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Touching Spirit Bear Novel Study: Diary of an (Un)wimpy Kid Assignment 1) In this assignment, you will be writing 2 short

diary entries for 3 different characters in the novel (ie. Garvey, Peter Driscal, Cindy/William Matthews, Edwin, etc.). In total you should have 6 entries, 2 for each character. You CANNOT choose Cole. 2) The first diary entry will be prior to the bear attack (before Cole leaves for the island the first time), and the second diary entry will be following the bear attack (after Cole returns from the island). 3) Write in first person. The diary entry should focus on the characters thoughts about Colehow he/she sees him, what he/she thinks of his past behavior, and how his sentencing will affect (or not affect) him. 4) Include one picture (hand drawn) to go along with each diary entry that reflects something important for the characters writing (or that the character sees in Cole). 5) Include the month and the day during which the diary entry was written 6) Each diary entry should be about half a page (double spaced). Use your knowledge of the text, and your knowledge of the characters from the text, to support and add depth to your diary entries. You are allowed some creative freedom in regard to how you write/portray the characters youve chosen, as long as it is believable and realistic with what is known about them from the novel.

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