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NT 633 Problem StL ‘ DM © Celelate the binding energy per nucleon for the fellewinp nuclides : oD, 7, *He, *He, ‘Le, “Le. cb) Using the above or otherwise, colette the emergy veleeecd or veyrircal in the folleuinp neclur Acachons : D+T— “He + 1m i epee ee “Lith > T+ THe 1 1 2 - H+ HD +e te ey - In the Lest rerebion, colerkete the ererpy veleaced (i) before the ancihiiahion of the posit, Gi) after te aunililtion +f tte pot. If the nentyine in thes rvecehon cartier away 0:QS5 MeV ow the averaye , Pit vo the net eneryg relecent Aw this veactrou ? - An &- Particle ef 3:5 Mev anc a neatrm of 14-4 MeV ahs moving townrtde excl ofter fread- ow. What ty the Hebel momentin of the fire particles 2 a oe Ee —@ A perametrigehio of the micrescefic crais-sech'o for muclear frei of D art T ar & furchim + the _ ceuter-ef- wae frane every, W Cam keV) dn given below 2 a eee aL , Bs 34-4 W exp (B/ fw) (WwW) = there a 3 5 s(w)= Ay+AgW +Agw +Agw + AW i+ BW B,w*4 BW? 4+ BWt ° Fo os ZWLS50 kev > + = & 6 Ay = © AI eA) 7S aI » Agz 21 Xie Ag =5-2x10F | As = ° 2 ee 4 = — 8, renee iaae B, = —VIS XS | B= 7-0 x10 By = 1-7 x1074 2 For S50 24 2700) Kev 6 Aya i 4? Xe ha = Ag = hg As =O B= - 8-41 xis? , B= 4Bo xis® 2 _ =F ae -1s Ba = - 1-07 x10 B= 8-52 Xle — @) Hos world yor modify the above famurtyizetion t_cotein 3 (E,) ube Ep te the center enevyy 2m keV ous Lvttmns ate at raf 2 ©) Hew wewka you merctity fhe olrove -paratretrizabin — ebtein (Ey) uber EL the trite emery, Le keV art deuterms ane at reat ? oe bs () Hew Weuts ye aviens the above fratanretrizahine Kh cbtain oH (CW) uke VY the veltive Apeed betwen D at T ( releb oped in mi)? @ Ph Cw) @ (Ep) (Er), © (v) covertup The Yanges an uta te abeve formule to Opp cable « te) What fo The waninuin value of 7 ant the CoYTeApomding values ie Ww, Ey) Ep at ar 2. of) Pur we(v) vw vv. Maxim oval ef vey) an the —eortespeing ovals af Ur 2 whet owe The values of W , Ey Eq covresprting & VE(V) waRinut wets tte @ Consider a bean of cleuterons Rittivp a Abthioads tritium Target as Shown in the fg = Aecteren beguer. Tritiaes What eneryy te keV 1 Sale . ahs, ae yee wl chewae wanimige the velumetvic reachim Ante. for —@)—Angiven intensity of the Leena b> A given eater deustty in The ben? (2) Awswer (A act hy cf the bee of Xvitems ana the target a deatirinu:

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