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No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46

Botanical Name Acalypha godseffiana Acalypha godseffiana "Compacta" Acalypha hispida Acalypha hispida pendula Acalypha mosic variegate Acalypha roseana Acalypha wilkesiana Ceylon Acalypha wilkesiana dwarf Acalypha wilkesiana java white Acalypha wilkesiana macrophylla Acalypha wilkesiana Tahiti Acorus gramineus variegata Adenium obesum Adenium obesum Hybrid (Grafted) Agave americana "Medio-Picta-Alba" Ahygareptans purpurea Ajuga reptans Allamanda green & silver dwarf Allamanda neriifolia Alternanthera bettzickiana Alternanthera bettzickiana Alternanthera bettzickiana Alternanthera bettzickiana "snow top" Alternanthera bettzickiana variegata Amaryllis varieties hybrids Angelonia augustifolia Angelonia grandiflora Aphelandra sinclairiana Aptania corfifolia Artabotrys odaratissimus Artemisia arborescens Asparagus densiflorus "myers" Asparagus densiflorus sprengerii Asparagus densiflorus sprengerii "compecta" Asparagus myriocladus Asparagus setaceus [plumose] Asystasia gangetica variegata Bambusa [sasa] fortunei Bambusa tessellate Bambusa ventricosa Bauhinia acuminate Bauhinia galpinii Bauhinia tomentosa Beaucarnea recurvata (Nolina recurvata) Beaumontia grandiflora Beloperone guttata

Type Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub

47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 61a 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 93

Beloperone guttata Brunfelsiana Americana Brunfelsiana calycina Brya ebenus Buddlea Caesalpinia pulcherima Calliandra brevipes Calliandra emarginata Calliandra haematocephala Calliandra hybrida Calliandra protoricensis Calliandra tweedi Cananga kirki Canna indica assorted Canna indica dwarf Canna variegata Cassia alata Cassia glauca Cassia laevigata Cassine orientalis Casuarina New Cestrum diurnum Cestrum nocturnum Chlorophyttum comosum Clerodandrum fragrans Clerodendrum inerme Clerodendrum macrosiphon Clerodendrum wallichii Coleus varieties Crassulla arborescens Cuphea hyssopifolia Cuphea hyssopifolia Cuphea ignia [platycentra] Cuphea melvillea [jerulansis] Cyperus alternifolius Daedalacanthus nervsus Dianella tasmanica variegata Dizygotheca elegantissima "Caste Dombeya varieties Duranta repens Gold Duranta repens "Golden speciosa" Duranta repens "Speciosa" * Duranta repens variegata [plumerii] Duranta repens "White & Blue Flowering" Echeveria peacockii Eranthimum 8 varieties Eranthimum laxiflorum

Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub

94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 137a 138 139

Erythrina "Blackii" Erythrina "Crista-galli" Euonymus fortunei gracilis Euonymus japonica 'Medio-picta' Euonymus japonica "Aureo marginata" Eupherbia cotinifolia[karkasana] Eupherbia leucocephala Euphorbia milli "Hybrid" Euphorbia milli "Hybrid Minature" Euphorbia pulcherima Poinsettia 15 varieties Euphorbia pulcherima 'Plenissima flaming sphere" Euphorbia splendens[E.milli] Evolvulus arbusculla Excoecaria bicolour Furcraea giganitia "Medio picta" Galphimia glauca(Thryallus glauca) Gardenia jasminoides Gardenia jasminoides "Veitchii" * Gazania rigens Gerbera Potted varieties Graptophyllum pictum Graptophyllum pictum "Tricolour" Hamelia petens Hamelia petens "Nana" Hamelia petens "Round Leaf" Hedra helix Hedra helix "Variegata" Heliconia "Dwarf" Heliconia illustris Heliconia illustris "Rubricaulis" Heliconia psittacorum Heliconia rostata Hemigraphis colorata Hemigraphis colorata "Nana" Hibiscus mutablis Hibiscus rosa-sinansis "Snow flake" Hibiscus rosa-sinensis "A varieties" Hibiscus rosa-sinensis "Cooperi" Hibiscus rosa-sinensis lefrance Hydrangea macrophylla Hymenocallis caribaea Hymenocallis Variegata Impations assorted varieties Iresine herbstii Iresine herbstii aureo-reticulata Ixora chinensis "Nana red" Ixora chinensis

Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub

140 141 142 143 144 145 145a 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185

Ixora chinensis "Nana lutea" Ixora chinensis "Nana pink" Ixora chinensis "Nana white" Ixora coccinea Ixora coccinea "New red" Ixora coccinea "New pink" Ixora coccinea "New yellow" Ixora duffi Ixora singaporansis Jasminum pubescens rubescens Jasminum sambac "Japanese rai" Jasminum sambac "Motia" Jatropha multifida Jatropha panduraefolia Jatropha panduraefolia "Rosea" Jatropha podagrica Juniperus africana Juniperus horizontalis glauca Kopsia fruiticosa(Cerbera fruticosa) Lagestroemia indica aliporensis Lagestroemia indica candida Lagestroemia indica rosea Lagestroemia lancasteri Lantana camara Shrub Lantana camara depressa Lantana camara dwarf varieties Lantana camara nivea Lantana camara saguinea Lantana camara variegate Lantana sellowiana [montevidensis] Lantana sellowiana white Lawsonia inermis alba Leea coccinea Leea coccinea rubra Ligustrum sinense 'Variegatum' Magnolia grandiflora Magnolia mutablis Magnolia pumila Malpighia "Gold" Malpighia coccigera Malvaviscus arboreus Manihot esculenta variegata Murraya exotica Murraya paniculata Mussaenda erythrophylla Mussaenda erythrophylla rosea Mussaenda erythrophylla scarlet

Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Red Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub

186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 230a. 231

Mussaenda luteola Mussaenda orange Mussaenda philippica aurorae Nerium oleander Nerium oliander dwarf Nerium oliander variegatum plenum Nycatanthus arbortristis Ophiopogon jaburan variegata Ophiopogon japonicus dwarf Ophiopogon planiscapus nigrescens Green Pachystachys lutea Pandanus sanderi Pandanus sanderi "Veitchi" Pandanus sanderi "Miniature" Pedilanthus tithym variegata Pelargonium inquinas Pelargonium peltatum Pennisetum sataceum cupreum Pentas lanceolata alba Pentas assorted Pepromia carperata Pepromia carperata variegata Pepromia cluslifolia variegata' Pepromia obtusifolia variegataBabby rubber Pereskia "Gold" Petrea arborea Phyllanthus nivosus compacta Phyllanthus nivosus roseopicta Phyllanthus nivosus[Breynia nivosa] Phyllostachys aurea Pilea microphylla Pilea macrophylla Pisonia alba Pittosporum tobira variegata Plectranthus Plumbago auriculata alba Plumbago indica coccinea [rosea] Plumbego auriculata[capansis] Podocarpus falcatus Pogonatherum extase Pogonatherum extase variegata Polyseias varieties [Aralias] Portulaca grandiflora Pseuderanthemum raticulatum Punica granatum "Flore-Pleno" Punica granatum nana Quassia amara

Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub

232 232a 233 234 235 236 236a 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276

