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Fort he TEST Trip= un viaje corto, peuqeo, o rapido 1) Write a post card (escribir la post card) 2) Page 68 things

to remember (cosas para recordar) A baith suit , a towel, makeup, sandals, a brush, a hair dryer , soap, a razor, a toothbrush, pajamas sunscreen, toothpaste, a sleeping bag, batteries, a flashligth a pait of sicssors, a first-aid kit , insect repellent, a tent 3) Page 69 advices and sujestions You should = tu deberas You could = tu podrias

What sholud i take? Que debera tomar?

You should take a hat = tu deberas tomar (llevar) una gorra You shoulndt take high heles= tu no deberas llevar tacones altos

You could borrow your dads hat papa(tomar prestada)

= tu podrias pedir la gorra de tu

You need ti have warm clothes= tu necesitas tener ropa abrigadora

A veces you should suena muy fuerte, para lo cual tu puedes decir yo pienso que tu, quizs tu, tu deberas problablemente

I think you sholud, maybe you should, you should probably

I think you sholud take you Passport Its a good idea take a map Maybe you should study italiand Where are you going to travel? Why? (donde te gustara ir de viaje y porqu) Im going to travel to Russia, because its beautiful place (yo viajara a Rusia debido a que es un lugar hermoso)

What should you take with you on camping trip? (que deberas llevar contigo para un viaje de campamento)

I sholud take a tent (yo debera llevar una carpa)

Its easy to (es facil) Its hard (es dificil) I need to (yo necesito)

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