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[Tillbaka hasta introduktionen] 2003 - 2009 Patrick Zein Hassel Esta pgina fue actualizada por ltima vez 12/05/2009

Los caracteres chinos ms comunes en orden de frecuencia

Si usted se pregunta por qu hay menos de 3000 caracteres en la lista, o tiene otras preguntas, por favor lea la introduccin !

Todos los personajes se presentan en orden decreciente de estadstica con los personajes ms comnmente utilizado por primera vez. Las formas alternativas de los caracteres se especifican entre parntesis - en cuyo caso "F", la mxima puntuacin (o tradicional) las formas, "S" marca simplificado (o modernas) las formas y "A" marcas de formas alternativas (sobre todo nmeros especiales). Pronunciaciones se especifican de acuerdo a Pinyin y escrita entre parntesis "[...]". Despus de cada pronunciacin dada, una serie de traducciones posibles se enumeran. Si un personaje se corresponde estrechamente a una palabra un poco ms largo (generalmente una palabra que contiene el carcter en cuestin), la palabra ya aparece en la lista de traducciones marcados con parntesis y un "=". Despus de la traduccin de cada personaje, las palabras de ejemplo que contiene el carcter a menudo son mencionados - estas palabras se separan con comas semi. No se garantiza que todas las palabras ms comunes estn listados o que los ejemplos dados son muy comunes. Algunas de las pronunciaciones que figuran son menos utilizados que otros, y en las traducciones de los casos y ejemplos pueden carecer. partculas gramaticales, clasificadores y otras traducciones especiales estn marcados con ganchos "<...>". Las llaves "{...}" se utilizan sobre todo al dar las referencias a personajes que son similares a los que aparecen ya sea en forma. Esto es para ayudar a evitar errores de escritura / lectura errnea. La misma marca tambin se utiliza para las referencias a los personajes con significado similar pero diferente pronunciacin. Informacin adicional de otros tipos a veces se da. Si los caracteres no se muestran correctamente, compruebe que la codificacin se establece en GB2312. Pronunciaciones y explicaciones [De] las partculas <grammatical marcado genitivo, as como simples y compuestos adjectives>; wde mi; Gaode alto, alto, Shide que es, es cierto; sh ... ... de que una ...; . TA sh Shuo Hnyde. l es alguien que habla chino. [Di] Mudi objetivo [Di] verdadera, real; dique duda

Seq.num. Personaje


[Yi] uno, un poco; di-yi en primer lugar, primaria; knykn echar un vistazo (rpido) en [Yi] (utilizado antes de tono # 4); Y ge rn una persona; Yiding ciertas Yiyang mismo enero yyu [Yi] (utilizado antes de tonos # 2 y # 3); ydinr un poco; yxi algunos {Comparar con (F ) yao, que tambin significa "uno"} [Sh] que, ? Shibushi? es (ella) o es (l) no;? shfu o no, es (l) o no (es)? [Bu] no [BU] (utilizado antes de tono # 4); B sh no es [Le] de partculas <verb marcado una nueva situacin o una accin> completado; ! laile N! Usted ha venido! ! lile W! Me he cansado! ! hole NA! Eso est bien (ahora)! . W zh qngle Y Wi Keren. Me invit a un solo husped. [Lio] final, final, transigir, ceder, saber con claridad, para poder, (= lioji) entender, comprender, liolia claramente entender, resolver (una deuda / etc.), Para ser inteligente; liole ser mayor / composicin / finlandesa o liquiden; ! N blio mai! Usted no ser capaz de vender (es)! [Liao] (= liao ) para estudiar / reloj {Comparar con nio z} [Rn persona]; la humanidad Renlei; ? yu ma Ren? Hay alguien aqu? {Comparar con ru entrar} [W] Yo, yo, mi, wmen nosotros, nos {Comparar con zho buscar} [Zai] a; xinzi ahora; cnzi existen [Yu] tienen, no lo es; miyu no es as, no hay; ? Yumiyu? Hay o no hay? Tiene (usted) o no (le);? Yude algunos [Que] (= usted) otra vez, tanto ... y ...

3 4

6 7 8 9


10 11 12


[TA] l, l, su (ella, ella, ella, su), (= qt) Otros [Tuo] (en los textos clsicos) A otra persona, otra cosa [Zhe] esto; Zher aqu ) [Zhi] esto (antes clasificador) [Zhong] medio, en; Zhnggu China [Zhong] hit (un objetivo) [DA] grandes; ? Duoda? qu tan grande;? tamao dxio , todo el mundo Dajia [Dai] mdico Daifu {Comparar con muy tai y el rbol m}



[Lai] venir, yunli originalmente, como cuestin de hecho; linin venir al ao siguiente (s) ) [Lai] (cuando se utiliza como complemento de un verbo); qlai levantarse [Shng] arriba, encima de, sobre la parte superior, (vaya) Hasta, por ltimo, previa [Shng] shngshng tercera tono en mandarn [Shang] (cuando se utiliza como complemento de un verbo) {Comparar con xia bajo}


16 17 18 19

(F ) [Gu] (= Guojia), Pas, estado, nacin, <family <nombre; Zhnggu China; Migu EE.UU. (F , [GE] <general y classifier> non-specific; Geren personales; grnzhy pgina personal ) [GE] mismo Zige [Dao] a, hacia, hasta, llegar, llegar a (F (F (F
[Shuo] explicar, regaar, consulte, (= shuhu) ) Hablan, por ejemplo; yushu persuadir a [Shui] tratar de persuadir; yushu cabildeo [Los hombres] sufijo <pluralizing para los pronombres y ) los nombres se refiere a persons>; wmen que, la gente rnmen, las personas [Wi] para que, en aras de, con el fin de, en este sentido [Wi] hacer, actuar, actuar como, ser, ser, rnwi ) pensar o creer que ...; ywi pensar o creer errneamente que ... {Comparar con Ban hacer} [Z] nio, hijo, hijos e hijas zn; hijo rzi [Zi] (sustantivo sufijo); zhuzi tabla {Comparar con le <particle>} [l], junto con, (F ) Armona, gentil, amable leves, <nombre <family; Heping la paz [l] Japn [Huo] nunhuo agradable y clido [l] se unen para cantar, componer un poema en respuesta [Huo] mezcla con agua [Huo] mezcla, mezcla [Hu] completa un conjunto de Mahjong [N] (Alternativa forma femenina: n ) Usted, su; nmen usted (plural) [Di] tierra, tierra, suelo, lugar, posicin, distancia; dzh los Doce Ramas Terrestres [De] descripion particle: <adverbial + + verb>, ~ mente; zu kuide caminar rpido








27 28 29 30

[Chu] salir, salir, salir en direccin de algo, emitir, emitir, prouce; chxin aparecen, surgen, (F ) <classifier De peras y plays> [Dao] camino, camino, canal, forma, por ejemplo, una raya (de la luz), La doctrina, <classifier para rivers, topics, etc.>, (= Dojio ) Taosmo; zhdao saber [Do] (= do) De plomo; = lder lngdo [Vosotros] tambin, as, tal vez yx [Sh] perodo, temporada, (= Shijian , = Shihou) [Nian ao], <family <nombre; jnnin este ao; mngnin el prximo ao; qnin ao pasado, con una edad media zhngnin [De] verbo particle: <adverbial + + descripion>; zude kui caminar rpido [De] obtener, alcanzar, alcanzar [Dei] debe [Jiu] solo, simplemente, de inmediato; Jiuyao a punto de (hacer algo); ! Zhe jish w! Se trata simplemente de m;! . TA Jiuyao qu. l est a punto de salir. [Na] que [NEI] que (antes del clasificador) [Nuo] chnnu profunda meditacin [Nuo] wnu indefensos, por desgracia [N] (= n) Qu? [NEI] (= nei antes clasificador), Que? [Yo] quiere, ser, ser, necesario, importante y esencial; zhyo principal, fundamental [Yao] yoqi demanda [Xia] por debajo, debajo, (vaya) Hacia abajo, al lado (a diferencia de anteriores o en los ltimos) {Comparar con shng arriba} [Y] uso, tomar, de acuerdo con, por, para, ky bien, puede; suy as, por lo tanto, como resultado, ms all de ywi , excepto [Sheng] dar a luz, la vida, seor Xiansheng , caballero, Sir [Hui] puede, poder, se encuentran, de reunin, la sociedad, la unin, en una fiesta ) [Kui] kuij contables [Hu] momento hur [] de, desde, (= zj) Yo; ziran naturaleza {Comparar con ojos mu y bai blanco}

(F ) Tiempo, (= xiosh) Hora







36 37




(F (F

[Zhe] <verb partcula que marca un progress/state> continua [Zhao] toque ) [Zhuo] ropa llevar, vestido, toque [Zhao] poner, agregar, (F ) Que se mueven en el ajedrez, truco, decieve [Qu] ir, salir, partir (lo contrario de lai) [Zhi] similar a de> <subordinator, que (en los textos clsicos) [Guo] pasar, cruzar, pasar, superar, las partculas <verb marcado que alguien ha tenido la experiencia de hacer ) something, que ha sucedido al menos once>; ml guo cruzar la calle; . w qguo Zhnggu ci ling. He ido a China dos veces. [Jia] hogar, casa, familia, nacin Guojia , todo el mundo Dajia [Jie] zhngtinjie todo el da; jil (en) En casa, (en el) De la familia [Xue] estudiar, aprender, la escuela xuxio ; ) estudiante xuesheng {Comparar con carcter escrito}

41 42




45 46

(F ) [DUI] correcta, la respuesta, el tratamiento, de acuerdo, par mutuo; excusa dubuq me

[KE] ~ poder, (= ky) Puede, puede, (= Keshi), Pero, sin embargo, k'i adorable, lindo, k'nng posible, probable, tal vez; kkukl Coca Cola [KE] khan khn [TA] ella, su [L] vecinales, de medio kilmetro, <nombre <family, (F , ) En el interior, revestimiento; ? nli? dnde;? Nali all; zhli aqu [Hou] reina, (F ) Despus de, detrs, <family <nombre; hutin el da despus de maana [Xio] pequea; dxio tamao [H / M] (F , ) (Sufijo interrogativo) ? shnme? qu,? ? wishnme? por qu? ! shnme Mei! No importa, no importa;! ? znme? cmo? [Yao] (S ) Ms joven, uno (por ejemplo, en autobs / casa / nmeros de telfono) [Xin] corazn; xioxn tener cuidado, psicologa xnl , la mentalidad, centro Zhongxin [Do] mucho ms numerosos, ms; Duoda lo


48 49 50 51


53 54

grande;? dusho cuntos / mucho? [Tin] cielo, el cielo, dios, el da, (= tinkng) Cielo; Tianqi tiempo { tingn los Diez Tallos Celestial: ji-y-bng-Ding-wu-j-geng-Xin-ren-gu (estos caracteres se utiliza a veces como nmeros ordinales} {Comparar con Man Fu y wu sin} [Er] (= rqi) Y, adems, (rn'r = ), Pero, aun as [Neng] puede, poder; nnggu poder; k'nng tal vez [Ho] bueno bueno, de ..., de fcil ...; ! Nho! Hola! [Hao] a gustar [Hao] hohor en perfecto estado de buena [Dou] todos los [Du] (= shud) De la ciudad capital [Corri] derecho, correcto, as, as; hrn repente;; surn aunque dngrn por supuesto, la naturaleza ziran [Mi] (miyu = ) No es as, no hay; ? Yumiyu? Hay o no hay? Tiene (que) O no (que)? ) [Meses] fregadero, desbordamiento, desaparecen, confiscar [RI] sol, (= Rizi) Das; rj diario; Riguang la luz del sol {Comparar con yue decir, ojo mu y gan dulce} [Yu] <nombre <family, (F ) En, en, para, hacia, desde, por, que {Comparar con qian mil madre gan} [Q] lugar, inicie; qlai levantarse; excusa dubuq me [Qi] (cuando se utiliza como complemento de un verbo) [Hai] sigue siendo, sin embargo, ) [Juan] A cambio, devolver [Fa] (F ) Entregar, completa, explcita, disparar, emitir, desarrollar, ampliar [Fa] (F ) El cabello [Fa] (F ) Pelo tufa [Cheng] (= Chengwei, = binchng) Se convierten, <family <nombre; Wancheng cumplir, completar, cumplir;; Chenggong xito idioma chngy [Sh] cuestin, asunto, cosa, evento, accidente, trabajo, responsabilidad, situacin shqing


(F (F

56 57 58 59 60




64 65






[Zh] slo, slo, slo, lo que implica <classifier "one de un pair", animals, vessels, utensils, etc.>; Y zh mao ) un gato [Zhi] (F ) Solo, uno, slo {Comparar con el hermano de Xiong } [Zuo] hacer, hacer, trabajar gongzuo ; tarea zuy [Zuo] estropear zujian, los residuos, humillar, insultar [Zuo] hacer [Dang] (F ) Sirven como, (F ) Ding-dong [Dang] (F ) Adecuado, justo, igualitario, (= dngzu) Considerar, teniendo como [Xing] pensar, sentir, estudiar, quiere, recuerda [Kn] ver, mirar, leer, pensar, considere la posibilidad [Kan] cuidar, tienden; guardia knshu [Wn] lengua, la literatura, <family <nombre, la cultura Wenhua ; Zhongwen chino (escrito) Idioma [Wu] sin, nada, no han ) [Mo] <Sanskrit> nnm entregarse totalmente a {Comparar con el cielo tin } [Kai] abierto; kish comenzar dki abierta, despliegue ) [Kai] (cuando se utiliza como complemento de un verbo) {Comparar con bing combinan} [Shu] la mano, un experto en algo, la onda hushu ; pishu aplaudir y agitar wshu / cierre de las manos {Comparar con el pelo mao } shyu octubre


(F (F

71 72 73 74 75



78 79

(A [Sh] diez Shisan trece; cincuenta wsh ;

[Yong] uso; hoyng til; Buyong no es necesario, el uso shyng , aplicar {Comparar con columpios shui } [Zh] seor, maestro, conductor, dios, (= zhyo) Principal, primaria; zhy doctrina, ~ ismo, la pgina principal Zhuye {Comparar con el rey wng } [Xing] ir, OK; accin Xingdong , operacin, mover, ver actuar sobre, [Colgar] lnea; banco ynhng; profesin hngy [Colgar] shhngzi filas de rboles [Heng] (fontica radicales)



82 83 84 85 86

[Colmillo] lado, la plaza, lugar Difang; aspecto fngmin {Comparar con diez mil wan } [Que] otra vez, tanto ... y ... como [ru], ya que, como si, (= rgu) Si; rc as [Qin] delante, anterior, hace, primero, primero; el da antes de ayer [Su lugar]; suy as, por lo tanto; suyu todos, WC csu [Ben] base, el origen, la edicin, <classifier para books, periodicals, files, etc.>; bnrn yo, yo, yo; Riben Japn {Comparar con rbol m} [Jin] parece ser, cumplir con, la palabra, (= knjian) Ver; yjian idea, opinin, dictamen; Tingjian ) escuchar [Xin] muestran, aparecen, se hacen visibles {Comparar con mariscos bei } [Jng] longitud (tanto geogrfica como en medecin chino), La escritura, constante, regular <nombre, <family, tratar, (= Jingji) Gestin (una empresa); yjing ya; ) Jingguo pasar, pasar, la experiencia Jingyan ; jngyu a travs de, por medio de; jngchng frecuentes, todos los das; libro Yijing de los cambios; [Tou] la cabeza, arriba, <classifier en primer lugar, para ) livestock, garlic, etc.>; pelo tufa [CDU] shtou piedra [Mian] cara, superficie, <classifier para mirrors, flags, etc.>, (F ) De harina de trigo, (= mintio) De fideos; minbo pan [Gong] pblico, oficial, kilometros gngl ; oficina bnggngsh ; empresa gongsi ; gnggng pblico, colectivo, comn; gnggngqch (pblico) Autobs; Lgng (honorable y antigua) El Sr. Li [Llave] mismo, con, compaero Tongzhi [Llave] (F ) hutong carril snyu de marzo










93 94 95

(A [San] tres; Shijie di-san tercero Mundial;

[Y] parar, dejar, al final, (= yjng) Ya {Comparar con j auto, que est "abierto" en el lado izquierdo}

96 97 98 99 100


[Lo] viejo, venerable y antiguo; profesor losh ; tigre loh ; lo Zhng Zhang edad = querido (amigo) El Sr. Zhang [Cong] de, a travs de, unir, seguidor, secundaria ) [Cong] hicngcng turbias

cambiar, dngw; (F ) [Dong] mover, hudng;Arouce; Animalyndng actividad deportes

(F ) [Ling] dos (antes del clasificador), 50 gramos

de largo, longitud de duracin, (F ) [Chang] crecer, jefe, jefe, mayores, ancianos [Zhng] [Zhi] se dan cuenta, el sentido, informar, contar, (= zhdao ) Saber, el conocimiento zhshi [Zhi] (= zhi) Saber, (= Zhihui) Sabidura, (= Zhili) Intelecto [Min] (Renmin = ) Personas, <family <nombre; la democracia mnzh [Yang] aspecto, forma, forma, manera, zhyng as; [Xin] muestran, aparecen, en curso; xinzi ahora;


102 103 104 105

(F ) znmeyng cmo? de qu manera? (F ) Faxian descubrir; Xiandai moderna (F (F



[Fen] divisin, fraccin, minutos, ciento; bifnzhw = 5 / 100 = 5% [Fen] lmites de los derechos o impuestos [Jiang] se; futuro jingli ) [Jiang general], una pieza en el ajedrez chino mjing mahjongg [WAI] fuera, exterior, otros, extranjeros, ms all, en relacin en el lado de s madre de los / as / esposa, hijas wisn hijo; extranjero wigurn ; ywi inesperado {Comparar con lugar chu} [Dan] (= dnsh), Pero, todava, sin embargo, sin embargo, an [Shen] la vida, la encarnacin, <classifier para trajes de clothing>, (= shnt) Del cuerpo; qnshn en persona, personalmente [Xie] algunos, <classifier para importe> plural o indefinite/small; yxi varios, algunos; rn zhxi estas personas [Y] dar, ofrecer ayuda, asistencia y [Yu] cny participar en ) [Yu] <interrogative/esclamative particle> {Comparar con Xie escribir}

108 109




113 114 115 116 117 118

[GAO] de alto, alto, fuerte, su <polite>, <family <nombre; tgo mejorar; goxng feliz; gojin <polite> tu opinin / idea [Yi] (= Yisi, = yiyi), Y significa la idea, (= Yuanyi) Deseo, el deseo, la intencin yt ; opinin yjian ; Ydl Italia

(F ) [Jin] entrar, seguir adelante, recibir, beber, comer, presentar, el progreso jnb
[B] captar, almacenar, manipular, <classifier de las cosas con handles, handfuls, chairs, etc.> [Ba] Bazi, manillar [F] (= fl) La ley, (= bnf) Mtodo; Fgu Francia [C] esto; rc (= zhyng) Como esta; cd (= zhl) Aqu, en este lugar

(F ) [Sh] slida, verdadera, real, hecho de shishi ; shjshang realidad; shzi realmente
) [Hui] crculo, retorno, respuesta, se convierte, los tiempos, el captulo, musulmanes, Hui (minoras tnicas), <classifier Para chapters, times, etc.>; huli volver; huq volver; respuesta huda


120 121 122

(A [ER] dos; ryu febrero (F (F (F

[L] principio, la teora lln ; gunl gestin, psicologa xnl , la mentalidad [Mei] (= Meili) Bello, (= ho) Bueno, (= Meide) La virtud, <family <nombre; Migu EE.UU.; Meiyuan dlares de los EE.UU. miji artista [Din] una gota (de lquido), Punto, punto decimal, un poco, un poco, nombrar el tiempo, seleccionar, elegir, ) pedir comida / bebida, <classifier para amounts> pequea, (= dinhu) Encender el fuego, la cabeza un gesto dintu de; ydinr un poco [Yue mes], (= yuliang , = yuqi) Luna [Programacin] brillante, clara, distinta, siguiente (da o del ao), <nombre <family; Mngbai claro, entiendo, maana mngtin [Qi] de los casos, que, por ejemplo, ellos, ellas, qt otros; yuq especialmente [JI] aniversario [Zhng] tipo, clase, raza, la raza ) [Zhong] para sembrar, cultivar ) [Sheng] voz, la declaracin, (shngyn = ) De sonido,


124 125

126 127 128

129 130 131

(F (F

<classifier para sounds>; Shengming reputacin, fama, la declaracin, la declaracin [Cantidades] entero, entero, total, <nombre completo, <family; Wanquan completamente; seguridad Anquan [Gong] (= gongzuo) De trabajo, puestos de trabajo; trabajador Gongren [J] (= zj) Auto {Comparar con y ya, que es "cerrado" en el lado izquierdo} [Hua] habla, palabra, idioma, dialecto, (= shuhu) ) Hablar, hablar [Huo] bihuo = baihua verncula hablar, vaco [Er] nio; rzi hijo, hija n'r [R] (sustantivo sufijo); Zher aqu, nar hay ) [Rn] (al referirse a los radicales) {Comparar con el hermano de Xiong, mesa j, momento y} [Zhe] quien ...; autor zuzh; pacifista hpngzhyzh [Xiang] tomar parte de alguien, a, hacia, a lo largo, Allways, <nombre <family, (F ) Direccin, hacia, (F ) Anteriormente, previamente, xingzh anteriormente, rase una vez [Ching] sensibilidad, (= gnqng) Sentimiento, la emocin; Aiqing amor [Bu] (bfen = ) Parte, seccin, unidad, <classifier para film, grandes etc.> books, machines,, (= bdu) Las tropas, el ejrcito; xb parte occidental; qunb todo [Zheng] derecho, recto, justo, correcto [Zheng] Zhengyue, xnzhng el mes primero del ao lunar [Programacin] (= mngzi) Nombre, nombre de persona, reputacin, <classifier famosa, para las personas con identities, social profesional o prominentes por ejemplo students, doctors, soldiers, workers>; zhmng famosos; mngc sustantivo [DING] arreglar, solucionar, tranquilo, estable, suscribir, (= judng) Decidir; Yiding definitiva [N] femenina, (= nrn , = fn) Mujer [Wen] preguntar, examinar, Wenti cuestin, [Li] (= nngl) De energa, vitalidad, <nombre









140 141 142 143

(F ) problema, visite fngwn

<family, (= Liliang) La fuerza, la fuerza 144 145 146 147 148 jqi) De (F ) [JI] ( = fij la mquina, radio shuynj ; aeronaves

(F ) y presentar a (F (F

[Gei] dar, dar, para, en beneficio de; snggi enviar [J] dan, suministro, proveer, (= gngj) Proporcionan [Deng] igual, clase, espera, etc, etc [JI] pequea mesa, (F ) jh casi [J] (F ) Cuntos?, Unos pocos, (utilizado en nmeros) {Comparar con hijo er}


[Ave] muy, muy, ; hnho muy bueno! bcu gallina! no est mal en absoluto! [Vosotros] lnea de negocio, oficio, ocupacin, profesin, curso de estudio, participar en, <family <nombre, el ) comercio shngy Sector gngy ; tarea zuy [Zui], la mayora de marcado para superlativo; zujn poco / muy pronto; xhuan zui favoritos [Jian] ambiente, entre, la localidad, en un momento dado o en el espacio, <classifier para rooms> ) [Jin] brecha, el intervalo [Gan] bn'gnbg ni esto ni aquello, no explcito, equvoca, mediocre [Xin] nuevo, renovar; chngxn nuevo; noticias Xinwen [Shen] shnme qu? [D] huelga, golpear, hacer, jugar, (verbo generalizada con significado especfico determinado por su objeto); plan de dsuan, la intencin; dki abierto, se despliegan; huelga dj , Hitt, ataque, asalto [DA] docena de [Debian] (fngbin = ) Conveniente [Pian] pinyi baratos {Comparar con sh enviar y geng ms} [Wi] lugar, la ubicacin, posicin, clasificador <polite para people> [Yin] causa, (= ynwi) Porque, (= yunyn) Razn [Zhong] peso considerable en la cantidad y valor, (= chnzhng) Pesado, pesado, (= zhongyao) Importante [Chong] de nuevo



