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She was a Red Cockroach, Polyester Red worn into Silk for all the tears Tinged When

there upon the Road to Joy and Wealth Yes, yes, that I coveted myself Prides And Prejudices as to Kings of Drag, Bisexual LGBT XYZ, I mated with Letters and I Birthed Un hom, Indeed a Pair of blessed Survivors, Young Sons, the Song of an Orchestra is Mute When to the Silence of a Duo who Oppressed were they tooI Saw It, Singed by their Own Feathers. I wont Have It. For Tar and Feather I Breathe, Dragons of Weak-kneed overlords and CEOs who Done Love them their Violence, I Bespoke I will not be Silenced by Averagers, Torments to Science and PhillesYet I FREEEED Myself by Les Mots de la Guerre. Let it be Said That She said something Important from Deaths Threatening to Censorship: So brute was the SHOE. That to Sylvia to David FW to all of their Breed: Speak to Your Innocence you Tossed as A Dime. The School is of Evon and it Endures. C/S

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