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title : easycalc crackme

crack : find the password

tools : jack's cracker

_ _ _
level : easy |x| medium |_| hard |_|


this dos crackme asks us to insert a valid password. if the code isn't correct it
shows the string "hey ... you're in the wrong way :(".
ok. if we check the pe code, we see it has packed with upx. after unpack it (with
upx too) we open it with olly and we find the bad string into the code. now we're

004012f9 . 8b45 f8 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-8] ; ||||

004012fc . 8945 f0 mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-10],eax ; ||||
004012ff . c70424 901240>mov dword ptr ss:[esp],easycalc.00401290 ; ||||ascii
"password :"
00401306 . e8 55050000 call <jmp.&msvcrt.printf> ; |||\printf
0040130b . 8d45 f4 lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-c] ; |||
0040130e . 894424 04 mov dword ptr ss:[esp+4],eax ; |||
00401312 . c70424 9b1240>mov dword ptr ss:[esp],easycalc.0040129b ; |||ascii
00401319 . e8 32050000 call <jmp.&msvcrt.scanf> ; ||\scanf
0040131e . c70424 9e1240>mov dword ptr ss:[esp],easycalc.0040129e ; ||
00401325 . e8 36050000 call <jmp.&msvcrt.printf> ; |\printf
0040132a . 8b45 f4 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-c] ; | <-- put our password
0040132d . 3b45 f0 cmp eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-10]; | <-- compare our
password with correct one
00401330 . 75 0e jnz short easycalc.00401340 ; | <-- if our isn't the
same, jump to bad string
00401332 . c70424 a01240>mov dword ptr ss:[esp],easycalc.004012a0 ; |ascii "good
work :)"
00401339 . e8 22050000 call <jmp.&msvcrt.printf>; \printf
0040133e .^ eb b2 jmp short easycalc.004012f2
00401340 > c70424 b01240>mov dword ptr ss:[esp],easycalc.004012b0 ; |ascii
"hey... you're in the wrong way :(" <-- bad string
00401347 . e8 14050000 call <jmp.&msvcrt.printf> ; \printf
0040134c .^ eb a4 jmp short easycalc.004012f2

if we see at address 0040132d at stack [ebp-10] we find the correct password! ( the
password in memory is an hex number, so we've to change it in a decimal number
before to insert it !)

the correct password is : 34275591

p.s. there's a small bug in this file... try to insert a letter into the password
and see the disaster ;-)))

special thank’s to ingrid….. thank u my love J

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