Ravenia spectabilis [Lemonia spectablis] Ravenia spectabilis variegata Reinwardtia trigyna [indica] Rhoeo spathacea (discolour ) compacta Rhoeo spathacea Rhoeo spathacea Tricolour compacta Rhoeo spathacea Gold Rondeletia odorata Ruelia rosea Ruellia devosiana Russelia junicea "Orange" Russellia juncea "White" Russelia sarmentosa[floribunda] Saintpaulia ionantha rupicola Salvia officinalis Sanchezia nobilis Sanseviera trifasciata Schizochendran elegans Scindapsus aureus Senecio cineraria Serissa foetida [japonica] Serissa foetida variegate Setcreasea purpurea Strelitzia reginae Stanotaphrum secandatum variegatus Strobilanthus larsonii Strobilanthes dyerianus Tabernaemontana coronaira Tabernaemontana coronaria flore-pleno Tabernaemontana coronaria dwarf Tabernaemontana coronaria dwarf yellow Tabernaemontana coronaria variegata Tabernaemontana coronaria miniature Tecoma gaudichaudi Tecoma Smithi Tecoma stans Tecomaria capensis yellow Tecomaria capensis gold Tecomaria capensis orange Thevetia nerifolea Thumbergia erecta[Meyenia erecta] Tillansia Sps. Tradescantia albiflora "Alborvittata" Tradescantia aluminensis "Variegata" Verbena Vinca major variegate Vinca rosea varieties

Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub

277 278 279 280 281 282 Sl.No 283 284 285 285a 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320

Weddelia tribolata Yucca aloifolia Yucca aloifolia "Silver stick" Zamia furfuracea [pumila] Zebrina pendula Zephyranthes Varieties Botanical Name Adenocalymma comosum Allamanda cathertica assorted Allamanda violacea Allamanda violacea "New" Amohiophylum mutisii Anemopaegma chamberlayoii Arrabidaea magnifica Cissus rhombifolia Clematis flammula Clerodendrum splendens Clerodendrum thompsonae Clerodendrum thompsonae "Balfouri" Combretum comosum Cryptostegia grandiflora Ficus pumila (Ficus repens) Hiptage madablota Holmskioldia sanguniea Holmskioldia Sanguniea "Lutea" Ipomoea horsfalliae Jacquaemontia violacea Jasminum auriculatum Jasminum grandiflorum Lonicera japonica Lonicera japonica Pandorea jasminoides Pandorea jasminoides variegata Passiflora caerulea Passiflora coccinea Passiflora quadrangularis Petrea volubilis Petrea volubilis (White flower New) Porana paniculata Psuedocalymma alliacaum Pyrostegia venusta Quisqualis indica Stictocardia tilifolia Stigmophyllon cilliatum Stigmophyllon periplocifolium Strongylydon macrobotrys

Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Type Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper

320a 321 322 323 324 325 326 327

Strophanthus gratus Thunbergia grandiflora Thunbergia grandiflora "Alba" Thunbergia mysorensis Senecio confuses Trachleospermum josminoidos Tristellatia australis Vernonia elaeagnifolia

Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper

Common Name Nuda green Nuda red Cat's tail plant Ground cover or fire tails

Fire dragan

Gaint red leaf' Green twisted Mondo grass Impala lilly , Desert Rose

Carpet bugle weed Allamanda dwarf Red calico plant Gold Green

Lilly Gorgon flower Coral Aphelandra Mesameranthimum Clambing ylangylang Laveandar Foxtail Sprengeri fern Zigzag asparagus Fern asparagus Variegata bamboo Dwarf bamboo Buddha's belly bamboo Pride of the cape Sulphuria Pony tail Shrimp plant

Price in Rs. 5 5 8 8 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 75 200 100 6 6 10 10 5 5 5 6 5 50 6 6 15 8 15 8 45 8 15 100 10 6 50 20 75 10 50 15 75 20 12

Yesterday-today-tommorow Jamaica or green ebony Pride of Barbados orange, yellow, red Powder-puff dwarf pink Powder-puff dwarf red Powder -puff red Powder -puff red Powder puff white Powder puff pink

Candle bush

Day king or day jasmine Queen of the night Spider plant Forest jasmine

Jade crassula False heather blue False heather white

Umbrella plant Paroo lilly Aralia dizygotheca

Rose cactus Flowering Eranthimum

12 15 15 20 8 8 12 15 15 15 15 15 25 8 15 25 8 8 8 50 10 6 6 8 6 6 8 10 10 50 5 5 6 6 8 8 12 20 10 5 6 6 5 6 25 6 10

White variegata leaf Yellow variegata leaf Yellow round leaf Hierba mala White poinsettia

(Small Plants) Fire ball Crown of thorns Eunowalis Gaint false agave Cape jasmine

Caricature plant

Yellow variegata Red Parrot flower Hanging lobster claw Red ivy Narrow leaf Changing rose Variegata leaf Multicolour leaf

Spider Lilly

Purplish red leaf Yellow veins Chinese Ixora

25 35 15 15 15 8 20 100 100 20 20 8 6 12 40 8 12 12 8 50 8 8 8 8 8 15 15 40 50 50 30 45 6 6 10 10 15 8 8 40 8 20 25 8 8 15 15

Yellow dwarf

Red jasmine Jasmine 7 round Jasmine round Red Pink

Creeper juniper Shrub vinca Cape myrtle(mauve) White Rose

Drooping yellow White shrub Orange with red Red & Yellow varigata Drooping mauve Tree mignonette

Chinese silver privet

Chinese box Single red Pink Red

15 15 15 15 20 20 20 20 15 10 20 10 25 15 15 25 20 50 15 10 10 10 20 5 6 6 5 6 10 6 6 8 10 15 10 150 75 35 15 15 8 8 15 15 25 25 75


Parijath Variegata leaf Green dwarf Lollipop plant

Zig zag plant Geranium Ivy geranium Red fountain grass White Emerald ripple Variegeta ripple plant variegata

Snow bush compecta Pink leaf Snow bush Golden bamboo

Variegata mock orange Variegata mint leaf White Red Cape leade wort[blue] Bamboo grass Bamboo grass variegata Sun plant or rose moss Yellow oblong leaf Flowering Pomegranate Pomegranate dwarf

10 30 25 10 12 10 10 10 10 10 10 15 40 15 8 35 15 8 8 8 25 25 25 25 8 50 15 15 15 30 6 6 25 35 8 10 10 8 15 10 15 20 8 8 20 25 15

Coral plant Coral plant Coral blow African violet Sage Golden hahnii Marble queen Cineraria

Bird of paraise Variegata grass

Cape jasmine Double


Band plant

15 75 8 10 25 15 15 15 6 6 8 8 8 25 8 8 25 8 10 6 8 8 6 30 6 10 20 10 15 15 15 10 15 10 10 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 8 5 5 15 20

Jamaica sago Lilly Common Name Yellow flower Bell flower Purple Allamanda

4 50 100 75 5 10 Price in Rs. 10 10 15 20 10 10 8 10 12 15 8 15 25 15 8 15 8 8 15 6 8 8 10 10 8 10 8 15 20 15 50 10 10 10 10 10 8 8 75

Bignonia chamberlaynii Bignonia magnifica Grape ivy

Bleeding heart vine Bleeding heart vine red Indian rubber vine Wall sticker Madhumalathi Cup & Saucer (Red) Cup & Saucer yellow Princess vine Blue bell vine Suji malli or mullai Jaji Honey suckle Honey suckle pink Tecoma jasminoides Passion flower blue Passiflora flower red Passiflora flower red Purple wreath Bridal creeper Garlic vine Orange Begonia Rangoon creeper Ipomoea candy king Round leaf Golden vine oblong leaf Jade vine

Ruphalia grahata Blue trumpet vine White trumpet vine Yellow trumpet vine Mexican flame vine Rhincospermum Bagnit vine Railway creeper

10 10 10 12 8 10 10 8

Sl.No 283 284 285 285a 286 287 288 289 290

Botanical Name Adenocalymma comosum Allamanda cathertica assorted Allamanda violacea Allamanda violacea "New" Amohiophylum mutisii Anemopaegma chamberlayoii Arrabidaea magnifica Cissus rhombifolia Clematis flammula

