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Class 2nd Year Commercial Geography Guess Paper Commerce Important Questions: Section B: (Short Answer Questions) Geography

Of World
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. What is meant by commercial Activities name different types of primary activities? Explain the subsistence forming / shifting cultivation? Name the main exporting and importing countries if rice in the world? What physical and Economics factors required for the cultivation of tea and rice? Name the three types of information Media and also explain the importance of information Media? Name the by- product of mineral oil and also write down the countries of OPEC? Give an account of the cotton textile centers in Asia? Name the rubber producing countries of the world? Name the iron and steel Exporting countries? Define Economic activities? Highlight famous fishing grounds of the world? Describe briefly main sugar and producing countries of the world? Explain Panama and Suez Canal? Describe the growth of population and its distribution in the world and also describe international Migration of population? Name the two types of Uranium and also state briefly importance of Uranium? Name any three popular countries and continents of the world? Name any three type of Iron - Ore in the world and discuss the iron - ore deposits in the world? Name any three canals of the world and where they are located? Name three types of Coal found in the world? Mention any six advantages of orest? Define the term Geography and briefly describe the branches of Geography? Name two major division of Environment? What are the requirenments of good Harbor? Name three mountains of the world? Name three gold producing countries of the world? Differentiate between Economics and Com. Geography? State briefly about the Iron - Ore deposits of the world? Why China is known as home of Silk Cement? name four countries of the world where cotton is produced more than 80% of World production? State the effects of physical Environment on human activities?

Geography Of Pakistan
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Why is Pkistan importnat according to its location and also write down the names of neighboring countries of Pakistan? What do you know about Indus Water Treaty? Describe the different means of irrigation in Pakistan and also write down the need and importance of Canal irrigation system? What do you know about Mangla Dam? Asses the economic importance of petrol in Pakistan? Give an account of the importance of road Transport in Pakistan. State briefly main highways and seaport of Pakistan? Discuss the agriculture problmes and their solutions? Name the major cotton, rice and sugarcane producing areas of Pakistan? explain the different kinds of forests in pakistan and aslo write down the names of artificial forests in Pakistan? Define "DOAB" and state " DOAB" of Punjab Plain? State briefly the causes of shortage of electricity? Differentiate between Dams and Barrages and also Name any 3 Dams and Barrages of Pakistan and alos write the names of river on which these dams and barrages are built? Write the name of six big Cities of Pakistan with sequence and series? Write down the three food and cash crops of Pakistan? Write down the geographical location of Pakistan? name three Multiple Hydel project of Pakistan and also name the two Nuclear power station of Pakistan? name 3 gas fields of Pakistan? Discuss the Mineral Oil reserves of Pakistan? Why water is cheaper than coal, oil, and petrol to produce electicity? Differentiate between water logging and slainity?

Section C: (Detailed Answer Questions) Geography Of World

1. What is mean by commercial Activities? Explain the different types of commercial activities with example?

2. 3.

What geographical and Economical factors required for the localization of Iron, steel, Cotton and textile industry? Give an estimate of the development of Iron Steel, Cotton and Textile industry iN Asia, Europe and USA? What geographical and Economical factors are required for the cultivation of Rice and Wheat?

Geography Of Pakistan
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Describe the physical features of Pakistan? Give a short account on Climatic regions of Pakistan? Describe the different modes of irrigation and also explain the importance of canal irrigation system of Pakistna? What are the causes of rapid growth of population and factors responsible for uneven distribution of population in Pakistan? Describe the geographical conditions, necessary for the cultivation of wheat, cotton and Sugarcane. anme the major wheat, cotton and sugarcane producing areas of Pakistan?

Best Of Luck

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