152 153

(F ) [Sh] (= sh) Diez


155 156 157


159 160 161 162 163


[Bei] edredn, tapa (con), Por (indica la voz pasiva) [Pi] pf = bif ropa de cama y prendas de vestir, algo que uno se agarra a [Zu] ir, caminar, salir de [Din] (shndin = ) (Flash de) Relmpago (= ) dinq) Electricidad; dinhu telfono, ordenador dinno

(A [Si] cuatro; szhu todo; syu abril (F (F

[Di] que indica el nmero ordinal, ~ th; Shijie san di- tercera Mundial; di-yi ci 1 vez [Los hombres] la puerta, puerta, familia, casa, vlvula, interruptor, <nombre <family, <classifier para courses, ) manojos de science, etc.>; puerta mnku ; departamento bmn ; timbre mnlng [Xiang] entre s, el modo recproco, fase, <nombre <family [Xiang] la vista, el aspecto, la foto [IC] del suceso, el tiempo, en segundo lugar, el nmero inferior, de los tiempos; ci ling dos veces [Dong] capitn, el propietario, <nombre <family (= Dongfang) Al este, el noreste de Dongbei ; lo dngxi ) , criatura {Comparar con vehculo che} [Zheng] (= Zhengzhipoltica), los asuntos polticos, (= zhngf) Gobierno [Hi] mar, lago grande, <nombre <family, (hiyng = , = dhi), Mar, ocano [Ku] boca, de apertura, de entrada, agujero, corte, <classifier para mouthfuls, people, wells, etc.>; puerta mnku , poblacin rnku [Sh] que, a causa (no), Enviar (como enviado), (= shyng) El uso, aplicar {Comparar con oficiales bian li y } [Jiao] ensear; . Wng losh jiao shxu. Maestro Wang ensea matemticas. [Jiao] causa, preguntar, ensear, maestro jiosh , instructor, educacin jiaoyu [Xi] al oeste, el oeste, lo dngxi ; xbi noroeste [Zai] de nuevo, una vez ms, adis Zaijian [Ping] plano, nivelado, incluso, el nivel shupng, la paz Heping; Pingchang ordinario, comn, por lo general


165 166


168 169 170


172 173 174 175

{Comparar con la mitad de Bn } 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183


[Zhen] verdadera, autntica, de verdad {Hay dos maneras de escribir este personaje!} [Establezcan] escuchar; Tingjian escuchar; ) tngbudng no entender (al escuchar) [Sh] generacin, <nombre <family, (= Shijie) Mundo; Shiji siglo

(F ) [Q] aire, gas, vapor, el espritu, la energa vital, el tiempo Tianqi

[Xin] carta, mensaje, informacin, (xingxn = ) Creen en; Xinfeng sobre [Bei] al norte, el noreste de Dongbei ; Beijing [Sho] pocos, falta poco, menos, [Shao] jvenes; shonin menores

cerrar, cerrar, apagar, cerrar, la preocupacin, (F ) [Pava]clave; con guanxi ; Guanyu sobre parte


[Google] (F ) Se combinan, se fusionan, (F ) E, igualmente, en verdad [Google] Bing Zhou (Taiyuan en Shanxi) {Comparar con kai abierta } [NEI] en el interior; contenido nirng

185 186 187

(F ) {Comparar con carne de rutina y bng tercera}

[Jia] aadir, adems, aadir, (= zngji) Aumentar; cnji unirse [Hua] convertir, fundir, disolver, digerir, incinere (= binhu), Cambia, transforma [Hua] (= hua) Pasan [Que] de, vamos, (yuy = ) Debido a (= lyu) Causa, razn, libertad Ziyou {Comparar con casco ji y Shen explicar} [Dai] ( = dibio) Representan, ( = Shidai) Generacin, perodo, poca, <classifier para periods>; Xiandai moderna (tiempos), La generacin de shngdi anterior [Chn] dar a luz, (= chnshng) Producen, (chnpn [Ru] (= jnr) Entrar, entrar, los ingresos shur {Comparar con persona rn } [Xian] en primer lugar, antes, antes, seor Xiansheng , seor, seor, zxin ancestro = xianbei

188 189 190 191 192 193 194

(F ) [Qu] sin embargo, pero, sin embargo,

(F ) [Junio] del ejrcito, las tropas militares, (F ) = ) Del producto

{Comparar con shi perder} 195 196 197

[Shan] cerro, montaa, <family <nombre; volcn hushn , rango montaa shnmi

(A [W] cinco; wyu de mayo (F (F

[Tai] muy, muy, muy, TaiTai seora; Taiyang sol, sol {Comparar con d grandes} [Shu agua], <nombre de lquido, <family; nivel shupng; frutas shugu ; medicina yoshu lquido {Comparar con yng siempre} [Wan] diez mil, <nombre de miles, <family; wnsu viva ) [MO] Mq <nombre <family {Comparar con plaza fang} [Sh] (= shchng) Del mercado, (= Chengshi) De la ciudad, la ciudad [Yn] (= ynjing) Ojos, vasos ynjng [T] sustancia, (= shnt) Del cuerpo; jt concretos y especficos; estilo de tz escrito typface ) chino,, la fuente [TI] Tiji (o tj) ntima, confidencial



200 201 202


(F , [Bi] por separado, otras, no, deja, diferenciar, <nombre <family ) [Bie] biniu incmoda (F
[Chu] lugar, parte, punto, departamento, oficina ) [Ch] tratar, llevarse bien con alguien {Comparar con wai fuera}

204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211

en general, siempre, (= (F ) [Zng general],zngtng presidente (de zngsh) Suma, el total; la repblica)

(F ) [Ci] talento, slo entonces, gngci ahora (F

[Chng] campo, lugar donde la gente se rene, estadio, terreno plano abierto, la feria agrcola, el mercado, ) <classifier para games, actuaciones etc.> [Chang] <classifier para happenings>

(F ) [Shi] (= losh) Profesor; maestro Shifu

el estilo de la caligrafa; empleado Shuji, (F ) [Shu] libro,tshgun biblioteca

[B] comparar, contrastar, bjio relativamente; ejemplo Efor br [Zh] en vivo (en un lugar)

212 213 214 215

(F ) [Yun] miembros. ista ~, ~ er; comit wiyunhu, personal rnyun (A [Ji] nueve; jiyu septiembre

[Xiao] risa [Xing] sexo, el gnero, la naturaleza, disposission, ~ dad, la posibilidad knngxng [Llave] comunicar, informar, conectar, unir, sabe muy bien, la autoridad, de expertos, (= Tongguo) A travs, <classifier para telegrams>, <family <nombre; trfico Jiaotong; Ptngh Lengua Comn = mandarn [Llave] <classifier para actions> [Mu] ojo; mqin delante de los ojos grandes, en la actualidad; Mudi objetivo, propsito, objetivo, Mulu catlogo, lista, lista de los elementos {Comparar con R dom yo y } [Hua] gloria, esplendor, magnfica, (= Zhonghua) China ) [Hua] <family <nombre; Hua Shan (montaa en Shaanxi) [Bao] (= bogo) Informe (= bozh) Peridico, ) (= dinbo) Telegrama [Li] de pie, erguido, vertical; Jianli establecer, como de inmediato; cubo lfngt [M] caballo; mshng inmediato ) mmahh descuidada y casual {Comparar con lnea wu} [Programacin] (= Shengming) La vida, el destino, el destino; comando mezcla; revolucin gmng [Zhang] difusin, la hoja de papel, <classifier para ) surfaces, tables, postcards, etc.>; jnzhng tenso, nervioso [Huo] en vivo, vivo, vivo, vivo, salvar la vida de alguien, la vida Shenghuo ; actividad hudng



(F (F (F (F (F


219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226

(F ) [Nn] difcil [Nan] desastre

[Shen] espritu, dios, espritu Jingshen , la mente, la conciencia, la esencia [Sh] Nmero, nmero, cifra, el destino, el plan; matemticas shxu ) [Sh] contar, enumerar la lista, [Shuo] con frecuencia, varias veces


228 229 230 231

(F (F

[Jin] punto, correspondencia, documentos, artculos y <classifier para Items>; plazo tiojin , condicin [Un] todava, calma; Anquan segura; npi organizar, planificar, fijar para arriba [Bio] muestran, lista, tabla, formulario, metro (F () De la mueca) Ver [Yun] originalmente, <nombre de simple, <family; yunli original, anteriormente, como cuestin de hecho, causa yunyn , razn [Che] de coches, vehculos con ruedas, <nombre <family ) [Ju] (una pieza en el ajedrez chino) {Comparar con dong este} [Bai] blanca; mngbai entender, se dan cuenta, claro, obvio; bitin durante el da; col bici [BO] L B = L Bai {Comparar con bi uno mismo y cien} [Ying] promesa, responder, responder, <nombre <family, ) (= ynggi) Debe, debe [Ying] yngyng aplicar [Lu] camino, camino, viaje, la distancia, los medios, la secuencia lgica, tipo, grado, <nombre de clase, <family, (= dol) Por carretera [Qi] fase, etapa, <classifier para las cuestiones de periodicals>, (= Shiqi) Perodo de tiempo; bnq horario, calendario, semanas Xingqi ; Changqi a largo plazo [JI] aniversario [Jiao] gritar, llamar, Jiaozuo ser llamado, se conoce como [S] morir, la muerte [Chang] a menudo, constante, <nombre comn, <family; fichng muy [TI] levantar, elevar, recoger, transportar, tgo mejorar; tgng proporcionar [Di] Difang tomar precauciones o estar en guardia contra [Gn] (= gnju) Se siente, (= gnqng) La emocin [Jin] (= jnzi) De oro, (= jnsh) Los metales en general [l] qu, dnde, cmo, <nombre <family;??? Renhe hubiere; ruhe cmo;? Jh geometra [Geng] ms, todava / an ms, adems [Geng] reemplazar, transformar, vigilancia nocturna, (=






237 238 239


241 242 243 244

gnggi) Modificar, alterar {Comparar con oficiales li y bian conveniente} 245

[Fn] vuelta, vuelta, revuelta, (= fndu) Oponerse, combatir; fnyng reflejan [Bn] bnbn adecuado, apropiado {Comparar con el amigo yu } [l] cerrar, cerrar, de acuerdo con una norma, ser igual a, juntos, en forma conjunta, para <classifier rounds>, (= jih) Se combinan; Hezuo cooperar [GE] decilitro [Colmillo] poner, soltar, liberar, dar a conocer, ampliar, flor, flor, prestar (dinero) A inters; Jiefang liberar, emancipar [Zuo] hacer, actuar, hacer, producir, escribir, componer, <slang> a tener relaciones sexuales; Jiaozuo ser llamado, se conoce como; mtodo zuf , forma de hacer {A veces reemplazable con zuo hacer} [Xi] serie, departamento, facultad, (= xtng) Del sistema, (F ) (= linx) Integrar, se refieren a: la preocupacin del guanxi , el afecto, la materia, (F ) Empate, sujetar, se siente ansioso, preocupado [JI] (F ) Empate, se unen





250 251 252 253 254 255 256

Contar, calcular, tramar, (F ) [JI] (jsun = ) tngj estadsticas planear, <nombre <family;

[Huo] (= huzh) O (= hux ) Tal vez, Mayby, ( = knng), Probablemente {Comparar con pas = gu} [Si] gongsi compaa, corporacin, comandante Siling [Li] (= Liyi) Los intereses, beneficios, ganancias, <family <nombre; Liyong utilizar; triunfo Shengli ; Ydl Italia [Shou] recibir, soportar, (= jishu ) Aceptan; nnshu infeliz [Guang] la luz, simplemente, la luz del sol Yangguang; Guangrong gloria [Wang] rey, reino wnggu , territorio de dominio [Wang] (raro) Estado {Comparar con seor zh y jade yu } [Gu] fruto, sin duda, en verdad, como se esperaba, (= jigu) Resultado, consecuencia, el resultado; rgu si

257 258

la madre (F ) [Qin] pariente cercano, un beso, persona mqin ; padre Fuqin ; qnz en

[Ching] qngjia familiares por matrimonio


(F (F

260 261 262 263 264

[Jie] (jixin = ) Del lmite, lmite; Shijie mundo [Ga] daga bu no tienen ninguna relacin, no tienen nada que ver con [Ga] bn'gnbg ni esto ni aquello, no explcito, equvoca, mediocre [JI] llegar, llegar a, y, en, sobre, a; yj , as como; Jishi rpidamente [Jin] ahora, este; Jintian hoy [Jng] de la ciudad capital, (= Beijing) Corto para Beijing, Nanjing ; Dongjing Tokio (o de otro capital oriental en dinastas anteriores!) [Wu] asunto, negocio, asignacin rnwu , tarea, ) servicio fw , sirven [Zhi] a cabo el trabajo, (= zhd) Del sistema, institucin, (= kngzh) Controlar, dominar, (F ) (= zhzo) La fabricacin [Jie] por separado, explicar, desatar, aflojar, quitar, disolver, la solucin <mathematic> [Xie] <nombre <family [Jie] jisng enviar bajo custodia [GE] cada, cada, diferente, por separado; gyuqinqi cada uno tiene sus mritos [GE] Zige uno mismo, por s mismo [S] nombrar, no importa, servir a una posicin, permiten, la confianza, puesto oficial, <classifier por un perodo de office>; tarea rnwu ; Renhe cualquier [Rn] <nombre <family [Zhi] que, hasta que, muy, ms, llegar, llegar, Shenzhi incluso (hasta el punto de), Tanto es as que, zhsho menos [Qing] (qngchu = ) Claro; qngji limpia [Wu] cosa, la materia; Animal dngw; planta Zhiwu ; fsica wl [Tai] que <polite>, (F ) Plataforma, <classifier para performances, engines, computers, TV-sets, etc.>, (= Taiwn ) Corto para Taiwn, (F ) Escritorio, mesa (F ) Taifeng tifn [Tai] Tiantai (en el este de Zhejiang) [Xiang] aspecto, apariencia, (= Daxiang) Elefante [JI] (jide = ) Recuerda, (= Jilu) Acta ) {Comparar con la "apertura" j radical de s mismo y no el y cerca ya}




268 269 270


272 273

274 275 276 277

en el lado de algo, el margen, lmite, (F ) [Debian](pngbin = ) Lado; zhbin <nombre <family, aqu

[Gong] de acciones; Yigong en todos; comunista gngchn ; gnggng pblica; repblica Gonghe

(F ) [Feng viento] (F ) [Zhn] (= zhnzhng) La guerra

[Gan] madre; gnsh interferir, intervenir, (F ) Seca [Gan] (F ) Hacer { tingn los Diez Tallos Celestial: ji-y-bng-Ding-wu-j-geng-Xin-ren-gu (estos caracteres se utiliza a veces como nmeros ordinales} {Comparar con qian mil y en} [Jie] conectar, (= jishu ) Aceptan; captura jizhe , al lado; Zhijie directa [TA] l, su [X] permiten, en cierta medida, <nombre <family, (= ) yx) Tal vez; xdu mucho [H] yh gritar al unsono, yo-ho-ho


279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292


(A [Ba] ocho; Byu agosto (F

[TE] (= tbi) Especiales, en particular; tdin caracterstica [Jue] perciben ) [Jiao] (= shujio) Del sueo, la siesta wjio , siesta de la tarde [Wang] mira, la luna llena, la esperanza Xiwang , desea [Zhi] recta, directa {Comparar con zhen true} [F] (= fw) Sirven, (= Yifu) Ropa [Fu] dosis [Mao] pelo {Comparar con la mano shu } [Lin] (Senlin = ) Bosque, <family <nombre; Guilin (ciudad en Guangxi)

(F ) [TI] tema, problema, inscribir; Wenti cuestin, problema, ttulo Timu

[Jin] construir, establecer; Jianyi sugieren [Nn] al sur, el suroeste de Xinan

[Na] <Sanskrit> namo entregarse totalmente a 293

[Du] grado, grado, unidad (kWh, ngulo, temperatura, etc), <classifier Para las unidades de measurement, occasions, times, etc.>; sistema zhd , institucin [Do] cidu suponer

294 295

fin, unir, xtng) Del sistema; regla tngzh (F ) [Tng]dominan; (= juntos, unificar, unir, integrar , tngy

296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311

[Se] (= yns) Color; lins tez, mirada, expresin facial [Shi color] [] carcter escrito; carcter hanzi chinos, el nombre mngzi ; estilo tz del escrito typface China, de fuente {Compara estudio qith xue } [Jiao] unirse; trfico Jiaotong, el intercambio jiohun

(F ) [Qng] por favor, pedir, invitar, qngqi pedir, solicitar (F ) [Ia] (= Aiqing) El amor; Airn cnyuge, amante (F ) [Son] que, permiten (F ) [S] (= rnwi) Consideran, ( = Renshi) Reconocen
[Suan] (jsun = ) Contar, calcular, calcular; sunle lo olvides, no te preocupes

(F ) [Lun] teoraLny El Analectas de Confucio [Ln] (F

[Bi] cien ) [BO] chobzng urgentes o cubrir todo {Comparar con bai blanco} [Chi] comer [Qi] Qiqi sonido <el de giggling>

(F ) [Yi] la justicia, (= yiyi), Que significa; zhy ~ ismo (F

[KE] departamento; la ciencia Kexue ; ciruga wik [Zen] (znme = ) Cmo? [Yun] en primer lugar, el dlar primaria, [Ella] club, cuerpo organizado, (= shehui) La sociedad [Sh] habilidad, (= ysh) Arte; Jishu tcnica ) [Zhu] zhji medicinales del vino

312 313

(F ) [Jie] empate, resultado jigu ; jihn casarse [Jie] fruto (A , [Li] seis; liyu junio ) {Comparar con xng prosperar}
[Gong] logro; Chenggong xito, el tiempo Gongfu (duracin), Tiempo (cuando), La habilidad, el arte, el trabajo [Zh] Servicio, (= zhtou ) Dedo, dedo del pie; zhjia ua [Si] (= sxing) Cree [Si] Yisi sentido [Sai] ysi ricamente con barba [Fei] no, no; fichng inusual, extraordinario, especial, muy, muy [Li] a fluir, la corriente; dinli la corriente elctrica; jioli de cambio, alternativa [Mei] todos, cada uno; MEITIAN todos los das [Qing] la naturaleza de color azul / verde / negro ..., los jvenes Qingnian ; qngw rana [Gun] tubo, (= gunl) Administrar, supervisar, bgun no importa, independientemente de [Fu] hombre, (zhngfu =) Esposo, el tiempo Gongfu , la duracin, la habilidad, mdico Daifu [F] (formal) Este / esta persona () {Comparar con el cielo tin y Shi perder} [Liana] conectar, incluyendo, linmng de inmediato;

314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321


323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332

(F ) linx continua (F ) [Yun] ahora

los gastos; (F ) [Zi] el dinero,Touzi invertir zbnzhy capitalismo;

(F ) [DUI] equipo, (= bdu) Del ejrcito, (= duw) Las tropas [Gen] taln, siga, con y (F ) [Dai] cinturn, una zona, llevar, traer, tener [Hua] flor, pasar; Huasheng de man [Kui] rpido, fuerte, (= kuil, = ykui) Feliz
para (F ) [Tio] rama, tira, tema, <classifier , dogs, snakes, dragons, etc.>; condicin tiojin trmino

[Yuanes] patio; universidad Xueyuan ; Hospital

Yiyuan ; tribunal fyun 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343

(F ) [Debian] cambio; binchng ser; variacin binhu ; gibin alterar

unir; linx (F ) [Liana] unir, contacto con integrar, relacionar, vincular, ponerse en

[Yan] palabras; yyn lenguaje, el habla, la palabra (F ) [Cantidades] derecho, poder [Wng] a, hacia; wngwng menudo
[Zhn] ampliar, hacia fuera, <family <nombre; fzhn desarrollar, ampliar, crecer; exhibicin zhnln , mostrar, exhibir

(F ) [Gai] ( = ynggi) Debe (F ) [Lng] para el plomo, el cuello; lngdo , lder lngxi; capacidad bnlng
pasar, pasar, tradicin (F ) [Chuan] clsicos confucianos chuntng [Zhuan]


[Jin] cerca, cerca Fujin ; zujn recientemente, ltimamente, muy pronto [Li] siguen siendo, la estancia, (= boli) Mantener, reserva; lix estudiar en el extranjero; mano Yiliu abajo; detencin Juliu [Hong] (= hngs) De color rojo; ) Dongfanghong El Oriente es Rojo [Gong] ngng labores [Zhi] gobernar, curar, castigar, el gobierno Zhengzhi [Jue] jiju resolver, resolver, solucionar, judng [Zhou] del circuito, la circunferencia, el ciclo, la semana; cerca zhuwi , Medio Ambiente, por completo, zhushn vody todo [Bo] (= boh) Proteger; bozhng asegurar, garantizar [DA] llegar, llegar ) [DA] <referring a los sonidos de los relojes o footsteps> [TA] tot paseo casual de aqu para all [Prohibicin] lo; mtodo bnf ; oficina bngngsh ) {Comparar con Wei de} [Yun] llevar, transportar, ( ynqi) Fortuna, suerte, se

344 345 346 347 348 349

(F ) decidir, resolver, forman la mente (F (F

350 351

(F ) mueven yndng , date la vuelta, los deportes

352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368

[W] militar, armas wq; wsh artes marciales [Prohibicin] medio, semi ~ {Comparar con ping incluso} [Hou] (= Shihou ) Tiempo de Espera, la situacin

(A [Qi] siete; Qiyue julio

[Bi] (= bx) Debe; Bubi no es necesario [Cheng] (= Chengshi) De la ciudad, la pared; Changcheng Gran Muralla [Fu] ( = Fuqin) Padre, los padres fm [F] viejo

(F , [Qiang] fuerte [Qing] se esfuerzan ) [Jiang] jujing terco, inflexible

[Bu] paso, el progreso jnb , mejorar; Sanbu dar un paseo [Wan], completa, terminada [GE] cuero; revolucin gmng, la reforma gig [JI] bngj a punto de morir de la enfermedad [Shen] de profundidad; Shenke profunda, profunda; shny profundo en la noche

(F ) [Cuestin] (= dq) Zona; qbi diferencia [Ou] <nombre <family (F

[JI] a saber, que es, incluso si, (= Liji) Inmediatamente, a la vez [Qiu] buscar, pedir, la demanda yoqi , solicitud, requisito [Pn] (chnpn = ) Del producto; shngpn mercancas, bienes [Sh] estudioso; boshi doctorado; nsh dama, la Sra.; soldado Zhanshi {Comparar con tierra t} [Zhun] A su vez, la transferencia ) [Zhuan] girar [Zhui] zhuiwn hacer alarde de un discurso [Liang] cantidad; clasificador lingc , la palabra medida [Ling] para medir [Kong] cielo vaco, [Kong] deje el espacio vaco, libre


370 371

372 373 374 375 376

[Shen] oda; Shenzhi incluso, ir tan lejos como para [Shen] (Shen = ) Lo que,? shnme = qu?