Type Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper

291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 320a 321 322 323 324 325 326 327

Clerodendrum splendens Clerodendrum thompsonae Clerodendrum thompsonae "Balfouri" Combretum comosum Cryptostegia grandiflora Ficus pumila (Ficus repens) Hiptage madablota Holmskioldia sanguniea Holmskioldia Sanguniea "Lutea" Ipomoea horsfalliae Jacquaemontia violacea Jasminum auriculatum Jasminum grandiflorum Lonicera japonica Lonicera japonica Pandorea jasminoides Pandorea jasminoides variegata Passiflora caerulea Passiflora coccinea Passiflora quadrangularis Petrea volubilis Petrea volubilis (White flower New) Porana paniculata Psuedocalymma alliacaum Pyrostegia venusta Quisqualis indica Stictocardia tilifolia Stigmophyllon cilliatum Stigmophyllon periplocifolium Strongylydon macrobotrys Strophanthus gratus Thunbergia grandiflora Thunbergia grandiflora "Alba" Thunbergia mysorensis Senecio confuses Trachleospermum josminoidos Tristellatia australis Vernonia elaeagnifolia

Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper

Common Name Yellow flower Bell flower Purple Allamanda

Bignonia chamberlaynii Bignonia magnifica Grape ivy

Price in Rs. 10 10 15 20 10 10 8 10 12

Bleeding heart vine Bleeding heart vine red Indian rubber vine Wall sticker Madhumalathi Cup & Saucer (Red) Cup & Saucer yellow Princess vine Blue bell vine Suji malli or mullai Jaji Honey suckle Honey suckle pink Tecoma jasminoides Passion flower blue Passiflora flower red Passiflora flower red Purple wreath Bridal creeper Garlic vine Orange Begonia Rangoon creeper Ipomoea candy king Round leaf Golden vine oblong leaf Jade vine Ruphalia grahata Blue trumpet vine White trumpet vine Yellow trumpet vine Mexican flame vine Rhincospermum Bagnit vine Railway creeper

15 8 15 25 15 8 15 8 8 15 6 8 8 10 10 8 10 8 15 20 15 50 10 10 10 10 10 8 8 75 10 10 10 12 8 10 10 8

Sl.No 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373

Botanical Name Aglaonema parrot jungle 6" P. Pot Aglaonema 'Abijan' 6" P. Pot Aglaonema 'Earnesto favourite' 6" P. Pot Aglaonema commutatum 6" P. Pot Aglaonema commutatum 'Treubii' 6" P. Pot Aglaonema dove 6" P. Pot Aglaonema pseudobracteatum 6" P. Pot Aglaonema river side 6" P. Pot Aglaonema silver king 6" P. Pot Aglaonema silver queen P. Pot Alocasia cuprea P. Pot Alocasia amazonica P. Pot Alocasia macrorhiza Variegata P. Pot Alocasia sanderiana P. Pot Alocasia velvet P. Pot Alpinia rubra P. Pot Alpinia zerumbet Variegata P. Pot Ananas comosus Variegata P. Pot Anthurium andraeanum Hybrid P. Pot Begonia semperflorens assorted P. Pot Caladium hortulanum hibrid new var.P.Pot Calathea makoyana P. Pot Calathea ornate roseo lineate P. Pot Calathea rufibarba P. Pot Calathea zebrina [Maranta zebrina] P. Pot Carex "Light Blight" P. Pot Carex "Little Red" P. Pot Codiaeum var.Bangalore Beauty & Mixed Codiaeum variegatum "Crispum" P. Pot Codiaeum variegatum "Excellent" P. Pot Codiaeum variegatum "Iceton" P. Pot Codiaeum variegatum "Laxman Rao" P. Pot Codiaeum variegatum "Monalisa" P. Pot Codiaeum variegatum "Narma" P. Pot Codiaeum variegatum "Petra" P. Pot Codiaeum var. "Punctatum aureum" P. Pot Codiaeum variegatum "Turtle Shell" P. Pot Cordyline terminalis "Baby Ti" P. Pot Cordyline terminalis "Bhaskara" P. Pot Cordyline terminalis "Fire Brand" P. Pot Cordyline terminalis "My Darling" P. Pot Cordyline terminalis "New Red" P. Pot Cordyline terminalis "Pink Margin" P. Pot Cordyline terminalis "Rainbow" P. Pot Dahlia pinnata Hybrids P. Pot Dieffenbachia amoena "High colour" P. Pot

Type Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental

374 375 376 376a 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 416a 417 418

Dieffenbachia amoena "Tropic snow" P. Pot Dieffenbachia exotica P. Pot Dieffenbachia exotica "Camilla" P. Pot Dieffenbachia mariana compacta P. Pot Dieffenbachia Saturn P. Pot Draceana deremensis "Compacta" P. Pot Draceana deremensis "Warnecki" P. Pot Draceana fragrans "Massangeana" P. Pot Draceana fragrans "Victoriae" P. Pot Draceana godseffiana "Florida Beauty" P. Pot Draceana godseffiana "Milky Way" P. Pot Draceana marginata P. Pot Draceana marginata "Colorama" P. Pot Draceana marginata "Tricolor" P. Pot Draceana scanderiana P. Pot Draceana sanderiana "Lutea" P. Pot Draceana compacta New 2 Varieties P. Pot Ficus "A-1 gold" P. Pot Ficus benghalensis P. Pot Ficus benghalensis 'Variegata' P. Pot Ficus benjamena "Mini Com.pacta " P. Pot Ficus benjamena "Mini Compacta Var." P. Pot Ficus benjamina 'Black' P. Pot Ficus benjamina 'Exotica' P. Pot Ficus benjamina 'Foliole' P. Pot Ficus benjamina 'Golden King' P. Pot Ficus benjamina 'Mini Compecta' P. Pot Ficus benjamina 'Prestige' P. Pot Ficus benjamina 'Reginold' P. Pot Ficus benjamina 'Starlight' P. Pot Ficus benjamina 'Variegata' P. Pot Ficus elastica 'Robusta' P. Pot Ficus elastica 'Rubra' P. Pot Ficus elastica 'Tinakii' P. Pot Melaleuca leucandendron P. Pot Melaleuca "Gold Crust" P. Pot Monestra deliciosa P. Pot Monestra deliciosa "Albo-variegata" P. Pot Philodendran selloum P. Pot Philodendran selloum hope P. Pot Philodendran "Black Cardinal" P. Pot Philodendran "Ceylon gold" P. Pot Philodendran "Emarald King" P. Pot Philodendran "Emarald Queen" P. Pot Philodendran "Moon shine" P. Pot Philodendran "Painted Lady" P. Pot Philodendran "Pluto" [Serratum] P. Pot

Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental

419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436

Philodendran "Pluto" Red P. Pot Philodendran "Red Emerald" P. Pot Philodendran "Wendlandii" P. Pot Philodendran "Zenadu" P. Pot Pleomele reflexa P. Pot Pleomele reflexa variegata P. Pot Schefflera arboricola P. Pot Schefflera arboricola "High color" P. Pot Scheflera arboricola "Variegata" P. Pot Spathiphyllum P. Pot Spathiphyllum "Maunoloa" P. Pot Spathiphyllum "Miniature" P. Pot Spathiphyllum "Variegata" P. Pot Spathiphyllum sensation Gaint Syngonium podophyllum "Andrea" New yellow Syngonium podophyllum "Butterfly" P. Pot Syngonium podophyllum "Infrared" P. Pot Zamioculca zamiifolia P. Pot

Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental

Common Name

Ribbon Aglaonema Golden evergreen Silver colour leaf

Gaint caladium

Kris plant

Var. shell ginger

Peacock plant

Dwarf narrow leaf

Braove Yellow spotted leaf Baby doll Mahatma

Price in Rs. 60 60 60 60 60 50 50 60 50 50 50 50 50 50 75 35 40 100 150 30 50 75 50 50 40 100 100 30 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 25 50 40 40 40 40 50 40 40 25 50

Tropical topaz White spotted

Calypso queen

Red Tricolor White Yellow

Banyan tree

Green Black Variegata Green

Cut leaves

50 50 100 100 100 30 40 50 150 30 30 25 25 25 25 25 25 75 40 40 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 30 50 50 150 50 50 75 15 150 150 75 100 50

Song of Jamaica Song of India Umbrella plant

Big leaf

50 200 125 50 25 25 25 40 25 75 50 50 50 150 25 25 25 200

437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463

Arecastrum ramanzoffianum [Cocos plumose] Caryota mitis Caryota urens Chamaedora costaricana [Cerforthiana elegans] Chamaedora elegans Chameadora metallica Chrysalidocarpus lutesens [Arecalutecens] Cyrtostachys renda Howeia species Latania verschaffeltii Licuala grandis Licuala spinsosa Livistona chinensis Livistona rotundifolia Mascarena lagenicaulis Neodypsis decaryi Phoenix x species [speciman] Phoenix roebelenii Pritchardia pacifica Ravenea rivularis Rhapis excelsa (Bushy) Rhapis humalis (Bushy) Roystonea regia Stevensonia grandiflora Thrinax microcarpa [morrissii] Washingtonia filifera Wodetia bifurcate *

Palms Palms Palms Palms Palms Palms Palms Palms Palms Palms Palms Palms Palms Palms Palms Palms Palms Palms Palms Palms Palms Palms Palms Palms Palms Palms Palms

Queen palm Cluster fishtail palm Fishtail palm Showy bamboo palm Porior palm Miniature fishtail palm Butterfly palm Sealing wax palm Kentia palm Yellow latan Ruffled fan palm Spiny fan palm Chinese fan palm Table palm Bottle [Shampaign] palm Triangular palm Pigmy date palm Fiji fan palm Feather palm Lady palm Slender lady palm Royal palm Phoenicophorium Borisigianum Key palm Petty coat Foxtail Palm

50 100 40 100 50 75 75 250 50 100 30 50 30 30 100 50 2,500.00 50 35 50 250 250 50 100 50 35 50

Sl.No 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474

Botanical Name Adiantum raddianum Adiantum tenerum "Wrightii" Asplenium nidus Blechnum gibbum Cyathea arborea Nephrolepis biserrata "Furcans" Nephrolepis biserrata "Miniata" Nephrolepis exaltata "Childsii" Nephrolepis exaltata "Compacta" Nephrolepis exaltata "Gold" Nephrolepis exaltata "Muscosa"

Type Ferns Ferns Ferns Ferns Ferns Ferns Ferns Ferns Ferns Ferns Ferns

Common Name Maidenhair fern Fan maidenhair Bird nest fern Mexican tree fern Indian tree fern Bostern fern

Dwarf fern Golden fern

Price in Rs. 50 50 150 100 500 75 75 75 75 75 75

484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530

Anacardium occidentale Anacardium occidentale Annona cherimola Annona squammosa Annona squammosa Areca catechu * Artocarpus altilis (Communis) Artocarpus heterophyllus Artocarpus heterophyllus Artocarpus heterophyllus Averrhoa bilimbi Averrhoa carambola Carica papaya Carissa caranda Cicca acida (Phyllanthus acidus) Citrus aurantifolia Citrus aurantifolia Citrus aurantium Citrus maxima Citrus reticulata Citrus sinensis Cocos nucifera Cocos nucifera Cocos nucifera Cocos nucifera Chrysophyllum caintio Eugenia jambolana Ficus auriculata (roxburghii) Ficus carica Garcina mangostona Litichi chinensis Malpighia glabra Mangifera Indica Mangifera Indica Mangifera Indica Mangifera Indica Mangifera Indica Mangifera Indica Mangifera Indica Manikara achras Manikara achras Manikara achras Manikara achras Manikara achras Manikara achras Musa Species Musa species

Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits

531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540

Nephelium lappaceum Passiflora edulis Persea Americana Phyllanthis eroblica Psidium guajava Psidium guajava Psidium guajava Punica granatum Syzygium jambos (Eugenia jambos) Syzygium malaccense

Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits

Cashewnut graft Cashewnut seedling Ramphal Seethaphal graft Seethaphal seedling Arecanut Bread fruit Jack fruit graft Jack fruit gumless Jack fruit seedling Bilimbi Komrekh (Carambola) Graft Pappaya seedless Karonda Goose berry Acid lime budded Lime seedless budded Sour Orange (or) Rough Lime Pommello Orange budded Sweet lime (Mussambi)Budded Coconut Green Dwarf Coconut Hybrid NCD Coconut Orange Dwarf Coconut Tall Sta'r Apple (Velvet Apple) Jamun (Nerale) graft Fig Austraian Variety Fig Mangosteen Litchi Barbados Cherry Mango - Alfanso (Badami) Graft Mango - Banganpalli Graft Mango - Malgova Graft Mango - Mallika Graft Mango - Neelam Graft Mango - Raspuri Graft Mango-Thothapuri(B'lore)Graft Sapota Round - 2' Ht. Graft Sapota Round - 2'-3' Ht. Graft Sapota Round - 3'-4' Ht. Graft Sapota Round -4'-5' Ht. Graft Sapota Round (Big size) Graft Sapota Kallipathi Graft Banana Cavendish Dwarf T.C. Plant Other Varieties

50 20 20 50 20 15 75 75 75 15 10 60 15 10 10 50 75 35 50 50 50 75 125 75 40 50 50 30 30 35 50 20 75 60 75 75 60 75 60 40 50 60 75 500 60 15 15

Rambutan Passion Fruit Avacado (Butter Fruit) Amla Graft Guava Allahabad Guava L - 49 Guava Red Pomegranate Seedless Rose Apple Malayan Apple

30 10 15 40 45 40 100 25 15 15

Sl.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46

Botanical Name Acalypha godseffiana Acalypha godseffiana "Compacta" Acalypha hispida Acalypha hispida pendula Acalypha mosic variegate Acalypha roseana Acalypha wilkesiana Ceylon Acalypha wilkesiana dwarf Acalypha wilkesiana java white Acalypha wilkesiana macrophylla Acalypha wilkesiana Tahiti Acorus gramineus variegata Adenium obesum Adenium obesum Hybrid (Grafted) Agave americana "Medio-Picta-Alba" Ahygareptans purpurea Ajuga reptans Allamanda green & silver dwarf Allamanda neriifolia Alternanthera bettzickiana Alternanthera bettzickiana Alternanthera bettzickiana Alternanthera bettzickiana "snow top" Alternanthera bettzickiana variegata Amaryllis varieties hybrids Angelonia augustifolia Angelonia grandiflora Aphelandra sinclairiana Aptania corfifolia Artabotrys odaratissimus Artemisia arborescens Asparagus densiflorus "myers" Asparagus densiflorus sprengerii Asparagus densiflorus sprengerii "compecta" Asparagus myriocladus Asparagus setaceus [plumose] Asystasia gangetica variegata Bambusa [sasa] fortunei Bambusa tessellate Bambusa ventricosa Bauhinia acuminate Bauhinia galpinii Bauhinia tomentosa Beaucarnea recurvata (Nolina recurvata) Beaumontia grandiflora Beloperone guttata

