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Building Rural Primary Schools Towards Improved Designs © ee are ee ee Concession ind Rjsgoosan, Sumer Menchanda i cial Poduton Gal Woks Ui 56 £4. 9 | layout KAM, 5/5 tl ld ner op, i Nev Dahi- 110 060, Incie Ponting ——_lagat ors, 6-36/2, Mayapt Phase Neve bah 110 068 nae Comments leas any comments you have on the certant of is publaor to The Gia Wes Unit Techn Suppo Group 156) Oo Eelvationa Contents nia Uiited, B86, Defence Colony ts News Delf ~ 110 048, naa o oO Me hi irgan, a Deputy Serta, OFEP Buren o ‘Mise of Hen Rescurce Detorent Sat shaven New Dab 110001, msi 9 Published by Educational Consultants India Ltd, 1999 9 “hedhsTICTFRIMARY EDUCATION ROGRANMME:# one ofthe largest omar education programmes c ising inte nord This document det wth te expeence of Design Renewal wtih Gx ‘wos component fhe progremme,Desgn fenewal es bean an extensive cessing al the ates in he programme © develop a Rew ot of designs for school and resource centres, © “hecontrbuton ofl the states, Both dung the entree and during the septation ofthis document [graf scraatedec. Te spain and feedback of the DPEP Burau has ben invaluable, Sia feedback rovided by varus uritsaf the Fechrical Supper: Greuptrougheut he preparation ‘eld signa. In catia, the dear sion pov ded by Sh RS. Pande Jit Secretary (OPEP) and the continuous suppor and insights ofS Chr ingran, Deputy Sect (DPE have enabled g ‘re documento be wat 3 Minit of Human Resource Oop Depscimert of sbuation ‘Goverment of nda aweDehi- 110001 February 200, 1959 FOREWORD sty Schocls" compiles the efforts of different states under the alion Programme (DPEP) in development of news designs for| uldlings and Resource Centres which are sensitive to the local tirement of a good teaching-learning environment. 1 renewal has brought out a large number of improved schcel 2ing used in the consiruction of schoo) buildings in verious DPE? Ay to be very useful not only for construction activites within DPEP _>grammes for provision of schoo! infrastructure in rural areas. (1. c. SaSawadi,

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