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E2 Langue vivante trangre 1

Session 2011

Sous preuve Production orale en continu et interaction

Fiche descriptive dune situation de communication vcue (ou possible) au cours du stage ( remplir au choix du candidat en franais ou en langue trangre) Nom : MOULY N du candidat : Prnom : Anglique The general situation : Every day in the day hospital the secretaries have to sell some comfort fees called chambre particulire en ambulatoire. In order to do that, I have to welcome the patient, and to input personal and medical data about him in the computer. The patient may not want this fee which costs 20 , but he takes the risk to be in the same room as several persons (less comfort and privacy). As one of the secretaries of the day hospital I am in charge of the completing of the files and to sell this fee as many as I can. At the end of the day I send the invoices. The place : The day hospitals secretarial area is in the clinic Toulouse Lautrec in Albi. Actors : A patient of the clinic and me, the assistant manager of the day hospital. Connections between the actors : Professional and face to face The situation-problem : Nature : The patient wants the single room in the day hospital but he has not brought any money. Cause : The secretary who calls each patient the day before the surgical intervention tells him to not bring money along, so he didnt. Consequences possible : The patient cant have the single room because he cant pay for it, The patient will be unhappy and will spread a wrong image of the clinic, The patient may leave the clinic before the operation. Solution : I gave to the patient two options : To call the person who will come back to bring him home so that he will take the amount (20 ) and pay for the room, I send the invoice at his home, the patient has a whole week to send it back to the secretarial with the money (Or I give the file to the accountancys secretarial). Cadre rserv au jury
Ici lexaminateur rdigera une question (en langue trangre) ou dgagera une piste de rflexion que le candidat prendra en compte pendant son temps de prparation et traitera dans sa prsentation :

BTS Assistant de Gestion PME-PMI

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