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March 2007

1. profligate: shamelessly immoral; also, recklessly wasteful.

2. conflagration: a large and destructive fire.
3. entreat: to ask for or request earnestly.
4. sagacious: of keen penetration and judgment; wise.
5. galumph: to move in a clumsy manner or with a heavy tread.
6. indefatigable: untiring.
7. collegial: characterized by or having authority vested equally among colleagues.
8. malapropism: the usually unintentionally humorous misuse of a word, especially
by confusion with one of similar sound; also, an example of such misuse.
9. coterminous: of equal extent or duration.
10. effete: infertile; also, worn out; also, decadent, effeminate.
11. nonplus: to confound; to perplex; to bewilder.
12. trepidation: a state of dread or alarm; apprehension.
13. cogitate: to think; to ponder.
14. descry: to catch sight of; to detect.
15. taciturn: not inclined to talk.
16. appurtenance: an adjunct or accessory.
17. specious: apparently right but not so in reality.
18. limpid: clear; also, serene.
19. adage: an old saying.
20. empyrean: the highest heaven; the heavens; the sky.
21. clerisy: the intelligentsia.
22. perforce: by necessity.
23. animadversion: harsh criticism or disapproval.
24. dour: stern or unyielding or gloomy.
25. expunge: to strike out or erase; to obliterate.
26. autochthonous: indigenous; native.
27. roborant: restoring strength or vigor; also, a restorative.
28. presentiment: a premonition.
29. excursus: a digression.
30. undulant: resembling waves in form, motion, or occurrence.
31. sedition: incitement of rebellion against lawful authority.

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