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Using the following documents, write an answer to the question:
What were significant political and economic principles that contributed to the Russian Revolution?
What additional kind of document(s) would be most helpful in furthering your analysis?
Document #1
Vladimir Lenin, Marxist revolutionary and communist politician, 1916 Library of Congress
The Russian proletariat learned its first steps in the political circumstances created by a despotic state. Strikes forbidden
by law, underground circles, illegal proclamations, street demonstrations, encounters with the police and with troops
such was the school created by the combination of a swiftly developing capitalism with an absolutism slowly surrendering
its positions. The concentration of the workers in colossal enterprises, the intense character of governmental persecution,
and finally the impulsiveness of a young and fresh proletariat, brought it about that the political strike, so rare in western
Europe, became in Russia the fundamental method of struggle. The figures of strikes from the beginning of the present
century are a most impressive index of the political history of Russia.

Document #2
A delegate at the Samara peasant province, March, 1917
Private property should be abolished. All landshould be handed over to the toiling people. Only those who cultivate the
land can claim a right to itI believe that land means freedom. It is wrong to pay the landowners for the land; will we be
any better off if we wait for the Constituent Assembly to resolve the land question? In the past, the government decided
the land question was for us, but their efforts only led us into bondageThe land question should be resolved now, and
we should not put our trust blindly in the political parties.

Document #3
Number in thousands of participants in political strikes

1903 87*
1904 25*
1905 1,843
1906 651
1907 540
1908 93
1909 8
1910 4
1911 8
1912 550
1913 502
1914 (first half) 1,059
1915 156
1916 310
1917 (January-February) 575
*The figures for 1903 and 1904 refer to all strikes, the economic undoubtedly predominating.

Document #4
A pamphlet printed out at a police station in St. Petersburg, 1905-1906
The passage below shows attitudes and social unrest and discrimination experienced in Russia towards the
Jews, which resulted in pogroms (massacres of the Jewish people). Do you know, brethren, workmen and
peasants, who is the chief author of all our misfortunes? Do you know that the Jews of the whole worldhave
entered into an alliance and decided to destroy Russia completely? Whenever those betrayers of Christ come
near you, tear them to pieces, kill them.

Document #5
A St. Petersburg worker after Bloody Sunday, January, 1905
On this day I was born a second time, but now not as an all-forgiving and all-forgetting child, but as an
embittered man, prepared to struggle and to triumph.

Document #6
Pavel Miliukov (the most prominent member of the Constitutional Democratic party), accusing government,
November 1916
Is this incompetence or is it treason? Does it matter practically speaking whether we are dealing with
incompetence or with treason?The government persists in claiming that organizing the country means
organizing a revolution and deliberately prefers chaos and disorganization.

Document #7
Prince Sergei Trubetskoi, about his estate in Moscow, 1917
A local land committee, regarding Begichevo as already its own property, prevented me from selling
anything, even from the harvest or newborn livestock, and yet demanded that agricultural activity should
continue at its usual high level. Wages were rising but labor productivity was falling disastrously. The land
committees insisted that expenses on the estate should be covered not from the revenues but from elsewhere:
Withdraw money from your bank! Of course, with the best will in the world, it was impossible to run an estate
in these conditions.


 What were significant 
 and  principles that contributed to the Russian Revolution?
What additional kind of document(s) would be most helpful in furthering your analysis?

_________3 Paragraph Categories__________Document #s_______________3 POV ideas_____________

Thesis Statement (restates the prompt and describes your categories):


1 Additional Document described AND explained (must be connected to your thesis):



?istorical skills and knowledge required to show
?istorical skills and knowledge required to show
1. Has acceptable thesis.


2. Understands the basic meaning

of  documents.
may misinterpret one document)


3. Supports thesis with appropriate

evidence from  documents.
upports thesis with appropriate
evidence from all but 1 document)


4. Analyzes point of view in at least

two documents.


5. Analyzes documents by grouping

them in 2 or 3 ways, depending
on the question.


6. Identifies and explains the need for

one type of appropriate additional
document or source.





Expands beyond basic core of

1-7 Points. The basic core of a
score of " must be achieved
before a student can earn expanded
core points.


 Has a clear, analytical, and comprehensive thesis.
 Shows careful and insightful analysis of the
 Uses documents persuasively as evidence.
 Analyzes point of view in most or all documents.
 Analyzes the documents in additional ways
groupings, comparisons, syntheses.
 Explains why additional types of document(s) or
sources are needed.



DBQ for Dummies: Its like a matching game that you played as a kid.
Thesis: Sort the documents into groups that match.
Write an intro paragraph that mentions the prompt and those groupings and the missing voice.
Body paragraph 1: Look at the first group of matching documents
Create a topic sentence that matches the group
Explain how each document relates to the topic sentence
Include any POV analysis for documents that you used in the paragraph
Body paragraph 2: Look at the second group of matching documents
Create a topic sentence that matches this group
Explain how each document relates to the topic sentence
Include any POV analysis for documents that you used in the paragraph
Body paragraph 3: Look at the third group of matching documents (if you have a third group)
Create a topic sentence that matches the final grouping
Explain how each document relates to the topic sentence
Include any POV analysis for documents that you used in the paragraph
Conclusion: Write a concluding paragraph that mentions the prompt and groups that you wrote about.


c &#&'c$ ()'#* #) +,-

Students must identify one or more additional documents (or voices) that would be helpful in addressing the prompt.
 Whose voice is missing?
 What group, class, gender, etc is missing that is   to the prompt?
One thing that the DBQ essay asks you to do is to identify one or more groups who are valid to the prompt but whose voice is NOT
heard in the documents provided.
Example: The prompt is about religion in the Middle East and the documents come from Christian, Muslim and Zoroastrian sources.
Who is missing?
Example: The prompt is about distinct group roles in society and the documents come from rulers, merchants and farmers. Who is
Some groups to think about:


specific religions
priests, monks, nuns

* Remember that the group must be valid to the prompt and you must EXPLAIN WHY they are valid.

