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The Essence of Papal Infallibility A Canon Law Opinion With Imprimautur and Nihil Obhstat by Coif The Reader

Anthony J. Fejfar, B.A., J.D., M.B.A., Phd., Coif Perpetual (C)Copyright and (P)Patent by Anthony J. Fejfar and Neothomism, P.C. (PA) and The American People and The People of God and The People The First Vatican Council was held in France around the year 1890 and that Church Council defined the Doctrine of Papal Infallibility. Papal Infallibility is defined as follows: The Pope of the Roman Catholic Church, speaking Ex Cathedra from the Chair of the Bishop of Rome, on matters of Faith and Morals, representing the Consensus of the Faithful of the Catholic Church, has that Infallibility or Inerrancy that Jesus Christ desires for His Church, namely, Probable Truth which has a degree of certainty which is no greater than reasonable scientific certainty, which has a maximum probability of being true and or real of 99.999999999% . The foregoing is the full text of the oral statement which was passed by the Church Council which was the First Vatican Council. Thus, a Papal Teaching, Ex Cathedra which is on its face,

Infallible, is probably true, but not absolutely true. A Church teaching which has stood the test of time and tradition, and which has a high probability of truth is sufficiently valid that it can be taught as an authoritative church teaching, which however, could be overruled by a later church teaching on the basis of a better understanding of what is going on and what has happened, as well as a better understanding of what is probably true and real.

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