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TABLEOFCONTENTS WELCOMELETTER ACADEMICCALENDAR DOCUMENTS GettingaVisa SAISWashingtonItalianVisaService StudentVisa FamilyVisa PermessodiSoggiorno HealthInsurance InsuranceCoverage SpecialMedicalConditions Ifyouhavechildren SchoolRelatedDocuments FINANCES

avechildren SchoolRelatedDocuments FINANCES TuitionandLivingExpenses AdditionalExpenses ApartmentRentalSecurityDeposit PretermCourseFees Howtopaytuition ManagingYourFinances EmploymentOpportunities COMMUNICATIONS Keepingintouchwithhome Phone Email Fax Mail Freight InsuranceofGoodsShippedorMailed WHENTOARRIVE ArrivalforPreterm AcademicAdvising EconomicsWaiverExam Core/CompExams 3 5

7 7 7 9 9 10 10 11 12 12 13 14 14 15 15 17 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 21 23 23 23 23 1

TABLEOFCONTENTS LanguageProficiencyExams LanguagePlacementTests CourseRegistration WHATTOPACK EssentialItems Clothing Toiletries Medicines Computer OtherElectronics Books Notebooks Photographs TRAVELPLANS Transportation TrainsinItaly IfyouflyintoMILAN IfyouflyintoROME IfyouflyintoBOLOGNA FromBolognaCentralTrainStation ByTaxi ByBus ArrivingbyCar HOUSING Finalmentearrivati! TheHousingService WhentoArrive ApartmentSpecifications RentandHousingExpenses SecurityDeposit Utilities AdditionalExpenses HOTELSINBOLOGNA 25 25 26 27 27 28 29 29 30 31 31 31 32 32 32 33 33 34 34 34 35 36 36 37 38 38 38 39 39 41

Theinformationinthisbookletmaybesubjecttochange 2



Congratulations on your admission to the SAIS Bologna Center! We look

forwardtowelcomingyoutoBolognaandtowhatwillprobablyturnoutto be one of the best years of your life, if the opinions of our alumni are any indication. You will find that Bologna is a beautiful medieval city full of arcades (40 kilometers of them) and earth colors, marble sidewalks and welcomingcafs. BolognaishometotheUniversityofBolognaoneoftheoldestuniversitiesin the world, and the second largest university in Italy with about 100,000 studentsenrolled.Inaddition,theErasmusprogrambringsstudentsfromall overEuropetoBologna.Therearealsoseveralother,mostlyundergraduate, U.S. programs here, so Bologna is definitely a young city with plenty of activitiesthatyoumayfindinterestingandwhichwillbeexcitingtoexplore. By and large you will find the bolognesi welcoming, friendly and proud of their city and its history. Bologna is the main town in the region of Emilia Romagna. It has Etruscan, Celtic and Roman roots and the town center is very well preserved, with traces of all stages of its history still visible. The tourist office has leaflets that will help you discover different parts of bologneselife. TodayBolognahasathrivingindustrialsector,notablyinmachinetoolsand also in the food and packaging industry. Unemployment is relatively low in comparisonwiththenationalaverage. There is a wide range of shopping possibilities, from the deluxe designer stores to the weekly market that offers a wealth of bargains You can walk acrossthecityinabouthalfanhourorinvestinabikeandscootaboutlike most of the locals. Public transportation (mainly buses) is frequent and reliable. Bologna is also the center of a rail hub, making all regions of Italy easily accessible by train from the central station. The airport offers many connections to Italian and European cities. Look into the economy airlines 3


thatoperateoutofBolognaandsmallernearbyairports;aweekendawayin aEuropeancapitalmaybewithinyourreach. Bologna is not immune to the problems faced by all major cities. Micro criminality is present and requires that you be vigilant, especially when walking around late at night. But crime here is certainly no worse than in otherEuropeancitiesandrarelyinvolvestheuseofweapons. Bologna has prominent soccer and basketball teams and many other spectator sports are also practiced locally. Excellent skiing facilities are available only a few hours away by train or car. If you are interested in playing a sport, you have a vast array of options at your disposal through localassociationsandclubs.Thetownitselfhasmanyparksandthenearby hillsoffergoodhikingopportunities,someofwhichcanbequitechallenging. PerhapsthemostfascinatingaspectofyourstayinItalywillbelivinginand experiencing a new culture. Social traditions and behavior will differ. Get used to eating your dinner late in the evening if you share it with Italians. Remember to greet people you know or deal with on a daily basis with a bright buongiorno or buonasera before starting any small talk. And if you wanttopassasanative,neverorderacappuccinoafter10am!Rememberto makeanefforttolearnenoughItaliansothatyouareabletointeractwithin the exciting community that will become your home. If you need advice aboutservices,emergencies,referralsetc.,theStudentAffairsofficewillhelp you. Taketimetoreadthroughthisbookletandbecomefamiliarwithitscontent. The information was updated in March 2011, but some changes may occur during the summer. When you get here you will also receive a copy of the Guide to Living in Bologna. Its useful information has been compiled with input from past students, faculty and staff. You will also find both booklets online. The Student Handbookwhich addresses academic procedures and requirementsandwillalsobeavailableuponarrivalandonline. WelookforwardtowelcomingyoutoBologna! TheBolognaCenterStaffandFaculty,April2011 4


Thur.Aug.18 (minoradjustmentsmaybenecessary) HousingServicebegins

PretermcoursesinIntensiveItalian&English, SurvivalItalian Mon.Aug.29Mon.Sept.26 PretermcoursesinMicroeconomics, Macroeconomics,CoreTheoriesofIntlRelations andComparativeNationalSystems Mon.Sept.26Tue.Sept27 Economicswaiverexams Mon.Aug.29Fri.Sep23

Mon.Sep.19Fri.Sept.30 Onlinecourseregistration(ISIS) (noon) Wed.Sept.28Fri.Sept.30 OrientationandRegistrationallstudents

Thur.Sept29 Fri.Sept.30 Mon.Oct.3 Tue.Oct.4Wed.Oct.5 Fri.Oct.7 Tue.Oct11 Mon.Oct.17 Mon.Dec.12 Wed.Dec.21

mustbepresent;Inadditiontoacademic advisingandpresentationsonacademic programs,Coreexams,EuropeanStudies Comprehensiveexams,areofferedduringthis period. EnglishProficiencyexam(mandatoryforall nonnativespeakers)

Deadlineforregistrationforcoursesforthefirst semester,anddeadlineforpaymentofthefirst semestertuitionfee. Firstdayofclasses(exceptlanguageclasses) LanguagePlacementExams LanguageProficiencyExams Firstdayoflanguageclasses Deadlineforchangingcourseregistration (drop/addperiodends) Deadlineforpreliminarycourseregistrationfor thesecondsemester(exceptlanguagecourses) Lastdayofclassesbeforevacation



Thu.Jan.5 Tue.Jan.10Wed.Jan.11 Fri.Jan13 Sat.Jan.14 Mon.Jan.23 Mon.Jan.16Fri.Jan.27 Classesresume Languagecoursefinalexaminations LanguageProficiencyExams Lastdayofnonlanguageclasses Deadlineforregistrationforlanguagecoursesfor thesecondsemester Examinationsforfirstsemester


Mon.Feb.6 Tue.Feb.7Wed.Feb.8 Fri.Feb.10 Mon.Feb.20 Fri.Apr.6 Firstdayofclassessecondsemester(except languageclasses)and Deadlineforpaymentof2ndsemestertuitionfee LanguagePlacementTests Beginningoflanguageclasses Deadlineforchangingcourseregistration (drop/addperiodends) Lastdayofclassesbeforevacation

Saturday,April7throughSunday,April16:springvacation Mon.Apr.16 Tue.May8Wed.May9 Fri.May11 Sat.May12 Mon.May14Fri.May25 SatMay26 Classesresume FinalExaminationsforLanguageCourses Writtensectionoflanguageproficiencyexams Lastdayofclasses Examinationsforthesecondsemester Commencementandclosingceremony


