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*&program name: displaying the physical inventoy documents *

*&sapname: z_phy_inv_document *
*&creation date: 06/02/2006 *
*&application: mm *
*&author: rajkumar abbu *
*& ibm business consulting services *
*&desc: this report is used to display the *
*& physical inventory documents *
*&type: 1 - 'executable program ' *
*&inputs: selection-screen *
*&outputs: physical inventory doc list *
*&external routines: n/a *
*& m o d i f i c a t i o n l o g *
*& date | mod # | developer | description
*& 06/02/06 |rd0k905577|rajkumar abbu | initial construction *

report z_phy_inv_document
message-id zmm no standard page heading .

* tables
tables : ikpf.

* type-pool declarations
type-pools : slis.

* types declaration

types : begin of type_phydocu,

werks type ikpf-werks,
lgort type ikpf-lgort,
iblnr type ikpf-iblnr,
gjahr type ikpf-gjahr,
bldat type ikpf-bldat,
gidat type ikpf-gidat,
invnu type ikpf-invnu,
xblni type ikpf-xblni,
zstat type ikpf-zstat,
zeili type iseg-zeili,
matnr type iseg-matnr,
meins type iseg-meins,
charg type iseg-charg,
bstar type iseg-bstar,
buchm type iseg-buchm,
end of type_phydocu.
types : begin of type_mat,
matnr type makt-matnr,
maktx type makt-maktx,
end of type_mat.

types : begin of type_batch,

matnr type iseg-matnr,
charg type iseg-charg,
atwrt type ausp-atwrt,
end of type_batch.

types : begin of type_werks,

werks type t001w-werks,
end of type_werks.

types : begin of type_lgort,

werks type t001l-lgort,
end of type_lgort.

types : begin of type_iblnr,

werks type ikpf-iblnr,
end of type_iblnr.

types : begin of type_final,

werks type ikpf-werks,
lgort type ikpf-lgort,
iblnr type ikpf-iblnr,
zeili type iseg-zeili,
matnr type iseg-matnr,
maktx type makt-maktx,
meins type iseg-meins,
charg type iseg-charg,
atwrt type ausp-atwrt,
bstar type iseg-bstar,
buchm type iseg-buchm,
gjahr type ikpf-gjahr,
bldat type ikpf-bldat,
gidat type ikpf-gidat,
invnu type ikpf-invnu,
xblni type ikpf-xblni,
zstat type ikpf-zstat,
end of type_final.

* internal tables
data : gi_phydocu type table of type_phydocu,
gi_mat type table of type_mat,
gi_batch type table of type_batch,
gi_final type table of type_final,
gi_iblnr type table of type_iblnr, "#ec needed
gi_werks type table of type_werks, "#ec needed
gi_lgort type table of type_lgort, "#ec needed
gi_fcat type slis_t_fieldcat_alv,
gi_event type slis_t_event,
gi_list_header type slis_t_listheader.
* constants

constants : c_reel_sn type atnam value 'reel_sn',

c_klart type klassenart value '023'.

* selection-screen

selection-screen begin of block f1 with frame title text-001.

select-options : s_iblnr for ikpf-iblnr,

s_gjahr for ikpf-gjahr obligatory,
s_werks for ikpf-werks obligatory,
s_lgort for ikpf-lgort,
s_bldat for ikpf-bldat,
s_gidat for ikpf-gidat,
s_invnu for ikpf-invnu,
s_xblni for ikpf-xblni,
s_zstat for ikpf-zstat.

selection-screen end of block f1.

* at selection-screen
at selection-screen on s_iblnr.

if not s_iblnr is initial.

select iblnr from ikpf into table gi_iblnr where iblnr in s_iblnr.
if sy-subrc <> 0.
message e048 with text-022.

at selection-screen on s_werks.

select werks from t001w into table gi_werks where werks in s_werks.
if sy-subrc <> 0.
message e163.

at selection-screen on s_lgort.

if not s_lgort is initial.

select lgort from t001l into table gi_lgort where lgort in s_lgort.
if sy-subrc <> 0.
message e165.

at selection-screen on s_gjahr.

if s_gjahr-low > sy-datum+0(4).

message e048 with text-023.

* start-of-selection

perform sub_read_data.
perform sub_process_data.

* end-of-selection

perform sub_display_report using gi_final.

*& form sub_read_data

form sub_read_data .

*read physical inventory data from ikpf and iseg

perform sub_read_phydocu changing gi_phydocu.