(F ) [Zhong] multitud, muchos; qnzhng las masas; audiencia tngzhng

[JI] Jishu la tecnologa, la tcnica, la ciencia y la tecnologa Keji [Cheng] Guocheng proceso; Gongcheng proyecto de ingeniera y un nivel de Chengdu , grado, extensin [GAO] (gosu = ) Dice: informe bogo , dar a conocer [GU] gshu distribucin calendario feudales [Jiang] ro Chang Jiang del ro Yangtze; paisaje Jiangshan [Y] (yyn = ) El lenguaje; Hny chino; yf ) gramtica ; idioma chngy [Yu] dicen [Ying] valiente, persona excepcional, ( = yngxing) Hroe; Ynggu Inglaterra [JI] jch base, fundamento, Jiben bsicas, fundamentales, esenciales [Pai] faccin, enve; partidos polticos dngpi [Pa] pasi pasaporte, identificacin [Sh] (= Xingshi) Forma; fngsh manera, el patrn; zhengshi formal, oficial [L] ( = lzi) De ciruela, <nombre <family [Xi] respiracin, deje de [Xi] Xiaoxi de noticias; resto xixi [Xie] escribir; mioxi describir, representar ) [Xie] xiy pincel a mano alzada, dibujo {Comparar con y y} [Ne] <sentence final particle> [NI] pao de lana [Sh] saben; Renshi conocer, reconocer, shbi ) distinguirlos [Zhi] (formal) Recordar, memorizar, marca, signo [JI] extrema, polo; Tai Ji Supremo Ultimate (en la ) cosmologa china); tijqun boxeo de sombra [Ling] que, la causa; comando mezcla [Lng] resma, <classifier para paper>

(F ) [Qing] luz (comprese con zhong pesados) (F (F (F (F

377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391

(F ) [Mn completa]; mnz satisfecho, contento

[Ling] jlng (= jlng) Lavandera (un smbolo de amistad fraternal) 392 393 394 395 396 397

(F ) [Huang] (= hungs) De color amarillo [De] la virtud; Daode tica; Dgu Alemania
[Shou] se renen, (= shudo) Reciben, (= shuhu) De la cosecha; Shoushi poner en orden, radio shuynj

(F ) [Lin] cara (F ) [Qin] dinero, moneda de cobre (F (F (F

[Dng] (poltica) Del partido, camarilla; ) Gngchndng Partido Comunista; Gumndng Partido Nacionalista [Do] caer, caer [Dao] invertido, (movimiento) Hacia atrs, verter, contrariamente a las expectativas [Dao] seguimiento [Wi] no, no, el futuro Weilai {Comparar con final mo} [Chi] bodega; jinch persisten en, insistir en que, boch conservar, mantener, conservar [Q] tener, hacer, traer [Ella] establecido; Jianshe construir, construir, ) disear shj , el plan; shbi equipos, instalaciones [Sh] (= kish) De comenzar, empezar, shzhng a lo largo de [Bn] planchas de impresin, edicin de chbn publicar [Shuang] par, dobles, matrimoniales; shungfng ) ambos lados [Li] (F ) lsh la historia, la experiencia Jingli , (F ) Rili calendario {Comparar con l graves} [Yue] ... ... el ms ... ms el ... [Sh] (= lsh) De la historia, <family <nombre; wish historia no oficial {Comparar con oficiales l y geng ms} [Shang] discutir, de negocios


399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410

(F ) [Qian] mil con madre gan y y en} {Comparar

411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432

[Pian] rebanada; foto zhopin ; momento pink ; tarjeta de kpin [Pian pelcula] [Rong] contienen; rngy fcil; contenido nirng [Yan] moler, (= Yanjiu) Estudio, la investigacin [Xiang] se parecen, (= Xiaoxiang) Retrato, la imagen [Zho] Buscar, buscar {Comparar con w me} [Yu] (= pngyu ) Amigo; yuho amistad {Comparar con fn vez ms} [Hai] (= hizi, = xiohir) Nios, nias nhir [Zhn] de pie, la estacin de tren huchzhn

(F ) [Gung] de ancho,aamplio [Yn] (al referirse los radicales)

[Gi] (gibin = ) El cambio; gig reforma confieren; reunin (F ) [Yi] (yln = ) Discutir,sugerir, proponer huy , conferencias; Jianyi [Xing] (= Xingshi) Forma, la forma; Xingcheng a la forma, tomar forma [Wei] wiyunhu comisin; Weituo confiar [Wei] xywiy fingir inters y simpata [Zo] temprana; zofn desayuno, la maana zochen [Colmillo] (fngjin = ) Cuarto, (= fngzi) La construccin de [Yin] (shngyn = ) De sonido; Yinyue msica [Hu] fuego; tren huch; huchi partido; llama huyn [JI] (= binj) El lmite, la realidad Shiji ; Guoji

(F ) internacionales

(F ) [Z] (junto); yunz principio; fuz o bien

[Shu] cabeza; shuxin en primer lugar, el capital shud (de un pas) [Dan] sola, sola, la hoja

(F ) [Chan] chanyu <hist.> jefe de los xiongnu (F

[Shan] <nombre <family [Ju] tomar, dependen, (= Genju) De acuerdo con ) [Ju] corto de dinero jij, duros de hasta

433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441

(F ) [Do] plomo; lder lngdo [Yng] sombra, imagen, pelcula dinyng

[Shi], la perder; Shibai ser derrotado {Comparar con xian primero} [N] bodega; nli traer; Naqu tomar; mano ngi ms

(F ) [Wng] neto; tenis wngqi , Internet yntwng

[Xiang] perfume, fragancia, Xinggng de Hong Kong [Si] similares; Sihu parece [Sh] Shide por igual [Si] lo que (hoy en da se utiliza generalmente como phonem en nombres extranjeros); fxs fascista

(F , [Zhuan] (zhunmn = ) Especiales, (= zhunji) ) De expertos; zhunzhng dictadura

[Sh] (= shtou ) De piedra, roca [Dan] unidad de grano {Comparar con derecha } [Ruo] parece como si, si jiru ; rugn cunto? [Re] dio Widom budistas, Prajna [Google] (= shbng) Soldado; fuerza militar bngl {Comparar con invitados bin } [Di] ( = didi) El hermano menor [TI] (= )

442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453

(F ) [Shui] quin? [Shei] quin?

[Xiao] (= xuxio) De la escuela [Jiao] (= jiodu, jiozhng) Revise y corrija

(F ) [Du] leer una pausa en la lectura [Dou] hacer

[Zhi] (= Yizhi) Ser, (= biozh) Marca; Tongzhi compaero, (F ) zzh revista

(F ) [Fei] volar, avin fij

de vista, (F ) [Pava] punto Dogun la contemplacin [Pava] templo taosta

(F ) guerra, lucha duzhng , la lucha

[Zheng] sostienen, conflicto, guerra zhnzhng , la [Jiu] Yanjiu estudio, la investigacin; jijng despus de todo

454 455 456

[Bao] bolsa, plstico

(F ) [Z] organizar, grupo, organizacin zzh , organizar, formar

[Zao] (= zhzo) La fabricacin, (= chungzo) Crear [Lu] otoo [La] que falta [Lao] loshi fundido (en color) [Lu] knglulu absolutamente nada a la izquierda, abrir / amplias y desoladas [JI] Jingji economa; jij ayudar a las vctimas ) de desastres [J] jj multitudinaria, numerosos, magnficos


458 459 460 461 462

(F ) [Sh] mira, la televisin dinsh (F

[X] la felicidad; xhun como (F ) [Li] ( = lki) Una licencia de (F ) [Generis] (surn = ), Aunque
[Zuo] asiento, sentarse, viajar en (auto / avin / etc.), Ponga una olla (o similar) En el fuego, <classifier para bridges, buildings, etc.>; qngzu por favor, tome asiento; zuo gngng qch viajar en un autobs


464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473

[JI] (= Shouji) Recopilar, centralizar Jizhong (F ) [Debian] tejer, organizar, (= binj) Editar (F ) [Bo] tesoro (F ) [Tan] hablar [F] zhngf gobierno
[La] tirar, arrastrar, transportar [L] bnl medio [La] raja [La] llag grillo topo [Hei] (= Heise) Negro; hi'n oscuro [Qie] por el momento; rqi , adems, [Ju] (slo se utiliza algunos nombres de personas) [GE] cheque, patrn, patrn; gwi especialmente [GE] <el sonido de clic de un laughter, hen>, chuckel

(F ) [Generis] siga; subin como quieras

474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484

[Jin] (F ) Utilizar hasta [Jn] (F ) En la medida mxima; jngun a pesar de que

(F ) [Jin] espada, espada bojin de doble filo (F ) [Jing] hablar, explicar, discutir, el estrs [Bu] tela, se extendi (F ) [Sha] matar, lucha, debilitar, reducir, quemar (de la medicina) (F
[Wei] pequea, micro; wixio sonrisa [Anual] (= hip) Que temer; Kepa horrible [M] ( = mqin) Madre; fm padres; zm letras de un alpabet [Diao] cambio, el tono ) [Tio] modifica [J] departamento, la situacin, la oficina mensaje yuj [Gen] raz; gnbn esencia, fundamento, base, totalmente, (no) En todos los [Ceng] (= cngjng) En el pasado [Zeng] grandes (abuela) [Ceng] icngr <colloquial> para obtener un regao [Zhn] permiten, (F ) Sin duda, precisa; zhnbi preparar; biozhn estndar


486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494

(F ) [Tuan] pelota, a tanto alzado, de grupo; tunji unen, rally (F

[Duan] seccin, prrafo; mtodo shudun , los medios (a su fin), La estrategia [Zhong] fin; Zhongyu finalmente, shzhng a lo ) largo, la vida Zhongshen de duracin [Le] disfrutar, ser feliz placer,, (= kuil) Feliz [Qie] para cortar [Qie] corresponden a; yqi todos

(F ) [Yue] (= Yinyue) Msica

grado,; jij (sociales) De clase, los (F ) [JI] nivel deescaleras, el rango pasos, las

[KE] (= kf) Superar, gramo, (F ) kq plazo establecido [Kei] (= ) Regaar [Jng] perfecta; Jingshen espritu, la esencia; jijng alcohol

495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517

[N] qu? nr dnde? [NEI] (antes del clasificador), Que? [NA] (utilizado en las rdenes y exclamaciones) [NE] (en nombres extranjeros) [Pava Oficial]; burcrata gunlio [Sh] (= biosh) Muestran, indican y punto zhsh a cabo [Chong] (F ) Enjuague, junco, (F ) Pico [Chong] (F ) Hacia [Jing] el final, (jngrn = ) Inesperadamente; jijng realidad, exactamente, al final, despus de todo [Hu] Sihu parece; jh casi [Nn] masculino, (nnrn = ) El hombre [J] plantea, mantenga jxng (una reunin); [KE] (Keren = ) Acompaante; objetivo kgun ; kqi corts

(F ) xunj eleccin; jl dar un ejemplo

(F , [Zheng] probar; tshzhng tarjeta de la ) biblioteca; visado qinzhng [K] amarga; jink ardua; tngk sufrimiento [Zhao] brillar; foto Zhaoxiang (F
[Zh] verter, (F ) Seala; zhy atencin; zhsh mirada [Z] los pies, (= zgu ) Lo suficiente; mnz satisfacer [Er] <archaic> usted; rhu a partir de entonces, golf ) go'rf

(F ) [Fei] costo; matrcula Xuefei

[Zhao] seas, reclutar, atraer, entretener (invitados) [Qun] multitud, grupo; qnzhng Las Masas (F ) [Re] caliente [Tui] empuje
[Wn] tarde, por la noche wnshang; ywn noche, cena wnfn

(F ) [Xing] sonido; yngxing influencia (F ) [Cheng] peso, nombre

[Chen] duchn simtrica 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538


[Xing] goxng gusto ) [Xing] xngfn emocionado {Comparar con Li seis} [Dai] tratar, entretener, esperar a que [Dai] ( = dai) Se quedan

(F ) [Yue] aproximadamente, organizar, nombramiento [Yao] pesan (F ) [Yang] opuesto del yin ; Taiyang el sol [GE] (gege = ) El hermano mayor (F ) [Jng] sorpresa (F
[MA] particle> <interrogative ) [MA] lo; ? gan m? Qu pasa? [M] mfi morfina [Zheng] (= zhngg) Conjunto; tiozhng modifica; zhngq limpio [Zhi] rama, de apoyo; zhch sostener; dzh los Doce Ramas Terrestres [G] ( = gdi) Antiguos {Comparar con lengua sh} [Han] etnia china; Hanyu chino; carcter chino [Tu] cargar hacia delante, sobresalen; turan pronto

(F ) hanzi; lohn viejo

(F ) [Hao] nombre, nmero, marca [Hao] gritar (F ) [Jue] cortado, en trminos absolutos (F ) xunj (F
[Xun] (= xunz) Elegir, seleccionar, eleccin [Ba] al final de la frase, indica la sugerencia [Ba] broche de presin! [CAN] cnji participar ) [Shen] rnshn ginseng [CEN] cenci desigual, irregular [Kan] publicacin peridica,; publicaciones bokn peridicos, la prensa [Fu] (F ) Huf recuperar, (F ) Fuza complicado, complejo, (F ) Cubren

(F ) [Ya] inferiores, en segundo lugar; Asia Yazhou (F ) [Shang] herida, lesin, dao; chungshng trauma

539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561

(F ) [Lei] categora, clase, tipo, Leisi similares (F ) shbi

[Bei] ( = zhnbi) Preprate, preprate, equipo

(F ) [Juan] (= hunl) Feliz, alegre; xhuan como [Ling] otros; lngwi otros, adems de [Gng] puerto; Xinggng Hong Kong (F ) [Sh] poder, las circunstancias Xingshi; zsh postura
[KE] tallar, cuarto de hora, momento [Xing] estrellas; huxng Marte; semana Xingqi

(F ) [Duan] cortado; incesante bdun ; juez pndun (F ) [Chen] mostrar, explicar, rancio, (dinasta 557-589) [Zhng] palma de la mano, agarrar zhngw (F ) [Nong] (Nongmin = ) Agricultor, campesino; nngy la agricultura
[Os] (ywn = ) La noche; bny, wy la medianoche; yl en la noche [Prohibicin] tipo, tipo; ybn ordinaria [PAN] feliz [BO] dio la sabidura budista, praja

(F ) [Nian] echo de menos, leer en voz alta; concepto gunnin ; estudio ninsh (F
[Jia] (F ) (= jizh) Valor, (= jiqian ) Precio [Jie] (F ) [Jie] siervo [No] (= nozi) Del cerebro, la cabeza nodai ; ) crneo nok ; equipo dinno

regular; (F ) [GUI] gul patrnregulan las reglamentaciones que

[D] inferior; chd completa; dod despus de todo [GU] causa, por lo tanto; historia Gushi ; Guyi a propsito [Sheng] provincia, economizar, omita [Xng] fnxng introspeccin

(F ) [MA] madre, mam, mam mam (F ) [Banda] firme, (= gngci) Solo (hace un momento)

562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583

[Ju] frase (F ) [Xin] aparecen; xinrn obvio (F (F (F (F (F (F

[Xiao] desaparecen; noticias Xiaoxi ; pierda xiomi [Yi] (Yifu = ) Prendas de vestir [Yi] desgaste (ropa), Dar (prendas de vestir) Para que otras personas utilicen [Lu] de la tierra; continente ) [Li] seis (= Li) [Q] utensilio, (= jqi) De la mquina; wq armas [Qu] verdad; zhngqu correcta; qush ) hecho; mngqu explcita [Po] aplastar; phui ruina; Polan desgastado [Ju] herramienta Gongju; jyu poseen; concretas jt; juguete Wanju [Ju] (= jzh) Viven, residen; residente jmn ; Juran inesperadamente [Pi] <classifier de batch/lot>, comentar, criticar, refutar; tuberas criticar [Cancin] ver a alguien fuera, entregar, dar [Z] zhoz marismas, pantanos; Seze color y ) brillo; Mao Zedong lder del PCCh y fundador de la Repblica Popular China [Jn] apretados; jnzhng tensa; yojn ) importante [Bang] (= bngzh, bngmng) Ayuda, ) pandillas [Xin] lnea, hilo, rayos de luz Guangxian; dinxin ) (elctrico) De alambre

[Cun] (= cnzi) Existen; bocn preservar (F ) [Yuanes] desea

[Qi] maravillosa, (= xq) Raro, extrao [JI] raro (ni siquiera) [Hai] nocivos; hichng destructivos insectos; Lihai feroz

[Zeng] (= zngji, = zngzhng) Aumentar (F ) [Yang] lamo; snjioyyng lamo

584 585 586 587 588 589


[Liao] (= cilio) Material, esperar, anticipar, medios zlio, datos, materiales [Zhou] prefectura; Gungzhu Cantn [Jie] conjunta seccin, fiesta, fiesta, (= jir) ) Vacaciones [Jie] nudo, enlace; Jiezi nudo, nudo (en madera) [Zu] a la izquierda; zubin lado izquierdo

(F ) [Zhuang] vestir, cargar, instalar, (= jizhung) Pretende

[Yi] (= rngy) Facilitar el cambio,; Yijing Libro de los Cambios [Zh] escribir, libro [Zhe] ( S) [Zhao] (S ) [Zhuo] (S ) [Zhao] (S ) [JI] urgente; zhoj ansiedad; jmng prisa [Ji] (para una) Mucho tiempo [Di] bajo; jingd reducir; Diji primaria; altura god


591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604

con una edad sushu ; (F ) [Generis] aos de edad,Tu / Su Majestad, "Banzai" wnsu larga vida, [Xu] ( = xyo) Necesitan; bx esenciales [Ji] vino, cerveza pji , vino bebida hji [l] ro; Henan sheng la provincia de Henan; canal Yunhe [Chu] a partir, en primer lugar (en orden); Chubu preliminar; qch al principio

[Que] (= yuyng) Natacin, (= lyu ) De viaje (F ) [Yan] grave, severa (F ) [Empate] de hierro; dti metro, metro
[Z] (= Minzu) Personas, nacionalidad, (= zhngz) La carrera [Ch] deshacerse de, divisin, (Chule = ), Excepto [Fen] parte, compartir, copiar, <classifier para portion, share, ejemplares de peridicos etc.>, graduado en la universidad

605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612

[Gn] se atreven; ynggn valiente [Hu] imprudentemente; tonteras (F ) (= Huzi) Barba (F ) hutong carril [Xue sangre] [Xie sangre] [Q] ponerse de puntillas, esperar, esperar; qy empresa; intento qt ; pinginos [RENG] (rngrn = , = rngji) Sigue siendo, sin embargo, como antes

[Tou] tiro; voto tupio (F ) [Wn] oler, or, noticias Xinwen (F (F

[Du] 10 litros; yndu tabaco / pipa de opio; Biduxng La Osa Mayor, El Arado [Dou] (F ) Lucha [JI] Shiji siglo; jnin recuerdo; jl ) disciplina [J] <nombre <family [Jio] los pies, descalzos chjio ; dedo jiozh ) [Jue] ( = jio) El papel, parte, el carcter, el actor, actriz [Que] la derecha, lado derecho yubin; zuyu alrededor, cerca, ms o menos {Comparar con piedra sh}

613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625

(F ) [SU] sxng revivir; Suzhou; Slin URSS (F ) [Biao] marca; estndar biozhn (F ) [Ventilador] arroz, el alimento [Yun] decir, (F ) (= yncai) Nube [Google] enfermos, mal funcionamiento Maobing
(= (F ) [Yi] Hospital yxu) La ciencia mdica, mdico Yisheng ; Yiyuan

[A] Alabo rabes [] = mtug Amitabha Buda nos libre [DA] (= huda) Respuesta [DA] Daying responder, la promesa [T] la tierra, (= td) De la tierra, ( = trng) Del suelo {Comparar con estudioso sh}

(F ) [Kuang] qngkung circunstancias; kungqi otra parte

626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648

[Jing] frontera, territorio, medio ambiente hunjng (F ) [Run] suave, software runjin [Ko] (= kol) Consideran, (= kosh) Examen
[Niang] madre, su ta [Niang] gniang nia [Cun] pueblo, rstico; campo nngcn , pueblo [Dao] cuchillo

(F ) [JI] golpe, huelga, llamo; huelga dj , Hitt, ataque, asalto (F ) [Jn] (jnjn = ) Slo, apenas
[Cha] examinar, investigar, inspeccionar jinch [Zha] <nombre <family [Yn] dibujar, estirar, (= ynq) Causa (xyn = ) Atraen [Chao] hacia la dinasta; Choxin Corea [Zhao] (por la maana) [Yu] elevar, educar, educacin jiaoyu [Yo] hngy tirn-ho, yo-ho

(F ) [Xu] (= jx) Siguen; linx continua (F ) [Du] solo, solo, Duli independientes (F
[Lu] (= luwng) Birdnet; Lum Roma; Luopan brjula ) [Lu] prolijo lusuo, molestos; llilulu el sonido de la ebullicin / ruido / etc.

(F ) [Mi] comprar (F ) [Hu] puerta del hogar; ventana chungh (F ) [Hu] (= boh) Guardar, proteger, hshi enfermera
[l] bebida [l] nota [Peng] amigo pngyu {Comparar con l c libro beautiul y } [Gong] de suministro [Gong] confesar

(F ) [Z] deber, la responsabilidad zrn (F ) [Xiang] (= xingm) Artculo

649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671

[Bei] volver [Bei] llevar a cuestas [Yu] Yo, yo, (F ) Sobrantes, extra; el resto; coseno [Xi] escasos, dispersos, llorosos, esto, espero Xiwang; xq raro, extrao; Xila Grecia [Mentira] columna, fila; tren lich; pili tramitar [Sh] habitacin, saln jiosh ; wsh dormitorio, oficina bngngsh

(F ) [Wi] defender; sanitarias; satlite (F ) [T] foto, mapa Ditu , biblioteca tshgun (F ) [Luan] catico, desordenado, sucio, el caos hnlun (F ) [Li] <nombre <family (F ) [Y] padre, abuelo yeye (F ) [Largo] dragn; dinosaurio knglng
[Zan] (= znmen ) = Que tu y yo [Zan] (abreviatura de zown ) Todo el tiempo, maana y tarde, tarde o temprano [Zhang] captulo, sello, sellos, medallas, placas, las normas [Xi] alfombra, el asiento, banquete, presidente zhx [Cuo] (= cuw) Error; bcu no est mal, [Xiong] (anciano) Hermano; hermanos xingd {Comparar con (F ) Er nio y zh slo} [Un] (hi'n = ) Oscuro, toque ; secreto; sombro [Chuang] chungzo crear

(F ) bastante bien; ! bcu ydinr! toda la razn!