Type Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub

47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 61a 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 93

Beloperone guttata Brunfelsiana Americana Brunfelsiana calycina Brya ebenus Buddlea Caesalpinia pulcherima Calliandra brevipes Calliandra emarginata Calliandra haematocephala Calliandra hybrida Calliandra protoricensis Calliandra tweedi Cananga kirki Canna indica assorted Canna indica dwarf Canna variegata Cassia alata Cassia glauca Cassia laevigata Cassine orientalis Casuarina New Cestrum diurnum Cestrum nocturnum Chlorophyttum comosum Clerodandrum fragrans Clerodendrum inerme Clerodendrum macrosiphon Clerodendrum wallichii Coleus varieties Crassulla arborescens Cuphea hyssopifolia Cuphea hyssopifolia Cuphea ignia [platycentra] Cuphea melvillea [jerulansis] Cyperus alternifolius Daedalacanthus nervsus Dianella tasmanica variegata Dizygotheca elegantissima "Caste Dombeya varieties Duranta repens Gold Duranta repens "Golden speciosa" Duranta repens "Speciosa" * Duranta repens variegata [plumerii] Duranta repens "White & Blue Flowering" Echeveria peacockii Eranthimum 8 varieties Eranthimum laxiflorum

Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub

94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 137a 138 139

Erythrina "Blackii" Erythrina "Crista-galli" Euonymus fortunei gracilis Euonymus japonica 'Medio-picta' Euonymus japonica "Aureo marginata" Eupherbia cotinifolia[karkasana] Eupherbia leucocephala Euphorbia milli "Hybrid" Euphorbia milli "Hybrid Minature" Euphorbia pulcherima Poinsettia 15 varieties Euphorbia pulcherima 'Plenissima flaming sphere" Euphorbia splendens[E.milli] Evolvulus arbusculla Excoecaria bicolour Furcraea giganitia "Medio picta" Galphimia glauca(Thryallus glauca) Gardenia jasminoides Gardenia jasminoides "Veitchii" * Gazania rigens Gerbera Potted varieties Graptophyllum pictum Graptophyllum pictum "Tricolour" Hamelia petens Hamelia petens "Nana" Hamelia petens "Round Leaf" Hedra helix Hedra helix "Variegata" Heliconia "Dwarf" Heliconia illustris Heliconia illustris "Rubricaulis" Heliconia psittacorum Heliconia rostata Hemigraphis colorata Hemigraphis colorata "Nana" Hibiscus mutablis Hibiscus rosa-sinansis "Snow flake" Hibiscus rosa-sinensis "A varieties" Hibiscus rosa-sinensis "Cooperi" Hibiscus rosa-sinensis lefrance Hydrangea macrophylla Hymenocallis caribaea Hymenocallis Variegata Impations assorted varieties Iresine herbstii Iresine herbstii aureo-reticulata Ixora chinensis "Nana red" Ixora chinensis

Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub

140 141 142 143 144 145 145a 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185

Ixora chinensis "Nana lutea" Ixora chinensis "Nana pink" Ixora chinensis "Nana white" Ixora coccinea Ixora coccinea "New red" Ixora coccinea "New pink" Ixora coccinea "New yellow" Ixora duffi Ixora singaporansis Jasminum pubescens rubescens Jasminum sambac "Japanese rai" Jasminum sambac "Motia" Jatropha multifida Jatropha panduraefolia Jatropha panduraefolia "Rosea" Jatropha podagrica Juniperus africana Juniperus horizontalis glauca Kopsia fruiticosa(Cerbera fruticosa) Lagestroemia indica aliporensis Lagestroemia indica candida Lagestroemia indica rosea Lagestroemia lancasteri Lantana camara Shrub Lantana camara depressa Lantana camara dwarf varieties Lantana camara nivea Lantana camara saguinea Lantana camara variegate Lantana sellowiana [montevidensis] Lantana sellowiana white Lawsonia inermis alba Leea coccinea Leea coccinea rubra Ligustrum sinense 'Variegatum' Magnolia grandiflora Magnolia mutablis Magnolia pumila Malpighia "Gold" Malpighia coccigera Malvaviscus arboreus Manihot esculenta variegata Murraya exotica Murraya paniculata Mussaenda erythrophylla Mussaenda erythrophylla rosea Mussaenda erythrophylla scarlet

Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Red Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub

186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 230a. 231

Mussaenda luteola Mussaenda orange Mussaenda philippica aurorae Nerium oleander Nerium oliander dwarf Nerium oliander variegatum plenum Nycatanthus arbortristis Ophiopogon jaburan variegata Ophiopogon japonicus dwarf Ophiopogon planiscapus nigrescens Green Pachystachys lutea Pandanus sanderi Pandanus sanderi "Veitchi" Pandanus sanderi "Miniature" Pedilanthus tithym variegata Pelargonium inquinas Pelargonium peltatum Pennisetum sataceum cupreum Pentas lanceolata alba Pentas assorted Pepromia carperata Pepromia carperata variegata Pepromia cluslifolia variegata' Pepromia obtusifolia variegataBabby rubber Pereskia "Gold" Petrea arborea Phyllanthus nivosus compacta Phyllanthus nivosus roseopicta Phyllanthus nivosus[Breynia nivosa] Phyllostachys aurea Pilea microphylla Pilea macrophylla Pisonia alba Pittosporum tobira variegata Plectranthus Plumbago auriculata alba Plumbago indica coccinea [rosea] Plumbego auriculata[capansis] Podocarpus falcatus Pogonatherum extase Pogonatherum extase variegata Polyseias varieties [Aralias] Portulaca grandiflora Pseuderanthemum raticulatum Punica granatum "Flore-Pleno" Punica granatum nana Quassia amara

Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub

232 232a 233 234 235 236 236a 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276

Ravenia spectabilis [Lemonia spectablis] Ravenia spectabilis variegata Reinwardtia trigyna [indica] Rhoeo spathacea (discolour ) compacta Rhoeo spathacea Rhoeo spathacea Tricolour compacta Rhoeo spathacea Gold Rondeletia odorata Ruelia rosea Ruellia devosiana Russelia junicea "Orange" Russellia juncea "White" Russelia sarmentosa[floribunda] Saintpaulia ionantha rupicola Salvia officinalis Sanchezia nobilis Sanseviera trifasciata Schizochendran elegans Scindapsus aureus Senecio cineraria Serissa foetida [japonica] Serissa foetida variegate Setcreasea purpurea Strelitzia reginae Stanotaphrum secandatum variegatus Strobilanthus larsonii Strobilanthes dyerianus Tabernaemontana coronaira Tabernaemontana coronaria flore-pleno Tabernaemontana coronaria dwarf Tabernaemontana coronaria dwarf yellow Tabernaemontana coronaria variegata Tabernaemontana coronaria miniature Tecoma gaudichaudi Tecoma Smithi Tecoma stans Tecomaria capensis yellow Tecomaria capensis gold Tecomaria capensis orange Thevetia nerifolea Thumbergia erecta[Meyenia erecta] Tillansia Sps. Tradescantia albiflora "Alborvittata" Tradescantia aluminensis "Variegata" Verbena Vinca major variegate Vinca rosea varieties

Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub

277 278 279 280 281 282 Sl.No 283 284 285 285a 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320