EUcitizensdonotneedavisatostayinItaly. NonEUcitizensmusthaveastudentvisa(vistopermotividistudio)in ordertoobtainatemporaryresidencepermit(permessodisoggiorno) inBologna. Allstudents(EUandnon)arerequiredtohavehealthinsurancethatis acceptabletotheItalianauthorities(seedetailsbelow). IfyoucurrentlyhaveavalidvisatoanotherSchengencountryyoumay find getting a new visa difficult. Please contact admissions@jhubc.it if youhavetroubleobtainingyourvisa.


offeredthroughSAISinWashington.TheOfficeofAdmissionsatSAIS WashingtonwillacceptvisaapplicationsuntilMay31,2011.Visarequests willthenbetakentotheItalianEmbassyinWashingtonD.C.U.S.students shouldhavereceivedinstructionswiththeirletterofadmission.NonU.S. studentscanconsulttheinformationavailableontheSAISDCwebsiteat: http://www.saisjhu.edu/admissions/admitpack/MAFall2011. If you are unable to take advantage of this service (because you need your passportduringthesummer),orifyoudonotliveintheUSA,pleasefollow theinstructionsbelow.



Obtaining a student visa can take weeks or months depending on your countryoforigin.Itishighlyadvisabletobegintheprocessearly.Wesuggest you contact the nearest Italian consulate or embassy without delay to request an application form and other relevant information. Make sure to obtain a type D visa for the full duration of the academic year (type C is validonlyforthreemonths).Thevisaisnormallyattachedtoyourpassport. Without it you may be able to enter Italy, but you will not be granted a permesso di soggiorno. In that case, you could be asked to leave Italy. You shouldobtainyourvisainyourhomecountry. 7

DOCUMENTS If you are momentarily residing abroad you will probably encounter difficultiesinobtainingastudentvisa.Somestudentshavesucceededinthe pastbutruleshavebecomemorestringentinrecentyears.Unlessyouholda residencecardforthatcountry,youwillmostlikelynotbegrantedanItalian visa.Bepreparedtoreturntoyourhomecountryifnecessary. Although the documents required to process a visa may vary slightly from consulate to consulate, the following checklist denotes the standard items required: Proofofstudentstatus U.S. students and permanent residents who use the SAISWashington visa service do not need to worry about this as a certificate will be submittedtotheItalianConsulatebytheDCAdmissionsstafftogether with your visa application. US citizens who do not use this service shouldrequestacertificatefromtheRegistrarorAdmissionsOfficeat theBolognaCenter(email:registrar@jhubc.it;admissions@jhubc.it) NonU.S. students receive a certificate of admission in Italian after matriculation. These letters must be stamped with Vistato by the Embassy or Consulate and returned to you with your passport as they are necessarytoobtainthePermessodiSoggiornoinBologna. Proofoffinancialmeans Thismaybedemonstratedinthreeways: 1. A copy of letters verifying that you have received a loan or fellowship (or) 2. A letter from your bank certifying that you are selfsupporting andhavesufficientfundsavailabletomaintainyourselfinItaly, (or) 3. A letter of financial support from your parents with evidence of sufficient funds to support you during your stay. This should 8


includeabankstatementandthespecificdatesduringwhichthey willsupportyou(forexample,fromAugust2011July2012). Someconsulatesrequirethatthesedocumentsbenotarized.Checkwithyour embassyoryournearestconsulate. Twopassportsizephotographs Blackandwhiteorcolor(onwhitebackground)arebothacceptable. Healthinsurance PleasereadtheinformationbelowCAREFULLY. Yourpassport Ifyoudonothaveapassport,pleasebeadvisedthatprocuringonecan bealongprocess,dependingonyourcountryoforigin.Ifyoualready have a passport, please verify that it is valid through the duration of yourstayinItaly. Itisadvisabletomakecopiesofalldocumentsbeforepresentingthem totheConsulate,astheoriginalswillberetained.


Unfortunately, it is difficult to obtain a visa for accompanying family

members (visto per familiari a seguito) to enable them to stay in Bologna duringtheacademicyear.Oneoftherequirementsforthistypeofvisaisthat the stay in Italy be at least twelve months. Those who are considering bringingaspouseorsignificantotherwiththemtoBolognamaycontactthe Bologna Center Admissions Office (admissions@jhubc.it) to inquire about theoptionstheyhaveavailable.


As a nonEU citizens staying in Italy for a period longer than 90 days you
shouldobtainapermessodisoggiornoassoonasyouarriveinItaly.Toget thepermessodisoggiornoyouneedavalidvisa.Furtherinformationonthe proceduretoapplyforthepermessodisoggiornoinBolognawillbeavailable 9

DOCUMENTS at the Registrars Office upon your arrival. The fee for the permesso di soggiornoisapproximately70(asofMarch2011).


All students are required to have a health insurance policy which is

validinItaly.Therequirementsforthehealthinsurancewhenyouapplyfor your visa may be different from the requirement when you apply for the permesso di soggiorno in Bologna! For the purpose of the permesso di soggiorno, the local police need evidence in Italian or English that you are covered for the full duration of the academic year. In addition to any comprehensive health insurance you may already have, the Bologna Center encourages all nonEU students to purchase the additional emergency insurance provided by the Italian State (INA/AssItalia) upon arrival. This covers emergency hospitalization in Italy and member countries of the Schengen area and shouldenable students with private healthinsuranceto avoid major outofpocket expenses in case of emergency. The cost of this emergency policy was 98 for the academic year 201011. This option is not available for spouses or other family members. Nor can it be purchasedbyEUcitizens.


The Italian state health insurance covers emergency hospitalization only.

VisitstoprivateGPs,specialists,dentistsandsofortharenotcovered,noris medicine. Furthermore, this insurance is valid only in Italy and other countriesintheSchengenarea.IfyouplantotraveloutsidetheSchengen area during the academic year or if you need regular medical care, you are advisedtohaveaplanwithmorecomprehensivecoverage.Information aboutwheretoobtainmedicalserviceswillbedistributeduponyourarrival. The Bologna Center strongly advises all nonEU students to get this additionalpolicy.Incaseofanaccident,itcouldsaveyoufromhavingtopay considerable amounts of money for hospitalization while awaiting reimbursement from your insurance company. Ask the Registrar for the necessaryformwhenyouarriveattheBolognaCenter. 10


U.S. students who purchase the health insurance policy available through SAISinWashington(Chickering)shouldbeawarethattheywillhavetopay any expenses they incur in Italy and then request reimbursement from the insurancecompany.Itisthereforeadvisabletogettheadditionalinexpensive ItalianStateHealthInsuranceaswellinordertobecoveredformajoroutof pocketexpensesincaseofemergency. EU and EEA citizens do not need the permesso di soggiorno. However, for somebureaucraticpurposes(e.g.parkingpermit),youmayneedtoregister with the local authorities in Bologna. In order to register the following documentsarerequired: PassportorNationalIDCard Certificate of enrollment at school (available upon request from the BolognaCenterRegistrar). EU Health Insurance Card, or if you have a private health insurance policy, a letter from your insurance company proving that you are coveredinItalyforthefullacademicyear. Proof of financial means of at least 5,100.00 for the academic year (this can be an autocertificazione (selfcertification) but you must indicatethesourceofyourincomesuchasbankaccount,etc.


from your doctor explaining your conditionand thenecessary medications. You should keep this note with you at all times and deposit a copy at the Registrar's Office with authorization to release such information to a physicianincaseofanemergency.




Make sure to bring each child's birth certificate, health record

(immunizations and illnesses) and school records as these are necessary to registerchildrenatlocalschools.


