." ." ""
" G-eneral Corderman agreed that the arrangements being made were
adding to the-burdens of each par',y and said be was disturbed 'by this.
On the other hand, he did not feel that a divil3ion of tarik:; could be
attempted until CClJlllnu .. '1ications were aciequate to enSure that each
Centre received results as quickly from tasks dOlle at other Centres
as it from its O"iin production co;.mtnents.
Sir Edward Travis ageed to this b'.lt said. that this point was
,nowhere-clearJ,y stated in the r;aper under discussion or in the
recommendations on Cryptan9.1..ysis. These 1.a"tter bad alse aSilU.'1:ed.
that the diyision of tas:cs was impractics.bk" wi t!lcY..lt stating the
reason for the assumption.
22. General Corderman l-ereateci his vieu that wr..en c=nications
were pr-ovid.ed
all division of both in interce:;>tion
and cryptanalysis, should be effected.
23. Too Chairman ruggested toot preliminary a.!.:.,ree=nt on the
division of tas;(S should be atteIl':..lted now, in readiness fot' the
wnen oomm:J.nications made the division possible. Some of
the saving of personnel that would be achieved b7 division of' labour
'wt,,:n communications a.llowed would be a valuable argulJ"tent in favour of
the early pro-nsion 0:(' the r.eces3aX"'J _col'.llunications.
24. Sir Edwaro TraVIs strongly supported this point a:-.d
General Corderraan agreed that the problem of division of si1oulo.
be given some attention during the present conferenco.
25. It was then decided that G-cneral Co:roermaIl. Sir 'Ea:.tard :rra'ris,
Captain Wenger and the Chairman should hold further discussions on
'this w.bject with the Decessary technicians on or after Tue::i!ay 26th.
-.t" .
- I;- -
26. In view of the above discussion it was agreed tae fl'cst
sentence of tile paper i'rom Sub-Ccmmi ttee 'A' ehou.ld be 1l1odified to
"Specific e.l1ocation of interception tasks and. of
5eflIch p;.'ogrtul1ll'.es is impracticable
cations are establiahe6.. n
27. di scussion also took place concerning the excb.a:-..ge
of "Intercept Plans", but it was finally agreed1to ll'.ake no che.nge and
to apPl.'o're th.., paller. subject to the in para. 26. .
. This reccrr.illeridlltion was approved.
'< .) . DiscusSiou'tOOk place Ir.et by,
' both parlieain establi shingpriorities'in. 'collaboration wi thtiser
.1., .' ...... ,; .. "
: 'was then
:.i{'};:J.:i o1;ller A>f'priQl:'i tie ::,. 'li.\:., . .' ,;. ' " .
31. ',;' '';.:'::' , .,' . I'
, ' ,' ..:' staril,ing wl1ic.hwe . had reached s 'sl tu:it1ona.M cap,:3.bili t'ie s
, sut.ficient teB;lcs.:. ,He
. ' . ,'hoped l;hat London would <:onhnueto assuttheWashington Centre:r.n
problem on rec;?lest, as, it .na.ddone in t..l-Je -and. '
; !that London would similarly oa1l upon 'Washington ' in' cases of nece"sit.y.
'if . . _': . " . ":< ' <",', . '<-" ',>.. , .
--. .
,32. . iVengez' enlarged upon his pre:Vious remarks conoornIng
the dif'ferer.ce bel;v;een e'laluationand interpl",tation.with special
reference to the 'jurisdictional "lth bis
Ca9ts.in e.rA M.r. HUddleson agreed with Cact'lin !icr:Fer'3
.point further discuasion-at thiz-'
pl'eseDt conference weuld be of use.
34. Sir Ed::nrd Travis SD.:Lo. disguised \l.1c.er wheJ;ever terns,
the prcduce of. Com.'lW.niaations Intelligence vias Intelligenca.
350 It was therefore s,l;-recd to pursue this subject,
Captain Smedberg asked fnr t.. .. e inolusion on a. futUre AgenJa of
t11e of' be allowed' the use of
Special Intelligence.i to this the next meeting.
37. The f!P.:re a resu;;e of outstanding items to be
considered by tr>2 Gommi ttee.
.38. At 1015 on 25th }Uiroh.
EO 1. 4., (b)
,...... i,;:'l
~ . ; ,
'''_':':: ''
.. ... ~ .
