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Teacher: Louis Nin Project-Ready II Trip of Nov 18th 2009 Trip Lesson Plan Standard: GED Economics: Examine

Labor Issues Objective: The students will be able to use a graphic organizer to evaluate data gathered from a vocational and occupational study trip. Teaching Point: How can I graph Information that is easy to read? Vocabulary: K-W-L Chart, Resources, Career, Job-training, Vocational, Technical Motivation: Students are exposed to series of dialogs regarding Pre-GED and Post Ged job career developments and occupational studies prior to going on a field trip. Do Now: Create a table listing the jobs you would like to know more about. Guided Practice: Teacher creates a, K-W-L, chart that examines what the students know about the job(s) they would like to o after obtaining a GED diploma. What more information they need to know about the job(s) they are interested in. Students participate in tour/discussion on choices of vocational options offered to them before or after obtaining their GED diplomas. Examine the requirements they need: date program begins, documents that student must provide, and outcome of program. Independent Practice: Students will complete the KWL chart by filling out L or what they have learned about the job(s) they are interested in. Students will interact with peers sharing information and providing insights about the newly acquired information. Students check for meaning and topics of conversation about career and occupational interest. Summary: Students share their experience of their field trip and collaborated with other students in presenting their findings on the trip. Teacher checks for meaning by using specific questioning techniques. The teachers ask question that open ended questions, what if questions and evaluative questionstapping to Blooms taxonomy in search of in depth meaning.

Homework: Research on the internet your job preference for salary across the different parts of the United States.

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