If you had not completed your degree by the time of your application you
mustbringofficialproofthatyourdegreehasbeenawarded,aswellasthe official and final transcript. You should also bring copies of transcripts, letters of recommendation and other documents you may need when applying for fellowships and internships while at the Bologna Center. It is also advisable to bring at least a rough draft of your resume or curriculum vitae. The Career Services Office conducts career planning seminars and workshopsduringthefirstmonthofclasses.



TuitionandLivingExpenses Thefollowingisanestimatedstudentbudgetfortheacademicyear
201112: Tuition Room&Board(for9months) PersonalExpenses StudyMaterials HealthInsurance* Travel* DirectLoanFees** EstimatedTotalBudget 29,580 8,100 1,800 516 1,422 1,890 766 44,074

Theabovefiguresrepresentourestimateoftheamountnecessarytostudyat theBolognaCenterforninemonths. Theregularacademicyearlastsforeightmonths,andisprecededbyapre term language and economics program in September. Those who need to attend preterm should also take into account preterm fees, not included above. Living expenses are estimated at 900 per month. This figure is basedonarecentstudentsurvey. Pleaseunderstandthattheseareaveragefigureswhichwillvarydepending onyourstandardofliving.Somestudentswillbeabletoliveonless;others will probably spend more! Students with dollarbased assets should be awarethatexchangeratefluctuationscansignificantlyincreaseorreducethe aboveamounts. *Thefeeof1,422referstotheUShealthinsurancepolicyavailablethrough SAIS. Most EU students will be able to save on health insurance and travel expenses. **ThedirectloanfeesonlyapplytoUSstudentswhoobtainloans. Theestimatedminimumstudentbudgetfortheacademicyearis39,996. 13


Apartment rental security deposit, cleaning costs, rental contract fee and garbage tax cost extra. Read the section on Housing later in this bookletcarefully. StudentGovernment feeof 30 all students are required to pay this uponregistrationforcoursesinOctober. IfyouneedtopurchasetheItalianstatehealthinsurance(asexplained under Insurance Requirements for the permesso di soggiorno p. 4), thecostis98.00fortheentireyearasofApril2011. NonEUstudentsarerequiredtopayafeeofapproximately70forthe permessodisoggiorno(asofApril2011). Mailboxkey:5depositrefundablewhenyoureturnthekey


requiredtopayasecuritydepositequivalenttotwomonthsrent,inaddition topaymentforthefirstmonth(seeapartmentpricesunderHousinglaterin this booklet). The deposit is typically returned at the end of the academic yearuponsatisfactorycompletionofyourrentalagreementbutyouwillnot have these funds at your disposal during the year to cover other expenses and your deposit cannot be used to cover the last two months of rent. Students who leave the school during the year may lose their deposit if a suitablereplacementisnotfound.



IntensiveItalian IntensiveEnglish SurvivalItalian Microeconomics Macroeconomics CoparativeNationalSystems TheoriesofIntlRelations Feefortwocourses (excludingSurvivalItalian) 800 800 400 800 800 800 800 1,400

IfyouneedtotakethePrinciplesofEconomicscourseofferedonlinethrough SAISinWashington,pleasereviewtheinformationontheSAISDCwebsiteat http://www.saisjhu.edu/academics/nondegree/principlesof economics/index.htm. Make sure not to miss the registration deadline: Tuesday,May17,2011. To enroll in the preterm courses you will be required to pay a non refundable deposit fee of 200 for each course by Tuesday, July 5, 2011. Detailedinformationonthepretermprogramandhowtopaythepreterm depositisindicatedontheBolognaCenterwebsiteunderPretermProgram Informationat:http://www.jhubc.it/preterm.


Tuition for the fall semester is due by September 30, 2011 together with a student government fee of 30. Fees for the spring semester are due by February 6, 2012. Please remember that if you received financial aid, only halfofitcanbeusedtowardsyourfalltuition(thedifferencewillbeapplied in the spring). All fees payable to the Bologna Center should be in Euro. ThosewhowishtopayinUSdollarsmaydosobyusingtheexchangerateon the date they make their payment (when converting dollars to euro internally, JHU uses a rate that is the www.oanda.com interbank rate plus 1%).ThesamemethodcanbeusedwheninitiatingabanktransfertoJHU.It isimportanttonotethatduetoexchangeratefluctuationsbetweenthetime 15

FINANCES afundstransferisinitiatedandthetimethesefundsarecreditedtoJHU,the amount required to cover tuition may decrease or increase slightly. A reconciliationtransactionwillbemadeoncethestudentarrivesinBologna, andthestudentwillbenotifiedintheeventthattheyhaveasmallpositiveor negativebalance.Questionsregardingpaymentsorexchangeratesshouldbe addressedtotheBolognaCenterat:businessoffice@jhubc.it. Tuitioncanbepaidbyanyofthefollowingmeans: Creditcard:fordetailspleasecontacttheBologna CenterBusinessOfficeat:businessoffice@jhubc.it. Cash:Euroordollars Personal or cashier's checks in Euro or dollars payable to The JohnsHopkinsUniversity. BanktransferinEuroorUSdollarstothecorrespondingaccountat thebanksindicatedbelow.Bankchargeswillbeatyourexpense.Make sureYOURname(notyourparents)isindicatedonthetransfer.Please rememberthatabanktransfertakesatleast10daystobeprocessed. In the case of tuition payments, if a transfer has not arrived before the deadline,youwillneedtoprovideproofoftheincomingpayment.Inthecase of preterm deposits, you must send a copy of your payment receipt with yourregistrationform. TheBolognaCenterbankis: UnicreditBanca PiazzaAldrovandi,12/A 40125Bologna IBANEuro:IT58L0200802457000020010971 IBANUS$:IT64J0200802457000020011010 BICorSwiftCode:UNCRITB1PM7 16

FINANCES If you are a U.S. Veteran and are entitled to benefits, you should have your filetransferredtoSAISinWashington,D.C.totheattentionoftheRegistrar. DonothaveitsenttoBologna.


Personalchecks TheBolognaCenterhasanarrangementwithtwolocalbankswhereby youmaycashupto$1,500perdayortheequivalentinothercurrencies withapersonalcheckdrawnonyourbankinyourhomecountry.Most Americanstudentsusethismethodtohandletheirfinances.Inorderto changemoneyinthisfashion,youmustgotooneofthefollowingbanks inBologna: BancaPopolarediMilano ViaSanVitale,89 40126Bologna UnicreditBanca PiazzaAldrovandi,12/a 40125Bologna By simply writing a check to yourself, you may go to the bank and endorseitonthebackinthepresenceofthebankteller.Youwillneed tobringyourstudentIDcardandpassportwithyou.Makesuretobring anadequatesupplyofcheckswithyoutoItaly! If you need more than $1,500 at one time (to pay your rent for example)youmaywritethecheckforthenecessaryamountandhaveit authorized by the Bologna Center Business Office before presenting it atthebank. 17

FINANCES Credit/DebitcardsandATMs Youmayuseacreditcard(Visa,MasterCard,AmericanExpress,etc.)to withdrawEurofromautomatictellermachinesoutsideofmostbanks. MostUSbanksprovideaccountholderswithATMcardsandthesecan alsobeusedtotakemoneydirectlyfromyouraccount.Mostcardshave a limit on the amount of cash which can be drawn per day so you should not depend on this for large amounts such as your rental deposit. Contact your credit card company to request a PIN (personal identification number) which is the code you must enter in order to carryoutsuchatransaction.Werecommendusageofcreditcardsfor emergenciesonlyasthefeesaregenerallyhigherthanonATMcards. U.S.Loans Extrafundsfromloanscannotbeissuedtostudentsuntiltheloanhas been approved, processed and disbursed. After you sign the master promissory note, the processing procedure takes two or three weeks. Therefore, you should not count on having such funds available immediatelyuponarrivalinordertocoveryourlivingexpenses. BankaccountsinItaly IfyouwishtoopenabankaccountinItalyyouwillfirstneedtoobtaina codice fiscale. Charges for opening a bank account vary from bank to bankandcanbehigh.

