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The 'hand'of Maitreya

people all faiths(andthoseof none) increasingly Reports miracles of involving of are reaching world's the media. According British to author and lecturer Benjamin Creme, these allsigns the imminent are of emergence Maitreya, World of the Teacher, awaited by all religions, under different names.
This photographshows an extraordinarymiracle:the handprint of M a i t r e ya H i mse l f, mi ra cu l ously manifestedon a bathroom mirror in Barcelona,Spain. lt is not a s i m p l e h a n d p ri n t b u t a th reed i m e n si o n a l i ma g e with photographic detail. F i r s t p u b l i sh e d i n S h ar e lnternational magazine (October 2001), the 'hand' is a means of invoking the healingenergiesand Photographing Maitreya's'hand', Barcleona, Spain helpof Maitreya. placing your handover it, or simplylooking it, Maitreya's By at healing and helpcan be invoked (subject KarmicLaw).UntilMaitreya to emerges fully,and we see His face, it is the closestHe can come to us. Since July 1977 Maitreyahas lived in Londonpreparing His full emergence. for He comes as a modernman concerned with modernproblems, as a religious not leader justiceand but as an educator the broadest in sense,inspiring creation freedom, the of peace. To prepare His way, Maitreyahas given 140 messagesthrough Benjamin Creme (Messages from Maitreya the Christ, Tara Press). His message can be summarized "Shareand save the world." as: Soonwe will see Maitreya the world'smajortelevision on networks and hearHis call for sharingand justiceas the only way to peace.

Sharelnternational PO Box 3677,London,NWs 1RU tel: 02074821113 www.share-internatio nal.org

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