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A Proposal Submitted By (Arjun Pratap Singh)

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for The Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) In Mechatronics

Asia Pacific University College of Technology & Innovation (April, 19, 2010)

Table of Contents

Title ................................................................................... 3 Introduction ....................................................................... 3 Statement of the problem .................................................. 4 Objectives ......................................................................... 7 Plan of Action .................................................................... 8 Management Plan ........................................................... 10 Conclusions ..................................................................... 12 References ...................................................................... 13

3 Title Wireless Electricity (transmission)

Introduction Everyone has electrical or electronic appliances (gadgets) at their homes, offices, school etc. Like laptops, mobile phones, gaming consoles, fridge, washing machines, television, fans, lamps, air conditioners etc. Actually they are present everywhere we see. Life without them seems impossible. But have you ever thought how many or how much resources go into powering these devices. It is estimated trillions of dollars all over the world are spend on non-rechargeable batteries which once out of use are thrown away as stated by Professor Marin Soljai (2007). These disposed batteries cause environmental pollution. Plus, the wires or the cords we use in various appliances or gadgets cost us a hefty amount. This brings us to the topic of wireless electricity (transmission). Have you ever considered how easy and hassle free our lives would be if we have wireless electricity transmission. No more need of nonrechargeable batteries, wires and cords at small or large scale. No more, timely recharging of rechargeable batteries etc. Wireless electricity is a phenomenon where, wireless energy transfer process takes place in an electrical system where electrical energy gets transmitted from a power source to an electrical load, without the presence of interconnecting wires in an electrical grid. The wireless electricity transmission mechanism has a big scope in future and can solve numerous pertaining problems. This wireless electricity transmission would help electrical and electronics consumer, manufacturing companies, transportation companies, medical institutions, robotic industries etc. The list of institutions which will benefit from the technology goes on. In the proposal we would review means of wireless electricity transmission mechanism to be developed at various scales, their biological impact, solving some important questions related to the problems, methods of gathering data (information), management plan and my qualifications.

Electrical will function as a way of qualifying the flow of electricity as it relates to a specific event. Electronics is a term that is descriptive of devices that are powered by electricity.

4 Statement of the problem For powering our electrical or electronic devices we need electricity, which we get from batteries, wires and cords. The power in form of electricity, which we get from power stations (mostly not taking batteries into account) is costly. Power is need for development of a place, for improving the infrastructure. For poor or lower class people its very difficult to pay for this power source (coal, gas or nuclear power stations). Plus the efficiency of power transmission from power stations to place where it is needed, by high tension wires arent efficient. There is a huge loss of energy in form of heat due to resistance of wire, which reduces the efficiency by 26% plus there is power theft. In India the loss is up to 40% at some places according to World Resources Institute (WRI). For poor people and places it is very difficult for them to develop their infrastructure and improve their living conditions as the power which theyll get is very expensive, which they cant afford. The National Sample Survey Organization (NSSO (2007) and NSSO (2003)) in India found that only 55% of rural households used electricity as the primary source of lighting. The power stations running on coal, gas or nuclear materials spend a large amount obtaining these resources, then making electricity and at end transferring them using high tension wire over long distances. The total cost on adding up all this is very high which they charge from people. Plus majority of power stations are coal and gas which produces green houses gases causing pollution. The other factor which comes into play is in some countries there isnt enough power generated for industries to work efficiently and effectively. Gupta et al. (2005) of McKinsey pointed out that electricity is such a chronic problem [in India] that manufacturers endure an average of seventeen major power disruptions every month. So we need to find a way by which we can distribute or transmit required power (electricity) over large distances using as less high tension wires as possible. Plus trying to reduce the cost of electricity produced so that poor people can afford it and trying to use some renewable source of energy than fossil fuels (expensive and pollutants) .

The other problem we face is existing excessive wires at homes, work place, schools etc. The radiations from the wires give rise to dirty electricity which has severe impact on persons health, leading to dizziness, low energy levels or even leukemia as stated by Magda Havas (2002). As most of our appliances or gadgets are connected to

5 wires or cords, for charging purpose or powering up. These wires cause a mess. They look ugly to look at. In other cases as in robots or automatic machines they hinder the movement of the system. It reduces the range of the machines. Also it is costly and failure prone e.g. short circuits etc. In harsh environment as in drilling, mining, underwater etc it is tough to attach the wire cables to the machine. While problem is also faced using sensors and actuators. One needs to reduce on cost of the expensive wiring or the battery replacing and disposal. While changing the battery the circuit interface can be disturbed and stop working (delicate connections). The other way to look at this problem is we need a very complex mechanism for docking of AUV, AAV or mobile robots and labor which goes in manual recharging and battery replacement. If we can develop a method of wireless electricity transfer it would be a boon for all.