FurtherinformationcanbeobtainedfromtheBolognaCenterBusinessoffice uponyourarrival.Ifyouhaveacheckingaccount(currentaccount)inyour home country, you may write and cash checks in Italy thanks to special agreementsbetweentheBolognaCenterandsomelocalbanks. Bankinghoursarefrom8:20amto1:20pmand2:35pmto3:45pm,Monday through Friday. Banks are closed on Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays.Questionsregardingpaymentofdeposits,tuitionorotherexpenses should be addressed to the Bologna Center Business Office at: businessoffice@jhubc.it.PleasedonotsendsuchinquiriestotheRegistrar orAdmissionsOffice.




Employment opportunities are available in several areas of the Bologna

Center and in the general Bologna community as well. Unfortunately, positions cannot be reserved in advance. All candidates for employment must apply upon arrival. Students can work up to a maximum of 60 hours permonth,butonaverageshouldexpecttoworkless.TeachingAssistants earn8.75perhour.Paymentforallotherpositionsis7.75perhour.U.S. citizens and permanent residents are paid through the Johns Hopkins StudentPayrollOfficeinBaltimore.YoumaycontacttheBusinessOfficefor moredetailsat:businessoffice@jhubc.it. Librarypositions The library offers regular parttime work for 10 to 12 students each year.Studentsworkbetween10and15hoursperweekandschedules are fairly flexible. If you are interested, please send your CV to circ@jhubc.it. A basic knowledge of Italian is required work in the library. ResearchandTeachingPositions Thereareanumberofteachingandresearchpositionsavailableatthe BolognaCenter.Recruitmentforsuchpositionsisconducteddirectlyby thefacultymemberinquestion.Facultywilltypicallysendoutanemail totheclass,orpostanannouncementonthebulletinboardtowardthe beginningoftheacademicyear.Necessaryqualificationsandhoursper weekvaryaccordingtoposition. MiscellaneousOtherPositions Some positions are also available in the following offices: Computer Services, Student Affairs, Alumni, Admissions, Communications, Language Department, and at the Front Desk. Other temporary employmentopportunitiesmayalsoariseduringtheyear. Application forms for these jobs can be obtained from the Business Office upon arrival. Positions are generally announced by email as they become available.Itisalsoagoodideatohaveanuptodateresume orcurriculum vitaeavailablewhenapplyingfortheseoptions. 19



Keeping in touch with the people back home is an essential part of your
foreign experience. This section provides information on how your friends andrelativesmaycontactyouwhileinItaly. Phone Beforeyouleave,itisagoodideatogiveyourfamilythephonenumber oftheBolognaCenter:+39051.2917.811. Email Students will be given a Bologna Center email account during the summer. The account is the preferred channel of communication between faculty, staff and students. Orientation information for BolognaCenterICTfacilitieswillbeprovideduponarrival. Fax Personal fax messages may be sent to the student fax number:+39 on a cover sheet. The receptionist will put the fax in your mailbox as soon as it arrives. Please do not have correspondence sent to the administrative fax machine, as it is for official use only. There is a chargeof0.25europerpageforfaxesexceedingfivepages. Mail We recommend that you use the Bologna Center address to receive mail (rather than your apartment address). Please remind senders to put your name in the first line of the address. The Bologna Center addresscanbefoundonthebackcoverofthismanual. Freight Packages sent within the EU are not subject to customs charges. PackagessentfromOUTSIDEtheEUareALWAYSsubjecttoCUSTOMS chargesandVAT.Chargescanvaryfrom2025%ofthedeclaredvalue andarealsoassessedonthepostagecosts!Forcustomspurposes,you shouldlistyournameasboththesenderandrecipientwhenyoumail yourpersonalbelongings. 20

COMMUNICATIONS Clothing or other personal belongings should be indicated as effetti personali usati (used personal belongings) and you should enter "N.V.C." (nessun valore commerciale or no commercial value) in the section of the customs slip reserved for the value of the goods. The higherthevalueyouindicatefortheitem,thehigherthefeeyouwillbe required to pay. See also the next section on Insurance of Goods ShippedorMailedforadditionaldetails. Medicine, contact lenses and solutions, vitamins and other pharmaceutical or cosmetic items should not be mailed. The customs clearing process is practically impossible so it is better to bring sufficient supplies of essential items with you. In order to have such itemsclearedbycustoms,itisnecessarytopresentastatementfroman Italianphysiciandeclaringthatanequivalentmedicineisnotavailable inItaly.Mostdoctorsareunwillingtowritesuchastatementandeven ifyouareabletofindadoctorwillingtoprovideyouwithone,theywill obviously charge you a fee. You would then have to sent it to the MedicalOfficeattherelevantairport. InsuranceofGoodsyouShiporMail Experience has shown that packages which are not insured clear customsmorequicklyandeasilythanthosewhichareinsured,so you should consider sending packages uninsured. Furthermore, customs charges are payable on the value you declare for insurancepurposes.Keepthisinmindbeforeinsuringapackage! We recommend that you use regular AIR MAIL service. Use the Bologna Center's mailing address. Surface mail can take up to six monthstoarrive!Ifyoumustuseacourierservice,contactthecourier companyfordetails,restrictionsandcustomsinformation. If you wish to send your belongings to the Bologna Center with a movingcompany,trytoarrangeforthemtoarriveafteryou!The schoolcannotpaycustomschargesinadvanceforyou,andyouwillalso incurstoragecharges.Furthermore,ifpackagesarrivebeforeyou,they will be kept at the school in an unattended space. The School cannot 21

COMMUNICATIONS assume any responsibility for such items. You should also inform the BolognaCenterreceptionistofthearrivalofsuchadeliverysothatshe will accept the goods. Keep in mind also that the school is closed on Friday, Saturday and Sundays during the summer.



If you are registered for a preterm course, we suggest you plan to arrive between August 17 and August 25/26 in order to find accommodation and settle in before preterm classes begin on Monday, August 29. For detailed information, see the separate Preterm Information. The Bologna Center Housing Consultant will be available from August 18 onwards. The signup sheet for appointments is normally posted on the door of his temporary officeattheBolognaCenterontheafternoonofAugust17. During the summer months (midJune to midAugust), the Bologna Center will be open Monday through Thursday, from 8:30 am to 5:30pm.August15isamajorholidayinItaly(ferragosto)andthereisvery little activity in Bologna around that date and many Italian will be on vacation,soitisreallynotadvisabletoarrivebeforeAugust17. FromAugust18throughAugust25,theschoolwillbeopenfrom9amto7 pm.Ifyouarriveinthemorningorearlyafternoon,youcancomedirectlyto the Center where the receptionist will assist you in finding a hotel if necessary. If you arrive outside the above dates/times, it is best to book a hotelinadvance(seethelistatthebackofthismanual)andgodirectlytothe hotel. OncepretermbeginsonMonday,August29,theschoolwillbeopenfrom9 amto9pm. Whether or not you are taking a preterm course, try to arrive early. Give yourselfatleastoneweektoadjustfromjetlag,getsettledinandmeetyour fellow students. If you are not participating in any preterm courses you absolutelymustbeinBolognafortheorientationperiodbeginningat9am onWednesday,September28.Thoseplanningtotakeaneconomicswaiver exam prior to the fall term should be on campus to take the exams on September26and27.




theorientationperiodtoassistyouwithyourcourseselection.Furthermore, theSAISAssociateDeanofStudentAffairsgenerallyvisitsfromWashington aroundthistime.


Please read carefully the information on the waiver exams on the Program Informationsheetaswellastheinformationontheeconomicswaiverexams on the SAISWashington website at: http://www.saisjhu.edu/academics/ economics/onlinewaiverexam.htm. If you plan to take a waiver exam offered on campus in Bologna on September 2627, make sure to arrive beforethatdate.TheexactscheduleofthewaiverexamsonSeptember26 27willbepostedontheOrientationSchedulewhichwillbeavailableonour websiteunderAdmissions/IncomingStudents.


