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Paul Saa I1MBAS12 Individual Assignment Saxonville Sausage Company Case 1.

. Which of the four positioning concepts in exhibit 8 do you recommend for Saxonville Sausage and why? (200 word maximum) I recommend that Saxonville use the Clever Cooking positioning concept. The Clever Cooking will set Saxonvilles Italian sausage apart from existing Italian sausages already in the market and out of the two concepts Clever Cooking would be easier to provide tactical support. In addition, there is a good chance that the respondents of the quantitative research were swayed to Family Connection by their familiarity with existing brands authentic Italian heritage. Another reason the Family Connection concept is not a good choice is that it may cannibalize other Saxonville brands. The final reason Saxonville should choose Clever Cooking as the positioning concept is that it had almost double the respondents say they would definitely buy it than did the Family Connection concept. 2. Which brand name do you recommend and why? (100 word maximum) I see no compelling reason to change the Vivio name. The brand has a very small following, if any at all, and by changing the name you risk losing what market share the brand does have. From my chair not changing the name keeps the current customer base in place but changing it may estrange those customers. I see no up-side to changing the name.

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