We also need a way to reduce our fuel consumption. For that we use electric cars etc but the recharging mechanism is long and tough. Other way to reduce fuel consumption and carbon foot print is to power the aerial vehicles using some renewable source of energy which of course has to be wireless as stated by Andrew K. Soubel (2004)

And if we just look at medical side the need of wireless electricity transmission is massive. Wireless electricity would be a huge advantage in endoscopy, pacemakers, defibrillator etc. The need arises from the difficult in recharging of power source again and again and in some cases its failure can be life threatening.

So if we precisely see we have 1 major issue to deal at 2 different levels. Solving the major issue will directly solve the other issues related to the main issue. The main issue is to develop a wireless electricity transmission mechanism at small scale (private sector purposes as medical, industrial, personal use etc) and other at large scale (public sector transmission of electricity over large scale at cheap price and making it without creating pollution).

Solving this single problem can solve various global problems such as off, global warming, rising fuel prices, wars, poverty etc.

6 After doing the above we would need to research upon the biological impact of the wireless electricity transmission mechanism. As the human being can be affected and harmed by the radiations. And as our mechanism is wireless so there would surely be some radiations. So we need to know if our system radiations is affecting human beings or not. If yes we need a way to improve our system so that its sustainable.

7 Objectives Developer proposes to review the available literature on wireless technologies developed till now. In this review, the developer has to carry out 3 main objectives:

1. Construction or development of wireless electricity transmission mechanism for Small scale or private sector purposes as for medical, industrial, personal use etc.

2. Construction or development of wireless electricity transmission mechanism for Large scale or public sector purposes as power stations etc.

3. Researching upon biological impact of wireless electricity transmission Mechanism.

8 Plan of Action As the time progresses new technologies and products are being develop which are solely aimed at comfort of the human kind. E.g. Mobile phone, television etc. The products or technologies are created keeping in mind the needs of human kind. Our first objective solely aims at that point. Creating ease and comfort for masses. By creating a wireless electricity transmission mechanism at small scale. Using this technology they would never have to deal with the wire mess, never worry about recharging their devices etc. The basis of this mechanism would be related to magnetic resonant coupling and electromagnetic induction. For the first objective we need to do some primary research in form of observations and experiments which will help us know what are we dealing with, the errors, the deviations and the unknown phenomenons. Plus well have some hand on research before going further. Before going for the above well need to do secondary research to understand the basic concepts. For which developer would rely on books as Applications, Management and Security by Powell, Steven, Shim and J.P, Principles of Wireless Networks by K Pahlavan and P Krishnamurthy, Designing a Wireless Network by Syngress and

Electronic Devices and Circuits by Jacob Millman and Christos C. Halkias. Developer would also rely on Nikola Teslas and MIT universitys electrical engineering homage.

As the years pass by the problems of global warming, poverty, development and increase in fuel price has become a common sight. To deal with some of these problems at world level we need to find a counter attack, which can be the wireless electricity transmission mechanism at large scale. The basis of this mechanism would be related to solar energy and laser. For our second objective we would just require 2 extra books which are Lasers by A.E Siegman and Solar Energy: The Awakening Science by Daniel Behrman along with the others books mentioned for first objective. Plus need to do some experiments and observations before moving forward.

For our third object developer would require to interview people who excessively use laptops, mobiles or any radiative device to know the effects of the radiations upon use. Plus would require to go through books as Biological Effects of Radiations by

9 Daniel S. Grosch and Larry E. Hopwood and Effects of Radiation on Materials: 17th International Symposium by D.S Gelles.

A group of well performing engineering students from level 3 would be chosen to help the developer with the experiments and developing up of the system.

Should I require additional source than ones I have, I will search them at NTU and Princeton University online library and APIIT UCTI main library.

After some initial observations, experiments and interviews the developer would go ahead with making of the mechanisms prototype and test it. After testing, developer would use the results to enhance the mechanism till it is near perfect. Such would continue to make the mechanism better. When it is near perfection a final prototype would be built along with the final report.

10 Management Plan This section presents my schedule, costs, and qualifications for completing the proposed research. This research culminates in a formal report, which will be completed by December 2, 2010. To reach this goal, developer will follow the schedule presented below. Since developer already possesses literature on the subject of Lasers, Solar Energy, Wireless Technologies and Biological Impact of Radiations, most of my time will be spent doing observations, interviews, experiments, prototype building, sorting through the literature to find key results, and presenting those results to the targeted people.

