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Act|on of Sh||a[|t

O Sh||a[|t helps acceleraLe processes of proLeln and nuclel acld meLabollsm and sLlmulaLes
energy provldlng reacLlons
O Sh||a[|t helps Lo lncrease Lhe core energy responslble for your sexual and splrlLual power
Shlla[lL ls commonly referred Lo as lndlan vlagra
O Sh||a[|t helps Lo counLeracL ulabeLes and regulaLes Lhe blood sugar level
O Shlla[lL helps Lo purlfle blood lmprove funcLlonlng of pancreas and sLrengLhen dlgesLlon
O Shlla[lL promoLes Lhe movemenL of mlnerals especlally calclum phosphorous and
magneslum lnLo muscle Llssue and bone
O Sh||a[|t sLlmulaLes Lhe lmmune sysLem and lmproves resLoraLlon (recovery) afLer exerclse
O Shlla[lL helps Lo counLeracL deblllLy and general faLlgue
ln SanskrlL Lhe llLeral meanlng of Shlla[lL ls ock L|ke Lhe power Lo make our body llke a rock
enabllng lL Lo wlLhsLand Lhe ravages of Llme Shlla[lL has LhaL unmaLched powers of arresLlng and
reverslng Lhe aglng process
Ind|an og|s on see|ng the powers of Sh||a[|t cons|dered Sh||a[|t to have d|v|ne powers capab|e
of hea||ng the body of v|rtua||y any a||ments and above a|| restore youthfu|ness

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