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# -- User Defined Constants --------------------------$LOG_PATH = "C:\Scripts\HDS-SNM2\pfmlog" # Modify raid group and controller options as needed $Controllers = @(0,1) $luns

= @(0..23) $maxlunum = 23 # -- Modifications below this line should not be required --------------------------------------

# -- Setup environment -----------------------------$testsnapin = $null $testsnapin = get-pssnapin where { $_.Name -eq "PowerGadgets"} if(-not $testsnapin){add-pssnapin -Name PowerGadgets} . ./start-session.ps1 Set-Location $env:STONAVM_HOME # -- Objects to hold lu data -----------------------$allluiopdata = @() $alllucmddata = @() # -- Processing flags ------------------------------------$LUIOPDataRead = $FALSE $LUCMDDataRead = $FALSE # Specify whether to run new collection if not existing files are used Write-Host Collect Data Y or N... $modekey = $Host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey( NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown ) if($modekey.Character.ToString().ToLower() -eq "y"){ $collectiontime = Read-Host "Collection Time/Count in minutes" Write-Host "Collecting Data..." ./auperform.exe -unit $DEFAULTARRAY -auto 1 -count $collectiontime -path $LOG_PATH -pfmstatis } # Get data from files Write-Host "Analyzing Data..." $perffiles = Get-ChildItem $LOG_PATH foreach($perffile in $perffiles){ $filedata = Get-Content $LOG_PATH\$perffile foreach($line in $filedata){ # Get collection times if($line -match '^(\d{4}\/(?:0[1-9] 1[0-2]?)\/(?:0[1-9] [12][0-9 ] 3[01]?)\s(?:0[0-9] 1[0-9] 2[0-3]?)\:(?:0[0-9] 1[0-9] 2[0-9] 3[0-9] 4[0-9] 5[09]?)\:(?:0[0-9] 1[0-9] 2[0-9] 3[0-9] 4[0-9] 5[0-9]?))\s-\s(\d{4}\/(?:0[1-9] 1[02]?)\/(?:0[1-9] [12][0-9] 3[01]?)\s(?:0[0-9] 1[0-9] 2[0-3]?)\:(?:0[0-9] 1[0-9] 2 [0-9] 3[0-9] 4[0-9] 5[0-9]?)\:(?:0[0-9] 1[0-9] 2[0-9] 3[0-9] 4[0-9] 5[0-9]?))$') { $collectfrom = $matches[1] $collectto = $matches[2]

} # Get LUN IOP Data if ($line -match 'CTL\s+LU\s+IO\sRate'){ $LUIOPDataRead = $TRUE }elseif($LUIOPDataRead){ $line -match '([0,1]{1})\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+) \s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)' Out-Null $luiopdata = "" Select ctl,lu,iops,readiops,writeiops, readhit,writehit,tranrate,readrate,writerate,datetime $luiopdata.ctl = $matches[1] $luiopdata.lu = $matches[2] $luiopdata.iops = $matches[3] $luiopdata.readiops = $matches[4] $luiopdata.writeiops = $matches[5] $luiopdata.readhit = $matches[6] $luiopdata.writehit = $matches[7] $luiopdata.tranrate = $matches[8] $luiopdata.readrate = $matches[9] $luiopdata.writerate = $matches[10] $luiopdata.datetime = $collectto $allluiopdata += $luiopdata if(($luiopdata.ctl -eq 1) -and ($luiopdata.lu -eq $maxlu num)){$LUIOPDataRead = $FALSE} } # Get RG CMD Data if ($line -match 'CTL\s+LU\s+Read\sCMD\sCount'){ $LUCMDDataRead = $TRUE }elseif($LUCMDDataRead){ $line -match '([0,1]{1})\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+) \s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)' Out-Null $lucmddata = "" Select ctl,lu,readcmdcount,writecmdcou nt,readcmdhitcount,writecmdhitcount,readsize,writesize,datetime $lucmddata.ctl = $matches[1] $lucmddata.lu = $matches[2] $lucmddata.readcmdcount = $matches[3] $lucmddata.writecmdcount = $matches[4] $lucmddata.readcmdhitcount = $matches[5] $lucmddata.writecmdhitcount = $matches[6] $lucmddata.readsize = $matches[7] $lucmddata.writesize = $matches[8] $lucmddata.datetime = $collectto $alllucmddata += $lucmddata if(($lucmddata.ctl -eq 1) -and ($lucmddata.lu -eq $maxlu num)){$LUCMDDataRead = $FALSE} } } }

