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Warrior Fitness Lower Body -Squat -One legged Squat -Wall Squat -Alternating Lunges -Walking Lunges -Backward

Lunges -Side Lunges -Heel Stompers -One Legged Deadlift -Butt Raises -Drop and Touch -Lying Bicycle -Inverted Leg Kicks -Dirty Dog -Calf Raises -Reach and Bend Explosive Movements for the Legs -Alternating Jumping Lunges -Squat Jumps -Semi Squat Jumps -Star Jumps -Knee Tucks -Mule Kicks -Knee to Standing Jump -Barrier Jumps -Burpees -Russian Dance -Mountain Climbers -Mountain Jumpers -Split Jump Upper Body -Wrestlers Bridge -Reverse Pushup -Tiger Crawl -Headstand -Dive Bomber Pushup -Hindu Pushup -Standard Pushup -Close Grip Pushup

-Wide Grip Pushup -Hands in Pushup -Hands Out Pushup -Finger Pushups -Knuckle Pushups -Leg Pushup -T-Pushup -Arms Extended Pushup -Ball Pushup -Elevated Arms Pushup -Elevated Feet Pushup -One-Arm Pushup -Sideways One Arm Pushup -Plyometric Pushup -Handstand Pushup -Handstand Pushup -Chair Hold -Dip Pull-Ups -Pullup -Chinup -Narrow Grip -Wide Grip -Towel Grip -Hanging Towel -Alternate Grip -Cliff Hanger Abdominals -V-up -Knee Hugs -Chinnies -Russian Twist -Leg Raise and Lift -Twister -Janda Situp -Straight Extensions -Ankle Wiggles -Alternating Toe Touch Crunch -Situp Hold -Side Crunch -Sit-Up Twist -Lying Hip Swing -Plank -Side Plank -Straight Arm Plank -Superman

-Alternating Superman -Superman Pushup -Isometric Backhold -Pushup Hold -Balancing Abdominal Twist -Superman Twist -Prone Flutter Kick -Standing Twist -Hanging Knee Raise -Steam Engine -The Wheel -

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