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B ———=__—~ieS SE tS Gou'3720267 Fax cow 872-0268 MAGNETRON IDENTIFICATION {- THE SIMPLE WAY... AS EASY AS 123! ‘There are approximately five manufacturers of microwave oven magnetrons in the world, and these ‘manufacturers are located in the Far East. Anyone manufacturing & microwave oven must purchase the magnetian from one of these manufacturers. ‘What this means is that many microwave manutacturers use the same or similar magnetrons and that ‘many are interchangeable, QB Products’ engineers have spent years identifying many of these magnetron ‘and have published the most comprehensive cross-reference in the industry (pages 11 through 14 and the cross reference section found in the back of this catalog). ‘QB Products has also made magnetron identification #8 easy as 1231 f—\ ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS: MATCH UP kV RATING “The electrical characterises of = magnetran cannot be detasenined without elaborate testing equipment or the manuiacturers' spec sheets. Therefore, you must rely on the reearch done by our miorowave EngINGArS, Look Yor ‘your industry # below to obtain your KV rating, 435 kV | Si kv 3.8.kV | Other kV tubes not replaced by 2Meis | OMS2 2htto8awi72 2Mzze | 2M189 | standard QB magnetrons (only direct, 2uzag | OMS5 2M115 2188 2228 | 2h207 2ues7 | om72 2x28 M200 aMzea | © 2Me09 ewes | OM75 2M140 2Na04 2M233 | | M211 2MS2MtS2aMz08 aM236 | 2Mzia 2MS7 2MIS7 2M210 oMDaB | eMIE amv 2NIsa 2Me14 2Me40 | 2Mz20 ‘auio1 2x60 aMei7 2M2as | M21 M142 -2M205 M150 2250 2Mis1 M255 2Mis3 M282 2Mi86 2M266 anei62 aMie3 2Nie1 avais aMmzs3 | 2M223 2Mi6a 2M105 2Mi63. 2M219 2hizsa | 2Ma90 aia 2N106 2NIB7 2222 2MS00 | 2M231 Mt "Round Updtat eM? 2NI70 2Me24 aM700 | 2Me34 eae ay 26203 Obsolete Please note: Use af tha wrong KV rated magnetron will result in one ar more ofthe folloeing 1 Magnetron wil not go into osciliation, 2. Magnetron wal not function properly, o it will overheat 3. Magnetron ite wil bo reduced substantia www.mainelectrot www.mainelectronics.com Cee ee c : ioe | Bee 700-850 zl ate a be PLEASE ETE Seana vane oat sat

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