CoreexamsapplyonlytoMAstudents. Coreexamsareofferedthreetimes during the academic year. The first Core exam session takes place during orientation.Studentswitharelevantbackgroundmayattemptoneormore of these exams at the beginning of the academic year. As of preterm 2011, twocorecourseswillbeofferedinpretermtohelpstudentsprepareforthe Octobercoreexams(seedetailsinthepreterminformation).Thoseplanning to concentrate in European Studies must take the comprehensive exams (Comp) instead. The Comp exams are also offered three times during the yearwiththefirstsessionduringOrientation.




Allproficiencyexamsconsistofbothawrittenandanoralsection. TheEnglishProficiencyexamisheldduringorientationweek. AllnonnativeEnglishspeakingstudentsarerequiredtotakethe writtensectionatthistime. Theoralsectionmaybetakenrightafterorlaterintheacademic year(attheendofeachsemester).


SevenmodernforeignlanguagesareofferedattheBolognaCenter: Arabic,French,German,Italian,Portuguese,Russian,andSpanish. ProficiencyexamsareheldattheBolognaCenterthreetimes duringtheacademicyear:duringthefirstweekofclassinthefall semesterandattheendofeachsemester. Studentswhowishtotaketheforeignlanguageproficiencyexam duringtheveryfirstsession(theweekafterOrientation)must firstconsultwithlanguagelecturersbeforesigningup. Individuallanguageadvisingwillbeofferedintheweekpriorto theexams.

Languageplacementtestsareheldatthefirstweekofeachsemester todeterminestudentsentrancelevelinaspecificlanguagecourse. Languageclassesbegininthesecondweekofthesemester ITALIAN: ThefinalexamforthepretermintensiveItaliancoursewillbe usedforplacementpurposes. ThosewhotakesurvivalItalianinpretermandwishtocontinue withItalianwillbegivenaplacementtestattheendofthe course.




Course registration will be available online in ISIS (student data

administration system) from Monday, September 19 through 12 noon on Friday, September 30. Toward midSeptember, the Registrars Office will provide all students with a detailed package of information regarding academic advising, course registration, the schedule of classes and other necessarydetails.Detailedcoursesyllabiwillbeavailableforconsultationin the library and on the Bologna Center intranet from September onward. Required reading for each course is on reserve in the library. Previous studentcourseevaluationswillalsobeavailable.Seealsothesectionabout booksunderWhattoPackinthenextsectionofthisbooklet.



BesuretohavethefollowingitemswithyouforyourtriptoBologna: Passport(orIDcardforEUcitizens)validfortheentireyear Visa(requiredforallnonEUcitizens) Thismanualthedirectionswillcomeinhandy Asmuchofyourclothingandpersonaleffectsaspossible.Tosave onshippingcostsandcustomsdutiesyouareadvisedtocarryasmuch aspossibleinyourluggage.Theconvenienceofhavingyourbelongings withyouuponarrivalwilllikelyoutweighthecostofheavyluggage. Be certain to call your airline to determine what their excess weight charges are so that you may make an informed choice. If you wish to send packages by courier, try to make sure they arrive after you (See alsoFreightintheCommunicationssection). Approximately300incashortraveler'schecks.Thisamountwill allowyoutogetaroominaninexpensivehotelforanightortwoand leave you with enough money for food and transportation. You may also bring other currencies but you will then have to find a bank or foreignexchangeofficeandmayencounterunfavorableexchangerates at the airport or train station. If you are not able to change money before you leave, please plan to arrive in Italy in the morning so that you will be able to change money before the banks close at 4:00pm. Therearetypicallybankslocatedwithinmostairports.Pleasekeepin mindthatbanksinItalyareclosedonSaturdaysandSundays.


The weather in Bologna varies substantially from season to season, with

warm autumn and spring months and a cold winter. When packing, your wardrobe should run the gamut from shorts and skirts to sweaters and a heavycoat. For September and October, shorts and Tshirts are the norm and you'll probably find yourself playing football or throwing a Frisbee in one of Bolognasparks.ThesameistrueforAprilandMay.Alightjacketwillcome 27

WHATTOPACK in handy at night and you will need an umbrella for the occasional rain shower. By midNovember, a warm winter coat is an absolute necessity and you should bring gloves and a scarf as well. Throughout the winter, which normally lasts until midMarch, you should be prepared for rain and the occasional snow flurry. Boots and wool socks will keep you warm when walkinghomeatnight. MoststudentsattheBolognaCenterdresscasually.However,youmaywant to bring some dressier clothes for special events such as visits by the governmentministry,ambassadorsanddignitaries.Trytobringatleastone suit for more formal events, which could also include an internship or job interview.TheAustriangroupofstudentsusuallyorganizesatypicalballin the spring so if you have an elegant evening dress or suit you may want to bringitwithyouaswell. Also, many people join gyms in Bologna, so workout clothes will come in handy.Informationongymsandsportsfacilitieswillbeprovidedwhenyou arrive.

Toiletries Bologna is a cosmopolitan city that has many pharmacies and drugstores.
Youcanbuynearlyanythingherethatyouwouldbeabletofindinyourhome country. Medicines and toiletries, however, may be somewhat expensive in Italy and saline solution, aspirin and other overthecounter drugs are cheaperincountriessuchastheU.S.Thus,althoughyoudonotneedtobring a year's supply of shaving cream and toothpaste with you, it may be more economical to bring some supplies. For example, dental floss is much more expensive in Italy than in the USA! As any SAIS graduate can tellyou,it'sa matterofopportunitycostistheextraweightworththeextramoney?It's uptoyou,butrestassuredthatyouwillbeabletobuywhatyoudon'tbring.




Remember that the customs clearance procedure for medicines which are
shippedormailedisverytimeconsumingandalmostimpractical.Therefore, if you need to take medicine on a regular basis it might be wise to bring a sufficientsupplywithyou. PreviousstudentshavesuggestedthatthosecomingfromtheUSAmaywish to bring a supply of cold and flu medicine also, as such items are rather expensiveinItaly.(SeealsoFreightintheCommunicationssection).


Mac).MostaremanufacturedwithatransformercapableofrunninginItaly. Call your authorized computer dealer to ensure that your computer is properly equipped or check the label on your power supply box. You may alsofindhavingyourownprinterconvenient,particularlytowardstheendof the semester. Bologna, like most of Europe, has 50Hz, 220240 volt alternating current. You will need a transformer capable of handling such input. Do not plug your computer or printer directly into an outlet withoutanadequatetransformer. StudentComputerCenter(SCC) TheBolognaCenterhasWindowsbasedcomputersintheSCCforyour use. MS Office, Windows Media and Real Audio players and Internet browsers are installed on the labs computers. A high volume printer and a color printer are also available for student use. Each student is given 300 printed pages free of charge. Additional pages can be purchasedfromavendingmachineinthelibrary. InternetandTelephone/LANAccess The computers in the SCC are attached to the Bologna Center LAN which has access to the Internet. The library has LAN cable outlets. Wireless access is available throughout the building for students with portable computers. An ethernet LAN adapter (or 802.11b/g wireless LAN adapter) and an antivirus software package are required to 29

WHATTOPACK connectyourportabletothenetwork.Italiantelephonecompaniesoffer manyinternetaccessoptions.Theflatratepermonthisusuallybestif youusetheserviceheavily;hourlyrates(withnoflatrate)areprobably abetteroptionforthosewhodonotplantousetheinternetextensively fromhome.Youwillneedtocheckrelevantcoststofindthebestoption. Keepinmindthattheinternetserviceattheschooliscoveredbyyour tuition!

