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narraLlve aspecLs We lnsLanLly assume Lhe characLers ln Lhe fore

ground are Lhe cenLral characLers however all Lhe characLers ln posLer
appear Lo be somehow llnked Lhey are all of Lhe same age and Lhey all
share Lhe same vacanL flerce expresslon Lhe lmage ls composed so Lhe
characLers are poslLloned around Lhe numbers '4321' and Lhe LlLle
reads '4glrls 3days 2clLles 1chance' Lhls brlngs Lo llfe Lhe ploL of Lhe fllm
as Lhe audlence begln Lo plece LogeLher whaL Lhe sLoryllne could be
We noLlce LhaL Lwo of Lhe glrls are holdlng weapons whlch hold
connoLaLlons of danger vlolence and posslbly gang warfare
1he aLmosphere of Lhe seLLlng lL unseLLllng dark and mysLerlous Lhls
bullds lnLeresL amongsL Lhe audlence as Lhey sLarL Lo suspecL Lhe fllm
could be suspense fllled acLlon packed and vlolenL 1he locaLlon ls
cenLral London whlch ls a common seLLlng for hardhlLLlng gangsLer
fllms We also noLlce LhaL Lhe fllm ls has been creaLed by Lhe maker of
'kluuL1PCCu and AduL1PCCu' Lwo wellknown gangsLer fllms
1herefore we expecL Lhe fllm Lo follow a slmllar sLoryllne or feaLure
Lhe same Lhemes

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