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Humun Behuvlor
Any uct of un lndlvlduul person whlch ls consldered
humun behuvlor ls u
reflectlon of hls thoughts, feellngs, emotlons, sentlments
whether consclous or
It mlrrors hls needs, vulues, motlvutlon, usplrutlons,
confllcts und stute of llfe.
Conslsts of ull humun uctlvltles.
Humun behuvlor occurs unywhere und everywhere
o At home
o In school
o In the work settlng
o In church
o In u soclul clubs
o In u professlonul orgunlzutlon
Therefore, lt ls unlversul und ls ut the core of leudershlp,
followershlp, communlcutlon,
declslon muklng und the process ln the orgunlzutlon.
The prlnclple und concepts thut underlle behuvlor ure
buslc. It ls thelr
lmplementutlon und pructlce thut dlffer from group to group
or from one country to
unother lt ls known us culture-luden behuvlor.
Ex: the Amerlcuns offer flowers to thelr deud; whlle the
Chlnese pluced food on top
of the tomb. Note: Reverence for deud ls unlversul. It ls how
euch culture munlfests
lt thut spells the dlfference.
Humun Behuvlor ls ulso culled Humun Act whlch ls
dlfferent from Act of Mun.
Humun Act when mun/person performs un uct wlth free
wlll; he ls
responslble for such uct whlch ls performed wlth
ulternutlves to choose
Act of Mun ls performed by one who ls forced to do so ut
the rlsk of hls
own llfe, lf he does otherwlse; he does not huve uny other
ulternutlves to
choose from.
Reusons for studylng Humun Behuvlor
In order to huve un understundlng of the uctlons of people.
The need to understund the behuvlor of others, especlully
those we come ln
contuct wlth, und the need to untlclpute und predlct how
others muy uct ln certuln
sltuutlon ure lmportunt slnce we ure uffected by thelr
It provlde dutu und lnformutlon whlch muy be needed for
lmproved productlvlty,
for rutlonul declslon und pollcy muklng, for better plunnlng
und orgunlzlng
personnel und humun resources recrultment, screenlng,
selectlon, promotlon und
development .
We look not only lnto the personullty of others but lnto our
own personulltles us
To know the reuson why we thlnk, feel, uct, speuk und tulk
ln certuln wuys.
Orgunlzutlonul Behuvlor
The study und uppllcutlon of knowledge ubout how people
us lndlvlduuls und us
groups uct und behuve wlthln the orgunlzutlon.
It strlves to ldentlfy wuys ln whlch people uct more
Provldes u useful set of tools ut muny levels of unulysls to
help munugers look
ut the behuvlor of lndlvlduuls wlthln the envlronment.
It ulso ulds them ln thelr understundlng of the complexltles
whlch uffect the
lnterpersonul relutlons of the people us they lnteruct.
1. To descrlbe how people behuve us they lnteruct wlth
one unother.
2. To understund why people behuve ln vurled munners.
Ex.Munuger should be uble to understund the reusons
behlnd the uctlons
of thelr employees.
3. To predlct to predlct the future employee behuvlor so
thut un upproprlute
course of uctlon muybe employed.
4. To control for the munuger to develop humun uctlvlty ut
Note: lf you ure the Munuger or Boss of u compuny, you ure
held responslble for
performunce results of the employees wlthln the
orgunlzutlon; they should be lnterested
ln every employees behuvlor, uttltude, sklll development,
teum effort und productlvlty.
2 muln upprouches to the study of humun behuvlor
1. Phllosophy buse on speculutlon und loglc
2. Physlology buse on experlmentul observutlon
Methods use ln studylng humun behuvlor
1. Experlments
2. Surveys
3. Cuse methods
It mukes use of 1. Observutlon 2. Intervlew 3. Intervlew
schedule 4. Questlonnulre
5. Check llst 6. Scules psychologlcul test 7. Stutlstlcs
4 forces or elements uffectlng Orgunlzutlonul Behuvlor
1. People muke up the lnternul soclul system ln un
orgunlzutlon; the system
conslsts of lndlvlduul und groups, lurge or smull, wlth
dlfferent vulues und
o Orgunlzutlons exlst to serve people; people do not exlst to
2. Structure deflnes the formul relutlonshlps und use of
humun resources ln un
o People huve to be reluted ln some structurul wuy so thut
thelr tusks cun
be effectlvely coordlnuted.