Weddelia tribolata Yucca aloifolia Yucca aloifolia "Silver stick" Zamia furfuracea [pumila] Zebrina pendula Zephyranthes Varieties Botanical Name Adenocalymma comosum Allamanda cathertica assorted Allamanda violacea Allamanda violacea "New" Amohiophylum mutisii Anemopaegma chamberlayoii Arrabidaea magnifica Cissus rhombifolia Clematis flammula Clerodendrum splendens Clerodendrum thompsonae Clerodendrum thompsonae "Balfouri" Combretum comosum Cryptostegia grandiflora Ficus pumila (Ficus repens) Hiptage madablota Holmskioldia sanguniea Holmskioldia Sanguniea "Lutea" Ipomoea horsfalliae Jacquaemontia violacea Jasminum auriculatum Jasminum grandiflorum Lonicera japonica Lonicera japonica Pandorea jasminoides Pandorea jasminoides variegata Passiflora caerulea Passiflora coccinea Passiflora quadrangularis Petrea volubilis Petrea volubilis (White flower New) Porana paniculata Psuedocalymma alliacaum Pyrostegia venusta Quisqualis indica Stictocardia tilifolia Stigmophyllon cilliatum Stigmophyllon periplocifolium Strongylydon macrobotrys

Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Type Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper

320a 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 Sl.No 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364

Strophanthus gratus Thunbergia grandiflora Thunbergia grandiflora "Alba" Thunbergia mysorensis Senecio confuses Trachleospermum josminoidos Tristellatia australis Vernonia elaeagnifolia Botanical Name Aglaonema parrot jungle 6" P. Pot Aglaonema 'Abijan' 6" P. Pot Aglaonema 'Earnesto favourite' 6" P. Pot Aglaonema commutatum 6" P. Pot Aglaonema commutatum 'Treubii' 6" P. Pot Aglaonema dove 6" P. Pot Aglaonema pseudobracteatum 6" P. Pot Aglaonema river side 6" P. Pot Aglaonema silver king 6" P. Pot Aglaonema silver queen P. Pot Alocasia cuprea P. Pot Alocasia amazonica P. Pot Alocasia macrorhiza Variegata P. Pot Alocasia sanderiana P. Pot Alocasia velvet P. Pot Alpinia rubra P. Pot Alpinia zerumbet Variegata P. Pot Ananas comosus Variegata P. Pot Anthurium andraeanum Hybrid P. Pot Begonia semperflorens assorted P. Pot Caladium hortulanum hibrid new var.P.Pot Calathea makoyana P. Pot Calathea ornate roseo lineate P. Pot Calathea rufibarba P. Pot Calathea zebrina [Maranta zebrina] P. Pot Carex "Light Blight" P. Pot Carex "Little Red" P. Pot Codiaeum var.Bangalore Beauty & Mixed Codiaeum variegatum "Crispum" P. Pot Codiaeum variegatum "Excellent" P. Pot Codiaeum variegatum "Iceton" P. Pot Codiaeum variegatum "Laxman Rao" P. Pot Codiaeum variegatum "Monalisa" P. Pot Codiaeum variegatum "Narma" P. Pot Codiaeum variegatum "Petra" P. Pot Codiaeum var. "Punctatum aureum" P. Pot Codiaeum variegatum "Turtle Shell" P. Pot

Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Type Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental

365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 376a 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410

Cordyline terminalis "Baby Ti" P. Pot Cordyline terminalis "Bhaskara" P. Pot Cordyline terminalis "Fire Brand" P. Pot Cordyline terminalis "My Darling" P. Pot Cordyline terminalis "New Red" P. Pot Cordyline terminalis "Pink Margin" P. Pot Cordyline terminalis "Rainbow" P. Pot Dahlia pinnata Hybrids P. Pot Dieffenbachia amoena "High colour" P. Pot Dieffenbachia amoena "Tropic snow" P. Pot Dieffenbachia exotica P. Pot Dieffenbachia exotica "Camilla" P. Pot Dieffenbachia mariana compacta P. Pot Dieffenbachia Saturn P. Pot Draceana deremensis "Compacta" P. Pot Draceana deremensis "Warnecki" P. Pot Draceana fragrans "Massangeana" P. Pot Draceana fragrans "Victoriae" P. Pot Draceana godseffiana "Florida Beauty" P. Pot Draceana godseffiana "Milky Way" P. Pot Draceana marginata P. Pot Draceana marginata "Colorama" P. Pot Draceana marginata "Tricolor" P. Pot Draceana scanderiana P. Pot Draceana sanderiana "Lutea" P. Pot Draceana compacta New 2 Varieties P. Pot Ficus "A-1 gold" P. Pot Ficus benghalensis P. Pot Ficus benghalensis 'Variegata' P. Pot Ficus benjamena "Mini Com.pacta " P. Pot Ficus benjamena "Mini Compacta Var." P. Pot Ficus benjamina 'Black' P. Pot Ficus benjamina 'Exotica' P. Pot Ficus benjamina 'Foliole' P. Pot Ficus benjamina 'Golden King' P. Pot Ficus benjamina 'Mini Compecta' P. Pot Ficus benjamina 'Prestige' P. Pot Ficus benjamina 'Reginold' P. Pot Ficus benjamina 'Starlight' P. Pot Ficus benjamina 'Variegata' P. Pot Ficus elastica 'Robusta' P. Pot Ficus elastica 'Rubra' P. Pot Ficus elastica 'Tinakii' P. Pot Melaleuca leucandendron P. Pot Melaleuca "Gold Crust" P. Pot Monestra deliciosa P. Pot Monestra deliciosa "Albo-variegata" P. Pot

Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental

411 412 413 414 415 416 416a 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436

Philodendran selloum P. Pot Philodendran selloum hope P. Pot Philodendran "Black Cardinal" P. Pot Philodendran "Ceylon gold" P. Pot Philodendran "Emarald King" P. Pot Philodendran "Emarald Queen" P. Pot Philodendran "Moon shine" P. Pot Philodendran "Painted Lady" P. Pot Philodendran "Pluto" [Serratum] P. Pot Philodendran "Pluto" Red P. Pot Philodendran "Red Emerald" P. Pot Philodendran "Wendlandii" P. Pot Philodendran "Zenadu" P. Pot Pleomele reflexa P. Pot Pleomele reflexa variegata P. Pot Schefflera arboricola P. Pot Schefflera arboricola "High color" P. Pot Scheflera arboricola "Variegata" P. Pot Spathiphyllum P. Pot Spathiphyllum "Maunoloa" P. Pot Spathiphyllum "Miniature" P. Pot Spathiphyllum "Variegata" P. Pot Spathiphyllum sensation Gaint Syngonium podophyllum "Andrea" New yellow Syngonium podophyllum "Butterfly" P. Pot Syngonium podophyllum "Infrared" P. Pot Zamioculca zamiifolia P. Pot

Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental

437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454

Arecastrum ramanzoffianum [Cocos plumose] Caryota mitis Caryota urens Chamaedora costaricana [Cerforthiana elegans] Chamaedora elegans Chameadora metallica Chrysalidocarpus lutesens [Arecalutecens] Cyrtostachys renda Howeia species Latania verschaffeltii Licuala grandis Licuala spinsosa Livistona chinensis Livistona rotundifolia Mascarena lagenicaulis Neodypsis decaryi Phoenix x species [speciman] Phoenix roebelenii

Palms Palms Palms Palms Palms Palms Palms Palms Palms Palms Palms Palms Palms Palms Palms Palms Palms Palms

455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463

Pritchardia pacifica Ravenea rivularis Rhapis excelsa (Bushy) Rhapis humalis (Bushy) Roystonea regia Stevensonia grandiflora Thrinax microcarpa [morrissii] Washingtonia filifera Wodetia bifurcate *