(F ) [Chuang] chungshng trauma

[Pai] organizar, de una hilera, lnea [Pi] pizch carros de mano [Chun] (Chuntian = , = chnj) Primavera, rollo de primavera chnjun; chnxiqidng las cuatro estaciones [Xu] (F ) (= bx) Debe (F ) (= hx) Barba [Cheng] chngrn admitir; Jicheng heredar [Un] escritorio, (ley) De casos; respuesta Da'an o

672 673 674 675 676

solucin a un problema [Mang] prisa, ocupados, el derecho lejos; ayudar a [Hu] nota, exhala; Huxi respirar; hunh alegra [Sh] rbol, maderas Shulin; shumu rboles; [Llave] dolor, sufrimiento tngk ; tngkuai encantados [Chen] a hundirse; chnzhng pesados [Chen] hichnchn negro como la pez [A] (usado como sufijo frase, evidencia que indica / impaciencia) [A] (euforia que indica); ! A! W yngle usted! Ja! He vuelto a ganar! [A] (que indica duda o cuestionamiento), Eh;? ? ?? N shenme Shuo? Eh? Qu ests diciendo? [] (lo que indica desconcertado sorpresa) [] (acuerdo que indica / aprobacin); , ! ?, Hoba! Bueno, est bien! [Ling] inteligente, espritu, alma, duende; lnghu ) gil, fcil

(F ) tronco shgn


678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689


(F ) [Zhi] deber; personal zhigong; ocupacin Zhiye (F ) [Xiang] campo, ciudad natal (F ) Xiangxi detallada
[Xi] delgada; zx cuidado; xbo celular;

(F ) [SU] gosu decir; demanda ssng (F ) [Tai] forma; forma tidu ; estado zhungti
[Establezcan] (= tngzh) Parada; mucho aparcamiento tngchchng [Yin] (= ynshu) Imprimir, (= ynzhng) Sello

(F ) [B] instrumento de la escritura; cepillo ; pluma ; lpiz

[Xia] (xitin = ) Verano; chnxiqidng las cuatro estaciones [Zh] (= bngzh) Ayudan a [F] bendicin, buena fortuna, (= Xingfu) La felicidad, feliz, zhf invocar / desea una bendicin; Fujian {Es comn para colgar la caligrafa de este personaje arriba hacia abajo en las puertas, con el fin de conseguir

que la gente tenga en cuenta que dole f = "El 'Fu' est del lado de abajo", que se pronuncia como = "fortuna / la felicidad ha llegado"} 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711

(F ) [Kui] pieza, trozo a tanto alzado, (yuan = ) Dlar de China

[Leng] fro, la calma lngjng [Qiu] pelota, ftbol zqi (ftbol); dqi la Tierra [GU] chica gniang [Hua] fila (un barco) (F ) Cero [Hua] (F ) (= Jihua) Plan (F ) [Ji], ya que, ya; jrn ya que, ahora que

(F ) [Zhi] (= wzh) La materia, la sustancia; Zhiliang la calidad, la masa

[Ba] wiba cola, boca zub ; Baxi Brasil [Ba] zubzi boca, una bofetada en la cara [Zhi] enviar, transmitir, Yizhi idnticos, (F ) Xizhi cuidado

(F ) [Wan] puerto; Taiwan [Yn] (bioyn = ) Realizar, actuar, el rendimiento

[Mu] rbol, (Mutou = ) De madera; {Comparar con raz ben y da grande} [Guai] culpa (= qgui) Extraa; guiwu monstruo

(F ) [Wi] de cuero suave, <nombre <family (F ) [Wi] rodean; Weiqi japons "go" (F ) [Jing] todava, calma, la electricidad esttica jngdin
[Punzada] (pngbin = ) Lado [Bang] (= )

(F ) [Yun] (Huayuan = ) De jardn, (Gongyuan = ) Parque

[Fu] no; shfu o no, es (que) O es (que) No? [P] mala, inferior, y sentencia zngp pasar (en las personas)

[Fu] ayudar, vicepresidente; adverbio FUCI (F ) [JI] binj edicin; luj lgica <loan>
[Ci] recoger, reunir (F ) [Cai] (F ) feudo cid

712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721

[Sh] comer, (= shw, = shpn ) Los alimentos [Si] los piensos

[Deng] subir (F ) [Gou] suficiente; nnggu ser capaz de (F ) [Si] concurso; partido, la raza [M] (mfn = ) Del arroz, el metro, el maz ym (F (F
[Ji] falsas [Jia] (= Jiaqi) Alquiler de vacaciones [Jiao] relativamente, bastante; bjio comparar, ) relativamente [Jio] (bjio = bjio) [Jie] (jijie = ), La hermana mayor; joven xiojie [Lou] historia, la construccin; mansin ; escaleras [Huo] (F ) (= hud) Conseguir, obtener, (F ) cosecha shuhu [Sol] nieto, los nios zsn y nietos, descendientes; Sn mono Wukong con poderes sobrenaturales ) en el Nobel "Viaje al Oeste"; Sun Zhongshan = Sn Yixian = Sun Yat-sen, lder de la Revolucin republicana y el KMT

(F ) louti


723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733

[Xuan] (= xunb) Declarar; propaganda [Chuan] penetrar, el desgaste (F ) [Shi] poema, el poeta Shiren [GE] cancin; Changge a cantar [SU] rpida, la velocidad Sudu
[Hu] desprecio, (hrn = ), De repente, (h'r = ) Ahora ... [Tng] e, saln comedor shtng, cantina, saln de clases ktng [Espiga] lingtngtng luminosas, brillantes

(F ) [Di] (DIREN ) Enemigo; tropas enemigas (F ) [Sh] intento, prueba, ensayo kosh , quiz (F ) [Xie] gracias, gracias Xiexie; [Yang] suplico, centro; central; ruego, suplicar

734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741

pecho, (F ) [Juai]apreciaracariciar; huiy sospechoso; memoria huinin

(F ) [GU] (= zhogu ) Cuidar; cliente gk (F ) [Yan] (Jingyan = ) La experiencia (F ) [Ying] campamento, fogatas ; hacer negocios [Zh] (= tngzh) Parada
[Xing] nombre de la familia; Xingming nombre completo (apellido y nombre de persona); Nn guxng? (Puedo pedir) El nombre de su familia, seor / seora? [Li] Meili hermosa, majestuosa ) [LI] Corea {Comparar con el amigo Peng y datos c } [Sh] pertenecen a, estar subordinada a, nacido en un ) ao especfico acoording con el calendario chino [Zh] prohibir [Jng] escena, escenografa, paisaje fngjng , paisaje [Guo] pared exterior de la ciudad, <nombre <family [Yi] ( = yko) Dependen, cumplir, de acuerdo con; Yiran todava [Wei] wixi amenazan, ponen en peligro; Shiwei demostrar; Nuwi Noruega [Una] de prensa, (= nzho) De acuerdo con, masaje Anmo [E] mal ) [Wu] () Odio [E] (), Nuseas [Hombre] lenta [Zuo] ( = Zuowei) Asiento, lugar, soporte, base del pedestal, <classifier para mountains, puentes etc.> [Zui] crimen, la culpa [Wi] xinwi fibra; Weihu de salvaguardia;

(F ) [Yng] levantar, alimentar, nutricin yngyng (F (F (F

742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754

(F ) Siwei pensar

zhujian) (F ) [Jin] (jinjin = , =en lquido Poco a poco [Jian] bao / inmersin

(F ) [Sheng] (= Shengli) La victoria, triunfo, victoria

755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774

[Argolla] tienda, ocultar, ocultar [Zang] (= Xizang) El Tbet [Huang] emperador Huangdi; hunghu emperatriz [Jie] calle; calle, barrio, calle, esquina [JI] oleada, rociada, (= Jidong) Excitan; Jilie intensa

(F ) [Yi] diferentes; Yichang inusual [Zhai] recoger, quitar, seleccione

[Jio] cuerno, esquina, moneda de diez centavos [Jue] actor, el papel

[Qiao] Buscar (F ) [Fu] llevar en el hombro, sufren, negativo

[Shi] llevar a cabo; cush de medir, el paso, la construccin [Mo] modelo mfn; mfng imitar [Mu] apariencia Muyang; molde Muzi , patrn, mueren

[Co] hierba; fresa comi [Mu] algunos, algunos, alguien murn (F ) plata [yin]; banco ynhng (F
[Lu] ( = lshui) Roco, mostrar, revelar, traicionan [Lou] revelan [Zhen] orden de batalla, <classifier para phases, hechizos ) etc.>; zhen Y feng un corto perodo de tiempo [Zhi] (Zhide = ) Vale la pena, (= jizh) Valor [Prohibicin] de clase, el trabajo; shngbn ir a trabajar; zhbn estar en servicio

(F ) [Ceng] capa, nivel, a ras del suelo [Xiu] reparacin, decoracin, xigi revisar
[Cha] difieren, mal [Cha] diferencia [Chai] [IC] del rango [Cuo] tropezar [Wi] (= widao) Sabor, el gusto



777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800

(F ) [Zhi] tejer, tejer; zsh organizarse; fngzh hilar y tejer (F ) [Yo] Medicina, de drogas (F ) [Gun] edificio, restaurante [Mi] de espesor, densidad
[Liang] brillante, la luz, brillo, alto y claro; pioliang hermoso, hermoso, extraordinario, brillante, inteligente [L] fl ley; abogado lsh ; disciplina jl ; xunl meloda, la meloda

(F ) [Xi] linx prctica; estudio xux ; hbito xgun

[Cristiana] sobre el terreno; pas tiny abierta

(F ) [Jin] jindn simple; carcter jintz forma sencilla [Min] exentos; bmin evitar; minfi libre [Du] () Veneno () De drogas, virus (F ) [GUI] volver
[BO] (= blng) De onda; bchnga longitud de onda [Xing] molde, el tipo; dinxng tpica [Wu] ( Wuzi) Cuarto, (= fngw) De construccin; techo

(F ) [Juan] el cambio, cambio [Jiu] ayuda, rescate, jimng ! Ayuda! Slvame! [JI] enviar por correo; parsito jshngchng [Di] emperador; imperio dgu ; Shangdi Dios
[Tui] ir hacia atrs, (= hutu) Retiro; chtu retirar [Yang] (= hiyng) Marino; Taiping Yang del Ocano Pacfico [Yang] nunyngyng caliente

(F ) [Si] de seda, hilo de rosca [Hu] lago; HUPO lagos; Hunan, Hubei [Shui] ( = shujio) Del sueo

801 802

(F ) [Lao] ( = laodong) El trabajo [Lao] animar, consolar (F ) [Fu] (= fn) Mujer; pareja se cas fufu
[BO] hermano mayor, to [Bi] dbizi hermano mayor de su marido [Bai] shbai parentesco por parte de padre [Ba] (= ) {Comparar con bi cien} [NI] monja budista; Njilgu Nicaragua; nylon nlng [Pi] (= pf) De la piel [Z] (zxin ) Antepasado; zm abuela [Xiong] poderosa, hombre; hroe yngxing; xingwi grandes; gallo xingj [Cientos] (jehn = ) Se casan; hnl boda, el matrimonio hnyn [Kang] Jiankang salud; Kangxi Zdin diccionario compilado en el perodo Kangzi


804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812

(F ) [Ping] criticar, comentar, revisar [Zhu] perseguir (F

[Ha] exhala, sorbo, aha!, Sonido <el de laughter, etc.> [H] <nombre <family [Ha] agitar Hasa, swing; forestales hshim chinos rana [Lu] net, cordeles ) [Lao] gulo participacin, implicacin [Din] (shngdin = ), Tienda, tienda, restaurante Fandian

813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821

[Ventilador] vuelta; fny traducir (F ) [Juan] el anillo, el medio ambiente hunjng , entorno (F ) [L] ceremonia, boda hnl ; lmo corts (F
[Po] ejecutar [Pao] pata de la tierra [Chao] (= chogu) Ir ms all, superar, (= choj) Super [Os] (F ) De la hoja (de una planta) [Xie] armonizar ) [Ya] de prensa, la presin [Ya] Yagen desde el principio, en primer lugar, en

822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844

conjunto, totalmente, totalmente, en absoluto, simplemente [Zhan] adivinacin [Zhn] ocupan; captura zhnlng [Junio], incluso, con un promedio pngjn [Yng] (yngyun = ) Siempre, siempre, eterna {Comparar con agua shu} [Mentira] (= qingli) Intenso, mrtir ; ardiente

(F ) [Jing] premio, premio, bono ; becas [Po] vieja dama, la esposa lopo (F ) [Gn] ponerse al da
[Fu] (= fyu ) Ricos; fngf abundantes; Caifu riqueza

(F ) [LAN] lnhu orqudeas (F ) [Lu] registro; Jilu tomar notas; grabadora (F ) [Hua] dibujar, fotografa, [Yu] encuentro, encuentro Yudao (F ) [Dun] para hacer una pausa, la harina de (F ) [Yi] habilidad, (= ysh) Arte; Wenyi la literatura y el arte
[P] ptng comn; Ptnghu Lengua Comn = mandarn; pbin universal [PAN] juez; Pipan criticar [Yun] (Laiyuan = ) Fuente, origen, los recursos Ziyuan [SU] normal, blanco, vegetariano; factor yns , elemento [Chuan] barco, buque, barco dchun ; fichun yzhu "csmica hidroavin" = nave espacial [Shng] estima; goshng nobles, altos [Shang] hshang monje [Zu] ( zuba) Boca; zuchn labio

(F ) [Yi] 100 000 000

(F ) [JI] (= jx) Siguen; Jicheng heredar

845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 857 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867

[Cha] guancha observar, la polica jngch [Y] lluvia, el agua de lluvia ; tormenta bofngy [Que] excelente, multa yuyu superior; [Nn] que <polite>; guxng Nin? (Puedo pedir) El nombre de su familia, seor / seora? [Yan] (F ) El humo, el cigarrillo, la niebla [Yin] (= )

(F ) pendientes

(F ) [Xin] (wixin ) Peligro; boxin seguros (F ) [Jie] (= ) Pasos; clase; rango ; fase (F ) [Dan] llevar a cabo un poste de hombro [Dan] dos cubos llenos, 50 kg.
[San] romper, distribuir, disipar [Sn] desmoronarse, dispersos [Bn] saln, duro, (F ) Lobn comerciante, propietario, jefe [Zhong] (F ) De campana, el reloj; tres, (F ) zhng'i adoran, <nombre <family [Mei] ( MeiMei) Hermanita; hermanas jimi {Comparar con mo = esposa del ltimo gobernante de la dinasta Xia} [Shen] estiramiento [FO] Buda, el Budismo Fjio [F] fngf parecen [Xin] lmite, los lmites; limitada; restringir [To] (toln = ) Discutir; toyn digusting ) { tokuci = () To ge Jili (hua) Para pedir algo en seal de buen augurio}

(F ) [Fng] (fngwn = ) Visita; reunir material (F

(F ) [Lin] pasar por alto, que junto a; temporal (F ) [Wu] <family <nombre, Wu Unido (222 hasta 280 dC) (F ) [Yao] agite [Tiao] saltar; paracadas tiosn ; danza tiow
[Cuestin] (= wnq) Curvas [Q] meloda

(F ) [Liana] de seda blanca, (= linx) La prctica

868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890

(F ) [Gou] jigu estructura; constituyen;

[Wan] jugar, juguete Wanju ; divertido hownr [Yu] ( Yushi) De jade; ym maz {Comparar con el rey wng } [Ventilador] violan; fnzu cometer un delito; penal [Ken] estar dispuesto a, el consentimiento; Kending definitivamente

(F ) [Chng] (= gngchng) De fbrica (F ) [Xie] xizu cooperar [Xing] buena fortuna, la suerte; Xingfu feliz (F ) [Hui] ola, ejercen, al mando de un ejrcito; de onda (la mano) (F
[Xiao] (= xiogu) Efecto, resultado; yuxio efectiva [Qi] zhngq limpio; yq juntos ) [Zhai] (= ) [Zi] (= ) [Feng] para sellar; feudales ; sobre

(F ) [Wen] (wnnun = ) Caliente; Wendu temperatura

[Yi] ( huiy) Duda, sospecha; chy dude [Rutina] carne, carne, msculo Jirou {Comparar con nei dentro} [Gong] (Jingong = , = gngj) Ataque; especializan en el estudio

(F ) [Zh] papel, peridico bozh [CE] del plan, la poltica zhngc

[Chong] relleno; chngfn completo, amplio, lleno de chngmn superior, <classifier para (F ) [Dng]dng mozi un sombrero sombreros etc.>; Y (= xnzho) Buscar (F ) [Xun] xnsi [Xin]

(F ) [Ning] (= Ningyuan, Jingke) Prefiere, en lugar [Ning] tranquilo

[Sha] arena, desierto de Shamo ; dunas Shaqiu ; Shafa sof <loan>

891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913

[Colmillo] terrapln, guardia, proteccin anti[Zhua] agarrar, agarrar, detencin, atraer, cero [Li] ( = Lizi) Ejemplo; liru por ejemplo [G] muslo, seccin

? Pnggu (F ) [AMI] vender; manzanas? mai znme? Cunto cuestan las

(F ) [Rechazar] a lo largo, en la misma direccin, obedecer, propicio [Jng] jngch polica; jnggo advierten (F ) [Meng] sueo (F ) [Ju] teatro, el juego, la pera, Julie graves [Shan] bueno; gishn mejorar; ser bueno en (F
[Mng] para cubrir, ignorante [Meng] trucos [Meng] Mongolia Mngg [Piao] billete [Ling] (yuling , ) Bueno; lingxn conciencia [Ventilador] <family <nombre; (F ) alcance fnwi, rea de distribucin; modelo mfn , buen ejemplo [Duan] celebrar algo. nivel con las dos manos, las extremidades, al final [Kao] apoyarse, confiar, mantenerse cerca, llegar a, cerca de [Es], compuestos; Fuza complicada; zzh ) revista [Es] llilz senderismo

(F ) [Jian] duro, slido, firme; persisten empresa

(F ) [GUI] caro y valioso [Nu] la ira, la rabia [Go] tallo de grano, proyecto, boceto, manuscrito
[Pai] aplaudir, remo, remo pngpngpi de pingpong [L] tasa, proporcin, frecuencia pnl [Shuai] plomo shuilng, comando

914 915

(no es nuevo) (Comprese con lo de (F ) [Jiu] de edadjvenes; xin nueva ) edad, no los

[Diao] caer, caer [La] que corresponde a ms le una, indicando <interjection excitement/doubt> [La] Hulal aleteo de sonido [La] lala chat, el chisme, la mandbula; lagua chat, chismes [Meses] no, no; moda ms grande; mmngqmio desconcertante e inexplicable [Shou] premio, dar, ensear, profesor jioshu [Shu] guardia; boshu conservadores [Que] el petrleo, gasolina Qiyou , salsa de soja Jiangyou [Que] lyuyu brillante / verde fresco; byuyu verde azulado


917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934

[Es] la bondad; Zhou Enlai (F ) [JI] se acumulan; jiji positiva; rea [Yi] (= Liyi) La ventaja, el beneficio (F ) [Xin] del condado; xinzhng juez del condado [Ku] llorar, llorar
de parada; huelga ; (F ) [Ba](= ) Cansada, agotada bala eso es todo [Pi] cansada,

[Establezcan] Jiating familia; tribunal ; patio [Chuang] (= chunghu, = chungku) Ventana, la cortina [Wang] (= wngj) Olvidar [Wang] [W] medioda; maana por la tarde la hora del almuerzo {Comparar con vaca niu} [K] bloque, caloras, tarjeta de [Qi] puesto de control [Xue] nieve; xuhu copo de nieve; huxu a esquiar [Cai] vegetales, plato

(F ) [Yang] recaudar; fyng desarrollar, promover

935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958

[Pai] tableta, de marca, tarjetas, fichas de domin; signo pizi, etiqueta, logotipo [Niu] buey, vaca, toro, leche nini {Comparar con medioda w} [BO] abundantes, abundante; doctorado, el amor universal , el museo bqgun [Zhang] 10 ch = 3 1 / 3 metros, para medir la tierra, varn anciano pariente /; marido zhngfu [Dan] bomba, bala

(F ) [Tuo] despegue; tul romper

(F ) [Tan] tocar la guitarra

[Zhou] continente; Yazhou Asia; uzhu Europa; Fizhu frica [Cancin] pino; ardilla , (F ) Sueltos [Juai] (F ) Mala [Pi] (= )

(F ) [Deng] <nombre <family (F ) [Xian] fresca raras, Corea [Xin] pocas, [Dun] corta (lo contrario de chang) (F ) [Bi] biye posgrado; bjng despus de todo [Zhi] puesto, lugar, posicin Weizhi
[Chu] qngchu clara [Ch] kch miseria

(F ) [Ou] uzhu Europa; ohmios um [Lue] breve, leve; lwi ligeramente [Zhi] Zhihui sabidura, de la Inteligencia Zhili (F ) [Do] isla
[Kang] (= dkng) Resistir; revuelta ; protesta [Qi] ( = qzi) Esposa [Bao] abrazo, abrazo

cargar con (F ) [Zai] transportar, por escrito [Zi] poner

(F ) [Bai] ( Shibai) Perder, ser derrotado; fbi corruptos

959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981

(F ) [Qiang] pistolaChancheng cometa [Cheng]

Heshi (F ) [Sh] dcng adecuado, apropiado [Di] seguir, ir a qinx modesta; xxn de (F ) [Xu] vaca, vaca, hueco mente abierta; kngx

(F ) [Yu] preparar; de antemano; pronstico

[Jng] ojo [Jing] ynjing ojo [IC] espina, pinchazo, arma blanca, irritar, (= csh) Asesinar [IC] zas

[Morir] pap, pap didie ; pap did (F ) [Fen] uno tras otro; controversia Jiufen ; [Jie] jisho introducir; preposicin [Kuo] boku incluyen; giku generalizar (F ) [Xiao] fundido (metal), Quitar, vender; vendido
[Jiang] otoo, descienden [Xiang] tuxing entrega

(F ) [Yu] peces; Jinyu peces de colores, tiburones Shayu

[Ben] correr rpido, huir [Ben] ir directamente hacia [S] soportar, tolerar, rnbuzh no puede soportar, no puede resistir [Zong] antecesor, el clan, la faccin; religin, ascendencia

(F ) [PAN] disco, la bandeja; baco sunpn; tablero de ajedrez [Er] (= rduo) Del odo; auriculares, auriculares [Vosotros] salvajes (F ) [Xun] interrogar; informe noticias tngxn
[Pei] partido, merecen; distribuir; pih cooperar [Jin] ( jnzh) Prohibir [Jin] soportar; bujn no puede resistirse a (hacer algo) [Su] cuerda; ssu pensar profundamente;

suxng simplemente, slo 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003

(F ) [Zhao] <nombre <family

[Meses] en silencio; momo en silencio; Chenmo reticente; humor yum [T] a pie, seguidor; tudi aprendiz; gngster fit [Jia] marco, rack, estante, acondicionados, <classifier para planes, radios etc.>; Y jia fij un avin; estantera shji

(F ) [Deng] lmpara [Feng] pico de la montaa

(F ) [Zhuang] (=estadozhungti, = zhungkung) Condicin, de las cosas

[Kun] fondo [Yi] (= Yidong) Se mueven; cambio , transformar; trasplante [Ba] pap, pap baba [Tuo] sostenga en la palma, se basan en; Weituo confiar [Hong] (= hngshu) De inundacin, <nombre vasta, <family; magnanimidad Hongliang alto y claro, [Sheng litro], lugar, ascender [Hu] <classifier para groups, crowds, bandas etc.>, grupo de personas. (Hubn = ) Socios; jihuo compaeros

(F ) [DING] concluir (comprese con ding decidir) [Hao] pelo largo y fino, mili-; hob no en todos los [Hu] Huli zorro (F ) [Zhen] de la ciudad, presione hacia abajo, tranquilo, fresco
[Chuang] cama, hoja chungdn ; lecho del ro [Hu] hxing entre s; Xianghu mutuo, recproco [Tao] conjunto, la cobertura; guante ; Y tao Yifu uno (total) Traje (de ropa) [L] (= lxng) De viaje; lgun posada, agencia de viajes lxngsh

1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027

[Tao] ( topo) Escapar, huir

? (F ) [MA] maldicin; caballo?Mam m m ma? Tiene mam la maldicin del

(F ) [Shu] transporte, perder (comparar con ying ganar) [Chang] cantar; [Jing] sujng apaciguar, apaciguar
[Mi] mimi secreto; secretario [Bi] Per

(F ) [IC] la palabra; cdin diccionario; verbo dngx; vocabulario chu [Kun] (knnn = ) Difcil, (F ) Cansado (F ) [Lei] (, ) Lacrimgenos; lgrima
[Shu] cocido, maduro y familiar; shx conozco bien [Shou] <colloquial variant> [Gu] fantasma; ( mgu) Diablo; guzi demonio extranjero [G] (gtou ) Del hueso [GU] rollo de Gulu [Shen] explicar {Comparar con casco ji y de} [Yu] el deseo, el deseo, el deseo Yuwang , la lujuria [Zheng] viaje; El ataque Larga Marcha, (F ) Pruebas, tasa [Si] () Personal, (= syu) De propiedad privada, de carcter privado, (= Zisi) Egosta [W] ( tiow) De baile [Qiu] otoo, caen; chnxiidng las cuatro estaciones [Ju] (= Jud) Enorme, gigantesco [Ying] ( hunyng) Bienvenida [Xiu] yuxi excelente estudioso 'Xiucai' [Go] hacer [DING] 4 en una serie, cubos (en la preparacin de alimentos), <nombre <family [Zheng] estruendo zhngzhng, clank

(F ) [Ci] la riqueza; fci hacerse rico

1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052

[Xi] inhalar; respirar Huxi; xshu absorber; xyn atraer [Debian] por todas partes, en todas partes; <classifier universal, para times/occurrences> repetitivo; ! Zai Shuo Y bian! Di (que) Una vez ms!