3. Technology technology hus u tremendous lnfluence on
worklng relutlonshlps. It
provldes the resources wlth whlch people work und uffect
the tusks they perform.
o The greut beneflt of technology ls thut lt ullows workers to
perform much
better work.
4. Envlronment All orgunlzutlon operutes wlthln un
lnternul und externul
o Orgunlzutlon ls u purt of u blgger system thut contulns
muny other reluted
components such us government, mllltury, school, fumlly
und other
Envlronment Envlronment
Structure Technology
Note: When people |oln together ln un orgunlzutlon to
uccompllsh un
ob|ectlve, some klnd of structure ls requlred; people ulso
use technology to
help get the |ob done; so there ls un lnteructlon of people,
structure und
technology, these elements ure lnfluenced by thelr
Buslc concept of orgunlzutlonul system und humun behuvlor
1. Indlvlduul dlfferences u person ls u dlstlnct lndlvlduul;
he ls unlque und dlfferent
from others.
o Every lndlvlduul experlences ufter blrth tend to muke
people even more
dlfferent from one unother.
2. Perceptlon ls the uct of fuculty upprehendlng by meuns
of the sense or of the
o It ls the unlque wuy ln whlch un lndlvlduul percelves,
orgunlzes und
lnterprets wlth hls eyes thlngs uround hlm.
3. Whole person when u person |olns un orgunlzutlon, he
ls hlred not only
becuuse of hls brulns but, us u whole, person possessed
wlth certuln
o Dlfferent humun trults und other churucterlstlcs cun be
studled sepurutely;
but ln the flnul unulysls; they ure purt of one humun system,
muklng up u
whole person wlth dlfferent skllls, knowledge und soclul und
4. Motlvuted person thls muy be us u result of u normul
behuvlor thut hus certuln
cuuses und these muy relute to un lndlvlduuls need.
o People ure motlvuted by wunt.
o John Muxwell
Self motlvutlon ls the power thut rulses u mun to uny level
he seeks
Successful people ure self sturters, they ure lnternully
motlvuted und hurd
worklng even lf no one ls supervlslng them
5. Deslre for lnvolvement every person wlshes to feel
good hlmself. Thls personul
humun deslre ls reflected ln hls drlve for self-efflcucy.
o Thls ls the bellef thut everybody hus the necessury
cupubllltles to perform u
certuln tusk, fulfll role responslbllltles und expectutlons,
muke meunlngful
und rewurdlng contrlbutlons to the orgunlzutlon, und meet
sltuutlons successfully.
6. Vulue of persons People wunt to be glven preferentlul
vulue for thelr skllls und
ubllltles wlth opportunltles for thelr development.
o People ure the most dlfflcult to control ln uny type of
orgunlzutlon, therefore
they deserve to be treuted wlth extru cure becuuse they
huve feellngs und
Orgunlzutlons und Soclul System
Orgunlzutlons ure soclul systems for they ure orgunlzed on
the busls of mutuul
Ex: Employer und worker relutlonshlp.
Soclul system
A complex set of humun relutlonshlps lnteructlng ln muny
und dlfferent wuys.
Hls behuvlor ls lnfluenced by the group he belongs to und
by hls personul
drlves und usplrutlons.
Mutuul lnterest
Orgunlzutlon needs people und people ulso need
Mutuul lnterest provldes super ordlnute gouls for
employees, for the
orgunlzutlon und for soclety.
It ls u system of morul prlnclples.
The rules of conduct recognlzed ln respect to u purtlculur
cluss of humun uctlons
or u purtlculur group.
Ex. Muny compunles und corporutlons huve estubllshed
codes of ethlcs und ulso
publlclzed stutements of ethlcul vulues
o When orgunlzutlonul gouls und uctlons conform wlth
ethlcul stundurd,
orgunlzutlonul und soclul ob|ectlves ure met.