Palms Palms Palms Palms Palms Palms Palms Palms Palms

Sl.No 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474

Botanical Name Adiantum raddianum Adiantum tenerum "Wrightii" Asplenium nidus Blechnum gibbum Cyathea arborea Nephrolepis biserrata "Furcans" Nephrolepis biserrata "Miniata" Nephrolepis exaltata "Childsii" Nephrolepis exaltata "Compacta" Nephrolepis exaltata "Gold" Nephrolepis exaltata "Muscosa"

Type Ferns Ferns Ferns Ferns Ferns Ferns Ferns Ferns Ferns Ferns Ferns

475 476 477 478

Cynodon dactylon Festuca ovina glauca Lolium Species Paspalum notatum

Grass Grass Grass Grass

Sl.No 479 480 481 482 483 483a

Botanical Name Cinnamomum zeylanicum Myristica fragrans Pimenta officinalis Piper nigra Syzigium aromaticum Amomum cardamomum

Type Spices Spices Spices Spices Spices Spices

484 485 486 487 488 489 490

Anacardium occidentale Anacardium occidentale Annona cherimola Annona squammosa Annona squammosa Areca catechu * Artocarpus altilis (Communis)

Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits

491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537

Artocarpus heterophyllus Artocarpus heterophyllus Artocarpus heterophyllus Averrhoa bilimbi Averrhoa carambola Carica papaya Carissa caranda Cicca acida (Phyllanthus acidus) Citrus aurantifolia Citrus aurantifolia Citrus aurantium Citrus maxima Citrus reticulata Citrus sinensis Cocos nucifera Cocos nucifera Cocos nucifera Cocos nucifera Chrysophyllum caintio Eugenia jambolana Ficus auriculata (roxburghii) Ficus carica Garcina mangostona Litichi chinensis Malpighia glabra Mangifera Indica Mangifera Indica Mangifera Indica Mangifera Indica Mangifera Indica Mangifera Indica Mangifera Indica Manikara achras Manikara achras Manikara achras Manikara achras Manikara achras Manikara achras Musa Species Musa species Nephelium lappaceum Passiflora edulis Persea Americana Phyllanthis eroblica Psidium guajava Psidium guajava Psidium guajava

Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits

538 539 540

Punica granatum Syzygium jambos (Eugenia jambos) Syzygium malaccense

Fruits Fruits Fruits

Sl.No 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 579a 580

Botanical Name Acasia auriculiformis Adansonia digitata Adenanthera pavonia Aegle marmelos Alstonia scholaris Anthocephalus cadamba Araucaria cookeii Azadirachta indica Bauhinia alba Bauhinia blackeana Bauhinia purparia Bauhinia variegata Bixa orellana Bombax ceiba Brassaia actinophylla [Tupidanthus calyprtratus] Brownea ariza Brownea coccinea Brownea grandicips Butea monosperma Callistemon lanciolatus Calophyllum inophyllum Colvillea racemosa Cananga odorata Cassia grandis Cassia javanica Cassia marginata Cassia nodosa Cassia renigera Casssia siamea Cassia spectablis Castanospermum australe Casuarina equisetifolia Clusia rosea Cordia sebestena Couroupita guianensis Cupressus macrocarpa Cupressus macrocarpa gold Cupressus microcarpa Cupressus sempervirens Cupressus wilma Cycas revolata

Type Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees

581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627

Dalbergia sissoo Delonix regia Dillenia indica Dolichandrone Erythrina indica Erythrina crista-galli Erhtyrhina blackii Ficus species Fillicium decipiens Glircidia maculata Grevillea robusta Jacaranda mimosifolia Juniperus chainensis Kigelia pinnata Lagerstroemia speciosa Legestroemia thorelli Mesua ferrea Michelia champaka - varieties Millingtonia hortensis Mimusops elengi Muntingia calabura Murraiya Kayngii Parkia biglandulosa Peltophourm pterocarpum Pinus longifolia Plumeria alba Plumeria lutea Plumeria obtusa Plumeria pudica Plumeria rubra Podocarpus elongata Polyalthia longifolia Polyalthia longifolia pendula Polyalthia longifolia angustifolia Pongamia glabra Pterospermum acerifolium Putranjiva raxburghii Ravenala madagascariensis Salix babylonica Samanea saman Santalum album Saraca indica Saraca thapingensis Solanum macranthum Spathodea campanulata Sterculia foetida Swietenia macrophylla

Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees

628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638

Swietenia mahagoni Tabebuia argentea Tabebuia avellenedae Tabebuia rosea Tabebuia roseo-alba Tabebuia spectabulis Tectona grandis Terminalia catappa Thespesis populnea Thuja orientalis Tipuana tipu *

Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees

Sl.No 639 640

Botanical Name Assorted varieties (50 Varieties) Other New Varieties (25 varieties)

Type Bougainvillea s Bougainvillea s

Common Name Nuda green Nuda red Cat's tail plant Ground cover or fire tails

Fire dragan

Gaint red leaf' Green twisted Mondo grass Impala lilly , Desert Rose

Carpet bugle weed Allamanda dwarf Red calico plant Gold Green

Lilly Gorgon flower Coral Aphelandra Mesameranthimum Clambing ylangylang Laveandar Foxtail Sprengeri fern Zigzag asparagus Fern asparagus Variegata bamboo Dwarf bamboo Buddha's belly bamboo Pride of the cape Sulphuria Pony tail Shrimp plant

Price in Rs. 5 5 8 8 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 75 200 100 6 6 10 10 5 5 5 6 5 50 6 6 15 8 15 8 45 8 15 100 10 6 50 20 75 10 50 15 75 20 12

Yesterday-today-tommorow Jamaica or green ebony Pride of Barbados orange, yellow, red Powder-puff dwarf pink Powder-puff dwarf red Powder -puff red Powder -puff red Powder puff white Powder puff pink

Candle bush

Day king or day jasmine Queen of the night Spider plant Forest jasmine

Jade crassula False heather blue False heather white

Umbrella plant Paroo lilly Aralia dizygotheca

Rose cactus Flowering Eranthimum

12 15 15 20 8 8 12 15 15 15 15 15 25 8 15 25 8 8 8 50 10 6 6 8 6 6 8 10 10 50 5 5 6 6 8 8 12 20 10 5 6 6 5 6 25 6 10

White variegata leaf Yellow variegata leaf Yellow round leaf Hierba mala White poinsettia

(Small Plants) Fire ball Crown of thorns Eunowalis Gaint false agave Cape jasmine

Caricature plant

Yellow variegata Red Parrot flower Hanging lobster claw Red ivy Narrow leaf Changing rose Variegata leaf Multicolour leaf

Spider Lilly

Purplish red leaf Yellow veins Chinese Ixora

25 35 15 15 15 8 20 100 100 20 20 8 6 12 40 8 12 12 8 50 8 8 8 8 8 15 15 40 50 50 30 45 6 6 10 10 15 8 8 40 8 20 25 8 8 15 15

Yellow dwarf

Red jasmine Jasmine 7 round Jasmine round Red Pink

Creeper juniper Shrub vinca Cape myrtle(mauve) White Rose

Drooping yellow White shrub Orange with red Red & Yellow varigata Drooping mauve Tree mignonette

Chinese silver privet

Chinese box Single red Pink Red

15 15 15 15 20 20 20 20 15 10 20 10 25 15 15 25 20 50 15 10 10 10 20 5 6 6 5 6 10 6 6 8 10 15 10 150 75 35 15 15 8 8 15 15 25 25 75


Parijath Variegata leaf Green dwarf Lollipop plant

Zig zag plant Geranium Ivy geranium Red fountain grass White Emerald ripple Variegeta ripple plant variegata

Snow bush compecta Pink leaf Snow bush Golden bamboo

Variegata mock orange Variegata mint leaf White Red Cape leade wort[blue] Bamboo grass Bamboo grass variegata Sun plant or rose moss Yellow oblong leaf Flowering Pomegranate Pomegranate dwarf