. "
. .....,
' I "
.{_ ., ~
. . ~ . . . ,, ",.
", , ! ....
" .. ; ..
.'. ,"

. '
t "
", ',
, .
Cl"J:XS. -
'-:dB Ol'J 1;0 sf.),
i"j; fi::'lj for Ul'tO it iil net , '
s.entl tho orJ.g:Lria
Z':c . ,Ct'.t(lt::01:",f (G:) in -:filii "'sclwii { ..
z"aaablo)." , .. ',
';0 F-....r.:!-!;;::"llpZ\ 5j :.lteroi! to
, .. , . . ." . ; . , ." . . , ;.. . 1 ". . . '
. " -I.rld ltr. v.i:t.'l s
or 'il:!.C, iY .i'lI.lt CO!l";;;,,wxcd a '/;
"btl ,:)1: US!!'c"
4,. 8',\ojoc ,:; to tl:.i! abo ... .,) IiUld e. to3W :wir.er
lti.n\;.tea ,
___ " ... ...'
riot nsh ';I; t!l'l5

. .
-" : " .. ":
' OGA'
"." EO ;1 .. ,( b).
., ,
" ,
61 "
,that; 'lin.teri""ii lfI);il.a
ty, t:it':' or
11'.1 t!lllt
as i 1: P-S ,tu..U;r CC'\'>"1red' by
.; ..
}_."t . {';." .to '-
a."\)'" in
'ccnce;nin;i thereottictlonl>
..... .' .,.> .. ,,'
12 ..
.. t1:1Q the}
... .;r;. "t:"':,.i;(,; " .. C:l
:,1n .
, "
.13. rm'ere,10,;) t., item, O't the A
parng.;..Q.pb. (a) it wus d:lr?ct
li!lieon 1;r:'t;;I)()U anI! li'!lOOu.lT..e I
We")''!!-rf!'" v':">c1 . 3 001 \_,'t'ij Of .. it:;;:;Q;:.; .. se- f' :t"cr
.... ... __ ..! .. .... '''' .......... 01........ _.. ".. I. '-" -
tCi ;;.;,;,-.(, ......
ovr.- ..... "J(j a'l: .. I I All Irs t;,t'srt gl:.(.u:; ...l :t:
'. v,ow. <>.
-:;ff: .. '"'.:'!;:C!
bJ:: ai.:-la to IT .. il. ali.;) 1;:-.:,;r.!!-
l,,1.;:'.cn ml!.tte",,., li>; ::,;;,$ SUl.":l p:l:r.-,,/mncl not lx'C;-i'.;il:::,;;l:J 1:'.
e':lf"tiG-:t:::!J' to er:..).ble ll,eJ.!lon "to .i:;(!
EO 1:4. (b)
" ."
15. thCllpe.r33ed.' to'ccnsidel'atio" "of tho U.S. draft I
G. ,raa mOllified to sorw 'e::..1;ont . ana it m<3 the.t the
lnoo5.i'ied. V0l':;iO:'l shou1.d Jinal .hpperuh..\: on
of "I,:1..id, s:m cr..llnnels for Exchange", '. RCCOII!memction'strom Sub-
I\. c::c1: 13 on th:i.a 6ubjac-/;, were COZleidereu to C3 1>7
;" .. l" ,.. .....''''0''"'-' 'r G. .',... g
"":-"" u .. .;::.I ;"..I..L.;..L.t. U "' ,::'r _."""""-:--- .
,16, 1;1 Appe;n;lix TravH!'
po:1.ntcc:l OLlt t!lfl.t on a"itish personnel in Wa,1h:i.ngi;on wonld
pro1>ably .1::et';.l1t;:;ltthe London SigLnt .. l3ofad woul.d have toestebUsh
;rosh'ictions on U,S, pen0ntte1 .attached to the" I.one.on Sight
3ta.i.n SmcdhorS s:ud tJ'?2-t t!:e incv.l
;l.lity,o:f' ;;-ell 1'ully
, " ... - -- ... .. ."" .. ';0,.>'::,::: :1---- _::.;;--;: ; :',:\ .__" . ,,:- '_ ,,'
17 .!t!:tth to pe.ragraphI!. ot'thearatt Appenilix. 'Genarel
'-.Q..;?::c1c?2i':-3 C:;::l'lil1Cd. .. that,,in shoUld"be
L";.,c.o th:cough e.:;1d by linison o:t'tioersbut that tee..'l.'licru.details
. ce .&rrariged direct betl>reeil the personnel
cO:lce:'''!lec.. - : Sir !;c1wmxl ag::edd nth ;!;his ltOthod. "
-"'--- -",,,:,_ "'. _ . :' "" ,'.:,_'
also' seid1;hat bis, delegation wished to
v .. , __ the " that':the" rO'l.uesir..g
. .,19. .' ' c'.:',Append:tces,i3
>ij;h3.Y 'cot114n'7lI?- ,be is,<Jued :in
. 'Appendb; considered a::td. t'bw.