(F ) [Shen] shnpn llevar a juicio; interrogar

(F ) [Qiang] (= qingb) De la pared [Zhu] bermelln, de color rojo brillante (F ) [Sheng] santo; sabio, santo, Shngdnji Navidad [Bi] (bmin ) Evitar, escapar tob , evadir (F ) [Yue] salto [JI] envidia, evitar, dejar de fumar; tab Jihui [Zhuo] tabla; Y Zhng zhuzi una tabla (F ) [Zhi] sostenga en la mano; Zhixing llevar a cabo [Bei] ofendido, pesimista; tragedia
[Yu] (matemticas:) Sobre el terreno; territorio; valle ; regin [Nong] hacer, bufn de la corte nngchn [Largo] callejn

(F ) [Xio] amanecer; (xiode ) Saber [Wang] huir, perder, morir (F ) [Qiao] puente (F ) [Bei] generacin; de generaciones anteriores, los antepasados (F ) [Shn] () Salir del camino, flash, un rayo (F ) [Yn] ocultos; ynyu dbil, confuso
fuerza, (F ) [Jin] la la energa, el espritu [Jing]

(F ) [Nao] () Ruidosos; reloj de alarma [Kng] (= kngp) Me temo, el terror kngb

[Ya] de partculas <sentence final como A> [Ya] ah, oh [Fu] pagar

1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076

[Jing] ( znjng) El respeto

prisin; supervisar (F ) [Jian] eunuco [Jin]

(F ) [Establezcan] saln, sala comedor pivotante (F ) [Ku] almacn; base de datos shjk [Zhen] temblar, los choques; terremoto
[Ci] ( = cilio) Material; jioci material didctico [Google] hielo, refrigerador bngxing; bngling helada; Islandia Bngdo; helado bngqiln [Xng] ser sobrio, despierta; recordar [Ching] Qingzhu celebrar; Qinghe felicito;

(F ) regocijo qngxng

(F ) [L] ( ls) Verde de lugares) [Lu] (en algunos nombres

[Tu] pierna; capacidad para caminar; tobillo ; muslo

[Sh] estado, narrar, describir ; mencionados [Xu] lentamente, suavemente, <nombre <family [Zun] (, ) El respeto [Ying] duro, hardware yngjin (F ) [E] () Frente; cuota (F ) [Wu] (= cuw) Error [Jie] prestado, prestar (F ) [Na] recibir, aceptar, disfrutar, pagar, cosa
[Zhe] redil; break; cambiar de direccin [Ella] descanso [Zhe] vuelta [Shou] vender; vender bienes

(F ) [Yi] Yichuan heredar; lamento yhn [Wi] dan

[Bao] violenta, sbita, exponer [PU] (= ) [Qu] ( quf) La falta, se corta; qudin deficiencia

1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100

[Mi] perderse; L W Mle estoy perdido; mixin la supersticin, la fe ciega adoracin /

(F ) [L] <family <nombre; (lmng ) Grosero; aburrido [Tan] (= tnsu) Explorar (F ) [Huo] (= huw) Mercancas; hub dinero, moneda [Llave] Ertong nios (F ) [Hun] (hunmn ) Lenta (F ) [Wei] () Grande, fuerte; Hongwei , xingwi gran
[Junio] (= jnzh) Monarca, soberano, (= jnz) Caballero, tirano [Ventilador] ordinario; ( fnsh) Todos; extraordinaria [Wei] peligrosas; crisis; en peligro

(F ) [Zhuang] pueblo; cultivos zhungjia; solemne

(F ) [Shao] asado, cocinar, quemar (comprese con cho salteado)

[Ci] ( sci) Color; cis multicolor

(F ) [Qing] robar, arrebatar, raspar [Qiang]

[Kong] ( kngs) Acusan, (= kngzh) De control [Xiong] (, ) En el pecho; () Del corazn, la mente

(F ) [Xi] ( xj) Teatro, el juego, juego Youxi [Pian] hoja de papel, pieza de la escritura
[Qu] de inters, diversin, inters ; inters, el gusto

[Sh] paquete; Shufu atar; acabado jish (F ) [Wi] llamada; llamada

[Gai] ms o menos, lo ms probable; concepto; espritu [Ella] disparar, fuego, enviar; inyectar; tiro con arco

(F ) [KE] leccin de libros de texto kbn

1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122


[Dong] agujero, cueva [MA] camo, (= Zhima) De ssamo; mfan molesta [MA] mmahi atardecer; lunmm sucio, desordenado [Bei] taza; vtores ganbei [Tou] penetrar a fondo; lente tujng ; transparente [Que] yuj la oficina de correos, sellos yupio )

(F ) [Rong] (Guangrong = , = Rongyu) La gloria, el honor

[Dng] entender

(F ) [Yong] abrazo, gente, el apoyo yngh; yngj lleno (F ) [Xin] donar; contribucin gngxin
[X] de lavado, bao xzo , ducha [Xin] <nombre <family [Xiu] parada, (= xixi) De descanso; retirarse; casa de reposo [Po] obligar; Yapo oprimen; bip ser obligado [Pi] pijpo mortero

(F ) [Tan] suspiro [Gu] perro, perro ligu ; fnggu perro loco [Tou] robar, ladrn xiotu (F ) [Yin] opuesto de Yang ; , nublado; sombro
[Q] de vapor, vapor, gasolina Qiyou ; coche qch [Bai] el honor, la adoracin; semana lbi [Bai] bibai bye-bye

(F ) [Heng] horizontal [Heng] perversa

[G] fantstico, el juego, el tambor, despertar [GU] pnggg grasa, regordete, lleno, abultado [Jin] Jiankang salud [Hou] de espesor, tipo de profundidad, los alimentos ricos () (Comprese con bao delgada)

1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145

(F ) [Qian] qindng concluir y firmar (tratados, etc); qinmng firma

[Dan] cinabrio, rojo; dantian regin pbica; Dnmi Dinamarca [Luo] nombre de un ro en Henan y Shnx [Hn] (= hnjio, hhn , jiohn ) Gritar, gritar [Rong] (= Chengdu); loto Furong, cottonrose hibisco

(F ) [LUN] de la rueda [Una] tierra [Ni] pechos, la leche

[Dan] delgada, la luz; dnln (= qinln ) La luz azul [Chao] marea; (= chosh) Hmedo; gocho clmax

(F ) [Xun] leccin (F ) [Yun] redondo, crculo, (a veces se utiliza para el dlar yun)
[Jun] rollo; rollito de primavera (F ) [Juan] volumen, libro, papel examen [Cantidades] (Quan = ) El pelo rizado

(F ) [Sh] Kai-chek explicar; liberacin Shifang (F ) [Zhu] todos, <nombre de varios, <family (F
[Miao] maravillosa y sutil; mmngqmio ser confundido [Wi] wiwzhy materialismo [Wei] <expressing aceptacin de un request/command> manera [do] una fuerza de; tomar, capturar, lucha ) para [Zhu] expulsar, perseguir, uno por uno; poco a poco, paso a paso [Yan] (= Yanzi) Golondrina (ave) [Yan] <nombre <family [Dai] estpido, tonto, tonto, estancia, dibn rgida [Ia] ibn rgida

(F ) [CE] ( cling) Encuesta, medir, observar gunc

[Lang] (= blng) Ola (de agua); residuos

1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169

[Chou] saque; reducir; ltigo; el humo del tabaco (F ) [Gai] cubierta, concha, tapa [Pian] inclinada, inclinada, obstinadamente, por desgracia (F ) [Yue] experiencia, de paso, de revisin; ( yud) Leer (F ) [Gou] ( gumi) La compra [T] As, la ruta; perspectiva ; a travs de (F ) [Zong] longitudinalmente; cozng operar; columna zngdu, archivo (F
[Y] particle> interrogativa <archaic, (= y) Abuelo [YE] Yesu Jess [Meses] se sienten, los accidentes cerebrovasculares; tientas Mosuo ; comprender zhum [Colgar] navegar, volar, la aviacin ; Hangxing navegar [Z] (= xunz) Elegir ) [Zhai] elegir [Ave] de odio [Ella] ssh dormitorio [Ella] (F ) Renunciar, abandonar, shbd se muestran reacios a dejar en casa [Cantidades] caja (con los puos); Taiji Quan boxeo de sombra [Zhu] bamb [Tng] <nombre <family, la dinasta Tang, boastfull, exagerada; ( tngt) Grosero [Cheng] viaje (un vehculo), Se multiplican [Sheng] carro

(F ) [Gua] colgar, acondicionados

(F ) [Yu] alabanza; Rongyu honor, la fama Mingyu [Ruo] dbil; wiru dbil; runru dbil (F ) [Jin] (= jinch) Inspeccionar (F ) [Gong] palacio, templo, <nombre <family; vientre zgng
regalo, (= ybio) El aspecto, (F ) [Yi] ceremonia, rito, de De instrumentos, aparatos el rumbo, (= yq)

[Qi] pabelln

1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192

(F (F

[Han] tenga en la boca, contienen [Yun] <nombre <family [Zh] cimientos de un edificio, la direccin dzh [Bi] poner, arreglar, dominio, onda; yobiw ) "shake-dominio-dance", danza waggle (de las abejas) 'N' roll [Ao] om secreto, misterio; omio profunda, ) secreta [Ventilador] <classifier para kinds, times, ocurrencias etc.>; fnqi tomate [PAN] Panyu condado en Gungdng [Cientos] mezclar; caos hnlun [Cientos] barro, confusa

(F ) [Mi] extinguir; eliminar; se pierden; aniquilar [Wo] sujetar, agarrar, comprender [Ya] (= ych) Del diente (F ) [L] ( kol) Consideran; yul preocuparse [Zhao] zhoki convocar [Meng] feroz (F ) [Kuan] de ancho, amplio, ampliar, relajarse
[Cheng] relleno; contienen [Sheng] floreciente; exuberante [l] pozo, el ncleo, nuez Hetao [Hu] hur <colloquial> pozo

[Dai] bolso, bolsillo (F ) [Shao] jisho introducir (F ) [B] reparar [Din] dinxng tpica; clsica; diccionario
[Cantidades] crculo [Juan] pluma, pocilga [Juan] encerrado en un corral [Feng] bien parecido (F ) fngf abundantes [Y] wny culta, refinada, elegante yzhi [Ya] opio ypin

1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214 1215

[JI] suerte, auspicioso (F ) [Zan] aprueba y alaba

[Cha] t; hojas de t chy; hngch "t rojo" = t negro [Yi] tambin; fnzhyrn y viceversa [G] () Valle (F ) (= gwCalidad) de fibra; gzi mijo

(F ) [Wen] ( Wending) Estable, constante, confiable wndang (F

[Hui] (F ) Se renen; gubo informar; chu vocabulario; (F ) Convergen, competencias [Li] Lihai terrible, <nombre formidable, <family ) [Lai] nombre de un antiguo pas {Comparar con experiencia de Li}

(F ) [Jie] a caer <classifier debido, por ao de graduation, regulares etc.> sessions, meetings, (F ) [JI] (= hnj) Marca, huella, vestigio; milagro qj [Lei] truenos, tormenta ; radar [Xu] para zhxu; procedimiento ; para [Han] () Fro [Fu] incluir, adjunte; cerca Fujin , cerca de (F ) [JI] pollo; gngbo jdng picante de pollo en cubitos
[Zao] cumplir con el desastre [Tiao] () Elegir [Tio] empuje; desafo [Tao] tot paseo casual de aqu para all

[Jian] ( jinbng) Del hombro; ( Jianfu) Tomar en (F ) [Yi] ( jy, huy) Recuerdo, recuerdo, memoria
[Rutina] rendimiento; rurun suave, suave ruhe [Dai] poner; dai ynjng anteojos; mozi dishang ponerse un sombrero [Xi] () Acariciar; Kexi es una lstima; bx no dude [GE] por separado, se interponen entre, al lado

1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221 1222 1223 1224 1225 1226 1227 1228 1229 1230 1231 1232 1233 1234 1235 1236 1237 1238 1239 1240

[Hao] (= hob, = hob) No en todos los (F ) [Cheng] () Honestos [Ru] augurio auspicioso, bueno, la nieve oportuna (F ) [Jin] restar, disminucin jinsho [BO] siembra, las semillas, difusin ; difundir
[Me] (S ) [Mo] (F ) yom pequea, insignificante

(F ) [Zhen] aguja, la poltica ; acupuntura zhnc [Qi] juego de mesa, ajedrez ; Ir; Damas (F ) [Jing] jngzhng competir; concurso
[Bi] ( shub) Del brazo [Bei] gbei brazo [Tng] muy, muy, soportar, de pie, en posicin vertical [Cao] conducta, agarre; cozng operar [Cao] crear problemas [Yao] cintura [Kuang] ( fngkung) Loco [TI] en lugar de; ( dit) Reemplazar, sustituir [Mi] ciruela, ciruela, flor de ciruelo ; huerto de ciruelos

[GU] gngg consolidar; gdng fija (F ) [LUN] lnl tica (F

[Cancin] de la dinasta Song (960-1279); tz cancin "Song"-tipo de letra [Banda] de acero, pluma estilogrfica ; piano ) [Banda] afilar

(F ) [Nuo] nuyn una promesa (F ) [CAN] herir, brbara, incompleta, remanente [Yan] ( Yanchang) Prolongar
[H] ( loh) Tigre [Hu] mmahh [Hu] hbul <zool.> alcaudn [Xun] xns rpido, rpido

1241 1242 1243 1244 1245 1246 1247 1248 1249 1250 1251 1252 1253 1254 1255 1256 1257 1258 1259 1260 1261 1262 1263 1264

(F ) [Zai] (zinn , zihi) De desastres

[Qiao] qioqio silencio [Qio] qioshng silencio [Yue] de alta montaa, los padres de la esposa, <nombre <family [Chuan] ro; Schnshng la provincia de Sichuan; glaciar bngchun [Chou] venganza, hatered, <family <nombre; bochu vengarse [Qiu] compaero, <nombre <family [JI] (= jji) Temporada, invierno Dongji ; Siji cuatro temporadas

(F ) [Qiao] <family <nombre; cenador qiom

[Chui] golpe (F ) [Ling] ( lingshiCalidad) de fibra, los alimentos

[Ju] se renen, se juntan, la fusin nuclear hjbin

(F ) [Yi] ( fny) Traducir

[Zhu] ( zhzi) De la perla, perla; globo ocular, lgrima

[Shu] (= Shushu ) To, hermano menor del padre (F ) [Mou] rgimen; conspiracin (F ) [Ch] jch fundamento, base, base, chsh zcalo
[Rn] benevolencia, humanidad

(F ) [Sn] disminucin, dao; snsh perder, la prdida de [Rong] () Derretir (hielo o nieve; cf rong) (F ) [Liang] coches; ling liang che dos coches (F ) [Jing] limpio, completo, y slo; gnjng limpia
[Mn] mnji gil; mngn sensibles; mnru aguda [Yi] <nombre <family, l o ella; Ysln Islam [Xian] hadas, santo inmortal ser celestial, de soltera de hadas [Qio] listo, casualmente, qiomio ingeniosa


1266 1267 1268 1269 1270 1271

[Ling] cero; parte lngjin repuesto , el cambio de repuesto [Ling] glnglng solitario, solo, tintineo dnglnglng, jingle [Lei] cansado, el trabajo duro [Lei] acumulan [Lei] (F ) [Xing] (xingshu = ) Disfrutar (comprese con heng) [Prohibicin] acompaan; , compaero [Dang] oscilacin, vaivn, sobre pan; eliminar y [Zhen] () Tesoro: la perla ; preciosos [Yng] ynggn valiente, valor ; valiente guerrero [Meses] fin, pequeos detalles; polvo Mr; fin de semana Zhoumo [Me] ( = me); shnme qu? {Comparar con Wei no han}

(F ) agitar

1272 1273 1274 1275 1276 1277 1278 1279 1280 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285

(F ) [Fen] lucha fndu ; xngfn emocionado (F ) [Dn] vescula biliar, intestinos, la valenta, las partes internas (F ) [Q] ( fngq, poq) Abandonar, renunciar a
se molesta; problemas mfan , molesta, (F ) [Ventilador] B nifn impaciente [Hu] pasta; Hutu confusa [Hu] yeso [Hu] pasta [Que] sigue siendo, sin embargo, yuy dude; yur ) como si [Pei] fomentar, capacitar, desarrollar, cultivar, criar


(F ) [Shui] impuestos [D] de apoyo; (dkng ) Resisten [Seng] monje (F ) [Feng] fuerte; cargo , asalto; vanguardia [Ni] que, por lo que, slo entonces, (F ) [Yao] lejanos, remotos, a largo

1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298

[Mo] Anmo masaje; moca frote; friccin [MA] frotar suavemente masa, frote suave, masaje

[Tn] nivel; calma ; tanque (S [Hou] a partir de


[Mi] pestaas, cejas ; cejas; mira [CAN] comida

utiliza para; (F ) [Pava] se costumbre xgun estar acostumbrado, hbito, la

(F ) [Ping] apoyarse, sobre la base, (= Bulun ) No importa

[Pava] sombrero, la corona [Pava] en primer lugar, el campen Guanjun

[Tai] levantar, elevar, llevar a [Peng] chocar; pasar a cumplir (F ) [Bi] dinero, moneda, moneda ; renminbi RMB. (F ) [Q] abierto; inicio, iluminar; despertar, inspirar (F
[M] <classifier para tela, happenings, etc.>; ling m sh dos cosas completamente differeint / asuntos; ) mtou embarcadero, muelle, hom (serie) Nmero, cdigo [Mao] riesgo emiten, pretende ser, <nombre <family; coger un resfriado [Han] ( hnshu) El sudor, la transpiracin [Han] khn [SU] comn, rstico, vulgar, la costumbre; proverbio , diciendo

1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309

[Hui] cenizas, polvo, gris, descorazonados [Du] jind supervisar (F ) [Qiong] pobres; wqing infinita (F ) [Po] bastante, y no (F ) [Qing] magra; tendencia , prefieren; inclinacin [Jian] punto, la punta; jinru fuerte (F ) [Han] <family <nombre; (antiguo nombre de Corea) (F ) [Mao] moy comercio

1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 1322 1323 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 1330 1331 1332

[Fng] se parecen, como ser, (= mfng) Imitar, copiar, parecen; copia

[GU] solo; hurfanos; aislados; solitario (F ) [Piao] flotar en el aire, aleteo; aleteo , onda
[Hombre] de escucha; sin fin; <loan> Langman romntico [Y] (= yy, = jy) Dar, conceder [Yu] <archaic> (= W) Yo, yo [Z] violeta prpura,

(F ) [CE] lado zhiwai inclinacin [Zhai]

[Yan] a lo largo; ynhi costeras; borde del agua ynr de [Ba] levantar, tirar, promover; elevacin [Xiu] () La manga, el dirigente ; de bolsillo; dunxi T-shirt [Ling] puente, viga del techo; puente ; columna vertebral

(F ) [Shng] recompensa, admirar; xnshng disfrutar, apreciar

[Mu] cortina; acto (de juego); pngm pantalla [Bi] pared, acantilado, pared qingb (La Pared) [Dan] <archaic> amanecer; en un da, una vez; Da de Ao Nuevo

[Chen] (zochen ) Por la maana (F ) [Chun] ( Chunjie) Puro (dnchn ) Simple (F ) [Bi] cerrar
fro (F ) [Ling] fresco,fro [Liang] hacer

(F ) [Sao] escoba sozhou

[Pao] can; cscara [Bao] rpida-fra [Pao] inventar [Wn] tazn

[So] barrido; dso limpieza [] Te falta; yuq especialmente, pendientes

1333 1334 1335 1336 1337 1338 1339

(F ) [Empate] palo, pega, pega, estar cerca de [Cha] insertar, palo en; enchufe (F ) [Gn] rollo, hervir (F ) [Yun] causa, la razn; borde ; aislar [Si] templo, monasterio budista (F ) {Comparar con Jin ver} (F ) rnhu lubricar
[Bei] mariscos; cauri; (dinero); Beike shell [Ejecutar] shrn hmedo; beneficio Lirun ; [Sh] apellido, nombre de la familia, (= Shizu) Del clan [Zhi] yuezhi indo-Scyths (pueblos nmadas en Asia Central) [Dong] (Dongtian = , = Dongji) Invierno, la hibernacin dngmin ; chnxiqidng las cuatro estaciones


1341 1342 1343 1344 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 1350 1351 1352 1353 1354 1355

(F ) [Kuo] Kuoda ampliar, ampliar (F ) [LAN] valla, barandilla (F

[Huang] pramo desolado, el hambre; hungmi absurdo [Zhe] zhxu filosofa [Bi] la fuerza, obligar a, acercarse a

miedo, susto (F ) [Xia](= kngh) Amenazan, <interj.> [l] [DUI] pila, montn [Zui] gulibozu por completo, todo en todos [Zhuang] chocar, chocar [Lang] joven; novio . <nombre <family [Lang] [Li] dos, dos; wmen li los dos ) [Ling] jling truco, la intriga, la maniobra, habilidad, destreza, arte

(F ) [LAN] () Azul (F ) [Xin] reposo, tiempo libre; digresin , queja [Xin] sufrimiento; xnk trabajo (F ) [Jing] (= Jingzi) Espejo, lente, gafas ynjng

1356 1357 1358 1359 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 1371 1372 1373 1374 1375 1376 1377 1378 1379

[Pei] ( = pitng) Acompaan; dote piji

recorrido (caballo / bici) (F ) [Qi] Chengji caballo de silla; piloto [JI] [Dan] huevo huevo de gallina ; protenas [Cu] impulso; urgentes; cjn promover, impulsar csh , instamos [Yang] ovejas, cabras Shanyang; aos yngnin de la oveja = 8 ao [Yi] (= Shiyi) Adecuado [Yi] pinyi baratos [MA] <particle para persuation> [MA] particle> <interrogative (= ma)

(F ) [Yan] yns color; cara ynmin (F ) [PIN] (= pinku, = pngqing) Pobres

[F] ancho de la tela, el tamao, <classifier para tela, pinturas etc.>; una imagen

(F ) [Zh] estancia, detener, estar estacionados [Ping] (= Fuping) Lenteja de agua [Wu] falta; contaminacin wrn (F ) [Jie] pendientes; obra maestra (F ) [PU] saltar sobre; alas colgajo; pmi extinguir; vomitar <loan> Poker (F ) [Zhuang] robusto, magnfico; majestuosa; (F ) [SA] pusa bodhisattva, <nombre <family benvolo, [Xing] castigo (F ) preocuparse acerca
[Que] te preocupes, te desesperes: yuy triste;

[Mao] () Apariencia; corts (F ) [Yu] demanda; ( Jianyu) La crcel, la crcel

[Sai] rellenar, material de corcho [Se] (= ds) Obstruir, obstaculizar [Si] lugar de importancia estratgica, paso fronterizo [Kng] agujero; Kngz Confucio; cara minkng

(F ) [Feng] fnix hombre (ave fabulosa de buen augurio)

1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 1390 1391 1392 1393 1394 1395 1396 1397 1398 1399 1400 1401 1402

(F ) [Chu] tacto; jich ponerse en contacto; antena (F ) [Liana] amor (como en la historia de amor) (F ) [Q] (adverbio retrico); qyucl Qu tipo de razonamiento es que, nonsence?!
[Sen] (Senlin = ) Forestales [Ventilador] numerosas; raza Fanzhi ; floreciente; ventilador tz formas completas de los caracteres simplificados [Generis] romper en pedazos [Jin] ferry, ford, la saliva, el sudor, hmedo y hmedo; jnjnyuwi (obligado a hacer algo) Con el placer, para ser apetecible [Largo] Longzhong grandes; lngq oleaje [Largo] hnglnglng caer, rodar [Chi] tarda; llegar tarde; dude; postergar

(F ) [Xi] Xiake caballeroso guerrero; caballeresca (F ) [Zhi] zhdn amanecer, amanecer

(F ) [Hui] brillar; esplendor, la gloria; Huihuang brillante [Ave] despiadada [Xi] Fenxi analizar (F ) [Su] encogimiento [Xue] cueva, agujero, sala, grave, punto de acupuntura (F ) [Xiao] desolado [Yuanes] resentimiento, se quejan
[Mo] frotar, desgastar [Meses] molino, muela (piedra) [F] agacharse, desaparecen; calurosos das de verano; ascenso y cada [NI] de barro; suelo [NI] masilla [Jing] camino, camino, (zhjng ) De dimetro; tjng

(F ) [IC] del despido, la diccin, la poesa, el lenguaje (F ) [Ling] () La edad, la duracin (F ) canal, as, a travs

1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 1411 1412

[Bi] ( = Bizi) La nariz; bkng fosa nasal (F ) [Lai] se basan; andar; culpar falsamente; negar error [Yng] boca arriba; xnyng (religiosa) La fe (F ) [Fen] (qfn = , = fnn) Enojado [Mu] xinm envidia, admira, adora im [T] oda pronto, de repente;? gu Rusia [Ying] brillar (F ) [Xun] xnwn preguntar, investigar (F ) [Cn] trgica; salvaje
etc; avena (F ) [AMI] trigo, <loan> mipin ; micrfono mikfng [SU] <nombre de estancia durante la noche, <family [Xi] <classifier para nights>; Zh Y xi una noche [Xiu] constelacin en la astronoma china [Bei] veces; tres veces (tanto) [Cu] gruesa, spera, gruesa