*read the material description from makt

perform sub_read_mat using gi_phydocu
changing gi_mat.
*read the serial number
perform sub_read_batch using gi_phydocu
changing gi_batch.

endform. " sub_read_data

*& form sub_read_phydocu
* read table ikpf and iseg
* -->li_phydocu
form sub_read_phydocu changing li_phydocu like gi_phydocu.

select a~werks
from ( ikpf as a inner join iseg as b on
a~iblnr = b~iblnr and
a~gjahr = b~gjahr )
into table li_phydocu
where a~iblnr in s_iblnr and
a~gjahr in s_gjahr and
a~werks in s_werks and
a~lgort in s_lgort and
a~bldat in s_bldat and
a~gidat in s_gidat and
a~invnu in s_invnu and
a~xblni in s_xblni and
a~zstat in s_zstat.

endform. " sub_read_phydocu

*& form sub_read_mat
* read makt table
* -->li_phydocu
* <--li_mat
form sub_read_mat using li_phydocu like gi_phydocu
changing li_mat like gi_mat.

data : li_phydocu1 type table of type_phydocu.

li_phydocu1[] = li_phydocu[].
sort li_phydocu1 by matnr.
delete adjacent duplicates from li_phydocu1 comparing matnr.

if li_phydocu1 is not initial.

select matnr
from makt
into table li_mat
for all entries in li_phydocu1
where matnr = li_phydocu1-matnr.

if sy-subrc = 0.
sort li_mat by matnr.


refresh li_phydocu1[].

endform. " sub_read_mat

*& form sub_read_batch
* read serial number
* -->li_phydocu text
* <--li_batch text
form sub_read_batch using li_phydocu like gi_phydocu
changing li_batch like gi_batch.

types : begin of type_objkey,

matnr type iseg-matnr,
charg type iseg-matnr,
objek type inob-objek,
end of type_objkey.

types : begin of type_inob,

cuobj type ausp-objek,
objek type inob-objek,
end of type_inob.

types : begin of type_ausp,

objek type ausp-objek,
atwrt type ausp-atwrt,
end of type_ausp.

data : li_phydocu1 type table of type_phydocu,

lw_phydocu1 type type_phydocu,
li_objkey type table of type_objkey,
lw_objkey type type_objkey,
li_inob type table of type_inob,
lw_inob type type_inob,
li_ausp type table of type_ausp,
lw_ausp type type_ausp,
lw_batch type type_batch.

data : lv_atinn type atinn.

li_phydocu1[] = li_phydocu[].
delete li_phydocu1 where charg is initial.
sort li_phydocu1 by matnr charg.
delete adjacent duplicates from li_phydocu1 comparing matnr charg.

loop at li_phydocu1 into lw_phydocu1.

lw_objkey-matnr = lw_phydocu1-matnr.
lw_objkey-charg = lw_phydocu1-charg.
lw_objkey-objek+0(18) = lw_phydocu1-matnr.
lw_objkey-objek+18 = lw_phydocu1-charg.
append lw_objkey to li_objkey.
clear : lw_phydocu1,lw_objkey.


if not li_objkey is initial.

* read inob table for object key

select cuobj
from inob
into table li_inob
for all entries in li_objkey
where klart = c_klart and
obtab = 'mch1' and
objek = li_objkey-objek.

if sy-subrc = 0.
sort li_inob by objek.


* read cabn table for serial number characterstic value

select single atinn
from cabn
into lv_atinn
where atnam = c_reel_sn. "#ec *

if not li_inob is initial.

* read ausp table for characterstic value of serial number

select objek
from ausp
into table li_ausp
for all entries in li_inob
where objek = li_inob-cuobj and
atinn = lv_atinn and
klart = c_klart.

if sy-subrc = 0.
sort li_ausp by objek.


loop at li_objkey into lw_objkey.

read table li_inob into lw_inob

with key objek = lw_objkey-objek binary search .

if sy-subrc = 0.

read table li_ausp into lw_ausp

with key objek = lw_inob-cuobj binary search.

if sy-subrc = 0.

lw_batch-matnr = lw_objkey-matnr.
lw_batch-charg = lw_objkey-charg.
lw_batch-atwrt = lw_ausp-atwrt.

append lw_batch to li_batch.

clear : lw_batch,lw_ausp,lw_inob,lw_objkey.



sort li_batch by matnr charg.

refresh : li_phydocu1[],li_objkey[],li_inob[],li_ausp[].

endform. " sub_read_batch

*& form sub_process_data
* prepare the final internal table
form sub_process_data .

data : lw_mat type type_mat,

lw_batch type type_batch,
lw_phydocu type type_phydocu,
lw_final type type_final.