10 30 25 10 12 10 10 10 10 10 10 15 40 15 8 35 15 8 8 8 25 25 25 25 8 50 15 15 15 30 6 6 25 35 8 10 10 8 15 10 15 20 8 8 20 25 15

Coral plant Coral plant Coral blow African violet Sage Golden hahnii Marble queen Cineraria

Bird of paraise Variegata grass

Cape jasmine Double


Band plant

15 75 8 10 25 15 15 15 6 6 8 8 8 25 8 8 25 8 10 6 8 8 6 30 6 10 20 10 15 15 15 10 15 10 10 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 8 5 5 15 20

Jamaica sago Lilly Common Name Yellow flower Bell flower Purple Allamanda

4 50 100 75 5 10 Price in Rs. 10 10 15 20 10 10 8 10 12 15 8 15 25 15 8 15 8 8 15 6 8 8 10 10 8 10 8 15 20 15 50 10 10 10 10 10 8 8 75

Bignonia chamberlaynii Bignonia magnifica Grape ivy

Bleeding heart vine Bleeding heart vine red Indian rubber vine Wall sticker Madhumalathi Cup & Saucer (Red) Cup & Saucer yellow Princess vine Blue bell vine Suji malli or mullai Jaji Honey suckle Honey suckle pink Tecoma jasminoides Passion flower blue Passiflora flower red Passiflora flower red Purple wreath Bridal creeper Garlic vine Orange Begonia Rangoon creeper Ipomoea candy king Round leaf Golden vine oblong leaf Jade vine

Ruphalia grahata Blue trumpet vine White trumpet vine Yellow trumpet vine Mexican flame vine Rhincospermum Bagnit vine Railway creeper Common Name

10 10 10 12 8 10 10 8 Price in Rs. 60 60 60 60 60 50 50 60 50 50 50 50 50 50 75 35 40 100 150 30 50 75 50 50 40 100 100 30 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 25 50

Ribbon Aglaonema Golden evergreen Silver colour leaf

Gaint caladium

Kris plant

Var. shell ginger

Peacock plant

Dwarf narrow leaf

Braove Yellow spotted leaf

Baby doll Mahatma

Tropical topaz White spotted

Calypso queen

Red Tricolor White Yellow

Banyan tree

Green Black Variegata Green

40 40 40 40 50 40 40 25 50 50 50 100 100 100 30 40 50 150 30 30 25 25 25 25 25 25 75 40 40 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 30 50 50 150

Cut leaves

Song of Jamaica Song of India Umbrella plant

Big leaf

50 50 75 15 150 150 75 100 50 50 200 125 50 25 25 25 40 25 75 50 50 50 150 25 25 25 200

Queen palm Cluster fishtail palm Fishtail palm Showy bamboo palm Porior palm Miniature fishtail palm Butterfly palm Sealing wax palm Kentia palm Yellow latan Ruffled fan palm Spiny fan palm Chinese fan palm Table palm Bottle [Shampaign] palm Triangular palm Pigmy date palm

50 100 40 100 50 75 75 250 50 100 30 50 30 30 100 50 2,500.00 50

Fiji fan palm Feather palm Lady palm Slender lady palm Royal palm Phoenicophorium Borisigianum Key palm Petty coat Foxtail Palm

35 50 250 250 50 100 50 35 50

Common Name Maidenhair fern Fan maidenhair Bird nest fern Mexican tree fern Indian tree fern Bostern fern

Dwarf fern Golden fern

Price in Rs. 50 50 150 100 500 75 75 75 75 75 75

Bermuda grass (Per bag) Kentaki blue grass (Per bag) Mexican grass (Per Sq. ft) Shade or Buffalo grass (Per bag)

350 600 15 350

Common Name Cinnamon Nutmeg Graft All spice Pepper Clove Cardamomum

Price in Rs. 20 50 20 15 20 25

Cashewnut graft Cashewnut seedling Ramphal Seethaphal graft Seethaphal seedling Arecanut Bread fruit

50 20 20 50 20 15 75

Jack fruit graft Jack fruit gumless Jack fruit seedling Bilimbi Komrekh (Carambola) Graft Pappaya seedless Karonda Goose berry Acid lime budded Lime seedless budded Sour Orange (or) Rough Lime Pommello Orange budded Sweet lime (Mussambi)Budded Coconut Green Dwarf Coconut Hybrid NCD Coconut Orange Dwarf Coconut Tall Sta'r Apple (Velvet Apple) Jamun (Nerale) graft Fig Austraian Variety Fig Mangosteen Litchi Barbados Cherry Mango - Alfanso (Badami) Graft Mango - Banganpalli Graft Mango - Malgova Graft Mango - Mallika Graft Mango - Neelam Graft Mango - Raspuri Graft Mango-Thothapuri(B'lore)Graft Sapota Round - 2' Ht. Graft Sapota Round - 2'-3' Ht. Graft Sapota Round - 3'-4' Ht. Graft Sapota Round -4'-5' Ht. Graft Sapota Round (Big size) Graft Sapota Kallipathi Graft Banana Cavendish Dwarf T.C. Plant Other Varieties Rambutan Passion Fruit Avacado (Butter Fruit) Amla Graft Guava Allahabad Guava L - 49 Guava Red

75 75 15 10 60 15 10 10 50 75 35 50 50 50 75 125 75 40 50 50 30 30 35 50 20 75 60 75 75 60 75 60 40 50 60 75 500 60 15 15 30 10 15 40 45 40 100

Pomegranate Seedless Rose Apple Malayan Apple

25 15 15

Common Name Golden shower Monkey breed tree coral wood tree Bael tree (Bilpatre) Devil tree Wide chincona X mass tree Neem Hongkong orchid tree Butterfly tree Orchid tree Lipstick tree Silk cotton tree

Scarlet flame -bean Rose of Venezuela Flame of the forest Bottle brush Indian laurel Ylang ylang Pink shower tree Apple blossom shower Red cassia Pink and white shower Burmese pink cassia Coffee senna Golden wonder Australian chest nut Australian oak Autograph fat pork tree Geiger tree Cannon ball tree Monenterey cypress Golden monterery cypress Upright cypress Sago palm

Price in Rs. 10 25 15 15 20 20 35 20 15 30 15 15 15 15 8 75 75 150 25 15 20 125 20 20 20 20 20 20 15 15 15 10 10 30 20 40 75 40 100 150 300

Sisoo tree Gulmohar or may flower Elephant apple Indian coral tree Cockspur coral tree

Fern leaf tree Silver oak Green ebony Twisted chinese juniper Sausage tree Pride of India Naga champak Champak grafts Indian cork tree Indian medlar Singapore cherry Curry leaf Badminton tree Yellow flame tree Pine tree Frangipani white Frangipani yellow Frangipani white dwarf Frangipani white dwarf Frangipani bicolor & red Indian fir tree

Indian beech tree Maple twist tree Child life lucky bean Travelers palm Weeping willow Rain tree Sandal wood Ashoka tree Yellow saraca Brinjal tree Scarlet bell, africal tulip tree Dung tree Bastard mahogany

15 12 20 12 15 50 35 30 10 8 6 12 50 35 20 20 25 75 10 20 10 6 20 10 25 40 40 40 40 50 20 25 25 35 12 20 20 20 40 12 25 30 100 20 12 15 15

Mahogany Golden bell Rosy trumpet tree Bignonia megapatomica Teak Indian almond Tulip tree Rose wood

15 20 20 15 15 50 10 10 10 25 20

Common Name Paper flower Paper flower

Price in Rs. 25 75

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