1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421 1422 1423 1424 1425

(F (F

(F ) [Teng] saltar, galopar, desalojar; ebullicin [Teng] golpe

[Shao] (, ) Un poco, un poco, un poco [Shao] [Jie] corte, detenga;, longitud, la mitad una seccin [Rn] para teir; capturas (enfermedad); tinte, la contaminacin [Wu] (= Wuya) Cuervo, (= whi) Negro; wgu ) tortuga {Comparar con caballo m y aves nio } [Yu] curar, mejor que, ... ... (como yue) [Gng] montculo, centinela ) [Banda] granito hugngsh [Banda] gnku deliciosos dulces [Li] sauce

(F ) [p] spread, unfold; pave [p] shop, store; plank bed;

[sh] wade, ford, go through, involve; gnsh interfere

1426 1427 1428 1429 1430 1431 1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 1437 1438 1439 1440 1441 1442 1443 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448 1449

(F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F )

[j] (= jbng) illness; jk hardship [dng] ward off, block, gear (of car) [dng] bngdng arrange, get ready [fng] accept, offer; receive orders; flatter [t] step on; (= zota) zota ruin, waste, insult, affront [t] (= t) collapse, sink, calm down [zhng] faithful [w] (= w) five, <family name>; duw troops [du] hide (oneself), avoid, dodge [j] book, registry, native place, membership; guj nationality [n] nl try hard [lng] shunglng, bright and clear; recite [xing] box [ci] cut cloth or paper; reduce; decide; sanction [zhng] curtain; mosquito net; tent; account [jin] double; simultaneously: compatible [b] bc each other [xi] rosy clouds [zh] pig; zhnin the year of the pig = the 12th year [x] shx know well, be familiar with [zh] prick [zh] zhngzh struggle [z] [qun] advise [bo] thin [b] slight; weak [b] bhe peppermint [zh] build, construct; architecture [jn] handsome, pretty; brilliant, talented [xi] shoe

1450 1451 1452 1453 1454 1455 1456 1457 1458 1459 1460 1461 1462 1463 1464 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 1472 1473 1474

(F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F )

[j] ( jl) distance [qn] (= qnl, = qnr) invade, intrude into [xn] xnshng enjoy [j] squeeze; crowd; push, jostle; yngj crowded [mi] go-between, matchmaker; medium, intermediary [t] spit [t] ( ut) vomit [hn] ( lnghn) soul, spirit, mood [ji] (= chnji) pure, (= qngji) clean, sanitay; jibi pure white, spotless [zh] branch [q] (= q) fork, brach, divergent [yng] full; yngl profit, have a surplus [z] block; zzh prevent; dinz resistance [xin] pit, trap; cave in; sink/fall into [ji] helmet; zhjia fingernail; beetle {Compare with shn explain and yu from} [zhng] <family name>; zhngzhng serious, solemn [mng] cry of birds, animals, insects; ring, sound; express [tng] (= tngru) if, supposing

[shng] be left over, remain, (= shngy) surplus, left over, remain <classifier (F ) [k] grain, small round object, one pearl for small round things>; y k zhzi [tu] pull, drag; procrastinate [sh] stretch; shfu comfortable; shchng carefree [hu] nhu favor, kindness; xinhu virtuous () [hn] dusk, dark, to faint [zhn] shake, stimulate; vibration; inspire [ji] forbid; jiyn enforce martial law; jizhi ring [sng] lose (by death), lose (sth. important); sngsh forfeit

[sng] mourning; sngsh funeral arrangements 1475 1476 1477 1478 1479 1480 1481 1482 1483 1484 1485 1486 1487 1488 1489 1490 1491 1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497

(F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F )

[jio] burnt; () coke; jioj anxious; focus [p] crawl, climb [p] ipp squat, short [lng] insult; encroach; draw near; lngchn before dawn [hu] zhhu wisdom [u] ( urn) by chance, even number {Compare with j odd} [hung] ( yohuang) shake, sway [hung] dazzle [hung] [to] () peach; peach blossom; yngto cherry [ch] red, bare; chdo equator; chjio barefoot

[ln] messy; cnln splendid [ln] (F ) [pin] () deceive; cheat, swindle; hoax; swindler [cu] arrange; cush measure, step [y] page [xing] terrible; xing' fiendish; xingmng ferocious [ti] peace, quiet; Thailand; Tishn Mount Tai, something of great importance [sh] corpse, sht dead body [p] slope, hillside; pd slope, gradient [li] tie or strap tightly [l] lsu [lio] treat, cure; therapy [t] pagoda, tower [da] ; [chn] ( huchn) dust [tng] lie down [sh] tsh special, particular [wi] comfort, console; express sympathy for

1498 1499 1500 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 1510 1511 1512 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519

(F ) (F )

[tn] (F ) altar, raised plot of ground; (F ) jar, jug [gn] sweet; gnzhe sugarcane; Gns {Compare with r sun} [yo] bite; bark; pronounce [j] resist; ( jju) refuse [bio] young tiger [zh] ( bozh) explode, blow up [zh] deep fry [jng] (water) well, <family name> [chng] worship, high, sublime [yn] drink [yn] give animals water to drink [zh] express good wishes; qngzh celebrate; zhh congratulate; zhf invoke/give blessing [wng] wngwng tearful, bow-wow; boundless (ocean) [lo] firm, durable; ( lofng) prison; log sturdy [gu] laurel (bay) tree; Guln [wi] (= wiba) tail [y] huy <colloquial> end, behind [pio] float [pio] pailiang beautiful [pio] piobi bleach [lio] just, slightly; wlio bored, silly; liotinr chat, gossip [s] cast, let go [s] scatter, sprinkle [qi] ( qidng) appropriate, suitable; qiho just right [nng] hnnngt concrete; nngsh stare; nngg solidify [mo] spear; modn "spear-shield" = contradiction [Y] <family name> [w] <archaic> sigh and exclaim [y] (S ) in, at, to, from, by, than [bn] guest; bngun hotel {Compare with bng soldier}

1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525 1526 1527 1528 1529 1530 1531 1532 1533 1534 1535 1536 1537 1538 1539 1540 1541 1542 1543

(F ) (F ) (F ) (F )

[x] qngx mood, depression; tux lead, clue [Png] <family name> [d] ( dzi) stomach [d] tripe [cng] urgent, rushed; cngcng hurriedly, obviously, apparently; cngmng in a hurry [mio] trace, touch up; mioxi describe [fn] powder; xyfn laundry detergent; fnhngs pink [zi] thief [f] (= quf) lack; pf tired; pnf poor [dn] shield; modn "spear-shield" = contradiction [chu] worry [xi] slanting; xibin hypoteneuse; xil slope [li] split, crack: fnli split, divide, break up, fission [li] crack open [hu] slip, slide, smooth, slippery; hubng ice-skate [fi] to possess literary talent; firn brilliant (of literature); Fij Fiji [fi] waste [j] jm lonely; jjng quiet (place); chnj quiet [yng] gush, pour, rise, surge; xingyng turbulent

[xing] xingx detailed; dunxing details; nxing serene (F ) [tng] hot water, soup to flow turbulently [shng] shngshng

(F ) (F )

[ch] chd thorough; gunch carry out, implement [xun] black, dark, profound, abstruse; xunxu metaphysics [jn] half a kilogram; gngjn kilogram [hng] bang, boom, rumble, bomb, attack, drive out; hnghnglili grand, spectacular [jin] treacherous, traitor; (F ) adultery; qingjin rape

1544 1545 1546 1547 1548 1549 1550 1551 1552 1553 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 1563 1564 1565 1566

(F )

[lin] klin poor, pitiful [du] (= dur) flower, <classifier for flowers, clouds etc.>; y du hu; [duo] rduo ear [ji] good, beautiful [ji] <slightly archaic> all, everyone

[nio] bird (F ) [dio] (=) {Compare with wu crow}

(F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F )

[bng] nation, state, country; chngbng city-state; wtubng utopia [f] support with the hand, help [hu] destroy; humi exterminate [cng] cngming clever, intelligent, bright [bin] ( binln) debate, argue; diagnosis [png] (= pngzi) bottle [] hungry [sh] snake [y] xywiy pretended interest and sympathy [b] catch; dib arrest [bn] move; move house [Shn] <family name>, liquid essence; (F ) Shnyng; mshnwign "before the ink is dry" [chn] (=) to sink [fng] Chinese sweet gum (tree); maple [ji] jijiu uncle, mother's brother [yu] secluded; humor; gloomy; ghost [m] evil spirit, (= m, = mgu) demon; msh magic [qn] zither-like instrument; piano; violin [zhng] struggle; earn [zhng] zhngzh struggle [pn] engage; pnqng engage, invite

1567 1568 1569 1570 1571 1572 1573 1574 1575 1576 1577 1578 1579 1580 1581 1582 1583 1584 1585 1586 1587 1588 1589 1590 1591

(F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F )

[wn] curve, bend [m] (= fnm) grave, tomb [q] (= qpin) cheat, deceive, (= qfu) bully [w] realize; consciousness; [Jing] <family name> [chn] high official, overseer, (= dchn) minister [fn] (= fnhu) return, go back

[wi] disobey, (= wifn, = wibi) violate; wif break the law [ku] lose (money); chku suffer a loss, come to grief, (F ) treat unfairly; xngku fortunately, luckily [di] lose, misplace [yun] hold, help; zhyun support; yunzh help [H] <family name>, hertz [Wi] one of the Three Kingdoms, name of several dynasties, <family name> [ni] be able to endure; yubixn patient; b nifn impatient [pi] wear (at the waist), admire, pendant waist ornament; pifu admire; jngpi esteem [sun] sour, acid [mng] ( linmng) alliance, pact [mng] mngsh oath of alliance [png] fat, plump [pn] <archaic> easy and comfortable [sh] stupid, idiotic; shzi, shgu idiot [ro] wind, coil, move around; wiro surround [hng] groan, snort, hum [hng] humph [Qn] the Qin Dynasty 221-207 B.C., <family name> [q] bend, submit, injustice; qf surrender, yield; wiqu feel wronged, srong somebody [r] wr insult, humiliate; chr shame [zu] (= zutin) yesterday; zuwn yesterday

evening {Compare with z how} 1592 1593 1594 1595 1596 1597 1598 1599 1600 1601 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 1611 1612 1613

(F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F )

[shu] thin, lean, frail, skinny [zn] (= znsh) temporary [jin] arrow; hujin rocket; jintu arrowhead [sh] (= shmng, = qinsh) sign one's name; bsh deploy [f] go to, attend [d] hand over, pass, give; djio deliver, hand on, present, submit [ci] guess; cixing suppose [qin] qinshutng submarine; qinl latent ability [hng] ( hngyn) swan, wild goose, vast [j] grade, achievement; merits and achievements [yo] shine, dazzle

[t] spread on; tlio coating (F ) [tu] htu muddled [t] hlibt confused, muddle-headed

(F )

[g] cut; shug to harvest

[du] bean; dufu tofu; ddu soybean; wndu pea (of sound), (F ) [mn] muffleddepressed stuffy, cut off from air circulation [mn] bored, [tng] (= tngzi) pavilion, kiosk [xing] (= jxing) auspicious; cxing kindly, mercy [l] gl, jl encourage; jingl reward [y] eaves, universe; yzhu cosmos; mioy temple [fn] flood; gungfn wide, extensive; fnln overflow [lng] wolf, greedy and cruel person; lngbi in a difficult position [hu] (= huhu) regret, repent

1614 1615 1616 1617 1618 1619 1620 1621 1622 1623 1624 1625 1626 1627 1628 1629 1630 1631 1632 1633 1634 1635 1636

[d] put up, hang over, lift together [d] dchr pursue another's utterance; nd where, wherever (F ) [jin] (= jnjin) warship; hngkngmjin aircraft carrier

(F ) (F )

[f] float [qin] lead along (by hand, halter, etc.); qinni xi d [f] fh conform to; fho mark, symbol [s] yns serious, solemn; sqng eliminate [n] (= nl) slave [bo] (= bozh) explode, (= bof) erupt, burst; bozh firecracker [z] elder sister; zmi sisters [yu] young, children; yuzh childish; child

[ji] press, squeeze, clip (F ) [ji] lined (clothing) [g] gzhiw armpit

(F ) (F )

[yo] ( yoqng) invite [fng] crazy [yn] ynx permit, allow [no] nohu angry, annoyed [z] rent; chzqch taxi [y] ( yzi) chair [ch] ruler, one-third of a meter; yngch (English) foot [ch] gngch traditional Chinese musical notation [sh] shhu wait upon, look after [f] rotten; tofu; corrode; corrupt

[chn] quiver; chndu tremble; chndng (F ) vibrate [zhn] tremble, shudder turn [ni] twist,zni around, seize; biniu awkward [ni] squeak

[fi] fib humble [fi] luxuriant; Filbn Philippines

1637 1638 1639 1640 1641 1642 1643 1644 1645 1646 1647 1648 1649 1650 1651 1652 1653 1654 1655 1656 1657 1658 1659

(F )

[w] tile; ( wt) Watt [w] to tile a roof [w] lnww dazzling blue [c] rub, wipe, scrape [l] spicy; ljio hot pepper; dl sinister [l] rll burning hot, impassioned, passionate [zu] play music; ynzu perform music; jizu rhythm [yn] rich, <family name> [yn] (= ynhng) blackish red, dark red [mi] bury, cover up [mn] mnyun blame, complain [shui] fall down; shuijio wrestling [pn] look, (= pnwng) hope for, look forward to [yn] chant, recite [yn] xioynyn smilingly [d] cross a river/sea/etc., tide over, ferry across; dchun ferry [shn] (= chnshn) shirt [ku] step, stride, straddle, go beyond [zu] drunk [jin] (= jinnn) difficult, (= jink) arduous

[yn] hide, sneak attack; ynh to shield; yngi conceal [h] lotus; hhu lotus flower [h] carry, load [cng] dark green or blue; blue sky; green pine; (F ) cngying fly, mosquito; cngbi pale, lifeless, grayish [xun] spin; xunzhun rotate [xun] whirl, lathe

(F ) (F )

[ji] uncover [sng] mulberry tree; sngcn silkworm; sngy mulberry leaves [zhng] battle, war; dzhng wage a war, fight a battle [lin] lotus, water lilly [zun] drill, get into, study

1660 1661 1662 1663 1664 1665 1666 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 1676 1677 1678 1679 1680 1681

[zun] drill, auger, diamond, watch jewel [hng] hngwi magnificient; hngd great; hnggun macroscopic

[hun] unreal, imaginary, magical; khun xioshu science fiction novel [rn] (= dorn) sharp edge of knife or sword, kill with knife or sword [xi] (= xig) gorge, canyon; hixi strait, (F ) channel; Sn Xi the Three Gorges of the Yangtze river (F ) [lio] lioku vast, extensive; Lionng (a province)

(F )

[w] ( wwa) baby [ki] kig song of triumph [hun] worry, anxiety, disaster; hunbng fall ill [zhng] barrier, obstacle, (= zhng'i) obstruct; bozhng ensure [gi] (= qgi) beggar

[hng] weighing equipment, (= hngliang) weigh, measure, judge (F ) [mo] cat; xingmo panda; motuyng owl [mo] moyo stoop, crouch

(F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F )

[chu] second Earthly Branch, a clown in an opera, <faily name>; (F ) chulu ugly, disgraceful, scandalous [to] great waves [nun] warm up, (= wnnun) warm; nunhuo nice and warm [li] slide, sneak away [li] swift current of water [gu] pot, wok, frying pan; guti pot sticker [ni] what?, how?; wknih have no alternative [f] (= chngf) punish, (= fkun) penalty [sh] pick up from the ground, ten (= sh); shushi put in order [sh] shj climb stairs [nng] dense, thick, concentrated; nngd consistency [jin] key; jinpn keyboard (piano or typewriter)

1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 1694 1695 1696 1697 1698 1699 1700 1701 1702 1703 1704 1705 1706

(F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F )

[mi] vein, pulse; shnmi mountain range [m] mm lovingly [su] lock [ln] (= lnj) neighbor [chu] stinking [xi] sniff, smell [fng] perfume, (= fngxing) fragrant; fnglng age (when speaking of a young woman) [chu] hang down, droop; chizh vertical, perpendicular [zhu] clutch, grasp, catch; zhu mcng to play "hide-and-seek" [hu] huf recover, restore [m] nurse [kn] cut, chop, hack; knchi cut firewood [ji] ( jish) drive, fly, sail; loji excuse me... [gng] respect; gnghxnx Happy New Year [i] get close to, be next to, in sequence [i] suffer [hu] misfortune [Co] <family name> [c] cxing kindly; c'i love, kindness; cbi mercy [du] (= fdu, = chndu) shiver, tremble [qun] spring, (= pnqun) fountain; yunqun source [ln] zhnln exhibition; yuln go sightseeing [o] bay, inlet (used in place names); Aomen; [zng] (F ) dirty [zng] (F ) xnzng heart [tng] sore, painful [tng] copper (Cu); qngtng bronze [xi] (= xich) shame, shy; xiku feel ashamed [dng] shelves; dng'n files, archives

1707 1708 1708 1710 1711 1712 1713 1714 1715 1716 1717 1718 1719 1720 1721 1722 1723 1724 1725 1726 1727 1728 1729 1730

[dng] m dngzi target of scolding; lujidng logical data files (F ) [po] throw; poq abandon; pomo drop anchor [mio] seedling, young plant, vaccination; humio flame [hu] yhu uncertain [huo] mhuo perplex

(F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F )

[fi] (=) fat, fertile, (=) fertilizer; fizo soap [q] qzh drive out, expel [w] nest; wpeng shack [k] (=) pants [g] gj estimate, guess [g] gyi secondhand clothes [bo] womb, placenta; xbo cell [bng] handle [ku] wide; gungku vast; kunku broad; lioku extensive [d] <family name>; djun cuckoo, azalea; dju stop, cut off [qn] ( qnlo) diligent, hardworking [zhu] boat, ship [mo] (= mozi) hat, headgear, cap [m] mno agate; My Maya [ch] remove, take away, withdraw, evacuate [pn] frequently; pnl frequency [chn] meditation, Zen, Dhyana [shn] shnrng abdicate [k] <archaic> stalk, branch, <family name> [li] lif radish; Wnli Brunei [kn] may, endure; bkn can't stand; nnkn intolerable [cn] inch [i] grief; sorrowful; iqi entreat, implore

1731 1732 1733 1734 1735 1736 1737 1738 1739 1740 1741 1742 1743 1744 1745 1746 1747

(F ) (F ) (F ) (F )

[xing] bear, <family name>; xingmo panda [f] belly, stomach, abdomen; hinterland [chng] taste [qio] knock, strike; qio mn knock on a door; qio lu beat a gong [b] suddenly; bb vigorous [xn] patrol; xnsh make a tour of inspection [do] (= doqi) steal; qingdo robber [chu] chip, counter, prepare, plan [ku] button up; nikur button; kuzi knot, button [ch] pond, <family name>, (= chtng) pool; yuyngch swimming pool; dinch battery [qin] shallow, light [chi] firewood; huchi match; chiyu diesel oil [i] dust, angstrom; Aj Egypt [ji] marry (referring to a woman) [mi] <classifier for small objects, coins, etc.> [x] scarce, watery; xfn rice porridge, rice soup


1749 1750 1751 1752 1753 1754

[dio] vulture, (= diok) carve, engrave; fdio relief sculpture [yn] (= toyn, = ynw) detest; ynfn (F ) boring yn) ynyn weak and weary thrugh [yn] (= illness melon, gourd; [gu] hunggua xgu watermelon; shgu idiot; cucumber

(F ) (F )

[shu] longevity; shumng life-span [di] fall, tumble [ch] pull, tear, chat [dng] director; gdng antique [jn] brocade; shjn fancy; sshjn assorted vegetables


[jin] reflect, mirror, inspect, examine, take as a lesson, (F ) ancient bronze mirror, warning, object lesson; jindng appraise; jijin draw lessons from [shu] brush, to brush, to paint, swish [shu] shuxun choose, pick, select; shubi white, pale, brush over (F ) [q] walk fast, hurry, (= qxing) tend, incline to; qsh tendency

1756 1757 1758 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770 1771 1772 1773 1774 1775 1776 1777 1778

(F ) (F ) (F ) (F )

[jun] contribute, relinquish, tax [o] ( jio'o) proud, arrogant [gun] gunch carry out; ygun consistent [din] hall, palace [b] poke, turn, stir; bzhng set a clock; b dinhu dial a phone [xn] qinxn modest [t] kick; t zqi play football

[pi] compensate, pay for, lose money; pi bshi apologize [z] appearance, gesture, (= zsh, = zti) posture move, change; binqin changes; qinji (F ) [qin]to yield

(F )

[l] mulititude, <family name>; lmng daybreak [j] sacrifice; jq sacrificial utensil [d] drip, drop [x] make a surprise attack, carry on as before [hung] flustered, confused; hungmng in a flurry [bin] whip [mng] mngmng vast, boundless and indistinct [fng] meet [t] butcher, kill [kn] knchng insect; Knmng [bi] (= bish) cypress [B] Bln Berlin

1779 1780 1781 1782 1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 1789 1790

[b] (=) hungb the bark of a cork tree, golden cypress (F ) [sh] sail, move along quickly (speaking fo vehicles), (= jish) drive

(F ) (F )

[f] fnf tell, instruct; zhfu enjoin, tell [zh] to plant; zhw plant [j] fear, dread [ni] nikur button, knob, handle, tie [ji] mnji quick, agile; qngji nimble, spry [zhn] irrigation ditch; Shnzhn (place name)

[shng] xshng sacrifice; shngkou beasts of burden follow (F ) [zng] gnzng trace closely; shzng be missing; zngj

(F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F )

[cng] crowd; cngsh series of books; cngln jungle [m] shm desert; mrn apathetically [ru] jinru sharp pointed, acute; rul sharp, keen [l] lba musical wind instrument; lma lama [l] lla drip (water/etc.); hul sound of rustling/crashing/etc. [l] hlzi saliva; zhl harangue, shoot off the mouth [qin] heaven; qindo ways of heaven, natural law; qinkn heaven and earth, the universe [gn] (S ) dry, hollow [hu] suddenly [sh] moist [zhng] open the eyes [z] zx careful [zi] young animal [z] zjin burdens, responsibility [cho] make noise [cho] chochao make noise [yu] long, drawn-out, leisurely; yuji age-old [gu] gulley, trench


1792 1793 1794 1795 1796 1797 1798 1799

1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823

(F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F )

[m] ink stick, (= mshu) ink; Mz (a philosopher) [chun] string together, bunch, cluster; yngruchun sheep meat kebab [j] all; jlb club [j] together [to] pottery; toc ceramics [gng] gngxin contribute [hn] hnshn from head to foot, all over [yng] win [p] flatulence, fart, nonsence, rubbish, (= pgu) buttocks [ch] gallop, speed, spread; chmng well-known [bng] stick, bat, excellent; bngqi baseball [p] <classifier for horses, mules, bolts of cloth, etc.>; sn p m three horses [pn] ( pncu) piece together; pnyn; pnxi spell, transliterate [hng] permanent [xi] evil, <interrogative sentence final particle> [y] (= y) <interrogative particle> [cu] brittle, crisp; gncu simply; qngcu clear; curu fragile [zo] rotten; zogo bad luck! zota waste, spoil [bn] dress up as, disguise as; put on an expression [xin] xinhu virtuous and dutiful (woman); xinrn virtuous person [sh] decoration, dress up, impersonate [chng] repay, (= pichng) compensate, pay for [chi] take apart, dismantle [c] collquial excrete [chn] to wind, tie up, tangle, bother [sh] absorb, photograph; pish take a picture [n] (= ndng) draft; bn comparison; mn imitate

1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848

(F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F )

