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1he Lwo plllars of sLrong brands are

LmoLlonal relaLlonshlp
CognlLlve relaLlonshlp

LmoLlonal relaLlonshlp measures Lhe emoLlonal quoLlenL of a consumer Lo any brand whlle cognlLlve
relaLlonshlp ls Lhe success raLe of LhaL brand When a brand ls lnLroduced ln Lhe markeL Lhe
emoLlonal relaLlonshlp of Lhe producL ls very low and lL lncrease as Lhey conLlnue Lo lnnovaLe and
grow And lf Lhey don'L perform well Lhen Lhe brand sLarLs Lo erode and becomes a commodlLy
lrom an ouLsLandlngly successful brand lL becomes a fallure

1here are posslblllLles LhaL a new producL launched falls aL Lhe beglnnlng only or some brands whlle
erodlng sLarLs lnnovaLlng and becomes a successful brand agaln

uma AC Lhe Cerman maker quallLy sporLswear saw lLs brand lmage sufferlng serlous damage ln
Lhe laLLer parL of 1980's 8y Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe 1990's Lhe lmage of excluslvlLy LhaL had long been
assoclaLed wlLh Lhe brand had faded and Lhe company suffered losses due Lo a sLeep decllne ln
sales 8y Lhe end of 1993 Lhe company was saddled wlLh $100 mllllon ln debL and recorded a loss of
$32 mllllon !ochen ZelLz who Look over Lhe relns as uma's CLC ln 1993 lnsLlLuLed a Lhree phase
plan for Lurnlng around Lhe company's forLunes

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