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1 h e r e s a M a r l e P e l n d l m e y e r a g e | 1

edlcaLed 8n wlLh 17 years of robusL cllnlcal experlence demonsLraLlng passlon for excellence
evldencebased pracLlce solld undersLandlng of Leachlng learnlng sLyles and adulL learnlng
prlnclples Comprehenslve background ln progresslve care and neurosclences quallLy regulaLory
and accredlLlng compllance

keg|stered Nurse

lssued by SLaLe of Mlchlgan eparLmenL of
CommunlLy PealLh
lssued 07/1993

8oard Cert|f|ed |n Nurs|ng rofess|ona|

lssued by Amerlcan nurses CredenLlallng
lssued 03/2010

Lake 3uperior 3tate university - 3ault 3ainte Marie, Ml 05-1995
0raduated with a Baohelor's of 3oienoe in Nursing

1heresa eindlmeyer, B3N RN-BC

200 1efferson 3L
0rand Rapids, Ml 49503


Lioense & Professional Certifioation
Uegree-3eeking Lduoation
1 h e r e s a M a r l e P e l n d l m e y e r a g e |

err|s State Un|vers|ty 8lg 8aplds Ml
3 credlLs
ALLended 9/2011 12/2011

rand Va||ey State Un|vers|ty Allendale Ml
3 credlLs
ALLended 9/1996 12/1996

Nurs|ng Lxce||ence Award kec|p|ent
5olot Motys neoltb cote

Nurs|ng Lxce||ent Award Nom|nee
SalnL Mary's PealLh Care

rofess|ona| Deve|opment Spec|a||st

SalnL Mary's PealLh Care Crand 8aplds Ml
2004 resenL
O 8edeslgned nurslng orlenLaLlon uslng a lAC1C approach lmproved quallLy of Lhe orlenLaLlon
program by separaLlng 8ns from unllcensed AsslsLlve ersonnel lncorporaLlng value added
sub[ecL maLLer whlle decreaslng real cosLs by $33000 ln Lwo quarLers
O Served as Change AgenL for Lhe ressure ulcer Core lndlcaLor Work 1eam 8roughL Lhe
ressure ulcer raLe from 8 Lo 07 Lhus avoldlng over $930000 ln unnecessary hosplLal
cosLs Ln[oy 20 consecuLlve quarLers below naLlonal average wlLh a run of 4 consecuLlve
quarLers of 0 PAu
O 8edeslgned a nurslng lnLernshlp program Lo have a focus durlng Lhe dldacLlc sesslons of Lhe
12 week lnLernshlp 1hls led Lo lmproved reLenLlon raLes of new nurses and decreased
vacancy raLe from 27 Lo 8 and Lurnover raLe from 23 Lo 7 1hls program ls now belng
used as a recrulLlng Lool for nurses from ouL of sLaLe nurslng schools
O CoauLhored a granL 8ecelved a $330000 granL Lo lmprove nurslng reLenLlon by focuslng on
precepLor developmenL

0raduate Uegree-3eeking Lduoation
onors & Awards
Lduoation-Related Lxperienoe
1 h e r e s a M a r l e P e l n d l m e y e r a g e |

erformance Improvement Coord|nator
O CoordlnaLed anclllary deparLmenL's performance lmprovemenL acLlvlLles Lo assure
compllance wlLh regulaLory and accredlLlng bodles
O laclllLaLed performance lmprovemenL Leams LhroughouL Lhe hosplLal uslng Lean CCM and
CCl prlnclples
O Served as a mock surveyor for 1rlnlLyPealLh Surveyed 3 healLh sysLems Cffered
lnLerpreLaLlon of sLandards for regulaLory and accredlLlng bodles eveloped performance
lmprovemenL plans Lo ald ln achlevlng accredlLaLlon and regulaLory sLaLus
O LvaluaLed Lrendlng paLLerns and analyzed resulLs for physlclanspeclflc pracLlces Lo supporL
Lhe hyslclan eer 8evlew CommlLLee

Staff Nurse
O Larned Level lll sLaLus vla Lhe Cllnlcal AdvancemenL SysLem ln 1998
O Served as Lhe CommlLLee Chalrperson for Lhe 8ecrulLmenL and 8eLenLlon CommlLLee for Lwo
consecuLlve Lwoyear Lerms
O Served as ad[uncL faculLy for Crand valley SLaLe unlverslLy as a precepLor for flve senlor
leadershlp nurslng sLudenLs

Un|vers|ty of Detro|t Mercy Ad[unct acu|ty

eLrolL Ml
2002 Lo resenL

O Lnhanced Lhe classroom experlence by focuslng on cllnlcal appllcaLlons of nurslng Lheory and
nurslng process
O Served as Cllnlcal lnsLrucLor for 7 sophomore cllnlcal roLaLlons ln Lhe medlcal surglcal unlLs
and aL long Lerm care faclllLles
O Served as Cllnlcal lnsLrucLor for 4 [unlor cllnlcal roLaLlons ln Lhe progresslve care and
neurosclences unlL

1 h e r e s a M a r l e P e l n d l m e y e r a g e |

CerLlfled as a lSC laclllLaLor by lnscape ubllshlng Company

CerLlfled ln AdvanLage Way` rlnclples by AdvanLage Way`

CerLlfled ln 8LS Lhrough Amerlcan PearL AssoclaLlon

8ecelved Woodbadge beads as a member of Lhe C1709 cohorL

Additional 1raining & Certifioations
Professional Referenoes

kobetto 1bomos kN lbu
AssoclaLe rofessor
unlverslLy of eLrolL Mercy
McCauley School of nurslng
eLrolL Ml

8otboto kosloto 85N kN8c
Speclal rocedures
SalnL Mary's PeaLh Care
Crand 8aplds Ml

lloJo kos
Manager of SLaff evelopmenL
LducaLlon Servlces
8ronson PosplLal
kalamazoo Ml

ktlsty 1oJJ
Cllnlcal nurse SpeclallsL
nurslng AdmlnlsLraLlon
SalnL Mary's PealLh Care
Crand 8aplds Ml

1 h e r e s a M a r l e P e l n d l m e y e r a g e |

Professional 0rganizations
Amerlcan nurses AssoclaLlon Member

naLlonal nurslng SLaff evelopmenL CrganlzaLlon Member

Mlchlgan CollaboraLlve SLaff nurse evelopmenL CrganlzaLlon CommlLLee Member

naLlonal nurslng racLlce neLwork loundlng Member

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