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1. Just discipline yourself. 2.

Read your Accounting books: a) understand the accounting concepts involved; b) solve problems that apply the concepts that you have read. So your formula would be: understand concept + apply concept. You must nurture this attitude in you as early as possible so that by the time you handle more difficult and cumbersome Accounting subjects it would be less uninteresting to you. Accounting would be more enjoyable to study. 3. Always do an advanced reading or study before going to your Accounting or Law classes. In short, ALWAYS BE PREPARED. 4. Since you are still in Freshman just read your prescribed accounting textbook which I am sure it would be Ma'am Manuel's book. Read foreign books (e.g. Kieso or Reeves) for reinforcement of your Accounting comprehension. 5. Do NOT commit the cardinal sin of MEMORIZING how problems are solved or the solution of the problem. Instead dig deeper. Think! Ask yourself the big question WHY? Why is it that this problem has this solution? Read your book, make a research about it. Ask your classmate who knows best. After you have exhausted all your efforts to know the WHY and yet you can't arrive at the answer. Make a note of it and ask your Professor! 6. Relative to no. 5. Do NOT be afraid to ask questions. Professors welcome questions from students most often than not because that means that your are being ANALYTIC. That's a very very good sign to them. 7. Lastly, PRAY before and after you study. Ask for His divine intervention to help you clear you mind so that you can easily and fully grasp the concepts that you are reading. Remember the motto: ORA ET LABORA (Prayer and Work). Work to reap good grades, pray to receive His grace.

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