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roposal Lo __________ for

SubmlLLed by anomLech
1echnologles vL LLd
1able of ConLenLs
-LxecuLlve Summary
-Cur undersLandlng of 8equlremenLs
-SoluLlon Approach
-ro[ecL ManagemenL rocesses
CommunlcaLlon rocesses
ro[ecL ManagemenL and CommunlcaLlon 1ools/1emplaLes
-SofLware uevelopmenL rocesses
1eam SLrucLure
8oles and 8esponslblllLles
-AssumpLlons and Commerclals
Commerclals and 1C
LxecuLlve Summary
W AbouL company and reason LhaL forLlfled Lhe company Lo glve ouL Lhls pro[ecL ( 2
3 Llnes)
W 1he purpose of Lhe pro[ecL
W We have suggesLed a model whlch ls based on (dlfferenL approaches)
W 1he appllcaLlon / soluLlon / wlll be done uslng Lhe Lechnology ____
W We propose Lo do Lhe developmenL as a llxed rlced engagemenL
1oLal fees would be ln8 900000(LransacLlonal Laxes exLra)
1he Llmellne for developmenL would be 10 Weeks from Lhe daLe Lhe
agreemenL ls slgned
About anomtech techno|og|es anomLech` 1echnologles vL LLd ls one of Lhe
leadlng global provlders of lnformaLlon 1echnology Servlces 828 MarkeLplace
lndla and 8uslness SoluLlons ln lndla We offer compleLe endLoend cusLom SofLware
uevelopmenL SoluLlons
Cur LxperLlse lncludes Lechnologlcal servlces for Commerclal SLaLlsLlcal llnanclal
Medlcal Legal ManagemenL MarkeLlng Advlsory LducaLlonal Lnglneerlng
SclenLlflc uaLa rocesslng CommunlcaLlon ConsulLancy Soclal l1 SoluLlons and oLher
8uslness Llnes/ SeLups and varled verLlcals
Ior more deta||s p|ease v|s|t wwwpanomtechcom
ArLlculaLlon of Lhe 8equlremenLs
Cur undersLandlng of Lhe requlremenLs
W 8eason Lhe company ouLsourced Lhls pro[ecL
W Maln Cb[ecLlve
W uescrlpLlon abouL Lhe requlremenLs
W Changes / Added luncLlonallLles (lf any)
Modules Lo be lmplemenLed
W lcLorlal represenLaLlon
SoluLlon Approach
key ConslderaLlons

Je ropose ] agree
w|th _____
Cons|derat|on 1

Cons|derat|on 2

Cons|derat|on S

Cons|derat|on 4

Cons|derat|on 3

SoluLlon ArchlLecLure
W lcLorlal 8epresenLaLlon
ro[ect Management Commun|cat|on rocesses
lollowlng aspecLs are golng Lo be key Lo Lhe success of Lhls pro[ecL

Accomp||shment of
the ro[ect
Software Deve|opment
ro[ect Management
Commun|cat|on rocess
Doma|n know|edge

ro[ect Management Commun|cat|on rocesses
ManagemenL processes are one of Lhe mosL lmporLanL aspecL for successful
developmenL of a pro[ecL
-1he mere facL LhaL Lhe cllenL and Lhe developmenL Leam are aL 2 dlsLlncL locaLlons
essenLlally means LhaL Lhe communlcaLlon has Lo be so much clearer
-lollowlng 2 aspecLs become Lhe crux of Lhe success
ro[ecL ManagemenL
-lL ls lmperaLlve LhaL Lhe process ls clearly deflned Lo ensure accuraLe communlcaLlon
and effecLlve pro[ecL managemenL 1he onus lles boLh on Lhe cllenL as well Lhe servlce
provlder (le us)
-We have suggesLed Lhe communlcaLlon and managemenL processes ln Lhe
subsequenL slldes
-We have also lncluded a few LemplaLes Lo provlde a deeper undersLandlng of Lhe
-lf cllenL has Lhelr own seL of processes we wlll happy Lo dlscuss and follow Lhe same
(lf sulLable for Lhe pro[ecL)
-AssumpLlon ls made LhaL Lhe cllenL wlll provlde wlLh buslness needs and Lhe S8S
(SysLem requlremenL SpeclflcaLlon)
Macro vlew of communlcaLlon
L sca|at|on