loop at gi_phydocu into lw_phydocu.

lw_final-werks = lw_phydocu-werks.
lw_final-lgort = lw_phydocu-lgort.
lw_final-iblnr = lw_phydocu-iblnr.
lw_final-zeili = lw_phydocu-zeili.
lw_final-matnr = lw_phydocu-matnr.
lw_final-meins = lw_phydocu-meins.
lw_final-charg = lw_phydocu-charg.
lw_final-bstar = lw_phydocu-bstar.
lw_final-buchm = lw_phydocu-buchm.
lw_final-gjahr = lw_phydocu-gjahr.
lw_final-bldat = lw_phydocu-bldat.
lw_final-gidat = lw_phydocu-gidat.
lw_final-invnu = lw_phydocu-invnu.
lw_final-xblni = lw_phydocu-xblni.
lw_final-zstat = lw_phydocu-zstat.

read table gi_mat into lw_mat

with key matnr = lw_phydocu-matnr binary search.
if sy-subrc = 0.
lw_final-maktx = lw_mat-maktx.

read table gi_batch into lw_batch

with key matnr = lw_phydocu-matnr
charg = lw_phydocu-charg binary search.

if sy-subrc = 0.
lw_final-atwrt = lw_batch-atwrt.

append lw_final to gi_final.

clear : lw_final,lw_phydocu,lw_mat,lw_batch.
endform. " sub_process_data
*& form sub_display_report
* display the report output
* -->p_gi_final
form sub_display_report using li_final like gi_final.

perform sub_fill_fieldcat changing gi_fcat.

perform sub_fill_event changing gi_event.
perform sub_fill_listheaer.
perform sub_display_list using li_final gi_fcat gi_event.

endform. " sub_display_report

*& form sub_fill_fieldcat
* prepare the field catalog
* <--p_gi_fcat
form sub_fill_fieldcat changing li_fcat like gi_fcat.

data lw_fcat type slis_fieldcat_alv.

lw_fcat-fieldname = 'werks'.
lw_fcat-tabname = 'gi_final'.
lw_fcat-seltext_m = text-003.
lw_fcat-outputlen = '5'.
append lw_fcat to li_fcat.
clear lw_fcat.

lw_fcat-fieldname = 'lgort'.
lw_fcat-tabname = 'gi_final'.
lw_fcat-seltext_m = text-004.
lw_fcat-outputlen = '4'.
append lw_fcat to li_fcat.
clear lw_fcat.

lw_fcat-fieldname = 'iblnr'.
lw_fcat-tabname = 'gi_final'.
lw_fcat-seltext_m = text-005.
lw_fcat-outputlen = '10'.
append lw_fcat to li_fcat.
clear lw_fcat.

lw_fcat-fieldname = 'zeili'.
lw_fcat-tabname = 'gi_final'.
lw_fcat-seltext_m = text-006.
lw_fcat-outputlen = '3'.
append lw_fcat to li_fcat.
clear lw_fcat.

lw_fcat-fieldname = 'matnr'.
lw_fcat-tabname = 'gi_final'.
lw_fcat-seltext_m = text-007.
lw_fcat-outputlen = '18'.
append lw_fcat to li_fcat.
clear lw_fcat.

lw_fcat-fieldname = 'maktx'.
lw_fcat-tabname = 'gi_final'.
lw_fcat-seltext_m = text-008.
lw_fcat-outputlen = '40'.
append lw_fcat to li_fcat.
clear lw_fcat.

lw_fcat-fieldname = 'meins'.
lw_fcat-tabname = 'gi_final'.
lw_fcat-seltext_m = text-009.
lw_fcat-outputlen = '3'.
append lw_fcat to li_fcat.
clear lw_fcat.

lw_fcat-fieldname = 'charg'.
lw_fcat-tabname = 'gi_final'.
lw_fcat-seltext_m = text-010.
lw_fcat-outputlen = '10'.
append lw_fcat to li_fcat.
clear lw_fcat.

lw_fcat-fieldname = 'atwrt'.
lw_fcat-tabname = 'gi_final'.
lw_fcat-seltext_m = text-011.
lw_fcat-outputlen = '30'.
append lw_fcat to li_fcat.
clear lw_fcat.

lw_fcat-fieldname = 'bstar'.
lw_fcat-tabname = 'gi_final'.
lw_fcat-seltext_m = text-012.
lw_fcat-outputlen = '1'.
append lw_fcat to li_fcat.
clear lw_fcat.

