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Lab Report Final Draft Grading Rubric Chemistry/Physics Participation in Lab Activities with Lab Notebooks and Final

Reports Required Worth 60% of total Class Grade Meets Expectations Needs Improvement Unacceptable (40-50 Points) (30-39 Points) (0-29 Points) Format of Report (3pts)
Title, Objectives, Materials, Procedure, Data, Analysis, Discussion, and Conclusion headings are present in an outline format. Name of students who worked on the lab activity clearly stated. Overall Lab Report is organized and typewritten. Dates of Experiment and submission are stated. Written in complete paragraphs with topic supporting and concluding sentences. Starts by talking about the Universe, relates the key ideas of the lab activity to your own prior knowledge. Thesis statement is clear and sets reader up to know what he/she is about to learn in the lab report. Procedural steps follow a logical order, and can be followed like a movie script by any other student. A Data Table or Data List that clearly represents the measurements or calculations with correct significant digits AND UNITS. There is at least one (1) full sample calculation with Math shown to illustrate competence of calculations. Recorded Data is logically represented in an Independent/Dependent variable graph. Graph is clearly titled, axis are correctly labeled with names AND UNITS, graph correctly displays data via line, pie, bar or other common graph technique. Discussion is written in complete paragraphs with topic, supporting and concluding sentences. Answers discussion prompts if provided. Addresses major challenge or concept of the lab activity based on the data recorded from the observation or experimentation. Cites data recorded or calculated from the lab Experiment. Written in a complete paragraph with a topic sentence, supporting statements and concluding sentence. Re-states the thesis statement from the introduction. Makes a final judgment or interpretation of the data. Relates lab results back to prior knowledge and Universe.

Introduction (5pts)

Procedures (5pts) Data (10pts)

Analysis (10pts)

Discussion (10pts)

Conclusion (7pts)

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