ro[ect De||very

1op Leve| Management
8us|ness Ana|ysts ] ro[ect

1est|ng Support
SofLware uevelopmenL rocess
1he besL developmenL process LhaL lends lLself Lo Lhls pro[ecL ls Lhe waterfa||
mode| 1hls ls because
lL ls Lhe ldeal" sofLware developmenL process
1he documenLaLlon ls focused upon ensurlng Lhere ls no lack of
communlcaLlon across Lhe parLles
1lmellnes can be drawn relaLlvely easlly and rlsks can be managed
(predlcLable process)
-Cur recommendaLlon would be Lo follow waLerfall model for Lhe reasons
slghLed above lf Lhe cllenL has a dlfferenL process ln Lhe mlnd we are happy
Lo dlscuss Lhe same
-Conf|gurat|on management ls an lmporLanL aspecL of Lhe developmenL We
deflne and follow a conflguraLlon managemenL process ln con[uncLlon wlLh
Lhe cllenL
LlsL of uellverables
S -o De||verab|e 1ype De||verab|e
1 ro[ecL uellvery 8equlremenL SpeclflcaLlon uocumenL
2 ro[ecL uellvery Code LxecuLable
3 ro[ecL uellvery lnsLallaLlon ScrlpLs
4 ro[ecL uellvery uaLabase scrlpLs (lncluded wlLh lnsLallaLlon)
3 ro[ecL ManagemenL Weekly SLaLus 8eporL
6 ro[ecL ManagemenL 8lsk ManagemenL 8eporL (weekly)
7 ro[ecL ManagemenL lssue 1racker (Weekly)
eople and 1eam SLrucLure
W We belleve Lhe people form one of Lhe mosL lmporLanL aspecLs of execuLlon of a
pro[ecL We have Cur roflclenL 1eam Sound lnfrasLrucLure and rlch resource
capablllLles allow us Lo successfully deslgn and dellver pro[ecLs Cur senlor
leadershlp Leam has esLabllshed and malnLalns a sLrong eLhlcal cllmaLe
1eam SLrucLure

1op Leve| Management
8us|ness Ana|ysts ] ro[ect

Des|gn Deve|opment
1est|ng Support
AssumpLlons and Commerclals
roposal Scope
W 1he proposal covers only Lhe deve|opment of Lhe soluLlon
W 1he ma|ntenance operat|ons and support of Lhe appllcaLlon ls noL
covered ln Lhe currenL quoLe lf cllenL needs supporL we propose LhaL Lhe
supporL and malnLenance ls done as a separaLe pro[ecL for whlch quoLe
can be provlded separaLely
W 1he Wlndows execuLable whlch ls one of Lhe dellverables wlll be
compaLlble wlLh J|ndows7 and J|ndows V|sta Lnsurlng compaLlblllLy
wlLh any prevlous verslon of wlndows ls ouL of scope
W Any devlce drlver(s) or codecs requlred for funcLlonlng of Lhe (pro[ecL
name) wlll be responslblllLy of (Company name)
W ln cases of any changes Lo Lhe soluLlon archlLecLure or Lhe requlremenLs
Lhe proposal wlll be revlsed and resubmlLLed
W ConLenL creaLlon 1he conLenL Lo be lncluded flrsL Llme wlll be provlded
by Lhe cllenL We wlll do a one Llme upload of Lhe conLenL as provlded by
AssumpLlons SofLware Pardware
W All Lhe developmenL llcenses menLloned below would be procured by Lhe servlce
provlder (le anomLech 1echnologles vL LLd)
W We wlll procure only Lhe developmenL llcenses Any producLlon and/or LesLlng
llcenses requlred ln Lhe course of Lhe pro[ecL wlll be procured and provlded by Lhe
W lollowlng s/w llcenses are assumed for Lhe purpose of Lhls pro[ecL
uevelopmenL CS (Wlndows7)
luL (vlsual SLudlo 2010)
MS Cfflce for documenLaLlon
MS SCLLxpress
Subverslon (SofLware ConflguraLlon ManagemenL 1ool)
noLe lf any llcenses are requlred beyond Lhe llsL deflned above Lhe cosL wlll be
charged Lo Lhe cllenL
-Cs Servers and rlnLers for Lhe developmenL wlll be procured and provlded by
anomLech 1echnologles Any oLher hardware requlred for Lhe pro[ecL wlll be
procured and provlded by Lhe cllenL
aymenL Lerms 1he paymenLs are expecLed ln Lhe lnsLallmenLs as deflned below
S -o M||estone Descr|pt|on ayment
1 Cn award of conLracL 10
2 SoluLlon ueflnlLlon uocumenL (Suu) 20
3 uellvery of phase 1 Lhe asln" funcLlonallLy 40
4 uellvery of phase 2 Lhe new" funcLlonallLy 20
3 AccepLance / 2 weeks from flnal dellvery (whlchever ls earller) 10
W rlce 1he LoLal fees for Lhe pro[ecL would be ln8 900000
W CredlL perlod 1he paymenL wlll be due on recelpL of Lhe lnvolce by Lhe cllenL
W 1axes 1he prlce ls excluslve of any Laxes due Lo Lhe cllenL as per Lhe law 1he Laxes would be charged
W 1ravel 10 vlslLs Lo CllenL Cfflce ln kalyanl nagar une have been assumed ln Lhe prlce lf any addlLlonal
Lravel or Lravel ouLslde une would be charged on acLuals
W aymenL channel All Lhe paymenLs would be Lhrough wlre Lransfer
W valldlLy valldlLy of Lhls proposal ls 13 days from Lhe daLe of submlsslon

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