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HIRSCH AVOCATS AU BARREAU DE PARIS ‘gpxsuurayrs CONSULTANT Siarerea os Flarbeth Simpen Kraria 14-bit Yves Reinhardt Pa ‘—&— dean lee range cs i.e ASSOCIES AVOCATS AU BARREAU DE PARIS European Patent ATtomeys (EP) sere C744 Dro der fare, onl Maran C7 nse Pome Sophie Levy ster rdsu Eg 0) Cry Attomeys (CTA) Saran Rocher Mt are Pi Farner Car eiVeerteed Georgia Devas caPs-DESS Drader a Naney Gel CEP Dae taretekimcatonger ole Cele her! DrarPan” Lagi Deebert a ‘etn ged Denis Sthertentetb fb itaesr ogy SiGe ingin ou ae Rennberg EPA ENVOYE PAR DHL MINISTERE DES AFFAIRES ECONOMIQUES Administration de la politique commerciale Office de la Propriété Industrielle INFORMATIQU! North Gate IIT j Boulevard du Roi Albert II, 16 TO 05.-4- 2011 1000 BRUXELLES AG oust| Paris, le 9 mars 2011 NIR&f.: 25225/BE/SOLA sc Brevet Européen n® | 604574 OPRI-DIE Partie Nationale en Belgique Demande EP N°04253061.8 du 25 mai 2004 14.03.2011 Titulaire : SOLAE, LLC enti INGEKONEN .. DECISION DE DELIVRANCE : 22.12.2010 DELAI POUR LE DEPOT DE LA TRADUCTION: 22.03.2011 Messieurs, Vous trouverez ci-joint, copie de la décision de délivrance du brevet européen en référence et de la page de garde du brevet EP (BI), ‘Nous vous prions également de trouver ci-joint un exemplaire de la traduction frangaise du brevet européen délivré accompagné des dessins. Nous vous saurions gré de bien vouloir effectuer les démarches requises pour valider ce brevet européen auprés de I'Office des Brevets de votre pays. Nous vous prions dagréer, Messieurs, lexpressi distinguées. nde nos salutations European Patent Attorney mmunity Trademark Attorney sews hiehles.com Hirth & astociés 52%, ~ 8, avenue Marceau 75008 Pars France Bureaux secondares& ‘el 433 ()133259726. Telesa'33 (147234913. mal@dirsclex com “"Munich (Allemagne) Bandue: BNPIiprd Marceau 30008 “Agence 00232 "Cpe. 20036531785 “ Neeaingwoah (GE) VATNER T3gebe 10372. SIRET No."#2981 057200040 ~ NAP? 69102 Benet TAN sere BIC(SWIFT) ENPAFRPPPCE = Charlot (NC, USA) European Patent Office 80288 MUNICH GERMANY Tel. +49 (0)89 2999-0 Fax +49 (0)89 2399-4485, TAN UN A A maeneae Tel:#31 (0)70 340 45 00 Hirsch & Associés 58, avenue Marceau 75008 Paris FRANCE 25.11.10 Taearee ‘eplcaton No TFataniNG, 25225 EP SOLA 3 04253061.8 - 2114 / 1604574 TSAR Solae, LLC Decision to grant a European patent pursuant to Article 97(1) EPC Following examination of European patent application No. 04253061.8 a European patent with the title and the supporting documents indicated in the communication pursuant to Rule 71(3) EPC dated 28.05.10 is hereby granted in respect of the designated Contracting States. Patent No. 1604574 - Date of filing 25.05.04 Priority claimed 7 i Designated Contracting States + and Proprietor(s) + AT BE BG CH CY CZ DE DK EE ES FI FR GBGR HU IE ITLILUMC | NL PL PT ROSE SI SK TR Solae, LLC 4300 Duncan Avenue St. Louis, MO 63110/US This decision will take effect on the date on which the European Patent Bulletin mentions the grant (art. 97(3) EPC). ‘The mention of the grant will be published in European Patent Bulletin 10/51 of 22.12.10. Examining Division Muller | Georgopoulos N Couzy F ein ’ - é % 010g a3330" Registered letter to EPO postal service: 19.11.10 EPO Fom 2006 1207 creri/t0) EP 1 604 574 B1 “= ~—L soo “aap > EP 1 604 574 B1 (12) EUROPEAN PATENT SPECIFICATION (45) Date of publication and mention (51) Int Cl. of the grant of the patent: A238 3/16 (200801) A23S 3/34 (2006.01) 22.12.2010 Bulletin 2010/51 A23G 3/00 (200601) A23L 1/305 70691) (21) Application number: 04253064.8 (22) Date of fing: 25.05.2004 (64) Soy protein blend for soft confectionery food bars Soja-Protein Mischung fiir weiche Sisswaren-Riegel Mélange de protéines de soja pour barres de confiserie molles (84) Designated Contracting States: *+ Cho, Myong J. * AT BE BG CH CY CZ DE DK EE ES FI FR GB GR Chesterfield 63017 HU IE IT LI LU MC NL PL PT ROSE SISK TR Missouri (US) (43) Date of publication of application (74) Representative: Hirsch & Associés 44.12.2005 Bulletin 2005/50 ‘58, avenue Marceau 75008 Paris (FR) (73) Proprietor: Solae, LLC St. Louis, MO.63110 (US) (56) References cited : EP-A- 0 148 600 US-A- 4 563 357 (72) inventors: US-A1- 2002 114877 US-A1- 2003 054 087 + Taillie, Steven A. US-A1- 2003 054088 US-A1- 2003 215 559 St. Louis 63108 Missouri (US) ‘Note: Within nine months of the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent in the European Patent Bulletin, any person may give notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to that patent, in accordance with the Implementing Regulations. Notice of opposition shall not be deemed to have been filed until the opposition fee has been paid. (Art. 99(1) European Patent Convention), Peta by i, 75001 PARIS FR)

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