ApartmentsinItalyoperateona50Hz,220240voltcurrentwhereasmost Americanhomesoperateona115130voltageat60Hz.Americanequipment designed for usage with the lower voltage will be destroyed if plugged into the higher voltage system. Replacing the internal transformer can be very expensive. An external transformer is needed in order to use American electronic equipment in Italy. To avoid costly mistakes, be sure to check whether the appliance can handle the current BEFORE you plug it into thesocket.Electricclocksdesignedfora110voltcircuitwillnotkeeptime correctlyona220voltcircuitevenwithatransformer.

Mobilephones EuropehasaGSMNetwork(GlobalSystemforMobileCommunication) that works on a dual band 900/1800 MHz. There are many different serviceprovidersinItalyandpurchasingamobilephoneandacquiring apersonalphonenumberisquiteeasyinlocalstores.GSMphoneswork alloverItalyandEurope(RoamingService),allowingyoutomakeand receivebothlocalandinternationalcalls. The US mobile network functions on a different frequency (1900MHz) so mobile phones purchased in the US will not function here and vice versa unless your mobile is triband or quad band. For some information on Italian pricing, check www.vodafone.it , www.tim.it (telecom),www.wind.it,orwww.tre.it.




The Bologna Center has a small book program which operates as a non
profit service and sells only the book (or books) selected by professors as basictextsfortheircourses.Theschoolcannotprovidethefullservicesofa commercialoruniversitybookprogramandcannotstocklargequantitiesof books in advance. As there is no fullscale Englishlanguage bookstore in Bologna,studentsoftenuseonlinebookstorestoacquirebooksonceinItaly. AsstudentsmaywishtopurchasebookspriortoarrivinginBologna,ormay alreadyhavecertaintextsintheirpersonalcollections,weaskprofessorsto providealistofrecommendedcoursetextbooksforpretermandfirst semestercourses.Thisinformationwillbemadeavailableinapassword protectedareaoftheBolognaCenterswebsite.Duringthesummeryouwill receiveanemailcontainingthepassword,andgivingyouinstructionson howtoaccesstheTextbooksforIncomingStudentspage. Insomecasesprofessorswillalsoprovideafullsyllabusforthecourse. However,assyllabimaybeupdateduntilshortlybeforethesemesterbegins, theyshouldbeconsideredtentativeunlessotherwisestated,andtheschool cannotbeheldresponsibleforanypurchasesstudentsmakebasedonthese listsorsyllabi. Pleasealsorememberthatyouradvisingsessionatthe beginningoftheacademicyearmaycauseyoutoreassessandchangeyour courseselection.Youmaywishtobringoldnoteswithyouifyouthinkthey willhelpyoustudyforclassesandcoreexams.Pleasenotethatthelibrary keepsallrequiredreadingsforcoursesonreserveinmultiplecopiesas necessary.


Students from last year, particularly those coming from the U.S., have suggested that you bring a supply of notebooks and index cards because theseitemsaremuchmoreexpensiveinItaly! NonEU students will need four identical passportsize photographs for the permesso di soggiorno. Both blackandwhite and color are acceptable, but themustbeonawhitebackground. 31




InternationalAirport(BLQ),abouthalfanhourbytaxifromtheschool.Other airports within afew hours of Bologna are:Milano Linate, Milano Malpensa, Roma Fiumicino and Venezia Marco Polo. Other smaller airports in the area are in Bergamo, Verona and Forli, served mainly by lowcost airline companies which generally provide a bus shuttle service to nearby cities. BolognaisalsoahubforraillinesalloverItalyaswellandislinkedtothree mainhighwaysorautostradeinNorthernItaly(A1,A13,A14).

Pleasenotethatallpricesindicatedwithinthefollowingpagesarecurrentas of March 2011. Some increases may occur before your arrival! Other useful linksarealsoavailableontheBolognaCenterwebsite.

TrainsinItaly TrainsarewidelyusedinItaly.Thetraintimetablesandinformationonfares
are available on the web at: http://www.trenitalia.it/. Information is available in English. Tickets can be purchased online or at a train station. Makesuretocheckthestationyourtrainisleavingfrom(whichisnotalways thecentralstation).

IfyouflyintoMILAN YoumaytakeeitherabusorataxitogettothetrainstationfromtheLinate
orMalpensaairports.Takingataxiwillclearlybemoreconvenient,butabus willbesubstantiallycheaper.Specialbusescanbefoundoutsidetheairports andticketscangenerallybepurchasedinsidetheterminaloronthebus.The Malpensa Shuttle costs between 812 and leaves every 20 minutes for the Milancentraltrainstation.Thetriptakesaboutanhour.TheLinateShuttleto thecentraltrainstationcosts4,leavesevery30minutes,andisabouta20 minuteride.Ataxifrom Malpensatothetrainstationwillcost80,whilea taxifromLinatecostsabout35. FasttrainsnowrunbetweenMilanandBolognanowtakeapproximatelyone hour and cost 42 in second class. Cheaper tickets may be available on slowertrainswhichtakeapproximatelytwohours.


ThereisaspecialtraincalledtheLeonardoExpresswhichrunseveryday from Fiumicino to Romes central train station (Roma Termini) every 30 minutes from 6:37 am to 11:37 pm. This is a nonstop train which costs around15. Alternatively, a taxi from Fumicino to Roma Termini costs about 60. The trainridefromRometoBolognatakesaboutthreetofourhours,depending onthetypeoftrainyoutake.SecondclassseatsonICtrainscost39and59 onEStrains.MostofthetrainsfromRometoBolognaareEStrains.


ThereareanumberofwaystogetfromtheBolognaAirporttotheschoolor toyourhotel.Themostconvenientbutobviouslymoreexpensivewayisby taxi, which will cost you about 20/30. Don't be surprised when you are askedtopaymorethantheamountindicatedonthemeterinthetaxi.Thisis always the case, as taxes and additional charges for luggage, night time, Sundaysandholidaysare notindicatedonthemeter.Alternatively,youcan catch bus #91, which will take you to the train station, or the BLQ Aerobus, which can also take you to the city center. Follow the instructions in the following section for indications about how to arrive at the Bologna Center formthecentraltrainstation. Ifyoutakebus#91,youwillneedtopurchaseaticketbeforehandinoneof theAirportTabacchishopsfor1.20.IfyoutaketheBLQ,youcanpurchase theticketonboardfor5.TheBLQleavesevery15minutesandstopsonlyat themainhospital(OspedaleMaggiore),onViaUgoBassi/ViaIndipendenzain thecitycenter,thetrainstationandthetradefair.Themostconvenientstop foryouisthetrainstation(seedirectionsfromthetrainstationonthenext page).




minutes from your final destination! You may either take a taxi from the stationtotheBolognaCenterorhoponabus.FromAugust19toAugust25 theschoolwillbeopenfromMondaysthroughFridaysfrom9amto7pm.If youarrivebefore7:00pmyoucangodirectlytotheschool.Ifyouarrivelater intheeveningorontheweekend,youshouldfindahotelimmediatelyandgo to the Center the next day. There is a list of hotels in the appendix of this manual.

ByTaxi Thereisataxistandtotherightofthemainexitofthestation.Askthe drivertotakeyoutoViaBelmeloro,11.Sometaxidriverswillalsoknow about the Universit Americana. The ride takes about 10 minutes, dependingontraffic,andcostsabout8/10.Rememberthatthereisan additionalchargeforluggagethatwillnotbeindicatedonthemeterin the taxi. There is also a surcharge at night and on Sundays and public holidays. ByBus Before you take the bus you should buy a ticket. Most buses have automatic ticket machines onboard, butnot all of them do.Whenyou exitthestation,turntoyourright.YouwillfindtheATCofficenextto the line of taxis. Purchase a bus ticket (un biglietto per l'autobus) for 1.20ataTabacchishoporfor1.50onboard. If the ATC office is closed try the newspaper stand opposite the train station. If you decide to take the bus, you may want to leave your luggage at the train station. The deposito bagagli costs approximately 4 for the first five hours and each successive hour costs 0.60. Fees arepayablewhenyoucollectyourbelongings.Don'tbesurprisedifyou areaskedtoopenyourluggagebeforeleavingit.Itisasecuritycheck. Makesureyoudon'tloseyourdepositticket. Bus#32willtakeyoudirectlytotheBolognaCenter.Thestopisacross the street from the train station in front of the Hotel Mercure. When you get on the bus, you must validate your ticket in one of the grey

TRAVELPLANS machinesfoundatthefrontorbackofthebus.Theridetakes15to20 minutesandyoucanaskthedrivertoletyouoffatPortaSanVitale. Bus #32 does not run after 8:30 pm in the evening, on Sundays or duringItalianholidays.The#33buswillalsotakeyoutotheschooland it stops right in front of the train station. Again, the stop is Porta San Vitalebutthistimethetripwilltakeabout30/40minutes.Remember thatduringthemonthofSeptember,theBolognaCenterwillbeclosed after8pmonweekdaysandalldayonSaturdaysandSundays.Ifyou arrivewhentheschoolisclosedyoushouldgodirectlytoyourhotel.