forUl. by
:!!l[!$...z; Eo.nd. T:ra.y:i.?-.:,The S0orctar.f we.:" , to,prov.1.de
.. tho3Ul withc0L':.es c-:: rcd.i7ai't a<; soon as
22;0 . Z:e to a lc'":.t.x::
to "tI,e CtM.-m,fm-'"6i:S'Ei"Ffij'n a.'1i t:...a C!win:an ot t.'-1e Lc::C'.o:l S1g;.,:; Eoard,
t? ' he by i;1:c of. ..2 .. =...;..1
cT .. -
23> It \,1\8 thml iil1P.t and the S5,:..nt
.. rrould notify Ci,:,Cl! of: the
:'e0(.F.;;;.Ij;:-,('1:-.tirJT'}; of: :Jc;tt'e;rc-'lc;'!'.

. ........ .... .
..... ... .. . .. ........ .. . .
>EO Lf. (c}-.
EO 1. 4. (d)
EO 1.4 ... (b)
. NSA2 5X3 " . .
captain E. HI;3tings
Bl'igtidier Geop.ro.1 Eii'lm:rd Tre:7,i.:;
. Smetlbw-g
.:: .... . :; .. "
:-, ;;. , .. - ..,
. tariee)
.OOlJl!ru.wder 1.!anso a
\ .' .-
=--.=- ;/: .. . .
. .. '. ,' .... ... / .. __ ' . . , --" , ' -, - : . '-__ .. , .:
til rei'e:rehcei;opara;1 :'or 1:hcdraft. minutes. HuildlesDl1
whe'cher' the '%i:oollJilelldati6n" sllOiila 'include a
... .. of the. "tobe' Used wll;1'on.tlyby .beth Centf.'e."l
. Thiepctnt aooitwae .t.,iI"'-lcd to r..o .
ill therecqm..-ilendatiooo .)t Wa& ,agzyd,
;WOuld investigate cs,Uipment at pI'esent in us-e aml it,'
. ,near wit.'ltl rla.v ,usingeqUlpment of. tlnS.for.m ol.;>,;).
'<. : . -.. . '" "-: -, : - , !.:. - ' , ,
to the '\'."hl::;li
: "ere then' . "" >: I'"
. , -. . -' ,
the '
. . ".The COnilli ttee r.ert the llI."1'T the 1\(7:11 {:i: 1:' a l
4 cf Appendix E,and and
TeZ'e oalled in at t hi s point. ' .
4. tI:.e'ViI."'l7 that a m':ll't: iiei'tnii;:; '
tha:c gi>e ll in E:-;hiblt 1;. lTc' . l ': So':;:,,"
lnia'dye had to .be taken in effecting: e:. di'lisi cl1 ci' a;ld tll-...
CamlT Centres were 1;)est pla-::ecl to t W;>;) t i':e f'irut
?1.r agr.!fld .with this vie-:v,.
50 Dri w&i'n:, add tllat zto1.'e d..,fi.rJ.te st:!. tement mnil.c1
neoea.!litate omG3ion of pai'a:lo 3 (b) and ( q) of E:;.,lJi(lH 4 .
ooncerni.ng divini..o!l of t!.1sb;cml I N,,,'h i,,tl "
definite oould be pointa fw'tel' .....
Yo..."'et.'V(::T, for allrxatiar. of t ll;;}::S :nSrr.:: t be f c,'_md
was c&rried out.
60 (;i;:nerf;tt.. Conlc:t'tDc.Il ac.e Sir Eim.ro. '.fre.na bO';h t;!.::\: ;, {;
was an urgent requiment h'
c<::r'ried out at beth Centree; ana. vie'ii'S cr.cbar.gerl as to ;:hicll
should be left to OM or the otl1l'!lr Cent..".'e, .
