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C U S C NR C ORE OTAT Fr o P o s o A C r ie r fe s r .

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Click in each dialog box to type information. Your Full Name: Urban Fleming E-mail address: urbanfleming@aol.com Day phone number: 5372539 Evening phone number: none Course ID (ex: MAR 4301): MAN 4301 Reference Number: 357901 I understand that I must have access to a computer and an e-mail program. I understand that should my hardware and /or software fail, I must assume responsibility for submission of all assignments in a timely manner and that my grade will suffer should my assignments not be completed by the deadline. I promise that all work performed and submitted in this class will be my own. I understand that should any sections of coursework performed in this class be determined not to be my own work that I will then be subject to disciplinary measures as stated in the syllabus and as outlined in the college catalog. It is my responsibility to read all icons pertaining to this course. I further understand that all materials are date-sensitive due to the acceleration of this course and that I must check my virtual classroom at least three times a week. I understand that by emailing this form I have electronically signed the Course Contract and agreed to the policies and conditions of this course. Ready to Begin I have the required course materials such as my textbook to begin class and understand my responsibilities! Submit as an attachment in the assignment forum by the due date!

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