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Eye Mouse

We develop the Eye Mouse as a new user interface. Specifically, it provides the user with a means to control an ordinary PC mouse with a combination of eye movements and blinks. The Eye Mouse (EM) is able to recognize several intentional eye motions and in turn, control a cursor on the PC screen.

The eye-tracking device has become one of the most important humancomputer interfaces (HCI) where eye movements are related to the information processing demands of a task. To be practically used, the device must be able to detect and track faces and eyes in real-time and use the system resources as few as possible. We develop the PC-based HCI system using eye detection and tracking, which is called Eye Mouse. It tracks the users movements from a camera and translates them into the control messages of the mouse on the screen. For implementation, we use a popular USB PC camera for input, which is inexpensive and does not need additional capture boards. For the 320 240 size input image, we can process more than 30 frames/sec on PC without any additional hardware. The system receives and displays a live video of the user sitting in front of the computer. The video is taken by a camera that is mounted above the monitor of the computer. The user moves the mouse pointer by moving his or her eyes. We detect a users face using skin-color information and detect her or his eyes. Then, the eyes are continuously tracked. Based on the tracking results, mouse operations such as movement or click are implemented.

Face detection Eye detection Eye tracking Mouse control

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