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By Josa Surya1), Sukirno Mus2), Syahrul2)

Abstract This research was conducted on February-March 2011, at the Laboratory of Fish Processing Technology and Food Chemistry, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, University of Riau. The objective of this research is to evaluate the effect of coconut fluid on characteristics of dendeng ikan during refrigerated storage. The catfishes weighing 1-1,2 kg each were obtained from Kerinci Lake, Jambi. The fish were transported in ice to the laboratory, and at the laboratory the fish were gutted, washed, filleted and cut into a small size of 10 cm x 3 cm (10 cm length and 3 cm width). The fish were grouped into 3 groups, and the fish of each group was soaked into coconut fluid for 15, 30 minutes, and control. The fish was added for spice at 27.5 g/kg fish, and over-dried at 450C600C for 18 hours. The dendeng ikan was packed in a plastic bag and stored in refrigerator for 30 days. The sensory and chemical evaluation were made at 0, 15, and 30 days of storage. The result indicated that the dedeng ikan prepared by deeping the fish in coconut fluid for 15 minutes resulted in superior quality as well as consumer acceptance. Moisture, TVB, and peroxide value at 30 days of storage was 16.63-17.74%, 0.85-2.26 mg N/100 g, and 1.63 meq/1000 g respectively.

Keywords: Dendeng ikan, fillete, coconut fluid, spice, refrigerated storage, characteristic, consumer acceptance, moisture, TVB, peroxide value
1) 2)

Student of Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science University of Riau Lecturer of Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science University of Riau

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