[z] zwi flavor; zzhng grow [hi] hey [zh] yzh intention [chung] rush, charge [h] zhh congratulate; qngh celebrate [cu] emerald green; cunio kingfisher [fng] sew [fng] seam, crack [bo] full (after meal) [ji] rob, disaster [f] pat, soothe, foster; fm stroke [w] dig, excavate [c] book; shuc handbook; dtc atlas {Compare with l beautiful and png friend} [pn] pnt traitor [xio] xioxing portrait [Xio] <family name> [x] splendid, (= jx) bright, brilliand; Kngx Zdin Kangxi dictionary (1716 A.D.) [lin] smelt, refine, temper metal; dunlin exercise [xin] xinf constitution; xinbng military police [mio] temple [b] green jade, bluish green; dark green; dark blue; Xub "7up", "Sprite" [h] (= hzi) box [y] yuy friendship [ch] chling reserves; cnch memory [png] swift-running horse [Fng] <family name> [hun] (= jiohuan) call out [tn] corrupt; tnxn greedy

1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871

(F ) (F ) (F )

[w] lie down; wsh bedroom [y] wing [ro] harass, bother, trouble; rolun disturb [xi] upper part of side of person's body, coerce [gu] kneel [bi] upright stone tablet (monument, etc); mbi tombstone [h] breathe out (mouth open), scold; hqin yawn [tin] sweet; tinci beet

[s] (F ) sprinkle [xin] xinr respectful, deferential; (F ) xinrn alarmed, surprised, shocked, frightened, cold chart, (F ) [p] table,(music manual, music score, (= pxi) compose etc.) in names) [sh] (usedmsu stroke, caress [su]

(F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F )

[nu] nu graceful (woman) [g] pavilion, cabinet [yng] usual, ordinary; Zhngng Doctrine of the Golden Mean [png] roc (a giant mythical bird) [f] (= fgi) cover; dinf subvert; (S ) fnf repeatedly, again and again [lng] lnglng clever and nimble [hu] marquis, <family name> [m] slip something off, colloquial wipe [m] apply, smear, brush/wipe off, exclude, play (cards/etc.); mb cloth, rag; msh obliterate [m] daub, plaster, skirt, bypass [L] <family name>; gl calabash [i] zhng'i get in the way; fng'i hinder [zng] zngh synthesize [zng] heddle [qi] mound, grave; qilng hills; shqi dune

1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884

(F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F )

[yn] faint, swoon; tuyn dizzy [yn] dizzy, faint, halo; hngyn blush [ln] block the way [rn] ( rnsho) burn; rnlio fuel [chng] prosperous [tn] swallow, gulp down, annex; tnm embezzle [xin] suspicion, dislike [D] <family name> [y] pawn, detain; ysng send under escort; yyn rhyme [sh] (= shtou) tongue {Compare with g ancient} [ln] <archaic> beautiful jade [w] fog; ynw smoke, mist [mn] prolonged, graceful [ch] (= chr) shame, humiliation; kch shameful; wch shameless [gu] (F ) (= guzi) cabinet; guti counter; zhnggu shopkeeper [j] jli tree of the willow family,large tree good for making furniture/etc. [tn] spread out, unfold, take a share in, vendor's stall [xu] bxu to exploit [xio] qixio cut [q] qnq relative; xi-q joy and sorrow [gn] pole [gn] (F ) shaft [yn] rock, cliff; ynsh rock; shyn sandstone; rngyn melted rock = lava [wi] hey, hello, (= wiyng) feed, raise [rng] throw, toss; rngqi throw a ball (compare with jiqiu catch a ball)

1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894

[sh] shsh pass away, die; xiosh fade away, elapse (F ) [dn] dnshng be born; Shngdnji Christmas

1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917

(F ) (F )

[xun] hang, unresolved, worry; xuny cliff [shung] shunglng bright, clear, frank; lingshung pleasantly cool [cu] <family name>; cuwi rocky mound, otwering; cuwi lofty, towering [tng] royal court [cu] gather together, happen by chance [ch] idiotic; infatuation [pn] basin, tub, pot; pnd basin (of land) [y] imperial; (F ) fngy defense; dy resist [k] (= cnk) cruel, <slang> cool [i] Chinese mugwort; irng moxa [y] yuny resentment

[i] <interjection indicating sentiment/sympathy/disappointment> oh! [i] yes? <colloquial> maternal grandmother [lo] lolaoold lady [m] <archaic> [lng] (= lngzi) cage, coop (F ) [lng] lngzho shroud, envelop

(F ) (F )

[din] jolt, fall, summit; dindo turn upside down

[yn] marriage; hnyn marriage, realated by marriage (F ) [xi] ( xidi) carry, take along; xishu hand in hand [ku] ( cnku) ashamed [fn] fragrance; fnfng fragrant; Fnln Finland [m] jngm solemn and quiet, <family name>; Mhnmd Mohammed [shn] a fan, slap, <classifier for doors etc.>; y shn mn [shn] to fan, slap, incite [y] <family name>; fragrant; elegant; (F ) luxuriant; yuy melancholy [zh] throw, cast [zhng] terrified, panic-stricken [zhng] fzhng stare blankly

1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941

(F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F )

[xn] rush pith [xn] ynxn core [sh] (= losh) mouse, rat; shnin year of Rat = 1st year [ji] jizhng rectify; jichn get entangled [jing] binjing border region; Xnjing [yu] say {Compare with r sun} [f] shfu master (term of respect) [po] (= pozi) robe, gown [chn] (= zuchn) lip; chngo lipstick [s] revive, come to; Ys Jesus [png] hold, carry in both hands; pngzhe y g xgu carrying a watermelon [gu] cross out, evoke, gang up with [gu] gudang shady deal/business [m] herd, tend; mchng grazing land, pasture; mmn herdsman, govern the people [r] Confucianism, scholar; Rji Confucianists; Rln (Confucian) scholars [ki] kngki generous, vehement [jn] tendon, muscle, fiber; nojn brains, mind, head; xingpjn rubber band [zh] pillar, post, cylinder [bi] low, inferior, modest, humble; bib base, despicable, vulgar; bili despicable [yn] to swallow [yn] pharynx [y] wy sob, whimper [dn] <loan> ton, slang one thousand yuan (RMB) [chng] worm, insect; pchng reptile; shchng bookworm [shng] (= shngzi, = shngsu) rope, cord [ch] chfng kitchen [yun] injustice; yunwang do wrong, treat unjustly [zhng] rise, go up

[zhng] swell 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956

(F ) (F ) (F ) (F )

[zhu] to wrinkle; zhuwn wrinkles [p] plo exhausted, fatigued; pjun tired [d] gamble, bet [ro] rich, plentiful, have mercy, give extra [kung] (= kungsh) ore; ( kungshn) mine; kungw mineral

[chng] smooth, free; shchng happy, worry-free; (F ) chngkui cheerfull, carefree; chngtng unimpeded, unblocked

(F ) (F ) (F ) (F )

[mi] coal; miyu kerosene [wn] (= shuwn) wrist; tuwnzi ankle [pn] spurt, spray; d pnt sneeze [pn] crop, in season, high season [qin] piqin send, dispatch; xinqin sent in advance [ho] hodng vast, mighty; hod huge [wng] old man, <family name> [z] zxn consult, seek advice from [bio] dartlike weapon; bobio bodyguard [png] pngm screen [bng] bngx hold breath [bng] bngyng with fear and trepidation [zhng] second, middle (of 3 months or brothers); zhngchn 2nd month of spring, middle of spring; zhngxing 2nd eldest brother [x] exclamation of surprise, Alas!, My! (= xx) sound of giggling [fn] fnf tell, instruct [min] cotton [mng] eldest son, first month of season, <family name> [chng] prop up, support, keep up, fill to bursting [l] (= lzi) stove, oven, furnace [xi] leak, drain, divulge, release [y] yt garrulous and disorderly, easygoing

1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964

1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988

(F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F )

[zng] (= mizng) bury (the dead); zngl funeral [su] search; suj collect; such search; susu look for [tin] add, increase [zn] obey; znshu comply with; znzho obey, conform to [d] <archaic> enlighten, guide [wi] false, fake; xwi false, hypocritical; wib counterfeit money [zho] omen, million, mega [qin] owe, lack, lean forward; hqin yawn [ling] (= yunling) forgive [yn] (= ynr) burning hot, (= fyn) inflammation [fn] qfn atmosphere [zhng] cane, caning, flogging, (= shuzhng) staff, walking stick [xi] become blind, pointlessly; xizi blind person [dio] (= dioy) to fish; diogu fishing hook [chng] intestine [p] drape over one's shoulders, open [bo] shell, peel [b] bxu exploitation [sh] (= fsh) swear; shyn oath [zhun] gain, profit [zun] cheat [y] labor, required service, (= zhny) battle; bngy military service; ny enslave [po] soak, bubble; poci pickle; pom foam [po] spongy [n] go against, disobey, be contrary to; Hany n yn cdin Reverse Chinese-English dictionary [i] short (not tall), low; izi dwarf [dio] hang, lift up, let down with rope, crane, mourn, revoke

1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

(F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F )

[tin] fill, stuff, fill in (form) [ji] good, fine, praise [zh] lzh candle [sh] dsh tall building, mansion [Xi] Ximn Amoy [x] evening, sunset; xyng the setting sun [shui] shuiru weak, feeble; shuilo decrepit; shuitu fail, decline [cu] dngcu rank, grade [y] fluid, (= yt) liquid [Xu] <family name> [p] fall forward; dinp fall (down), fall into disgrace [p] (F ) prn servant [mi] step, stride, old [ch] (= ych) tooth [jn] (= jnshn) cautious, sincerely [chng] to present; chngxin appear; chngbo submit a report [ng] (= ngshu) hold one's head high, high, soaring

[cho] copy search and confiscate; choxi transcribe (F ) [m] mmin fill the air; mb make up for, remedy [k] (= kuk) thirsty; kwng thirst for, long for [t] (= tzi) ladder, (= lut) stairs [sh] sparse, scanty; shhu carelessness [ho] (= xioho, = hofi) consume; hozi mouse, rat [dng] open (one's eyes) wide, stare, glare; dngyn stare, stare down [ch] pich reject; bch refute, denounce, reject, chz denounce [ku] brag; kud exaggerate [d] stem of a fruid; ynd cigarette butt; ynd clitoris

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036

(F ) (F ) (F )

[jin] (= jindo) scissors [q] marry (a woman), take a wife, get married [hn] hnj mark, trace, vestige; shnghn scar [f] <archaic> not [Yo] <family name> [zhi] debt [tu] appropriate, ready [l] bli glass; lil coloured glaze [to] pull out, fish out (from pocket, etc.), dig [sh] (=) brake, stop [ch] chn instant, split second [jng] bright; shujng (rock) crystal; jngtgun transistor; jngyng sparkling [zhng] inner feelings, middle; zhngxn wholehearted; w dng y zhng indifferent, unconcerned [f] (= pfu) skin; fs color of skin [l] deer [t] make rubbings from stone/bronze [tu] open up, develop [zhu] tall, <family name>, (= zhuyu) outstanding

[zhng] disease; jinwngzhng amnesia (F ) [zhng] zhngji crucial reason, obstruction of the bowels [tng] sugar, (= tnggu) candy; tngc sweet and sour (F ) [qn] by the emperor himself, respect, (= qnpi) admire; qnchi imperial envoy

(F ) (F )

[min] unbroken; sponge [min] soft [l] <used as for sound value> [l] (= Yngl) Britittish mile [yu] guide, lead, lure [k] withered, dried up, dull [xi] have a rest; jinxi intermission

2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059

(F ) (F )

[s] model, mould; slio plastic; sxing statue [fng] (= fng'i) hinder, impede, harm; bfng might as well, no harm in... [y] short name for Henan; yuy hesitate [y] press down, restrain; yzh restrain, inhibition [shn] shnh coral; shnhjio coral reef [gn] () rod, stick; guign walking stick [jn] enter, advance, promote, a dynasty (265-420), <family name>, short name for Shanxi province [ln] pour, drench; bngqiln ice cream [ln] strain, filter [ln] shlnln drenched [yu] (= xyu) happy, joyful, delighted

[dn] dnhu honest, sincere; Dnhung (in Gansu) [du] ancient vessel [yn] beauteous, amorous, (= ynl) gorgeous, (F ) respendent; xinyn bright (color)

(F )

[b] bli glass [z] strike, smash, break [rng] shout, yell [rng] rngrang shout [mng] (= mngm) blind, unable to distinguish; mngdng act blindly [bin] distinguish, differentiate [g] kudzu vine, grass-cloth [G] <family name> [hn] rarely, seldom [han] xhan rare, cherish [j] (carpenter's square); jzhn matrix [yng] yuyng swim [zhi] residence, house [di] borrow, (= dikun) lend, loan [bng] upper arm, (= jinbng) shoulder; chbng wing; [png] swell

[png] pnggung urinary bladder 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083

(F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F )

[ni] hold between the fingers, knead, fabricate [jng] (= jngxing) neck [gng] bgngr nape [jin] put into practice; trample [b] (= bzi) neck [g] merchant [Ji] <family name> [jio] sedan chair; jioch car [p] spleen; pqi (bad-) temper [bo] (= boli), fort, fortress; chngbo castle [b] (= bzi) walled town/village (used mostly in place names) [p] walled town/village (used mostly in place names) [jio] graceful, delicate; jionn tender and lovely [Zh] Zhjingshng Zhejiang Province [li] bad, inferior, minor [xio] deep and clear water; xios natural & unrestrained [c] give, grant, gift (from superior to inferior) [tu] tulu top (spiraling toy); tuluy gyroscope [x] store, save, grow; jx save; chx deposit [fn] grave, tomb [sng] praise, song, ode; gsng sing the praises of [lu] (= lushu) leak out [Hng] Hngzhu [mo] straw, thatch; ( moco) grass for thatching; bimo edible wild grass [zhun] brick [shn] wink; shnjin a moment, in the twinkling of an eye [h] crane (emblem of longevity) [b] monarch; fb restore a dethored monarch or old

order [p] kip open up, start 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105

(F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F )

[y] to fish; ymn fisherfolk; yy fishery [gui] clever, (= guigui) obedient, well-behaved [b] overlord, tyrant, dominate; bzhn sieze [xing] (= xingzh) assist, help

[cho] stir fry, saute; chofn fried rice; chomin "chow mein", fried noodles hoarse (F ) [y] mute, dumb, indicating surprice, same as >, ah, oh [y] <interjection [p] riverside, river mouth (mostly used in place names), <family name> [bng] cake; bnggn cracker, cookie [x] sacrificial animal; xshng sacrifice [tn] (= hitn) beach, sands [dng] a nail, to follow closely [dng] to nail [y] plead, (= hy) appeal [x] xx panting, puffing hard [y] <interjection "Whoa!"> [x] tin (Sn) [zng] (= zngsng) give as a present [hng] hubbub [hng] fool, coax [hng] horseplay [lng] bell [wn] stupid, stubborn, naughty; wnqing indomitable; wng obstinate [zh] propagate, (= fnzh) breed, reproduce, colonize; zhmnd colony [shi] gshi skeleton [yng] hawk, eagle [Ci] <family name>, sacrificial tortoise [cu] urge, hurry, hasten [f] frng cottonrose hibiscus, lotus

2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 2115 2116 2117 2118 2119 2120 2121 2122 2123 2124 2125 2126 2127

(F )

[bn] bnbn <archaic> refined, urbane [pn] (= ) put/piece together, spell, risk life [pn] abandon and ignore [gu] track, rail, course, path; gudo orbit

[y] Oh! (F ) [yo] <interjection indicating exhortation> [yo] ouch [qin] apology; doqin apologize; boqin regret, be sorry

(F ) (F ) (F )

[dng] stare at [shu] very large; shushxuwi Master's degree [r] offend, ask for (trouble); r mfn excite or invite trouble [q] (= qyu) contract, legal agreement [qi] qiku long separation, to be separated from one another [y] make a fool of, dupe, (= ychn) foolish, stupid [shui] commander in chief, graceful [hung] afraid, fearful, (= hungkng) alarmed, anxious, uneasy, (= yuhung, (= hunghu) apprehensive; scared, alarmed [hn] (= yhn) regret, sorry [ln] lazy, sluggish; shn lnyo stretch oneself [y] aunt (mother's sister), sister-in-law (wife's sister)

[chun] (= chunq) pant, gasp for breath; qchun asthma (F ) [shu] beast, wild animal, (= yshu) beastly, crude, uncivilized [m] path between fields, (= mshng) strange; mshngrn stranger

(F ) (F )

[zho] cover, hood, overalls, cage [li] (= dli) hunt, chase; liren hunter; ligu hound [sng] lofty (mountain); Sngshn mountain in Hnn [yn] salt

2128 2129 2130 2131 2132 2133 2134 2135 2136 2137 2138 2139 2140 2141 2142 2143 2144 2145 2146 2147 2148 2149 2150 2151 2152

(F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F )

[j] starve, be hungry, famine; j' hunger, starvation [q] cold, chilly, sad; qling desolate; qcn wretched [hu] (= hulng) throat, larynx [yn] (= ynhu) banquet [qing] cavity, tune, pitch, accent, speech [hn] writing brush, writing [x] (= xgi) knee [lng] hill, mound, tomb; Shsnlng the 13 Ming tombs [fng] bee, wasp; mfng honeybee; fngfng beehive [lu] patrol; luji <loan> logic [p] chop, split [p] divide, split [lin] honest, clean, low-priced [gu] bind, wrap; bogu bundle, package [jio] severe, (= jio'o) arrogant, proud [fn] fnzi dealer; fnmi deal in, traffic, peddle [hu] paint, draw; huhu drawing, painting [y] (= yb) precipice, cliff [chn] time, day, occasion, celestial bodies, 2-hr period; xngchn star [y] tiny edge of world; shngy career, profession [g] ancient Chinese weapon similar to dagger axe or halberd [kng] hole, pit [zh] cover, hide, block [qn] capture, catch, seize [mn] quite, very, fierce, (= ymn) barbaric; mnhng unreasonable [zh] bizh <Chinese medicine> root of Dahurian Angelica

2153 2154 2155 2156 2157 2158 2159 2160 2161 2162 2163 2164 2165 2166 2167 2168

(F )

[d] stop up, block, <classifier for walls>, <family name>; y d qing a wall [g] (= gyng) hire, employ; gzh employer; gyun employee [wn] draw, pull, roll up; wnji rescue; (F ) pull (cart/carriage); lament [min] ( shumin) sleep; dngmin hibernate [wn] kiss, animal's mouth, muzzle, lips [xio] filial, filial piety, mourning [b] at anchor, moor, berth [p] hp lakes [s] rip, tear; shu tear apart [x] tx arouse attention, help and guide [hng] (= cihng) rainbow [jing] <colloquial> rainbow [x] chat, (= xsh, = xsh) narrate, relate [cu] (= chncu) pure, unadulterated [min] make an effort; minqing force; with difficulty [ji] (= jil) do one's utmost, (= jijn) use up, exhaust [wi] crooked, askew, inclined, devious [shn] cautious, careful [k] <classifier for trees, cabbages, etc.>; y k sh a tree [p] (F ) (= ps) simple [Pio] <family name> [p] psh Chinese hackberry [p] pdo a type of long knife [xi] machinery, (= jxi) mechanical; qxi apparatus [x] (= xli) brook, small stream [l] mli jasmine; mli huch jasmine tea [bn] spot, speck, stripe; bnm zebra [k] knock against; ktu kowtow; kpng collide with [gu] few, scant, tasteless; gufu widow; chnmguyn habitually silent


2170 2171 2172 2173 2174 2175

2176 2177 2178 2179 2180 2181 2182 2183 2184 2185 2186 2187 2188 2189 2190 2191 2192 2193 2194 2195 2196 2197 2198

(F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F )

[xn] follow, abide by; xnhun circulate, cycle [zhn] chop [l] take by force, (= ldu) pillage, plunder; ( lgu) sweep past [l] sweep/brush past, snatch away [L] <family name> [x] (= xr) former times, the past; wngx in the past [jio] (= jioq, = jiaowi) suburbs, outskirts [ju] rank of nobility, peerage; jush knight; jush ynyu jazz [hu] emblem, badge, insignia; nhu shng Anhui Province [c] magnetism; cti magnet; cdi (magnetic) tape [f] bow (one's head), bend down; fchng dive; fkn look down at, overlook [tn] talk, <family name>; tinfngytn the story of Arabian Nights [dng] ancient cooking vessel, tripod [f] stroke, touch lightly, whisk, flick, go against (somebody's wishes); fxio before daybreak [b] (=) assist [n] I, we; nmen we (refers to speakers only) [so] (= dso) elder brother's wife, sister-in-law [p] kerchies, (= shup) handkerchief [g] What?, Huh? [g] How come?, Why? [?g] O.K., Agreed! [dng] freeze [wn] gentle, (= wnzhun) tactful, agreeable [tng] parasol tree; tngyu tung oil [lu] (= lutuo) camel [p] splash, spoll, sprinkle; rude and unreasonable; hupo lively [jing] artisan [jiang] mjiang carpenter; tijing blacksmith

2199 2200 2201 2202 2203 2204 2205 2206 2207 2208 2209 2210 2211 2212 2213 2214 2215 2216 2217 2218 2219 2220 2221 2222

(F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F )

[tng] light boat [qin] qinx, qinxn modest [j] (= chngj) prostitute, <traditional> female performer [p] ps bodhisattva, benevolent being [c] (= csu) toilet [si] (= mosi) latrine [f] capture, (= fl) prisoner, captive [y] resolute; yl willpower; jiny determined [lng] mountain, (= shnlng) mountain range, ridge; jnlng high mountains [y] fork, bifurcation; ytou girl, maid, servant, salve girl [wi] fear, respect; wij dread; wisu flinch [Xing] short name for Hnn; Xing Jing a river in Hunan [tng] bucket [sng] (= sngzi) throat, (= sngyn) voice, (= sngmnr) larynx, voice [hung] bright, brilliant; Dnhung Shk Gansu Caves [bo] <family name>, (= boy) abalone [l] grain, granule; lz <terminology in physics> particle [xing] lane, alley [hng] hngdo tunnel (in a mine) [lin] flag as shop sign; (F ) curtain [t] bald, bare, blunt, incomplete [l] (F ) (= lyu) 12th lunar month, cured (fish/meat/etc.); lchng sausage; Xl Greece [x] dried meat [cng] warehouse [gui] (= guiwn) turn, change direction, limp, swindle, abduct; guign walking stick [bng] bind, tie; bngji kidnap [sh] (= shzi) what? (= shnme)

2223 2224 2225 2226 2227 2228 2229 2230 2231 2232 2233 2234 2235 2236 2237 2238 2239 2240 2241 2242 2243 2244 2245 2246 2247

(F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F )

[jin] recommend, <archaic> grass, straw [n] <family name>, (= dunn) clue [s] musical instrument with 25 strings [lng] hall [y] (= yzi) duck; Tng loy Donald Duck [m] (= fngm) honey; mfng honeybee [zhn] zhndun diagnose; zhnsu clinic [png] shed, shack, canopy; wpeng shack [xin] lift (a cover, etc.), surge [tng] tube; dintng flashlight [x] (= xf) daughter-in-law; tngyngx child bride [wn] lines, veins, (wood) grain [mio] second (1/60 of a minute) [zhn] moisten, soak, touch [png] (= pngd) colossal, huge [dn] squat on the heels, stay [so] (= sodng, = solun) disturb, harass [q] (of roads:) fork, branch, divergent; qsh discriminate [su] <classifier for boats, vessels, etc.>; ling su yuchun two oil tankers [zh] <traditional> iris; zhma sesame [hu] clamor, hubbub, (= xunhu) noise, clamor [hu] <the sound of clanging, gurgling, etc.> [m] sixth of an acre (0.0667 hectares) [qun] ticket, certificate; rchngqun admission ticket [xun] gngxun span of an arch [tng] <classifier for trips, times, rows, etc.> [tng] (= tng) ford, wade [jn] piece of cloth; mojn towel; cnjn napkin; wijn scarf

2248 2249 2250 2251 2252 2253 2254 2255 2256

(F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F )

