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How to Find What Youre Looking for on the Internet

Sara Kelley-Mudie Westport Central School March 16, 2012

Google doesnt understand natural language Where and how you search can be as important as what you search for

A search term is like a rebus

Translate your search to images to help you and your students determine keywords.

Google is the new spell check

Limit to government sites add site:gov to your search

A word on domain types


Restricted domains .edu

Limited to post-secondary accredited educaSonal insStuSons

Limited to U.S. government agencies

Unrestricted domains .com .org .info .net

Anyone can register a site with one of these domains

Limited to use by the U.S. military

There are MANY other domains, including country-specic domains (ex. .au, .ca)

Limit to edu sites add site:edu to your search


Use site:websiteURL to search within a parScular website; all results will be from that website

Use link: to see what sites are linking to the site youre looking at (a basic website evaluaSon tool)

Limit results by eliminaSng keywords using a -

Use .. to search within a range of numbers

Google does the math

Google graphs funcSons

Separate mulSple funcSons with commas Full disclosure: All math is borrowed from other sources

Picture Perfect

Image: 'Across the Chinese Countryside' h[p://www.ickr.com/photos/95572727@N00/1341027869

The power of the sidebar

Use related search terms to see what keywords other searchers used for the same topic

Sort your search results by reading level

Image: 'The droids we're googling for' h[p://www.ickr.com/photos/49462908@N00/3951143570

Dozens of specic search tools: h[p://www.google.com/help/features.html

Find the Sme

Unit conversions

Game in progress

Search for topics in the news

Limit search to a specic date range

Wikipedia 101

From Popes to pop culture

Comparing two revisions

Handling vandalism

Over 400 edits in one day

'Dreams So Real' h[p://www.ickr.com/photos/51035555243@N01/222703607


'BRAIN HUE CollecSon by Emilio Garcia' h[p://www.ickr.com/photos/10819018@N05/5270342294

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