Given that I can obtain all my sources for the literature review from the library, there is no appreciable cost associated with performing this literature review. The cost for experiments, testing and developing the mechanisms would be around RM 2000 which has to be borne by the developer him/her self. If the project requires more funds, developer has to request the college to provide the funds to continue his/her research.

I am currently studying in level 3 pursuing my Bachelors of Engineering with Honors in Mechatronics at APIIT UCTI, Malaysia. I have taken devices and fields, sensors and actuators, mechanical principles, communication subjects just to name a few. I believe that these courses and my hands on experience will aid me in assimilating the proposed literature review. For further information about my qualifications, see the attached resume in appendix section.


12 Conclusions Large number of institutions such as medical, industrial, educational etc need wireless electricity transmission mechanism for its products to work efficiently, effectively and at potentially reduced costs. Plus it reduces the hassle of wires, non rechargeable batteries and power cords at small scale. On the other hand transmission of power using wireless electricity mechanism is due to reduce the cost of power being supplied. Plus the source of power is clean and environmental friendly. The proposed research would attain following goals:

1. Development of wireless electric transmission mechanism for small scale (private sector) which is efficient and effective

2. Development of wireless electric transmission mechanism for large scale (public sector) which is efficient ,effective and aimed at lower electricity production cost.

3. Determine whether the radiations from the wireless electric transmission system have biological impact

The research will include formal presentation on 2 Nov, 2010 and formal report with design (prototype) on 2 Dec, 2010.

Small scale or private sector here means not governmental or not very huge Large scale or public sector here means governmental or very huge

13 References 1. Articles (Journals) Benjamin L. Cannon, James F. Hoburg, Daniel D. Stancil and Seth Copen Goldstein, 2009, Magnetic Resonant Coupling As a Potential Means for Wireless Power Transfer to Multiple Small Receivers, IEEE Transactions On Power Electronics, Vol. 24, No. 7

Magda Havas, 2006, Dirty Electricity: An Invisible Pollutant in Schools, Published in Education Forum Magazine, OSSTF, Vol. 32, Issue 3

Bert Lenaerts and Robert Puers, 2004, An Inductive Power Link for a Wireless Endoscope, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Department of ESAT-MICAS, Kasteelpark Arenberg 10, B-3001 Leuven, Belgium

Leixiang Bian, YumeiWen, Ping Li, Qiuling Gao and Min Zheng, 2008, Magnetoelectric Transducer with High Quality Factor for Wireless Power Receiving, The Key Laboratory for Optoelectronic Technology & Systems, Ministry of Education, China, College of Optoelectronic Engineering,Chongqing University, Chongqing City, 400044, PR China

S. Sheik Mohammed, K. Ramasamy and T. Shanmuganantham, 2009, Wireless Power Transmission A Next Generation Power Transmission System, Sensors and Actuators A 150 (2009) 207211, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887) Volume 1 No. 13

Ashish Kumar ,RaviShankar, KiranMomayab, and SandeepGupte, 2010, The Market for Wireless Electricity: The Case of India, Energy Policy 38 (2010)15371547

Aristeidis Karalis, J.D. Joannopoulos and Marin Soljacvic, 2008, Efficient Wireless Non-Radiative Mid Range Energy Transfer, Annals of Physics 323 (2008) 3448

R. Carta, J. Thon and R. Puers, 2009, Wireless Power Supply System for Robotic Capsular Endoscopes, Sensors and Actuators A xxx (2009) xxxxxx

14 Brown W. C, 1984, The History of Power Transmission by Radio Waves", Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on Volume: 32, Issue: 9

Gernsback Hugo, 1919, Nikola Tesla and His Achievements, Electrical Experimenter

G. A. Landis, 1994, Applications for Space Power by Laser Transmission,SPIE Optics, Electro-optics & Laser Conference, Los Angeles CA, January 2428, 1994,Laser Power Beaming, SPIE Proceedings Vol. 2121, 252-255.

2. Books

Powell, Steven, Shim and J.P, Applications, Management and Security K Pahlavan and P Krishnamurthy,Principles of Wireless Networks Syngress, Designing a Wireless Network Jacob Millman and Christos C. Halkias, Electronic Devices and Circuits Daniel Behrman, Solar Energy: The Awakening Science A.E Siegman, Lasers

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