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aLlenL !S
Age 30 y/o
Clvll SLaLus Slngle
Address San !uan 1abaco ClLy
CccupaLlon urefood Lmployee akaglng ueparLmenL

uaLe of Admlsslon november 3 2011
Chlef ComplalnL MulLlple wounds
8ed number 21
Ward CrLhopedlc unlL Surglcal Ward


PyperLenslon ( )
ulabeLls MelllLus ( )
Lung ulsease ( )
LasL hosplLallzaLlon 2004


AcLlve PealLh dlsease ( )

resenL ulagnosls
MulLlple wounds secondary Lo vehlcular accldenL

1esL uone
AssessmenL for Lhe need of debrldemenL Wound examlnaLlon esLlmaLlng Lhe depLh of Lhe
dead Llssue and evaluaLe wheLher lL lles close Lo oLher organs bone or lmporLanL body
feaLures 1he assessmenL addresses Lhe followlng polnLs

O Lhe naLure of Lhe necroLlc or lschemlc Llssue and Lhe besL debrldemenL procedure Lo
O Lhe rlsk of spreadlng lnfecLlon and Lhe use of anLlbloLlcs
O Lhe presence of underlylng medlcal condlLlons causlng Lhe wound
O Lhe exLenL of lschemla ln Lhe wound Llssues
O Lhe locaLlon of Lhe wound ln Lhe body
O Lhe Lype of paln managemenL Lo be used durlng Lhe procedure
rocedure done

Wound uebrldemenL
uebrldemenL ls Lhe process of removlng slough non vlable Llssues and scars ln order Lo permlL
heallng Wound debrldemenL ls a cruclal sLep ln wound managemenL and an essenLlal
componenL of wound bed preparaLlon paradlgm uebrldemenL enhances heallng by provldlng
Lhe posslblllLy for accuraLe wound assessmenL decreaslng Lhe rlsk of lnfecLlon and acLlvaLlng
cells by removlng senescenL flbroblasL and non mlgraLory eplLhellal cells from Lhe wound Lhls
has Lhe beneflL of converLlng chronlc wounds Lo acuLe wounds wlLh lmproved wound bed
perfuslon uevlLallzed Llssue on chronlc wounds enhances bacLerlal growLh lnhlblLs Lhe
formaLlon of granulaLlon Llssue and prevenLs Lhe closure of wound edges rlor Lo performlng
debrldemenL vascularlLy of Lhe wound musL be assessed
Mechanlcal debrldemenL
ln mechanlcal debrldemenL a sallnemolsLened dresslng ls allowed Lo dry overnlghL and adhere
Lo Lhe dead Llssue When Lhe dresslng ls removed Lhe dead Llssue ls pulled away Loo 1hls
process ls one of Lhe oldesL meLhods of debrldemenL lL can be very palnful because Lhe
dresslng can adhere Lo llvlng as well as nonllvlng Llssue 8ecause mechanlcal debrldemenL
cannoL selecL beLween good and bad Llssue lL ls an unaccepLable debrldemenL meLhod for
clean wounds where a new layer of heallng cells ls already developlng

AfLer surglcal debrldemenL Lhe wound ls usually packed wlLh a dry dresslng for a day Lo conLrol
bleedlng AfLerward molsL dresslngs are applled Lo promoLe wound heallng MolsL dresslngs
are also used afLer mechanlcal chemlcal and auLolyLlc debrldemenL Many facLors conLrlbuLe
Lo wound heallng whlch frequenLly can Lake conslderable Llme uebrldemenL may need Lo be
lL may Lake Lhe wound many weeks Lo heal A speclflc woundcare program wlll be suggesLed Lo
speed your recovery
1he followlng may be lncluded ln Lhe plan of care and healLh Leachlng
O ollow docLors dlrecLlons for wound care lf unsure abouL any aspecL or unable Lo
manage care dlscuss concerns wlLh Lhe docLor
O eep Lhe wound and dresslngs clean and dry
O 1ake medlclnes as ordered uo noL sLop medlclnes early even lf Lhe wound sLarLs Lo
look beLLer

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