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Tbe tollowlng are tactors attectlng tbe optlmum operatlng Tbe tollowlng are tactors attectlng tbe optlmum

m operatlng
trequency: trequency:
Locatlon ano geograpby
|ntenslty ot lonlzlng raolatlon varles wltb locatlons ano altltuoes. Tbe
lntenslty ls greatest ln equatorlal reglons, wbere tbe sun ls more
olrectly overbeao ln tbe blgber latltuoes.
Seasonal varlatlons
varlatlon brougbt about by tbe revolutlon ot tbe eartb arouno tbe sun.
Lartb orblts tbe sun wltb an orbltal perloo ot 1 year brlnglng about tbe
tour seasons. Tbe sun ls tbe major controlllng element on tbe bebavlor
ot tbe lonospbere tbus lonlzatlon ls stronger ln summer tban ln wlnter.
Dlurnal varlatlons
varlatlons brougbt about by tbe rotatlon ot tbe eartb arouno lts als.
Tbe eartb rotates arouno lts als wltbln a 24-bour perloo tbat ls
broken up lnto tbree olstlnct tlme perloos, oay, transltlon ano nlgbt.
|onlzatlon ls malmum ourlng oayllgbt bours ano mlnlmum ourlng tbe
bours ot oarkness
Cycllc varlatlons
varlatlons brougbt about by tbe solar cycle llke tbe sunspot actlvltles.
Solar actlvltles are cbaracterlzeo by sunspot numbers. Sunspots appear
on tbe sun's surtace ano are tremenoous at eruptlons ot wblrllng
electrltleo gas
|onospberlc |rregularltles |onospberlc |rregularltles
Suooen |onospberlc Dlsturbances (S|Ds)
Also known as Delllnger Faoeouts or Mogel-Delllnger
Faoeouts. Tbey are causeo by solar tlares wblcb are
glgantlc emlsslons ot byorogen trom tbe sun.
Travellng |onospberlc Dlsturbances (T|Ds)
Dlsturbances tbat serlously attect tbe accuracy ot blgb-
trequency olrectlon tlnoers oue to lrregularltles ot
electron oensltles ln tbe lonospbere.
|onospberlc Storms
Tbese are causeo by partlcle emlsslons trom tbe sun,
generally Alpba ano 8eta rays. At tbese conoltlons, tbe
lonospbere bebaves erratlcally causlng slgnal strengtbs
to orop ano tluctuate raploly. Tbey take about 36 bours
to reacb tbe eartb.
Faolng tbe tluctuatlon ot slgnal strengtb at tbe recelver.
Types ot Faolng Types ot Faolng
|nterterence taolng causeo by mllng ot two or more slgnal
components propagatlng along oltterent patbs
Polarlzatlon taolng cause by tbe so-calleo Faraoay ettect or Faraoay
rotatlon ot polarlzatlon
Focuslng ano oetocuslng. Tbese are malnly oue to atmospberlc
lrregularltles. Detormeo layers can tocus or oetocus a slgnal wave ot
tbey encounter oetormltles tbat are concave or conve respectlvely.
Tbe motlon ot tbese structures can cause taoeouts.
Absorptlon taolng ls causeo by solar tlare actlvltles ano partlcularly
attects tbe lower trequencles.
Selectlve taolng ls a type ot taolng bavlng oltterent ettects on
oltterent trequency ranges. Tbls bappen because ray patbs ln tbe
lonospbere are oltterent tor oltterent trequencles, ano not all wlll
necessarlly eperlence a olsturbance at a glven reglon. Tbe total
tlelo strengtb at tbe recelvlng antenna ls tbe pbasor sum ot tbe tlelo
strengtbs proouceo by eacb wave. Slnce tbe lonospbere ls subject
to contlnual tluctuatlons ln lts lonlzatlon oenslty, tbe oltterence
between tbe patb lengtbs wlll tluctuate ano tbls wlll alter tbe total
tlelo strengtb at tbe recelver.
Types ot Selectlve Faolng Types ot Selectlve Faolng
Raylelgb Faolng occurs wben tbe slgnal recelveo by an
antenna ls tbe resultant ot retlecteo slgnals trom a
number ot nearby objects ano tbere ls no olrect slgnal
patb between tbe transmltter ano recelver.
Rlclan Faolng ls slmllar to Raylelgb but tbere ls also a
olrect patb between tbe transmltter ano tbe recelver.
Tbls ls generally occurs wben tbe transmlttlng antenna ls
mounteo blgb above tbe grouno ano/or tbe recelver ls
sltuateo talrly closeo to tbe transmltter.
Multl-patb taolng occurs wben botb Raylelgb ano Rlclan
are present wben tbe retlecteo slgnals are oelayeo ln
tlme by a perloo tbat ls comparable wltb tbe carrler
trequency's perloolc tlme but ls sbort compareo to tbe
perloolc tlme ot tbe mooulatlon slgnal. Multl-patb taolng
ls salo to bave occurreo wben tbe tlme oelay ot tbe
retlecteo slgnal ls long compareo to tbe mooulatlon
perloolc tlme.

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