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Basic Petroleum Economics

Course Overview The course aims to provide knowledge of basic knowledge of Petroleum Economics. Students will understand the project commercial viewpoint and know ideas to change the principle to get better financial results. Also, students will be able to run the cash flow analysis with the project sensitivity in order to understand the project viability and profitability impact under the change of those project s critical elements. Who should attend All Engineers, Finance, Accountant and all Supervisory staff Course Outline -

Overview of Petroleum E&P Economics in Viet nam Types of Petroleum Contracts Terminology and unit used in the Industry Law and Legislation that relate to the Economic Analysis Economics Terminology Principle of Hydrocarbon Pricing Project hurdle Identify the State of Each Types of Money (RT, MOD, PV, FV) Depreciation Principle Cash Flow Elements and how to calculate Discounting Process & Profitability Indicator Calculation Sensitivity Analysis, Project Ranking & Optimization Deferment, Acceleration, Exploration Project Economics Report One Day Case Study

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