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;; product: tdl33.

;; product-id: 3f96411b-b359-4200-9ae1-149fd71fef36
;; author: shweta computers

;;using "control" attribute at field definition level

;; add a new menu-item to the gateway of tally. note that the action is
;; alter (and not display)

[#menu:gateway of tally]
item : example 33 : alter : my report

[report: my report]
form: my form

[form: my form]
part: my part

[part: my part]
line: my line

[line: my line]
fields: my field1

[field: myfield1]
use: name field

;;display a message if the field value is empty

control : emptyvaluemsg : $$isempty:$$value

;;global formula
[system: formula]
emptyvaluemsg : $$localestring:"cannot be empty.\nplease enter some value."

;; notes
;; 1) $$isempty checks whether the parameter passed is empty or not.
;; syntax: $$isempty:<parameter>
;; 2) $$value
;; returns the value of the current field
;; 3) \n is used for line-feed

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