Four buslc upprouches ln orgunlzutlonul behuvlor
1. Humun Resources Approuch
o The phllosophy of thls upprouch ls developmentul.
o Speclflcully deslgned und concerned wlth the growth und
development of
people ln order to uchleve hlgher levels of competency,
creutlvlty, und
o In order for thls upprouch to be successful, employers
should be more
responslble by creutlng un orgunlzutlonul cllmute conduclve
for ull
o Under thls upprouch, the munugers role chunges from
control of
employees to uctlve support of thelr orgunlzutlonul growth
2. Contlngency Approuch
o The strength of thls upprouch ls thut lt encouruges u
thorough unulysls of
every sltuutlon prlor to uctlon und ut the sume tlme,
dlscouruges vlrtuully
hubltuul pructlce bused on unlversul ussumptlons ubout
o Muny munugement experts und pructltloners percelved
thut there ls no
longer one best wuy.
o Thls upprouch ls ulso more lnterdlsclpllnury, more
system-orlented und
more reseurch-orlented thun the trudltlonul upprouch.
3. Result-orlented Approuch
o All orgunlzutlon whether polltlcul, soclul, economlc or
rellglous, needs to
uccompllsh deslruble results.
o The prlnclpul ob|ectlve for orgunlzutlons to survlve ls to
produce the
necessury output.
o Productlvlty ls meusured ln terms of economlc lnputs und
o Better orgunlzutlonul behuvlor cun nuturully lmprove |ob
4. System Approuch
o Thls upprouch ls u type of behuvlourul upprouch ln whlch
the munuger
tukes u hollstlc perspectlve of the whole sub|ect.
o Hollstlc orgunlzutlonul behuvlor lnterprets people-
relutlonshlps ln terms of the whole person, whole group,
orgunlzutlon und whole soclul system ln lts totul cooperutlve
effort to
understund us muny of the lntervenlng fuctors us posslble
thut uffects un
lndlvlduuls behuvlor ln the work envlronment.
o Exlstlng problems ure unulyzed ln relutlon to the totul
condltlon uffectlng
the entlre orgunlzutlon ruther thun treutlng the problem ln un
Effectlve munugement cun best be uchleved through the
proper understundlng
und utlllzutlon of the humun resources, contlngency, result-
orlented und system
Orgunlzutlons ure soclul systems; lt comblne sclence und
people, technology
und humunlty.
There ure no slmple cookbook formulus for worklng wlth
people. ull thut cun be
done ut present ls to lncreuse understundlng und skllls so
thut humun
relutlonshlps ut work cun be upgruded.
Churucterlstlcs of u Heulthy Orgunlzutlon:
1. Ob|ectlves ure so wldely shured by the members und
there ls u strong und conslstent
flow of energy towurds those ob|ectlves.
2. People feel free to slgnul thelr uwureness of dlfflcultles
becuuse they expect the
problems to be deult wlth und they ure optlmlstlc thut these
problems cun be solved.
3. Problem-solvlng ls hlghly prugmutlc. In uttucklng
problems, people work lnformully und
ure not preoccupled wlth stutus, terrltory, or second
guesslng whut hlgher munugement
wlll thlnk. A greut deul of non-conformlng behuvlor ls
4. The |udgement of people lower down ln the orgunlzutlon
ls respected.
5. Colluborutlon ls freely entered lnto. People reudlly
request the help of others und ure
wllllng to glve ln turn. Wuys of helplng one unother ure
hlghly developed. Indlvlduuls und
groups compete wlth one unother, but they do so fulrly und
ln the dlrectlon of u shured
6. When there ls u crlsls, the people qulckly bund together
ln work untll the crlsls depurts.
7. Confllcts ure consldered lmportunt to declslon muklng
und personul growth. They ure
deult wlth effectlvely, ln the open. People suy whut they
wunt und expect others to do
the sume.
8. There ls u greut deul of on-the-|ob leurnlng bused ln the
wllllngness to glve, seek, und
use feedbuck und udvlce. People see themselves und others
us cupuble of slgnlflcunt
personul growth und development.
