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NAME______________________________________________HR_____DATE_____ CHAPTER 2: FROM VILLAGE COMMUNITY TO CITY-STATE 10,000 BCE 750 BCE

1. Why did people create the earliest cities? (Note that several of the reasons that

are usually given are disputed). Which of the reasons seems to be most convincing to you? WHY? People created the earliest cities because they found that, with more people, you can get more done. Cities with more people often had more resources then cities without, therefor many people stayed together, even for food only. The most convincing to me is food, because in cities food was more widely available, and you did not necessarily have to hunt and gather for yourself.

2. Why did Sumer become the site of the first cities? Why did the Nile and Indus

valleys become the next two sites? Sumer became the first site of cities, because it was the first historically known place to practice year round agriculture. The Nile and Indus valleys became the next two sites, because they are based on major rivers, with plentiful food and an easy way of transportation.

3. What is the connection between the creation of the first cities and the creation of the first states? The connection is because of the threat of enemy invasion, and states, or state like cities, offered a lot better protection from invaders.



4. When ancient cities were defeated in warfare, lamentations were often composed over their loss. What was the nature of the losses that were lamented?

The losses were because of the poor defense of cities, because cities without walls were more vulnerable than cities with walls and with organized defenses.

5. In what ways are our modern cities like the ancient cities of Sumer? In what ways are they different? Our modern cities are like Sumer, because people flock to cities with more resources and with more jobs.

6. What is the fertile crescent? What did it have going for it that made it the earliest cradle of civilization?

7. What is an empire? Why did the first Mesopotamian empires form?

8. What are the essential differences between the people described in this chapter and those included in Chapter 1?



KEY TERMS: 1. Agricultural village- A village whos main economic focus is on agriculture.

2. Fertile crescent

3. Neolithic- A period where human technology developed

4. Mesopotamia- Modern day middle east, where a lot of ancient civilizations started 5. Sumer (SOO-mer) One of the first major cities, which had a lot of resources and

6. Sargon of Akkad (SAHR-gone), (AH-kahd)- Conquest Sumer. 7. Akkadian empire (uh-KAY-dee-uhn)- An empire which was noteable for its
dominance of other tribes and empires.

8. city-state- A city which had a good defense mechanism.

9. Gilgamesh (GILL-gah-mesh)

10. ziggurat (ZIG-gu-rat)

11. Ur

12. pictograms

13. cuneiform (kyoo-NEE-uh-form)

14. ideograms

15. Code of Hammurabi


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