70 said the: 'e WC1'e' in 'Hhich
bY' t.1 ooation 1'la.s riOt desirable as tiro heads t7ere better than ere,
GeooralCordennan sa:i.d that this "ould. c;c 'l: ' be t:ue in o ir;; -.'iiL'.rbr . .
.. I!" t" . 0
.. -.-,-.------.--'-----'-------------
captain Wenger
, ,Captain :;"'1letlburg
, .. -:;
. '
. . ,
caphun E. Hnstings
Cord,mnan 'Sir Edward Tra7,is
.' (s;cietarlei)
COllrn..'Ulder J!anson
l.t..-o Hir.sleyo
Jmiu'l'ESOFSEV'EN'J.H 14EETnU. . ..... /,. ,.,
.. ' ., ' . "-: " ;. ,<} ...... yii:ir' .,;;'t> H'.> .
. Wo
wl' .. '1'''.,.. the .. 'inClude a 's(;"cmTnro;""G"e
. "EIle%ul1;lX'e:.ne, nt 'Used wl1:fon.lly bybc th Cent1.'e.';1
. This .. . wasdisQU!3sed, and it ;WaE'. to nw.ke 1'..0 .
,tri. the,recqm;,iendatioo." ,tIt bothp!l!-"ti.;ls
,would illvestigate{heCCluipment at pre:;;ellt in u.<;,;: an.(l in
.!lear with a Vie-.v to usingequlpment of uni.form si3<'J.
"" " :' '- _ : .. .. ,_:" . t.(\:.- '-,--'. . ; .-: '.'
.. t . __ , tothe.-drr7t vrb.lcll '
. .-' .. ,' .. "ere . en approve 0 "..,. '" .... " : ..
. J. The Committee r.en canside;ed the a:-'.c"\. the fl,(7d1 '(:i:,:c;,!l
t 1; ct' Appendix: E, . ana Til aWl
weI'e oaned in at thi.s point. '
4. GeneralCcrat}:rman tLe'vieir that a U:Dr'e o.enni te
tb..-,!,t gi-.;-eu in E:dltbit 4, He'll': (l,Q'ri"n1)J.'?,
had tooe taken in effecti.ng eo di<lbiol1 ct' a;ld tll'"
CamiT Centres were 'best planed tc t the f'1xai;
?ir E.E2.su ;ri th this vie-s<.
add that a lef in.! .. te
nece3,sitate paJ'as. 3 (band c \
ooncerul.rJg , divini..oll of
definite could. be on,
be tter' f'i'31d.a for tl.e a],lcsa.tion 01'
when thl..) stU/:,y was carried out.
60 C01'llct'lIl.: ar!d bo;h tb', 5.';
was an urgent require;nent that the MceGs:L.7 1;,:
out at beth Centrefl; ana vie'."m exchanged <l,S to task[;)
should be left to OM or tho;! otll"r centre,
70 said there were resea...rch in nhicb.
by alJJ.ooation was not desirable as hi\"! heads better than or""
General, sai.d that this would e:.ct'be tr'J.C in oLr:;l.'il1,>'br
I '
when available pe,X'sonnel {nel ther. Centre' wex'e lriadequate to do all the
neoessary researoh, although he asreed the allooation of tasks VI'Oulci
have to proceed slowly.
B. Colonel Rowlett said be waa sure tlw.t by the time 2 llIOuthly
reports had betm eY..cro,nged, .n oonpidorablo econO:l\1 of' ;?el'sonnel would
have been .
9. In vie";:of the abo"e o!isouss1.on,. it was'rtreed that {a)-thetVlo
CentrOswould undertake: the. neaessary ion of'.itaska which would
be undertaken sole11 by one centre or the other, effecting division of
of labour in this TtF)y ae early As pI'acUcableJ but that (b) E7..hibit q.
should be omitted frJm the Appondlx.
" .'--
10. .A slnall drafting change So para.1' of the Appendi.x, which
was then approved. ' ...,
r , , ,"., ". '.' , '. ,. '. . ... ,
110 Sir EdW'ard Travis .said b!. thoUgbt that some rOOntion should' be !llane
'in the covering remark" to'thl effect \;hat thennd()rtaking to elil:ohatle
, cop1es of all'interceptsoQuU .not ocint'l into at once. but \vould,
, in faot, ta.l<:e sane to u,79.oge. ',' , i .
