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RRAMSe FOR TEACHERS’ USE ONLY ‘Solution Marks Remarks {by © 2003-AL-A MATH 1-11 Let w be the speed of A immediately before the impact By conservation of energy, ia mg(26) = Amu? 2D => st Let u,v; be the speeds of A and B immediately aer the impact. By conservation of momentum, a By Newton's law of restitution, yy om =-e(0—u) nm Seu Solve (1) and (2) neldow uf -iybev = fist V2 Let v, be the speed of B when QB makes an angle @with ‘the downward vertical. By conservation of energy, Liv? cdi? pin prey? +mgell—cos8) roy? wham Tat = 729201 cos 0) 3728 ) 2ge(l-cos 0) --@) Let Tbe the tension in the string: Resolving forces along the radial direction: 2 vis HG, + 20050) - T mg cos0 = T =mg.cosd+™ ge(2+2cos0) . eng 3 = Jmg(1+2.0036) Put 7 = 3 mg(t+ 2089) =0 cos 9 =120° Let ¥ be the speed of B when T= 0: Using (3), 1G + 20051207 1A. IM IM For (1) and (2) For (3) and (5) FAPRSVeHZSE] «© FOR TEACHERS’ USE ONLY RRS FOR TEACHERS’ USE ONLY Solution Marks Remarks Let A be the rise in height of B after the string becomes slack. By conservation of energy, 1 3 mgh=r < yng Consider forces acting on A Ry AR, a _&_S ‘ane os ¥ 3g For the system to remain in equilibrium, Fswk, and Fy Suk, 1 presume mes (éme) L 1 vot 2h ees wee 1 et Oe 2003-AL-A MATH 1-13 1A IM+IM RRS ED FOR TEACHERS. USE ONLY

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