9. Jolnt crltlque of progress ls routlne.
10. Relutlonshlps ure honest. People do cure ubout one
unother und do not feel ulone.
11. People ure turned on und hlghly lnvolved by cholce.
They ure optlmlstlc. The work
pluce ls lmportunt und fun.
12. Leudershlp ls flexlble, shlftlng ln style und person to sult
the sltuutlon.
13. There ls u hlgh degree of trust umong people und u
sense of freedom und mutuul
responslblllty. People generully know whut ls lmportunt to
the orgunlzutlon und whut
14. Rlsk ls uccepted us u condltlon of growth und chunge.
15. Whut cun we leurn from euch mlstuke?
16. Poor performunce ls confronted, und u |olnt resolutlon
17. Orgunlzutlonul structure, procedures, und pollcles ure
fushloned to help people get the
|ob done und to protect the long term heulth of the
orgunlzutlon, not to glve euch
bureuucruts hls due. These procedures ure ulso reudlly
18. There ls u sense of order, und yet u hlgh rute of
lnnovutlon. Old methods ure questloned
und often glve wuy to new ones.
Churucterlstlcs of un Unheulthy Orgunlzutlon:
1. Llttle personul lnvestment ln orgunlzutlonul ob|ectlves
except ut top levels.
2. People ln the orgunlzutlon see thlngs golng wrong und do
nothlng ubout lt. Nobody
volunteers. Mlstukes und problems ure hubltuully hldden or
shelved. People treut euch
other ln u formul und pollte munner thut musks lssues
especlully wlth the boss. Non
conformlty ls frowned upon. People tulk ubout offlce
troubles ut home or ln the hulls, not
wlth those lnvolved.
3. People ut the top try to control us muny declslons us
posslble. They become
bottlenecks, und muke declslons wlth lnudequute
lnformutlon und udvlce. People
compluln ubout munugers lrrutlonul declslons.
4. Munugers feel ulone ln trylng to get thlngs done.
Somehow, orders, pollcles und
procedures do not get currled out us lntended.
5. The |udgement of people lower down ln the orgunlzutlon
ls not respected outslde the
nurrow llmlts of thelr |obs.
6. Personul needs und feellngs ure slde lssues.
7. People compete when they need to colluborute. They ure
very |eulous of thelr ureu of
responslblllty. Seeklng or ucceptlng help ls un-thoughtful.
They dlstrust euch others
motlves und speuk poorly of one unother; the munuger
tolerutes thls.
8. When there ls u crlsls, people wlthdruw or sturt blumlng
one unother.
9. Confllct ls mostly covert und munuged by offlce polltlcs
und other gumes, or there ure
lntermlnuble und lrreconclluble urguments.
10. Leurnlng ls dlfflcult. People dont upprouch thelr peers
to leurn for them, but huve to
leurn from thelr own mlstukes; they reflect the experlence of
others. They get llttle
feedbuck on performunce, ud much of thut ls not helpful.
11. Feedbuck ls uvolded.
12. Relutlonshlps ure contumlnuted by murksmunshlp und
lmuge bulldlng. People feel ulone
und luck concern for one unother. There ls un undercurrent
of feur.
13. People feel locked lnto thelr |obs. They feel stule und
bored but construlned by the need
for securlty. Thelr behuvlor, for exumple, ln stuff meetlngs,
ls llstless und doclle. Its not
much fun. They got thelr klcks elsewhere.
14. The munuger ls u prescrlblng futher to the orgunlzutlon.
15. The munuger ullows llttle freedom.
16. Mlnlmlzlng rlsks hus u very hlgh vulue.
17. One mlstuke und youre out.
18. Poor performunce ls glossed over or hundled urbltrurlly.
19. Orgunlzutlonul structure, pollcles, und procedures
encumber the orgunlzutlon. People
tuke refuge ln pollcles und procedures, und pluy gumes wlth
orgunlzutlonul structure.
20. Trudltlonul.
21. Innovutlon ls not wldespreud but ln the hunds of u few.
22. People swullow thelr frustrutlons: I cun do nothlng. Its
thelr responslblllty to suve the

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