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Dear parents, caregivers and whanau! Congratulations everybody on a hugely successful year.

You can all be very proud of yourselves. It is hard to believe that there is only 7 school days left in 2011. There are a number of End of Term things that we all need to be thinking about so the purpose of this letter is to inform you about those things so we are all prepared. Put this on your fridge. Week 7: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Do you have any toys/games/interesting items that you have brought in to school? If so now is the time to come in and pick them up after school. Do you have any library books at home? Now is the time to bring them back for stock-take. Do you have any sports / kapahaka uniforms? Bring them to school. School Disco on Thursday night! Sports Assembly on Friday.

Week 8: 6. Art on the walls will be coming down this weekend so please bring a plastic bag to school on Monday to take your art home. 7. Our Exhibition is this Tuesday. Do you have your exhibit organised? Have you thought about what food you will bake and bring? All baking will need to be brought in on Tuesday. You will need to email your Inquiry Buddies to make sure you dont bake the same things - it wouldnt be very appetizing if we all made ANZAC biscuits! It would be great if we could have some helpers to assist with the tidy up afterwards :). 8. Tuesday is also the day that reports go home, we made our exhibition on this day so parents could come in to get reports and then go to the exhibition. 9. On Wednesday you are invited to our Senior Syndicate Picnic at Memorial Park. It is from 10am - 1:30pm. Bring morning tea, lunch, togs/towel, scooter/skate board etc. and a drink bottle. 10. Wednesday afternoon is Responsibilities Assembly. 11. On Thursday morning we will be tidying and organising the class. Kapahaka are performing at the Year 6 Graduation on Thursday, middle block. Thursday afternoon Rm 3 will help shift furniture to Rm 9 (my room for 2012). 12. Hopefully by Friday we will be all sorted to enjoy a day of completing End of Year reections and watching a movie with our buddy class. 13. End of year assembly is from 12 - 1pm. I think that is everything! Please be exible if there is anything else :) Thanks again for a fantastic year! Nic Mason

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