ArrivingbyCar It is very difficult to keep/park a car in Bologna if you are not a resident.
Obtaining residence status (no to be confused with the permesso di soggiorno)takesatleastthreemonths,butusuallymore.Nonresidentsmay notenterthecitycenterduringthedaytime.Themainentrancestothecity are controlled electronically and fines are heavy. Parking is also difficult to find.Mostavailablespacesarereservedforresidentsandthelimitedspaces available for nonresidents outside the old city wall are very expensive. Nevertheless, if you plan to bring your car with you at the beginning of the year,thefollowinginformationmaybeuseful. Bolognaislinkeddirectlytothreemainmotorwaysorautostrade:A1(Milan Naples),A13(VeniceBologna)andA14(BolognaTaranto).TheA1islinked totheBrenneroautostrada(A22)justnorthofModena.Alloftheseautostrade lead to the city bypass or tangenziale from which you should follow signs indicating Centro or city center. It is advisable to get a Bologna street map that indicates the numerous oneway streets. Try searching 11 via Belmeloro,bolognaonhttp://maps.google.com. IMPORTANT: Do not leave your belongings, especially car radios and electronic equipment,inaparkedcar.Theyattractthieves!




When you arrive at school, the receptionist will give you an information
sheetprioritizingyourfirststeps.Ifnecessary,thereceptionistwillhelpyou tofindahotelroomforthenight.Pleasealsoseethehotelinformationatthe backofthismanualandpayspecialattentiontothedatesoftheTradeFairs inBolognathisfall.ItisalmostimpossibletofindahotelinBolognaduringa TradeFair.

If you wish to use the housing service provided by the Bologna Center, you should signup immediately upon arrival for a housing tour with Mr. SalvatoreLaFerlita.Hewillhaveasignupsheetpostedoutsidehisofficeon thesecondfloor.Itisnotpossibletosignupbytelephone.Takenoteof theday/timeofyourappointmentandmakesurenottomissit. Once you have signed up for a housing appointment, you should visit the Registrars Office to pickup a preliminary information package. Please take timetoreadeverythingcarefully!

TheHousingService The Housing Consultant, Mr. Salvatore La Ferlita, will be available from
August18onwardstoshowyoutheaccommodationshehasavailable.Please understandthatyouarenotrequiredtouseMr.LaFerlitasservices.Youmay alsochoosetoseekaccommodationthroughyourowndevices.Ifyouwishto avail of the housing service, signup for an appointment immediately upon arrival. Assuming everyone does not arrive on the same day, you shouldbeabletogetanappointmentwithhimwithinafewdays.

Whenyourturncomes(makesurenottomissit),Mr.LaFerlitawillinquire aboutthetypeofapartmentyou'relookingfor,visvislocation,numberof flat mates you wish to have and how much you are willing/able to spend. Afterthat,hewilltakeyouonatouroftheavailableabodes.Attheendofthe touryoucansimplyindicateyourpreferenceandyouwillprobablybeableto move in the same evening. If you go on a tour of the available rooms/ 36

HOUSING apartments, you are not obliged to make a selection and you can subsequentlychoosetoseekalternativeoptions. Youmayfindthefollowinginternetwebpagesuseful: www.postoletto.com/home.php(inItalian) www.easystanza.com/(inEnglish) www.affittistudenti.it/ www.2torri.it/ www.studenti.it/cercacasa/ www.sais.ceur.it/incoming/06_Appartamenti/06_1_PrimaENG.asp www.bakeca.it (inEnglishhasnoconnectionwiththeSAISBolognaCenter) Available apartments will be rented on a firstcome, firstserved basis and cannot be reserved in advance. If you are a couple and/or wish to haveyourownapartment,pleaseinformMr.LaFerlitapriortoyourarrival by sending him a fax c/o the Bologna Center (+39/051/222896). This will assist him in procuring the necessary number of single apartments. He will take noteofyourwishesbutwillnotbeabletoanswerindividual inquiries duringthesummer. WhentoArrive If you are taking preterm courses, we suggest that you arrive in Bologna between August 17 and August 24 in order to find accommodation and settle in. Mr. La Ferlita will not be available to showapartmentsbeforeAugust18. Ifyouarenottakingapretermcourse,youcanarriveanytimeduring the month of September. We suggest you arrive at least one week beforeorientationtogetsettledandorganized.Mr.LaFerlitawilltryto have a sufficient number of apartments/rooms available for all incomingstudents.Needlesstosay,thosewhoarriveverylatewillnot havemuchchoice,ifany.


HOUSING ApartmentSpecifications Mostapartmentshavetwotosixsingleroomswithacommonkitchen andbathroom(s).Moreexpensiveindividualstudiosarealsoavailable. Allapartmentshavewashingmachines. Apartments will also be furnished with dishes, pots, pans, an iron and blankets. Some apartments may also have sheets, towels and/or other linens. However, if you wish to bring your own sheets, note that bed sizes in Italy are: 80cm by 190/200cm single; 120cm by 190/200 oneandahalfsize;160cmby190/200cmdouble. Mostsingleroomswillhavesinglebedsbutsomemightalsohaveone andahalfsizedbeds.Sheetscanbeboughtinanydepartmentstorein Bologna. Most apartments are located within walking distance (1030 minutes) oftheuniversityandaremainlyinthecitycenter.Someapartmentsare locatedjustoutsidethecitywallsandwillrequireyoutomakea5to15 minutebusjourneytoreachtheBolognaCenter. RentandHousingExpenses Rental prices vary widely among apartments, depending on size, location, quality of furniture and whether the apartment has been recently renovated. Rent is typically due the first day of the month. If youacquireyourapartmentthroughMr.LaFerlita,youmaygiveyour rentalpaymenttohimdirectly,althoughthiscanvaryfromlandlordto landlord. Mr. La Ferlita will explain how rent is to be paid when you signyourrentalagreement.

