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Please remember to substitute/change the directories mentioned to be in accordance with your environment. 1. Install JAVA e.g. C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.

0_20 2. Install Tomcat e.g. C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 6.0 3. Add the following parameters in the Tomcat console: Java Classpath: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_20\lib\tools.jar Java Options: -Djava.library.path=C:\Program Files\HP\Asset Manager 5.22 en\bin

4. Open command prompt and change to the C:\Program Files\HP\Asset Manager 5.22 en\websvc\password directory.

5. The next step is to encrypt the Asset Manager Admin and the SQL user passwords. Run the command as shown below, replace <DECRYPTED PASSWORD> with the password used in you configuration. Copy these passwords as they will be needed in the next step. Remember to do this for the Asset Manager Admin user and the SQL user.

6. Navigate to C:\Program Files\HP\Asset Manager 5.22 en\websvc and open the package.properties file with a text editor and edit the following properties (see comments). AssetManager.UserLogin=Admin - (This should be Admin) AssetManager.UserPwd=bmkBcCAZLK4= - (Use the encrypted password from Step 5) DB.engine=MSSQL - (The database engine being used e.g. MSSQL, ORACLE) DB.datasource=AMDemo52en - (Your datasource name, check ODBC connection) DB.login=itam - (Database Administrator e.g. itam, sa) DB.password=Hk9pv/o7lA3mlV1/7cz3Aw== - (Use the encrypted password from Step 5)

7. After editing the selected properties save the file and open command prompt once again.

8. Navigate to the C:\Program Files\HP\Asset Manager 5.22 en\deploy directory and execute the following command: deploy.bat /32 "C:\Program Files\HP\Asset Manager 5.22 en\websvc\package.properties"

9. Wait for the AssetManagerWebService.war file to be rebuilt, once completed copy the file into the C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 6.0\webapps directory. 10. Copy the AssetManager.war (can be found in C:\Program Files\HP\Asset Manager 5.22 en\webtier) to the webapps directory as well. 11. Start up the Tomcat service; wait for about 5 minutes to make sure the war files are published completely. 12. Open up Internet Explorer and go to http://localhost:8080/AssetManagerWebService. If it was successful you should see page like the following:

13. Next you can continue onto http://localhost:8080/AssetManager, to log in to the web client.

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