', ."". ;'7:< , ;!,t, _ J '
!,:'(.g., General Cord'Olzmn, the
were sillJe'ct to;thl,ll.nservatto'n tind}'.\' 'oonsidered that it
;'\lras notneccssar,y to refer sj,!3clal1;r:i;0'thee)JJhr:rigo ofraw;Ill..'I.telial fn
this connection. ;":.;'''c,t.'{t;;, . .... ,!';, :. .> .
sgl'eed to wi\hdravl:his sUggestion:
:f:1Z.. .,AdI'8rt was "in the 'SecNtary was to have a
.' new version prepaI\}d. .'.
, . .
15. This Appewli:w: on t/)'1m used' waa and ap)rovet1, sub-
'ject to minor cl'..l1zes.
(. .Q.
. 16. Ch.9.nge:3 made to this i,e.ger al earIie,!' next
took pl.:::IJ0 e:'l;?eot9.ll;r .the of I Interce?ti')n
pl,ar..a. '
17. I Iwru; o(.llea 1n '01' questior...
tel alto:- p,\1.'a.9 .1f the paper.
to 6:'1Su.:'e that I
tbe oeglnni o, .. r ........ " .. e ...... m"'f)"'n ... t ... n ...... tj ........ n ... n""j .... c"'U,..,...,.;.. e-n ... P""i." 5T'tt"".. "'Ct"'r-,-----------.1
18. Wi til to pan.,20 b. t>", p",.;:>el'l cO.1IJe\ r,i:12 t:,:: "'0t'",
exchange of rfJ.W material, to CiI'tt1 tht.t this ...
an noon all t': be ,i.n orler to \\';\'0::' tb) ;Qint 2'?i::;C;"; "-::
S:l.E. .. in t1- e.bt.\-1C1!
EO i. 4". (b)
,) .

P, oonOezonill8 the Exahane-e of CQI!!!lIUnicatlollB IntelUgence
1n 1MB' then cona1ders4o' ". -
'-. .:.; (- , . ;
SiJ'1el>al ,changes Wereagreed,'illilluding insertion of a
:reference to Traf't"io Intell1genqe in para.. 7, 1Wl moosllar:; in order
to OO\"er the po1nt' aot'bled in pa.ra:.10 ctthe minutes ot the S0nnth '
... Meeting_ . , .< ,': .{!,' .
. .,: ' .. :,::: r; '-1
. 'rIle; Appendix mui thsna.:ppro'nd" ,,' , ,
.... ' 'i:-'. G ." .,. ::.....,=
., "
24.' !I.'h:i-"l on thO eXCM.DSe of Colle.teriU Material was approved'
v}:hhoWi; :;:, ,. . . ,
. ",' ... ' .. .. '. . .; .. ,
dboU8s1.ons ontha .ubjeot
01' .lie.isonwn.s41souSiaed at' to.aWra.l .;.,'
' .
. I'I; l':aa ae,"l:'seii the ciO!mll1ttceI bad then comploted ita prooeedll76ao
. ., .... . '-': ,_,-... .---' ' .
."" ..
, '

E . OhriatOl1her .
,... Chaitwm hill thenke 'fio
eapoe1&iJJ to thi of Su'b-CoJaLttees
tor their b
d:hausa1oM which had led to such. iJ;zportaut th>!
5.S1r Edward Travis thanked hiB U.S. colleagues for o.'.l::.in;; te r.::r.,(t').':,
tor lte-felt 'certn:l.n tiw.t the Conference hD.d nOt X'c;:l ht'},':;'
too sooI?-" 'l'ho biglUy aatisf'acto1"J lU"l'atlgeJllcnta ai; c. timtl eae;;
party' IJ c:Jou!estic si tuaUon 1ms in a Db-to or tlux th." .. t !:'i;e;?;l
taken l'rom DOW on in eacb oatmtr.Y would 111 Ut:.e w:i.th
and 1I'OUld t'urther the collflborat"lo.'1 t7'aich f;'O i 'i.:..-:i1..;y-
establlsbed. , .
- " '.. '
, " " , ' ~ ' . : : .

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