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This audio document is survey on the theme what are the usual worked hour of Americans ?

And, How do Americans spend their free time? Questions are wondered in 2003 by the Bureau of Labor Statistic. The first expos have showed that employed men spent more time of working by day than women employed. Its talked things through: men are hard-working for pay however women spend more time to caring child, cleaning and doing food preparation. The stone in 2010 employed people worked in average 7.30 hour a day. Main workers 8.2 hours a day so its full-time. Even though women worked 7.8 hours a day , its social inequalities. In all-time, more people work on week days than on Saturday, or Sunday. Most of Americans then, 82% people worked on weeks days, not during the week-ends. From 2005 to 2009, other 55% of American people workers strated their jobs each day by 8 A.M. The report shows how people spent time away from work. In average day: they are having social life, doing exercises, 2.7 hours watching tv. Exception of this average is concerning, 15- 19 years old people who are spending 6 min of reading a day and much more time of using a computer even though they take part of reading 1.1 hours during the week-ends. Consequently week-end used to have a relaxing activity .

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