Ifyouwishtolivealone,youshouldplantospendbetween600and1,000 permonth,excludingutilities.Ifyouchoosetoshareanapartmentwithone to five roommates, your rent will probably range between 450 and 600, includingutilities. SecurityDeposit Remember that when you pay your first month's rent, you will be requiredtopayanadditionalsumequivalenttotwomonths'rentasa


HOUSING security deposit. This sum covers any possible damage and will be returned to you without interest upon satisfactory completion of your rentalagreementattheendoftheacademicyear.Thedepositcannot beusedtopaythelasttwomonthsrentandcannotberefundedto studentswholeavetheirroombeforetheendoftheacademicyear unlessasuitablereplacementisfound. Utilities Ifutilitycostsarenotincludedwithyourrent,youwillbeaskedtopay a monthly deposit of 100 toward utility costs. Utility bills are issued every two or three months, depending on the service. However, bills arenotbasedonwhatyouconsumeduringtheperiodcoveredbuton an estimated consumption based on previous years. In order to avoid problems of overlapping bills (periods before and after your stay), exact utility costs will be calculated by Mr. La Ferlita based on whatyoureallyconsumeduringyourstay.Ifattheendoftheacademic year you have paid more than the actual consumption costs, the difference will be refunded to you and vice versa. This adjustment is knownasconguaglioinItalian. Inordertoavoidmisunderstandingsregardingutilitycosts,Mr.La Ferlita will give you an information sheet with your apartment keys. The sheet will indicate the current readings of the utility meters.Atanytimeduringtheyearyoucancheckthemeters.Gas and water meters are usually located inside your apartment. Electricitymetersarelocatedintheentrancehallofthebuilding. As of March 2011, costs for utilities are: gas = 0.80 per cubic meter; electricity=0.25perkilowatt;water=approximately1.75percubic meter. Condominium expenses, which are shared by everyone who lives in the building to cover staircase light and cleaning, lift management,andinsomecases,heating(ifcentralized)willvaryfrom apartmenttoapartment. AdditionalExpenses Rent is calculated from the date you are given the keys of the apartment. If you move in during the course of a month, rent will be 39

HOUSING calculatedforthedaysremaininginthemonth(monthlyrentisdivided bythenumberofdaysinthemonth). Otheronetimeexpensesyouwillberequiredtopaywhenyoumove into your apartment are: final cleaning expenses (100 per person); rental contract registration fee (75) and garbage tax (75). These chargesareestimatesasofMarch2011,andmayvarydependingon rent,sizeofapartment,andnumberofrenters. The Bologna Center cannot assume responsibility for your relations withyourlandlordoryourroommates,althoughyoumaydiscussany suchproblemswithMr.LaFerlita.


HOTELSINBOLOGNA HotelsinBologna Thefollowingpagesofthisguidewillprovideyouwithalistofhotelswhere youmaystaywhileselectinghousing.PriceswereupdatedinFebruary2011. Preferential prices do not apply during periods when there are Trade Fairs (seebelow)orotherimportanteventsinBologna.Itisthereforeadvisableto check prices when you make a reservation. Mention that you are a Johns Hopkinsstudent.ThefirsttwohotelsinboldaregenerallyusedbyBologna CenterstudentsandarewithinatwominutewalkingdistanceoftheCenter. Please note that there will be major Trade Fairs in Bologna next fall on September 811 and September 2024. If you plan to arrive during these periods you will find that prices are higher than those listed and it is advisabletobookahotelroomwellinadvance. Those who feel adventurous might wish to try the Youth Hostel which is about a 20 minute bus ride from the city center. You should call to check availability a few days before you arrive. If space is available you will be asked to send a reservation confirmation by fax. Men and women are accommodatedseparatelyincommunalroomsforafeeof17.00,including breakfast. If you are not already a member of the International Youth Hostelling Association, you will need to purchase a onetime membership cardfor3whichisvalidforoneyearinallhostels. Thehostelisservedbybusnumber93inthedaytimefromPortaSanDonato toSanSisto(bluelinewithnormalticket)and21B(fromthetrainstation)in theeveningafter8.30pm. Theaddressis: OstelloSanSisto ViaViadagola,5 SanSisto,Bologna Tel:+39/051/50.18.10 bologna@hostellionline.org


HOTELSINBOLOGNA There are a number of bed & breakfast facilities in Bologna as well. Informationisavailableat: http://www.bedandbreakfast.it/citta.cfm?citta=Bologna&IDregione=5 Please note that none of these facilities have been tried so we are not in a positiontogiveanyguaranteeofservice. Finally,thereisaresidencefacilitywithina10minutewalkfromtheschool (alsoreachablebybusnumer32): ResidenceleTorridelBorgo VialeMasini2830 Tel:+39/335/6673195or+39/0514211871 http://www.letorridelborgo.it/index.asp If you mention that you are a Johns Hopkins student, they may give you a 10%discount(dependingonwhetheritishighorlowseason). Thefollowingsymbolsareusedonthehotellistonthenextpage: BC NEARBOLOGNACENTER C INCITYCENTER W WALKINGdistanceofBolognaCenter S single; D double DUS Double,usedassingle NotaBene: PleasemakesuretomentionyouraffiliationwithJohnsHopkinswhen youmakeyourreservation.


HOTEL&CATEGORY Single D.U.S Double Tel/Fax Prefix: +39/051/.. Tel.237716 Fax.268035 Tel.225966 Fax.239396 Tel.22.51.14 Fax.235162 Tel.223955 Fax:238732 Tel.248659 Fax.250556 Tel.232318 Fax.263590 Tel.235326 Fax..235326 Tel.231792 Fax.234591 Tel.583056 Fax.331739 Tel..584305 Fax.334763 Tel.229393 Fax.224602 Tel.248174 Fax.244776 Tel.269826 Fax.239944 Tel.247926 Fax.247386 EMAIL&WEBSITE

** ** ** *** ** ** *** *** ***


Rossini ViaBibiena11 BC SanVitale ViaS.Vitale94 C AlbergoCentrale ViadellaZecca2 C AlbergodelleDrapperie viadelleDrapperie,5 CW HotelSanGiorgio ViadelleMoline,17 BCW Accademia ViaBelleArti6 C Holiday ViaBertiera13 C Paradise* V.loCattani7 C HotelPortaSanMamolo VicolodelFalcone6/8 C C C HotelTouringBologna ViaMattuiani1/2 HotelMetropolitan Viadellorso6 HotelDonatello Viadell'Indipendenza,65 HoteldueTorri ViadegliUsberti4 NuovoHoteldelPorto ViadelPorto6

4050 52 65 60 45 45 4855 5075 7080

70 60 75 80

7090 74 85 75 70 65 6595 7096 98115

www.albergorossini.com/ita/index.asp http://www.albergosanvitale.it info@albergocentralebologna.it http://www.albergocentralebologna.it http://www.albergodrapperie.com info@albergodrapperie.com info@sangiorgiohotel.it http://www.hotelsanfelice.it/chisiamo.html www.hotelaccademia.com/ hotelaccademia@hotelaccademia.com www.holiday.hotelsbologna.it/hotel info@hotelholidaybologna.com www.hotelparadisebologna.it info@hotelparadisebologna.it info@hotelportasanmamolo.it http://www.hotel portasanmamolo.it/en/index.htm hoteltouring@hoteltouring.it www.hoteltouring.it booking@hotelmetropolitan.com www.hotelmetropolitan.com hoteldonatello@hoteldonatello.com http://www.hoteldonatello.com/bolognaen. htm info@hotelduetorri.net http://www.hotelduetorri.net info@nuovohoteldelporto.com http://www.nuovohoteldelporto.com

*** *** ***

5579 45 50

7999 60 65

79129 80 75

*** ***


4595 52

50100 70119 52 7280

(theyalsohaveapartments) HOTEL Single D.U.S. Double Tel/Fax Prefix: +39/051/.. Tel.7457411 Fax.7457422 Tel.237442 Fax.220689 Tel.557457 Fax.558258 Tel.222098 Fax.9914302 Tel.3940311 Fax.3940313 Tel.235395 Fax.230547 Tel.245544 Fax.249544 Tel.7457511 Fax7457522 Tel.7457611 Fax.7457622 Tel.231991 Fax.9914301 Tel.229713 Fax.229713 EMAIL&WEBSITE

*** *** *** *** ****




**** ****


ArtHotelOrologio ViaIVNovembre10 HotelPalace ViaMontegrappa9/2 HotelSanFelice ViaRivaReno,2 HotelIlCanale ViaBertiera2 GoldenTulipAemiliaHotel ViaZaccheriniAlvisi16 CloseduntilAug.24 BestWestern,HotelSan Donato,ViaZamboni16 CloseduntilAugust25th HotelInternazionale ViaIndipendenza69 HoteldeiCommercianti ViaDe'Pignattari,11 HotelCoronadOro ViaOberdan12 HotelTreVecchi ViaIndipendenza47 University ViaMentana7

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