[yn] excessive, over, wanton, lewd, licentious [hung] lie, prevaricate [m] quiet; jm lonely [gun] pour; gungi irrigate; gunm bush [ln] basket; lnqi basketball [wng] absurd, rash; wngxingkung paranoia [g] put [g] endure [zh] brother's son, nephew; zhn brother's daughter, neice [xing] wing of a house, side, railway carriage [ch] (= chzi) fork, intersection, (= jioch) intersect [ch] obstruct, jam up [ch] the distance between thumb and middle minger on an outstretched hand [ch] fork, diverge; chl crossroad [Y] <family name>, small boat [sh] (=) [f] fell, cut down, attack [zi] slaughter, butcher, govern; zig invade and oppress [mn] hide the truth from [zhu] yzhu cosmos [zhng] swollen; zhngli tumor; red and swollen [q] lacquer, paint; yuq paint; qhi pitch-black [b] fear, frightening; kngb terror [w] (= y) <archaic> I, me [hu] roar, howl [qio] Huqio overseas Chinese; compatriots abroad [di] pile up, repeat; ( zhdi) fold [xio] hxio whistle, scream, whizz


2258 2259 2260 2261 2262 2263 2264 2265 2266 2267 2268 2269 2270

2271 2272 2273 2274 2275 2276 2277 2278 2279 2280 2281 2282 2283 2284 2285 2286 2287 2288 2289 2290 2291 2292 2293 2294 2295

(F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F )

[gun] ( guntou) can; jar [s] (= s) four, (= sy) wantonly, <archaic> shop [qn] ( qnzi) skirt [q] (= kq) cry, weep, (= chuq) sob [zhng] (= pngzhng) swell, expand [f] () bestow on; compose; taxes [o] boil, stew; endure [o] boil, cook in water [chn] take advantage of; while; chn jhu take advantage of an opportunity [hi] hey [k] ksou cough [y] ykui delighted [kn] chngkn, knqi sincere; plead [g] gf let down, disappoint [j] jru muscle [yng] (= yng'r) baby, infant [y] (= ymo) feather; ymoqi badminton [gng] <archaic> personally; bend at the waist [b] execute (kill); qingb execute by shooting [j] (= jli) arrest, detain; jsh restrict; jji overcautious [dng] sting, bite; say/ask again, verify

[wa] <sentence final particle like a> [w] wah! (sound of crying) [qng] ( qnglng) fine, sunny; qngtinpl a bolt from the blue [m] ( my) riddle (F ) [mi] riddle

[Hui] a river in and [wng] prosperous, flourishing; vigorous, exuberant [y] leisure, escape; ny comfortable, leisurely

2296 2297 2298 2299 2300 2301 2302 2303 2304 2305 2306 2307 2308 2309 2310 2311 2312 2313 2314 2315 2316 2317 2318 2319

(F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F )

[qing] beautiful jade; agar [jing] ginger [w] (sound of whistling, zooming); wy sob, whimper [cun] flee, scurry; exile; change wording [bn] proclaim, (= bnf) promulgate, issue [xn] firewood, fuel, (= xnshui) salary [zhi] stockade, camp [nio] [su] urine, urinate [ji] jaw; cheek [di] dib arrest [di] catch; mo di losh a cat catching a mouse [b] fortune telling [bo] hlubo carrot [zho] clear, obvious; zhoxu rehabilitate [jn] soak [gu] scrape; gu hzi shave; (F ) (wind) blow [k] kchi colloquial scrape, sponge on [wn] wnr just like; wnrn as if; [yun] [zh] (= zhfu) advise, enjoin, urge, exhort [nng] bag; ggunngnng bulging [nng] nngchui pork near the pig's nipples [y] reside, live; ysu residence; fable, allegory [b] contradict; bch denounce; fnb refute [chng] chngy propose [chng] chngyu entertainer [y] (= my) take a bath; ysh bath/shower room [g] coo, cluck (bird sounds) [nu] ( nudong) move; remove [b] bdu fight, wrestle; mib pulse

2320 2321 2322 2323 2324 2325 2326 2327 2328 2329 2330 2331 2332 2333 2334 2335 2336 2337 2338 2339 2340 2341 2342 2343 2344 2345

(F ) (F ) (F ) (F )

[png] bitter fleabane, (= pngsng) fluffy, <classifier for clumps of bamboo, grass, etc.>; pngb vigorous [shng] part of the day; noon [q] canal, ditch, channel; irrigation ditch [du] pocket, bag [nn] nnnn mutter [y] <archaic> smooth; wipe out, raze [H] name for Shanghai [jin] inexpensive, cheap, lowly, humble, worthless [p] qp boldness [b] [tu] [du] rudder; helm; steersman, helmsman [x] qngx clear, distinct [jing] stiff; numb; deadlocked; stiff, rigid [go] pudding, (= dngo) cake [y] <archaic> descendents, posterity; borderland [zh] zhx order, sequence [y] ( yko) lean on; rest against; rely on [t] collapse; sink; calm down [hung] suddenly, as if [gu] ( guzi) hook [cho] choxio ridicule, laugh at; chofng sneer at, taunt, mock; chonng mock, deride [bng] be close to; bngwn toward evening, at nightfall [y] abundant, affluent; fy rich, wealthy, opulent [zh] boil, cook [r] milk, breast; br breast-feed; rlo cheese [w] do not! [sh] vertical, perpendicular; vertical stroke ""

2346 2347 2348 2349 2350 2351 2352 2353 2354 2355 2356 2357 2358 2359 2360 2361 2362 2363 2364 2365 2366 2367 2368 2369 2370

(F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F )

[chng] chastise, punish, correct, repress; restrain oneself [d] look at, observe; md see with one's own eyes [zh] tree-trunk; shuzhdit guarding a treetrunk to wait for a rabbit [xi] embroider; embroidered portrait [yo] ( yom) demon; yoro charming, enchanting [y] amazed [k] (used in transliterations) kfi coffee [g] gl curry [gng] fishing net rope; guiding principle; program [ti] foetus, birth, (= lnti) tire (of a wheel) [bn] seashore; bnln to be close to (a body of water) [gng] to plough, till [ch] sneer [cng] (ship) cabin [y] yl amuse, amusement, recreation [fi] (= tfi) bandit, brigand, robber; fit gangster [y] wy crow; ypin opium [wi] stomach; wiku appetite [zo] rash, impetuous [sh] (= shzi) lion [png] bang (sound) [n] nr girl [ln] cold; strict; afraid; shiver, tremble with cold or fear

[gu] () tortoise; turtle earth) (F ) [jn] jnl fissure (ofaparched town at the northern rim [Qi] Qic Kucha, historic of the Taklamakan Desert

[lu] lut nude; stark-naked; exposed [yn] handsome, beautiful; bright red

2371 2372 2373 2374 2375 2376 2377 2378 2379 2380 2381 2382 2383 2384 2385 2386 2387 2388 2389 2390 2391 2392 2393 2394 2395

(F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F )

[f] <archaic> only, curtesy name [yo] kiln; () cave dwelling [tng] dike, (= chtng, = shutng) pool [xin] fiber [qin] rope for towing boat [chng] love, bestow favor on [lin] ( linzi) chain; zipper; hinge [gng] arch, cup one hand in other before chest, push with no hands [yn] ancient title for government official; (surname) [ju] dig, excavate [b] dam; dyke, embankment [xi] (= xizhi, = xi'i) narrow [mng] engrave, carve; mngk inscription, engrave on one's mind [chn] chnp honest, simple, unsophisticated [m] wash one's hair; my bathe [xn] pervasive fragrance [Pn] <family name> [shui] swing back and forth, toss, get rid of, leave behind {Compare with yng use} [bng] posted list of names, announcement, notice; example, model [bng] (=) oar, whip, rod [yun] shnyun abyss [xin] xinm envy, admire [w] wr insult, humiliate [qng] minister or high official in ancient times [w] () towering; bald [xun] make noise; xunh shout loudly [l] shoes

2396 2397 2398 2399 2400 2401 2402 2403 2404 2405 2406 2407 2408 2410 2411 2412 2413 2414 2415 2416 2417 2418 2419 2420 2423

[hu] (= huzi) monkey

[wng] crooked; pervert; yunwang do wrong, treat unjustly (F ) [chn] line, to place underneath, lining; chnshn shirt

(F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F )

[pn] border of a field; shore, side, bank [dng] stool, bench; [min] remote, long ago; Mindin Burma [xin] string of musical instrument [x] (= xm) raise (domestiv animals) [ch] chsheng beast [x] smashed rice [y] overflow; yngy be permeated with [lu] hug; drag, pull [lu] hold in the arms [q] qgi beggar; qto beg [xn] a period of ten days; shngxn first ten days of a month [f] tie up, bind [cn] cnln splendid, magnificent [y] chariot; area; yln public opinion [yn] dyn wild goose [jun] (= pjun) tired, weary [chu] reward, payment; chuxi thank with a gift; bochou reward [yn] tone, charm, appeal, (= yyn) rhyme; ynwn verse [mi] wmi lovely; radiant and enchanting [d] dyke; ( d'n) embankment [pn] climb; pull down; pndng clamber up [qi] qitng eavesdrop; doqi steal [nn] tender, delicate, light, inexperienced

2425 2428 2429 2430 2431 2432 2433 2434 2435 2436 2437 2438 2439 2441 2443 2444 2445 2447 2449 2451 2452 2453 2455

(F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F )

[su] satisy, fulfil, succeed; suxn fulfill one's desire [su] bnshnbsu parlysis in half the body [chng] transparent, clear [dng] settle [dng] hungdngdng glistening yellow, golden [zhn] scout, reconnoitre; detective [Shn] Shnxshng Shaanxi Province [lu] chulu ugly [bn] stupid; clumsy; cumbersome; heavy, cumbersome [shi] yoshi key [ch] spoon [m] (= mr) foam, froth; pom foam, froth; tumo saliva [sng] towering, lofty; alarm, shock; gosng stand tall [ci] step [jing] sauce, paste, jam; jingyu soy sauce; hushngjing peanut butter [h] kettle, pot, bottle [fi] kfi coffee [l] roll; busy; mediocre [li] [l] [yng] itch [b] I, me, my, vulgar; bsh despise, disdain [k] shell, case [qio] shell, hard surface [zhn] (, ) loyal; virgin; ancient fortune-telling [mi] mold, mildew; domi have bad luck [chn] ( ychn) stupid [l] lwi reed; hlu gourd [l] [g] gbo arm; gbei arm [g] tickle [g] [y] <grammatical particle similar to "">

2456 2457 2459 2460 2462 2463 2464 2465 2467 2468 2469 2470 2472 2473 2475 2477 2480 2481 2482 2483 2486 2487 2488 2489 2490

(F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F )

[yn] huyn flame [j] jliangg backbone [j] wj ridge of roof [qi] qijn imprison; qifn prisoner [f] assist, complement; fdo coach, tutor; fzh assist, auxiliary; fyn consonant [zhng] account, credit, debt [zu] assist [lio] (= gunlio) official, (= tnglio) colleague [qu] sparrow [qio] qiozi freckle [qio] qiomangyn night blindness [zhun] write, compose [shu] play (role/tricks/etc.), play with, gamle, make fun of, <family name> [zhn] () pillow [jin] pick up, gather, collect [hn] () culvert; hnyng self-control; conserve [du] stop, pause, tease, play with [fn] excrement, manure [mng] mnglng dim moonlight, obscure [gn] liver [zhng] evaporate, (= zhngq) steam [ln] (= fnln) overflow, flood; lnyng abuse [kui] () chopsticks [ku] (dam) burst; break through; collapse; ulcer [hu] [l] nl slave; lsh official script [ko] bake, roast, toast [gng] jar, vat [gng] bow; bend; gngjin bow and arrow

2491 2492 2494 2495 2497 2498 2499 2500 2501 2503 2504 2505 2506 2510 2511 2512 2513 2515 2516 2518 2519 2520 2521 2523 2524

(F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F )

[tn] deep pool, pond [kung] vast; to waste time; wilderness [i] (interjection:) hey; iy; iy [i] [jn] ynjn stern; jnlng high mountains [zho] claw, talon [zhu] claw, paw, talon [qi] ( dnqi) timid; cowardly; xiqi shy [mo] profuse, (= moshng) luxuriant; mom dense [mng] awn, beard, arista, spike, sharp point [wng] miwng awn of wheat [zh] zht limbs; the Four Limbs; forelimb [do] growing rice, paddy [t] ( tzi) rabbit [j] lj refuse, garbage [s] ls refuse, garbage [y] by analogy; yny metaphor [kung] frame; case; circle [jio] hand in, pay [zhu] silk string attached to an arrow for shooting birds [do] skip; step; wdo dance [sho] whistle; chirp; sentry post [yng] xnyng new and original, novel [j] chrysanthemum [k] (sound of coughing or vomiting) [zhung] adorn oneself; bride's trousseau [yn] flood; drown [c] porcelain, china; toc ceramics [din] shallow water; (F ) form sediment; settle; precipitate; dinfn starch [l] wax, polish, yellowish, (= lzh) candle

2525 2526 2527 2529 2530 2531 2534 2536 2539 2540 2543 2544 2545 2546 2547 2550 2551 2552 2553 2555 2557 2558 2559 2560

(F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F )

[ju] jju chew [jio] chew [jio] [j] dose [gung] stroll, ramble, roam [zhu] gallop; bzhu procedure; zhurn suddenly [sh] hot weather; (shji) summer vacation [jn] front of garment, bros. in law; yjn front of Chinese jacket [l] hut, cottage [png] pnggu apple [shi] roast in sun [do] , , mourn, grieve [mi] no sun; dark; obscure; hidden; to feign [lng] approach; hold together; comb (hair)

[hn] letter; hnjin correspondence; fnsh (math) function (F ) [lng] mnglng dim moonlight; obscure [lng]

(F ) (F ) (F )

[jio] glue, gum, rubber, stick, sticky [sh] express, convey; [png] png on. crack (of rifle/etc.); pngpng pingpong {Compare with bng soldier} [fng] satirize, mock [di] bad, evil, vicious [hn] dry land; drought [p] ptao grape; ptaoji grape wine [wi] only, alone, think, ponder, wiy only, sole [jin] choose, select, pick out [gng] gnggng brilliant; dedicated; gngzh upright

2561 2563 2564 2565 2567 2568 2569 2570 2571 2572 2573 2575 2576 2577 2578 2581 2583 2584 2586 2587 2588 2589 2590 2591 2592 2593 2594

(F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F )

[nin] twenty (same as rsh) [zhung] stake, pile; (): [y] 2nd in sequence [yo] ballad; yoyn rumor, hearsay [zhu] fall; weigh down; zhuzi weight; ear pendant; ballad [zh] stagnant, sluggish [yn] pregnant; conceive; contraception [sng] recite from memory [sh] () comb; to comb [gng] ridge of a hill [fi] (= fizng) lung [wn] pill, pellet, ball [shung] (= shungdng) frost [zh] (= zhy) juice; guzh fruit juice [sh] yarn; minsh cotton yarn [xin] hold in mouth; hold inside; rank; military rank [n] greasy, oily; smooth; ( nfan) disgusted, fed up [din] (ancient) suburb; pasture [din] chndindin heavy [p] pji beer [kn] bank, ridge [ji] to plant, (= zhungjia) crops [h] grain; hmio seedlings [lng] distracted, stupified [lng] [zh] (= yuzh) oil, grease; zhfng fat, grease [to] ptao grape [lo] dredge for, fish for, scoop up out of water [jio] disturb, annoy, (=) stir, mix, agitate,

2596 2597 2598 2599 2600 2601 2602 2603 2607 2609 2611 2612 2614 2616 2617 2619 2620 2621 2622 2624 2627 2628 2629 2631 2634

(F ) (F ) (F ) (F )

[xi] fragments, bits and pieces; minute; trivial [sn] () umbrella; , parachute [di] hdi butterfly; diyng chrysalis [zh] () casting, founding [q] body, stature; body [zh] young, immature, childish; zhq childishness [xng] flesh; fishy; xngchu rancid, stinking [tng] cane, rattan; vine [du] steep; suddenly; duqio precipitous [tng] hot (burning hot to the touch, cf. r) [l] pear; pineapple

[] [] Oh! [] softly chant (F ) [jing] syrup, starch (of porridge etc.) [jing] (= jing) thick

(F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F )

[p] pjng secluded; pinp out-of-the way [fng] lane [fng] workshop, mill [yn] absent-minded [x] gap; crack; rift; loophole [to] wash, clean; toq naughty; toti eliminate [ku] collapse, break down [to] toto torrential; talk on and on [ning] brew, ferment, wine, (= ningchng) result in, breed [] goose; q' penguin [z] <archaic> this; now; year [c] [do] pound, beat; harass; dolun make a disturbance [dng] ridgepole

2636 2637 2638 2640 2642 2643 2645 2648 2649 2650 2654 2657 2658 2659 2660 2662 2664 2667 2668 2671 2673 2675 2683 2684 2686 2687

(F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F )

[gu] [gui] migui rose [chng] spacious; open [i] (= izhng) cancer [ln] cable; cable car [shu] shining; glimmer, twinkle [mi] migui rose; yellow rose [zh] cheat, swindle; pretend, feign [sh] evil spirit; shbi deathly pale [sh] stop, (= sh, = sh) kill [m] membrane, film; jiom cornea (of eye) [fn] ( fnsho) burn, set on fire [zhn] to glue, to paste [nin] (= nin) sticky [cu] break, (= cuhu, = cucn) destroy [y] miny immunity; wny pestilence [zhung] () (for buildings) [chung] pennant; Buddhist pillar [r] you, thou [tn] ( tnzi) blanket; ( dtn) carpet, rug [cu] setback, (= cuzh) frustrate, defeat [fng] spin yarn; fngzh spin and weave; fngch spinning wheel [xi] fxi decayed, rotten [chu] hammer [du] exchange, convert, add (water etc.); duhun convert, exchange [bin] braid [du] fall, sink; dulu degenerate, sink low [d] bamboo flute, whistle [m] seek; look for; demand [b] cover, shelter, hide; ynb conceal oneself; covert

2688 2689 2690 2694 2696 2698 2700 2701 2702 2703 2704 2706 2709 2711 2712 2713 2714 2716 2719 2724 2725 2726 2732 2733 2738

(F ) (F ) (F )

[xi] in harmony [mng] limng hoodlum [mng] common people [mi] qngmi scornful [fi] fitng boiling; boiling point [j] lngj <archaic> in disorder [ji] (= ji) borrow, lend [xi] unload, discharge; remove; shirk [x] extinguish, put out, go out; xmi go out, die out [bin] flat; inscription; bindan carrying pole [pin] [tn] charcoal [kng] high-spirited; kngki fervent; liberal, generous [png] sail; zhngpng tent [zh] wink, blink [p] pr for instance, for example [do] dodao chatter [to] togung much obliged [sh] shci vegetable [chu] ( schu) silk [x] son-in-law [lio] few, empty, vacant, lonely [jio] irrigate, water; pour liquid on; [png] bang; pngpng pingpong {Compare with bng soldier} [go] ygo toothpaste; ointment [go] lubricate [tng] () chest; chamber [zu] zumo ponder [zhu] zhum polish [p] (sound:) bang [sh] <archaic> kind and gentle

2740 2742 2743 2746 2747 2754 2755 2760 2761 2762 2763 2765 2766 2767 2769 2772 2773 2776 2780 2783 2786 2787 2790 2791 2793 2794

(F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F )

[b] (=) <used for sound value> [b] bbng malady, evil; drawback; pros and cons [zo] stove; kitchen [c] vinegar; be jealous (in love affair) [bn] (variant of bn) [din] establish; give offerings to the dead [tn] () village; collect [png] expand, inflate; pngzhng expand, swell [ln] sink; lnxin fall (to enemy); be reduced to [l] thread; strand; lnl shabby, ragged [rng] (= trng) soil [y] smelt (metal) [xi] leisure; kngxi spare time; bxi be too busy [ru] rub, knead [lu] vine; lubo radish; hlubo carrot; blu pineapple [xing] circle in the air [zh] zhzh spider [l] ( lzi) chestnut; (F ) tremble [yn] shady [yn] (=) [j] jxio mock; jfng ridicule [cng] green, (=) onion, scallion [gng] gngg consolidate [zhu] porridge, gruel, congee [y] (=) sell, vend [zhi] vegetarian religious diet, give alms, room or building [q] qjn hitherto, up to now, so far [zh] qzh banner, flag, stand, position

2796 2800 2801 2802 2803 2805 2806 2809 2810 2813 2815 2824 2825 2827 2828 2833 2835 2842 2846 2848 2849 2851 2853 2854 2858

(F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F )

[jn] fungus, bacterium; , germ [jn] mushroom [qin] lead (Pb); qinb pencil [hu] ( hul) bribe; give a bribe [rng] down; velvet; floss [l] companion, associate [dun] forge; dunlin exercise [qin] qinz condemn [xing] xingyng turbulent [f] apply (powder, ointment, etc.); spread; to elaborate [xio] night; tngxio throughout the night; Yunxioji Lantern Festival [hu] hide; avoid; name of deceased person [lu] gong [hn] shake, shock, vibrate [hng] successful, go smoothly, <electrical terminology> henry [tng] drip (water or blood), shed (tears), trickle (sweat) [kng] carry on the shoulder [gng] lift with both hands [shn] China fir [sh] shgo fir scaffold-pole [zo] dry; gnzo dry, dull; kzo boring [yn] to divide evenly; to spare; even [mio] tiny, negligible; miomng distant and indistinct [di] small plate or dish; saucer; frisbee, UFO [qin] xingqin inlay, set, mount [w] irrigate; ( fiw) fertile; wy fertile land [pu] cut/slit open, (= jipu) dissect; pumin cross section, sectional view; pux analyse, dissect [j] <archaic> honorable woman, concubine, <family name>

2861 2864 2865 2867 2868 2869 2870 2871

(F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F )

[chu] chuho nickname [cho] grab; take up [su] dusuo tremble, shiver [jio] twist; strangle; death by hanging [zhu] axle; axis; spool [zhu] [li] build by piling up stones etc.; softball [zo] zoshng noise [yn] yncng contain, hold in store [Sho] <family name> [z] <local> (= znme) how [z] <archaic> bite [zh] how?, what?, why?; zhhu bluster, show off [zh] bite; zhsh cluck with the tongue (in surrprice/etc.), to be left speechless {Compare with zu yesterday} [png] level ground; copng lawn [yng] hire, (= yngrn) servant; gyng hire [yng] (= yngjn) commission [lun] () egg, ovum; luncho ovary [zhu] daytime [bi] check, restrain, suppress; suffocate, feel depressed [ku] (used in transliterations) kunng quinine [w] seal, cover, muffle [w] [jin] to fry [chu] see, look at [qiu] [sh] lose; erode, corrode [rng] fuse, smelt, ( rnghu) melt; rngyn lava


2880 2886 2888 2890 2893 2895 2899 2900 2903 2904 2907 2908 2911 2914

[xi] shrimp; lngxi lobster; xichofn (F ) shrimp fried rice [h] (=); hma frog, toad

(F ) (F )

[mi] hungmi absurd; miln fallacy [shn] shnsh gentleman, gentry

2923 2925 2928 2929 2932 2935 2936 2937 2960 2967 2968 2970 2972 2973 2974 2978 2982 2983 2994 2997 3000

(F ) (F ) (F ) (F )

[xing] inlay; edge [lng] ( rlng) deaf [m] raise, recruit [lng] ridge or raised path in field; monopolize [yn] man of virtue and ability

[qio] hold up; qio wiba "to hold up the tail" = to (F ) be/get cocky, to be snobbish and self-important [qio] raise one's head; become warped

(F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F )

[p] lie prone; lean over [xng] apricot; almond [zhng] obvious, apparant; showy; biozhng commend, cite [chn] chnmng clarify; chnsh expound [sng] ssng lawsuit [sh] shni pivot, axis [zhn] <archaic> towering; zhnxn brand-new, completely new [p] cattail, <family name> [xi] come down in torrents; laxative [jin] economical, (= jinp) frugal; qnjin industrious and thrifty [xing] (= xingsh) oak, rubber tree; xingjio rubber; xingp eraser, rubber [rng] (= rnghu) dissolve; (chemical) solution [p] pb waterfall [b] hold on to; dig up; rake; strip [p] rake up; stew, braise [chn] <archaic> treasure

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