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Lesson Plan

Teacher: Malcolm Co teacher: Wendy Date: airport 2

Class Name: English Center Room: English Center Expected no. of students: 15-20

Context: listening to announcements on a airplane

Teaching aids: Listening tasks 1 and 2, Answer sheets , Bingo cards, Broken sentences, Can/cant sentences
Learner objectives:
Personal Aims:
Students will practice listening for information in an
Build relationships with kids and try to learn 3 new names
announcement, They will also practice the difference
for each class, try out a different style of lesson
between can/must cant/mustn’t

Anticipated problems for teacher: Allowing the stronger

Anticipated problems for students: students to eat up too much of my time
Listening task can be too quick/ slow/easy/hard
Solutions: Solutions: Be sure to seek out quieter students and
Have 3 levels of questions and students move up as check their answers and give lots of encoragement to
they feel capable try next level

Timing (40
Procedure Phase Interaction

Start lesson with Good morning class! Class respond

Good morning Mr. Harrison, T-S
Split class into 4 teams

Introduce today’s topic by talking about last lesson Engage 3mins T-S
then where next

Distribute listening tasks

Students listen 2 times then I accept any correct sheets Study 6mins T-S
and allow a level up.
Students listen a further 2/3 times allowing students to Study 6mins
LU as they complete the questions

Review the answers to all questions Study 2mins T-S

Introduce can/must/cant on board with the sentences. Study 3mins T-S

Students guess the covered word.

Students listen to task 2 and complete the answer Study 3mins S-S

Then the complete the broken sentences on the board Activate 4mins T-S
using their answers

Students are put in pairs for a game of bingo using Activate 10mins T-S
phrases heard around the airport/ airplane

Procedure Phase Interaction
(40min )

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