# -- List Data --------------------------------Write-Host List LU Data Y or N... $modekey = $Host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey( NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown ) if($modekey.Character.ToString().ToLower() -eq "y"){ $allluiopdata ft -prop * $alllucmddata ft -prop * } # -- Create LU IOPS Chart Group ---------------------Write-Host Show LU IOPS Charts Y or N... $modekey = $Host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey( NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown ) if($modekey.Character.ToString().ToLower() -eq "y"){ Write-Host "Generating Charts..." foreach($Controller in $Controllers){ foreach($lun in $luns){ $ChartTitle = "IOPS for Controller:$Controller LU:$lun" $allluiopdata where {($_.lu -eq $lun)-and ($_.ctl -eq $Controller)} sort datetime Select iops,readiops,writeiops,readhit,writehit, tranrate,readrate,writerate,datetime ` Out-Chart -Values iops,readiops,writeiops -Series_0_Text "LU IOPS" -Series_1_Text "LU Read IOPS" -Series_2_Text "LU Write IOPS" -Label d atetime ` -Title $ChartTitle -Gallery Lines -Group "LUNIOPS" -Name $ChartTitle -Caption "LU IOPS" } } } # -- Create LU Cache Hit Chart Group ----------------Write-Host Show LU Cache Hit Charts Y or N... $modekey = $Host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey( NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown ) if($modekey.Character.ToString().ToLower() -eq "y"){ Write-Host "Generating Charts..." foreach($Controller in $Controllers){ foreach($lun in $luns){ $ChartTitle = "Cache Hits for Controller:$Controller LU: $lun" $allluiopdata where {($_.lu -eq $lun)-and ($_.ctl -eq $Controller)} sort datetime Select iops,readiops,writeiops,readhit,writehit, tranrate,readrate,writerate,datetime ` Out-Chart -Values readhit,writehit -Series_0_Text "LU Re ad Hit %" -Series_1_Text "LU Write Hit %" -Label datetime ` -Title $ChartTitle -Gallery Lines -Group "LUCACHE" -Name $ChartTitle -Caption "LU Cache Hits" } } } # -- Create LU Transaction Rate Chart Group -------Write-Host Show LU Transaction Rate Charts Y or N... $modekey = $Host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey( NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown ) if($modekey.Character.ToString().ToLower() -eq "y"){ Write-Host "Generating Charts..." foreach($Controller in $Controllers){ foreach($lun in $luns){ $ChartTitle = "Transaction Rate for Controller:$Controll er LU:$lun"

$allluiopdata where {($_.lu -eq $lun)-and ($_.ctl -eq $Controller)} sort datetime Select iops,readiops,writeiops,readhit,writehit, tranrate,readrate,writerate,datetime ` Out-Chart -Values tranrate,readrate,writerate -Series_0_ Text "LU Transaction Rate (MB/S)" -Series_1_Text "LU Transaction Read Rate (MB/S )" -Series_2_Text "LU Transaction Write Rate (MB/S)" ` -Label datetime -Title $ChartTitle -Gallery Lines -Group "LUTRANSACTIONRATE" -Name $ChartTitle -Caption "LU Transaction Rate" } } } # -- Create LU Transaction Size Chart Group --------------Write-Host Show LU Transaction Size Charts Y or N... $modekey = $Host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey( NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown ) if($modekey.Character.ToString().ToLower() -eq "y"){ Write-Host "Generating Charts..." foreach($Controller in $Controllers){ foreach($lun in $luns){ $ChartTitle = "Transaction Size for Controller:$Controll er LU:$lun" $alllucmddata where {($_.lu -eq $lun)-and ($_.ctl -eq $Controller)} sort datetime Select readcmdcount,writecmdcount,readcmdhitcoun t,writecmdhitcount,readsize,writesize,datetime ` Out-Chart -Values readsize,writesize -Series_0_Text "LU Transaction Read Size (MB)" -Series_1_Text "LU Transaction Write Size (MB)" ` -Label datetime -Title $ChartTitle -Gallery Lines -Group "LUTRANSACTIONSIZE" -Name $ChartTitle -Caption "LU Transaction Size" } } } # -- Create LU Command Chart Group --------------Write-Host Show LU Command Charts Y or N... $modekey = $Host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey( NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown ) if($modekey.Character.ToString().ToLower() -eq "y"){ Write-Host "Generating Charts..." foreach($Controller in $Controllers){ foreach($lun in $luns){ $ChartTitle = "Commands for Controller:$Controller LU:$l un" $alllucmddata where {($_.lu -eq $lun)-and ($_.ctl -eq $Controller)} sort datetime Select readcmdcount,writecmdcount,readcmdhitcoun t,writecmdhitcount,readsize,writesize,datetime ` Out-Chart -Values readcmdcount,writecmdcount,readcmdhitc ount,writecmdhitcount -Series_0_Text "LU Read Command Count" -Series_1_Text "LU Write Command Count" -Series_2_Text "LU Read Command Hit Count" -Series_3_Text " LU Write Command Hit Count" ` -Label datetime -Title $ChartTitle -Gallery Lines -Group "LUCOMMANDS" -Name $ChartTitle -Caption "LU Commands" } } } Set-Location $SCRIPTHOME

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