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Abdominal Obesity, more than a few extra inches...

Obesity is an very popular topic of conversation. All people talk about it. And a lot of people suffers it. However, do you know that obesity more related to cardiovascular disease, hypertension and diabetes is one that is located around the abdominal zone? This obesity is called "apple shape", tipical in men, but can be present in women too.

Be More Active Means Less Weight and More Life !!!

As you move, as is your Health. Move increases energy expenditure and muscles gain flexibility, aerobic capacity, density and strength. Your hearth is a muscle pump blood that makes possible that the blood flows in all body transporting oxigen, nutrients, hormones, antibodies, minerals and inmunological defense cells to tissues and organs for keep a rigth function and retires carbon dioxide and waste substances from tissues to transport until the lungs, liver, kidneys and skin for processing and/or excretion.

When you don t move as is necessary according your age, gender and physiological status, may be your are in sedentary life. And you are in troubles. An hearth and muscles weak is the most effective way for to accumulate fat, specially in abdomen, muscles, liver, hearth and blood vessels. This excess of fat may occur even if you don t eat too much. If you have an high calorie diet or high fat diet, the gain fat increases.

Actually, we knows that the adiposse tissue, is more than an energy reservory. The fat cell called adipocyte is in fact, an extraordinary factory of sustances called adipokines or adipocytokines that are implicated in the metabolism regulation, glucose haemostasis, apetite control, energetic balance, hormonal control and inflamatory and inmunology response.

The excess of fat in the body, specially in the abdomen, start an inflamatory mediators secretion by the adipocytes that acts producing alteration in the balance between apetite and saciety, insulin resistence, hypertension, oxidative stress, increase blood lipids as colesterol and promotes the lipids deposit in the blood vessel wall.

Mauralida Marquez. MD.. Biomedical Reasearcher

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