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Team-Building Activity February 28, 2012 TEAM HAGGLE

Purpose: To create a negotiation opportunity between teams. Time: Under 2 hours Materials Needed: Outdoor space large enough for your team members to move around freely. A park is ideal. Activity: Divide group to work in pairs or triads. Instruct pairs/triads to gather multiples of the same item from the surrounding area that is meaningful to them and important in a survival scenario. (NOTE Make sure pairs/triads honor local ordinances protecting property and the environment.) Have pairs/triads create a short explanation of why their selected item is important should the need for survival become necessary. Depending on number of pairs/triads, allow 20 minutes for gathering of the item and planning of their explanation. Each pair/triad gets 1-3 minutes to build their case on the importance of their selected item. After each pair/triad has presented, the teams need to negotiate with each other to obtain an item from another pair/triad. The pair/triad with the most number of different items is deemed as being able to survive until help arrives. As the facilitator, observe the interpersonal dynamics within the pairs/triads and debrief your observations and any learning that occurred at the end of the session. Sample Debrief Questions: How easy/difficult was this for your pair/triad? What made it so? What was your pair/triads plan for obtaining additional items? Who was selected as the negotiator? How was the selection decision made? Was the negotiator effective? In what ways? Lead like you mean it! Marjorie
In my search for the most effective activities to share I have found that some of these activities have been attributed to many different thought leaders, making it impossible to give "credit" to any one person. I have chosen to leave off the names with the awareness that there truly is only one source, God. 2012 Team Fusion LLC. All rights reserved. www.TeamFusion.net

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