lw_fcat-fieldname = 'buchm'.
lw_fcat-tabname = 'gi_final'.
lw_fcat-seltext_m = text-013.
lw_fcat-outputlen = '13'.
append lw_fcat to li_fcat.
clear lw_fcat.

lw_fcat-fieldname = 'gjahr'.
lw_fcat-tabname = 'gi_final'.
lw_fcat-seltext_m = text-014.
lw_fcat-no_out = 'x'.
lw_fcat-outputlen = '4'.
append lw_fcat to li_fcat.
clear lw_fcat.

lw_fcat-fieldname = 'bldat'.
lw_fcat-tabname = 'gi_final'.
lw_fcat-seltext_m = text-015.
lw_fcat-no_out = 'x'.
lw_fcat-outputlen = '8'.
append lw_fcat to li_fcat.
clear lw_fcat.

lw_fcat-fieldname = 'gidat'.
lw_fcat-tabname = 'gi_final'.
lw_fcat-seltext_m = text-016.
lw_fcat-outputlen = '18'.
lw_fcat-no_out = 'x'.
append lw_fcat to li_fcat.
clear lw_fcat.

lw_fcat-fieldname = 'invnu'.
lw_fcat-tabname = 'gi_final'.
lw_fcat-seltext_m = text-017.
lw_fcat-outputlen = '16'.
lw_fcat-no_out = 'x'.
append lw_fcat to li_fcat.
clear lw_fcat.

lw_fcat-fieldname = 'xblni'.
lw_fcat-tabname = 'gi_final'.
lw_fcat-seltext_m = text-018.
lw_fcat-outputlen = '16'.
lw_fcat-no_out = 'x'.
append lw_fcat to li_fcat.
clear lw_fcat.

lw_fcat-fieldname = 'zstat'.
lw_fcat-tabname = 'gi_final'.
lw_fcat-seltext_m = text-019.
lw_fcat-outputlen = '1'.
lw_fcat-no_out = 'x'.
append lw_fcat to li_fcat.
clear lw_fcat.

endform. " sub_fill_fieldcat

*& form sub_fill_event
* prepare the event internal table
* <--p_gi_event
form sub_fill_event changing li_event like gi_event.

data : lw_event type slis_alv_event,

c_formname_top_of_page type slis_formname value 'top_of_page'.

call function 'reuse_alv_events_get'

i_list_type = 0
et_events = li_event.

read table li_event with key name = slis_ev_top_of_page

into lw_event.
if sy-subrc = 0.
move c_formname_top_of_page to lw_event-form.
append lw_event to li_event.
clear lw_event.

endform. " sub_fill_event

*& form sub_fill_listheaer
* prepare the list header internal table
form sub_fill_listheaer .

data : lw_line type slis_listheader,

clear lw_line.
lw_line-typ = 'h'.
lw_line-info = text-002.
append lw_line to gi_list_header.

clear lw_line.

lw_line-typ = 's'.
lw_line-key = text-020.
lw_line-info = sy-uname.
append lw_line to gi_list_header.
clear lw_line.

* lv_date = sy-datum.
write : sy-datum to lv_date dd/mm/yyyy.
lw_line-typ = 's'.
lw_line-key = text-021.
lw_line-info = lv_date.
append lw_line to gi_list_header.
clear lw_line.

* lv_time = sy-uzeit.
write : sy-uzeit to lv_time using edit mask '__:__:__'.
lw_line-typ = 's'.
lw_line-key = text-024.
lw_line-info = lv_time.
append lw_line to gi_list_header.
clear lw_line.

endform. " sub_fill_listheaer

*& form sub_display_list
* call the function module for output display
* -->p_li_final
* -->p_gi_fcat
* -->p_gi_event
form sub_display_list using li_final like gi_final
li_fcat like gi_fcat
li_event like gi_event.
data : l_repid type sy-repid.
data: l_layout type slis_layout_alv.
l_repid = sy-repid.

l_layout-zebra = 'x'.

if not li_final[] is initial.

call function 'reuse_alv_grid_display'
i_callback_program = l_repid
it_fieldcat = li_fcat[]
is_layout = l_layout
it_events = li_event[]
t_outtab = li_final
program_error = 1
others = 2.
if sy-subrc <> 0.
message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno
with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
message s048 with 'no data available'.

clear : li_fcat[],li_event[],gi_list_header[].

endform. " sub_display_list

* top_of_page
form top_of_page. "#ec called

call function 'reuse_alv_commentary_write'

it_list_commentary = gi_list_header.

endform. "top_of_page

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