Why is POV Important?
It demonstrates to the teacher that the student understands that the document is not a statement of fact, but opinions of events made by
people at a particular time and place and often for a specific reason. YOU must point out the reason why the author should be taken
#   ,
1. c
 Awareness that the class, occupation, religion, nationality, political position, ethnicity, or gender .' may
have influenced an authors view.
2. c

 Examine the author and the type of source to determine WHY it is accurate and reliable.
Is the document an official report? Propaganda? Private letter? etc. Is the author an inside or outside observer?
3. # Examine the text of a document to determine its tone. (Satire, irony, fear, anger, sadness, etc.)

The author is __________ because
representative of the (times) (class) etc
The writer is ______
a contemporary of...
an admirer of...
an outsider so\an insider to the situation so...
a direct observer...
a government official...
a member of the (elite) (lower class)... etc
the source of the document is a ________ therefore
private letter
court record
government document (map) (chart) (graph) (picture)


* +*While there is nothing wrong with the word said there are better ways to convey tone and POV when writing the DBQ. Some AP
teachers call these the wonderful verbs. You want to use a verb that denotes some kind of analysis of the author. Consider these:











Analyze the issues that 20th century Muslim leaders in South Asia and North Africa confronted in defining their nationalism.
What additional kind of document(s) would be most helpful in furthering your analysis?
Underline = Document use

-talics = additional document

2 ,  

During the 19th century many Islamic countries in South Asia and North Africa gained partial or full independence from the European
countries that had control over them. These independent movements led to the emergence of nationalism or patriotism, but their
approaches in defining their nationalism differed. In the 20th century some Muslim leaders in South Asia and North Africa tried to
rely on European education and military power, some attempted to get rid of all foreign influence and some rejected traditional
Muslim leaders.
Though India, Egypt and Algeria have just achieved independence from the Europeans, some Muslims in those countries believe that
they still need European education and military training in order to improve themselves. Singh, the author of document 1 clearly
stated that the British system of education was crucial for the development, and even wrote that to reject European education was to be
backwards and ignorant. According to him, adoption of the system of learning does not mean rejecting Islamic beliefs, for
Muhammad said that knowledge is important for Muslim believers to acquire even if it is from non-Muslims. 

3* //



5 3
1 / 4

5 /  

)  5 The author of document 4, Taha Husayn, has a similar viewpoint. Taha Husayn
wrote that to defend a national economy and become economically independent, Egypt needs to adopt some of the European military
tactics. He argued that reliance on Europeans was needed to develop power. Document 6 was written by Muhamed Fariq, a Muslim
military leader of Algeria who believed the European domination and its induction of Christianity was not a bad thing, but a synthesis
between Muslims and Christians that brought greater comprehension and understanding. These authors all believed that nationalism
does not necessarily need to reject all non-Islamic ideas, but that they can coexist and have mutual benefits. However, all of these
documents were written by educated male Muslims, so what commoners believed could be different from their views. vhus, a
document written by commoners would be helpful to show how the majority of Muslims thought about the issue. Not all leaders
believed that foreign influence was a positive, however.
Documents 2 and 5 are against any foreign power and argue that nationalism should get rid of any force that threatens their religion
and country. The author of document 2, Kamal, clearly stated that no interaction between conflicting associations should take place in
Egypt, and that they should love their fatherland. The author of document 5, Abdul Nasar, also wrote that anything that causes
division among different components of his fatherland is the enemy. Though, he states that he respects and could tolerate foreign
existence, he says that Europeans are their enemy if they do them harm. It is clear in both of these documents that the authors harbor
uneasy feeling towards people outside of the fatherland.
Document 3 is different from all the other documents because Abul Sima rejects traditional Muslim leaders, though the author is a
Muslim. He does not like western-educated intellectuals or traditionalists and thinks that both kinds of leaders are not good for a
country. *  


 5 3 

 /5He seems to be neutral in this issue
since he does not think European influence is unfavorable, yet he says traditionalist Muslims are biased and superstitious. -t would
have been interesting to have a document from a ?indu -ndian nationalist to see if they were neutral as well, being that the Gandhi
had tried to unite both groups. Either way, this one document stood out from the rest.
These documents show that different people had a different opinion about how nationalism should be defined, and whether it needed
to be achieved independently with or without any outside influence. It is interesting that some Muslims rejected leaders of their own
religion as not being good enough, but it is clear that some Muslims supported the European system for improving themselves. Some
of these countries still remain divided on these issues.


What were significant  and  principles that contributed to the Russian Revolution?
What additional kind of document(s) would be most helpful in furthering your analysis?


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